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I am gw !!+HdfEOCtfid and I am dumb and gay. The end.

Also soon-to-be meme/manager/meme manager/fuck-up king/VGL-ruining faggot of Vg icon.png /vg/.

Bullshit you probably won't care about

check who's ded and managerless here

have you ever wondered who's going to possibly die in the next cup day and are untrustworthy of stream commentators' ability to into group stage maffs?
maybe i'll get around to updating records and reuploading spreadshits to not-sendspace sometime in never

The one FF team I made and somehow won the Hatte Saburo with, and its shitty successor

Team >implying big market teams are relevant (pre-knockouts, 212 pts total)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Sci icon.png GK Stephen Hawking More
Sci icon.png LB Does 0.999 = 1? than
E icon.png CB Super Sonico your
Y icon.png CB Yaranaika Vice-captain shitty
C icon.png CB Haruhi fantasy
E icon.png RB Pantsu football
Wg icon.png DMF Boss Nigger team
Hm icon.png CMF STDSTDSTD now
S icon.png AMF In The Crack git
I icon.png CF shockandjoy gud
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer Captain nerd
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Biz icon.png GK Scrooge McDuck :^)
R9k icon.png CB Beta As Fuck :^)
T icon.png CB Deluge :^)
R9k icon.png DMF Greentext >you're still reading this
I icon.png CMF Speed Drawing :^)
3 icon.png CF Maya :^)

Team >implying big market teams are relevant (knockout team, 365 pts total)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Sci icon.png GK Stephen Hawking - -
Sci icon.png LB Does 0.999 = 1? - -
E icon.png CB Super Sonico - -
Lit icon.png CB Huge Orson Welles - -
B icon.png CB Chris Hansen - -
E icon.png RB Pantsu - -
Vp icon.png DMF Trumpets Vice-captain - -
Wg icon.png DMF Boss Nigger - -
S icon.png AMF In The Crack - -
I icon.png CF Shockandjoy - -
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vp icon.png GK First Edition Charizard - -
T icon.png CB Deluge - -
Lit icon.png RB Why I'm The Best - -
Vp icon.png LMF Smogonsword - -
I icon.png CMF Speed Drawing - -
E icon.png CF Yoko Littner - -

Team >implying big market teams are relevant 2: Spring 15 Miserable Failure Edition

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
T icon.png GK Bukkake - -
Gd icon.png CB Rate My Logo - -
C icon.png CB Haruhi - -
W icon.png CB Girls With Guns - -
Vg icon.png DMF Napoopan - -
X icon.png LMF The Grey - -
Gif icon.png CMF Amateurs - -
Po icon.png CMF Template - -
D icon.png RMF Elzi - -
N icon.png SS I Like Trains Vice-captain - -
W icon.png CF Waifu Walls Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Po icon.png GK Cutting Mat - -
An icon.png CB Evil Pitbull - -
Biz icon.png RB Pyramid Scheme - -
C icon.png DMF Pleinair - -
Gd icon.png CMF Logo Redesign - -
3 icon.png CF Maya - -
look i won this