Idle RPG

Player Info

User: iMaasie
Class: Lord of Horsefuckingtonshire
Admin?: No
Level: 80
Next level: 13 days, 11:43:58
Status: Offline
Host: maasie!maasie@E09A24FA.FEB81E50.1DC1BAD8.IP
Account Created: Tue Apr 21 14:44:44 2015
Last login: Fri Dec 9 16:17:11 2016
Total time idled: 466 days, 01:13:15
Current position: [411,183]
Alignment: Evil
XML: [link]


Show map


amulet: 50
boots: 293 [Sanic's Sneakers of Fast]
charm: 36
gloves: 165 [Powerglove]
helm: 65 [Stetson of Rigging]
leggings: 61
ring: 69 [Triforce Signet Ring]
shield: 32
tunic: 93 [Kit of Messi Messi Messi]
weapon: 64

sum: 928


kick: None
logout: 0 days, 00:37:38
mesg: None
nick: None
part: None
quest: 475 days, 17:08:51
quit: 5 days, 22:12:01

total: 481 days, 15:58:30

Recent Character Modifiers

[11/30/16 16:37:38] iMaasie [727/835] has challenged fe4r [609/663] in combat and won! 0 days, 16:55:38 is removed from iMaasie's clock.
[11/30/16 17:37:47] fe4r [289/663] has challenged iMaasie [584/835] in combat and lost! 1 day, 07:48:40 is added to fe4r's clock.
[12/10/16 00:07:17] fe4r [133/656] has challenged iMaasie [325/835] in combat and lost! 1 day, 00:05:08 is added to fe4r's clock.
[12/10/16 03:07:40] iMaasie [686/835] has challenged idlebot [1307/1455] in combat and lost! 1 day, 11:49:07 is added to iMaasie's clock.
[12/10/16 06:08:03] iMaasie [97/835] has challenged fe4r [87/656] in combat and won! 2 days, 22:22:47 is removed from iMaasie's clock.

[View all Character Modifiers (3185)]