The story of /toy/ more than most teams is a reflection of its manager. Tinker/toy/ founded /toy/ as a part of the Founding Babbies in Spring of 2012. Success came early, as /toy/ earned its place among the top 8 of the first Spring Babby Cup. The wins kept coming the following Summer Cup and /toy/ won a respectable 4th place spot, earning what would become nuevo elite status. As /toy/'s success grew, so did the popularity and prestige of Tinker/toy/. He was among the best of beloved active members of the 4chan Cup community, and the well wishes of scores of fans followed /toy/ to the 2013 Winter Cup. Like a runaway train, /toy/ plowed its way through to the championship match, only to be halted by sp in what is agreed to be the best final match in cup history. The loss stung, but hopes were high for the next summer; little did everyone know is that the cup's golden boy was beginning to tarnish. /toy/'s performance in the Group Stage of the next Summer Cup was suspiciously sub-par. Rumors began to circulate of trouble in Tinker/toy/'s private life. By the time of the third match against c his intentions were clear, obviously sabotaging the team and dooming /toy/ to relegation just as he too disappeared, never to be seen again. /toy/ was broken, and hope was lost, but only for a short while. DawgamusPrime rushed in to salvage /toy/ in time for the Autumn Babby Cup. To make a long story short, he too has the midis touch which Tinker/toy/ once possessed, guiding /toy/ to claim its first Cup win ever, albeit not a major cup, but still a promising new start. /toy/ will triumphantly return this Winter, and with heads held high anew they will try to claim the major championship win which has eluded them for so long.