Pro Evolution Soccer 2014/Abilities

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Pro Evolution Soccer 2014
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Abilities dictate a player's proficiency at performing a particular task or similar. In Pro Evolution Soccer 2014, combined abilities are generated by a recalculation of standard abilities.

Ability Description
Attacking Prowess Indicates how quickly a player can respond to the ball when the team is attacking.
Ball Control Indicates how good a player is at controlling the ball in general. Affects trapping and feints.
Dribbling Indicates how intricate a player's touch is when running with the ball.
Low Pass Indicates how accurate a player is when playing low passes along the ground.
Lofted Pass Indicates the level of accuracy a player commands when playing lofted passes.
Finishing Indicates level of accuracy when shooting.
Place Kicking Indicates a player's accuracy from set pieces including free kicks and penalties.
Controlled Spin Indicates how much curl and spin a player can put on the ball.
Header Indicates accuracy when heading the ball.
Defensive Prowess Indicates how quickly a player can respond to the ball when the team is defending.
Ball Winning Indicates how good a player is at dispossessing an opponent.
Kicking Power Indicates how much power a player can generate when striking the ball.
Speed Indicates how quick the player is when off the ball.
Explosive Power Indicates a player's agility and mobility.
Body Balance Indicates how well a player can hold off opponents and keep balance when physically pressured.
Jump Indicates how high a player can jump.
Goalkeeping Indicates how quickly a player can respond to the ball when playing in goal.
Saving Indicates how good a player at pulling off saves.
Tenacity Indicates how well a player can stand up to fatigue and adversity.
Stamina Indicates a player's level of fitness and indurance.
Form Indicates a player's ability to maintain form over time.
Injury Resistance Indicates a player's level of tolerance to injury.
Weak Foot Usage Indicates how often the player will use the weaker foot.
Weak Foot Accuracy Indicates how accurate a player is with his weaker foot.

Combined abilities

Combined abilities are calculated through an average using varying proportions of at least two main abilities. Goalkeeper-specific abilities are shown in coloured rows.

Combined Ability Description Formula
Scoring Instinct Indicates how good a goal scorer the player is. =ROUND(((("FINISHING"*1.3)+("TENACITY"*0.5)+("ATTACKING PROWESS"*1.2))/3),0)
Header Indicates a player's ability to get headed shots on target. =ROUND(((("FINISHING"*1.125)+("HEADER"*0.975)+("JUMP"*0.9))/3),0)
Ball Retention Indicates how capable a player is at retaining possession. =ROUND(((("DRIBBLING"*1.0875)+("LOFTED PASS"*1.0875)+("BODY BALANCE"*0.825))/3),0)
Elusiveness Indicates how good a player is when trying to lose his marker. =ROUND(((("ATTACKING PROWESS"*1.25)+("EXPLOSIVE POWER"*1.75))/3),0)
Dribble Speed Indicates how fast a player is when on the ball. =ROUND(((("DRIBBLING"*1)+("SPEED"*2))/3),0)
Final Ball Indicates how good a player is at delivering quality final balls. =ROUND(((("BALL CONTROL"*1)+("LOW PASS"*1.3)+("LOFTED PASS"*0.7))/3),0)
Vision Indicates the player's ability to pick out the game-changing pass. =ROUND(((("LOW PASS"*0.6)+("LOFTED PASS"*2.4))/3),0)
Penetration Indicates how good a player is at dribbling his way past defences. =ROUND(((("DRIBBLING"*1.1)+("SPEED"*1.1)+("EXPLOSIVE POWER"*0.8))/3),0)
Work Rate Indicates how much ground the player can cover during matches. =ROUND(((("TENACITY"*1.05)+("STAMINA"*1.95))/3),0)
Intercepting Indicates how good a player is at cutting out passes played by the opposition. =ROUND(((("DEFENSIVE PROWESS"*1)+("BALL WINNING"*1.2)+("EXPLOSIVE POWER"*0.8))/3),0)
Physical Strength Indicates how strong a player is when involved in physical tussles. =ROUND(((("BALL WINNING"*1.05)+("BODY BALANCE"*1.95))/3),0)
Covering Indicates how good a player is at providing support for his teammates when defending. =ROUND(((("DEFENSIVE PROWESS"*2.25)+("SPEED"*0.75))/3),0)
Strength in the Air Indicates how strong a player is when competing for the ball in the air. =ROUND(((("HEADER"*1)+("BODY BALANCE"*1)+("JUMP"*1))/3),0)
Long-ball Accuracy Indicates how accurate a player is when passing over long distances. =ROUND(((("LOFTED PASS"*2.25)+("KICKING POWER"*0.75))/3),0)
Speed & Agility Indicates how sharp and mobile a player is. =ROUND(((("SPEED"*1.5)+("EXPLOSIVE POWER"*1.5))/3),0)
Marauding Indicates how good a player is when coming out of his goal in order to defend. =ROUND(((("EXPLOSIVE POWER"*1.5)+("GOALKEEPING"*1.5))/3),0)
Handling High Balls Indicates how good a player is when dealing with high balls. =ROUND(((("BODY BALANCE"*0.7)+("JUMP"*1.3)+("GOALKEEPING"*1))/3),0)
1-on-1 Indicates how good a player is when defending in a 1-on-1 situation. =ROUND(((("GOALKEEPING"*1.5)+("TENACITY"*1.5))/3),0)
Outfield Skills Indicates how adept a player is with his feet skills. Unknown1
Consistency Indicates a player's ability to perform consistently. Unknown2
Free Kick Indicates a player's level of potency from free kicks. =ROUND(((("PLACE KICKING"*1.95)+("CONTROLLED SPIN"*1.05))/3),0)
Corner Kick Indicates a player's ability to deliver quality balls from corners. =ROUND(((("LOFTED PASS"*1)+("PLACE KICKING"*1.2)+("CONTROLLED SPIN"*0.8))/3),0)
Penalties Indicates a player's level of potency from the penalty spot. =ROUND(((("PLACE KICKING"*1.8)+("TENACITY"*1.2))/3),0)


1 Is known to include the Low Pass, Dribbling and Ball Control abilities in its calculation.
2 Is known to include the Form, Tenacity, and Goalkeeping abilities in its calculation.