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Revision as of 00:31, 28 January 2019 by Svenskii (talk | contribs)
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Jag känner en bot.

>mfw two weeb bois actually won the /sp/erb Owl

Soo, stuff i do:

Official teams (4cc & VGL)

Adv icon.png /adv/ Manager with Wayjay
Ddlc icon.png /ddlc/ Manager with Gook

Invitationals (/sp/erbowl, multinats, etc.)

SuperGT icon.png /SuperGT/ Manager with Blinky
Swe icon.png /swe/
M'sik icon.png /m'sik/
Coming soonTM:
Gt icon.png /gt/
Probably other teams will appear here in the future since I love making teams for autistic shit I like, especially weeb stuff and motor/sp/orts.

Fan Of:

4Chan Cup

A icon.png /a/
Adv icon.png /adv/
C icon.png /c/
Cgl icon.png /cgl/
Lit icon.png /lit/
Pol icon.png /pol/
U icon.png /u/

/vg/ League

Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/
Ddlc icon.png /ddlc/
Gsg icon.png /gsg/
File:Gbp icon.png /gbp/ (if that's ever a thing >bandpill)

Contact info:

>Discord: svenskii #6835

>/4ccg/: Post cute Nicos or other Love Live Idols and I'll probably give (You) a (You). Or just call my name.

>mail: (i only use this to send nightlies so better contact on discord or the /4ccg/ thread).