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| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background: #FFD700"| [[File:Homucifer.png|250px]]
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background: #FFD700"| [[File:Homucifer.png|250px]]
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background: #FFD700"| Once merely Homura Akemi, Homucifer has now transcended mortality in order to spend more time with her beloved Madokami. Since Madokami plays divegrass, Homucifer will too. There was some discussion about whether her mortal goalscoring record would carry over to her new form, but such actions have been revealed as the work of the Incubators, attempting to undermine Homucifer's position as Glorious Lesbian Overlord of All Creation.
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background: #FFD700"| Once merely Homura Akemi, Homucifer has now transcended mortality in order to spend more time with her beloved Madokami. Since Madokami plays divegrass, Homucifer will too. There was some discussion about whether her mortal goalscoring record would carry over to her new form, but such actions have been revealed as the work of the Incubators, attempting to undermine Homucifer's position as Glorious Lesbian Overlord of All Creation.
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background: #FFD700"| Akemi Homura is another of the main characters in ''Puella Magi Madoka Magica''. Her actions during the ''Rebellion'' movie resulted in her becoming a deity-like entity. A ''demon'' of sorts, whose objective is making sure Madoka is safe and happy, whether Madoka wants it or not. 'Homucifer' is a portmanteau of 'Homura' and 'Lucifer', the angel that opposed God and fell from the Heavens.
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background: #FFD700"| Homura Akemi is another of the main characters in ''Puella Magi Madoka Magica''. Her actions during the ''Rebellion'' movie resulted in her becoming a deity-like entity. A ''demon'' of sorts, whose objective is making sure Madoka is safe and happy, whether Madoka wants it or not. 'Homucifer' is a portmanteau of 'Homura' and 'Lucifer', the angel that opposed God and fell from the Heavens.
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background: #FFD700"| Japan
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background: #FFD700"| Japan
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background: #FFD700"| >Hameru
| style="border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; background: #FFD700"| >Hameru

Revision as of 23:05, 22 August 2021

/u/ Current roster. Old rosters can be found here: /u/ Historical Rosters

Main Roster

Starting 11

Position No. Name Image Description Explanation Nationality Shirt name
77 Madokami Madokami Is Real.jpg She Who Saves, a stalwart of the /u/ team from it's inception. Originally intending to keep a watchful eye on Akemi Homura, her utter failure to prevent her transformation into Homucifer has steeled her resolve to let nothing past her, so that no magical girl divegrass fan would ever have to feel despair ever again. Madoka Kaname is the main character from the anime series Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Her actions during the anime series resulted in her becoming a deity-like entity, removed from the material plane. A goddess of sorts, whose objective is saving Magical Girls from becoming the horrible monsters known as Witches. 'Madokami' is a portmanteau of 'Madoka' and 'kami' ('god') Japan Kaname
13 How Two Girls Have Sex In A Tent How Two Girls Have Sex (in a Tent).jpg Outdoor guides never seem to include this important detail 'How two girls have sex' is not exactly common knowledge and it isn't a topic explained in most school health classes. This leads to the (sadly realistic) meme of girls having to search for this information online. Variations of this meme change the number of girls, adds a specific locale, or are more 'innocent' (such as 'what do two girls do beyond kissing').

The variation featured, 'How two girls have sex in a tent', stems from Yuru Camp's popularity and the cute relationship between Nadeshiko Kagamihara and Rin Shima, two of the main leads.

2 Goggles Yoorie goggles.jpg Capable of spinning an entire tragic love story out of a single meeting of eyes! Willing to ignore all types of denial when a single hand has been held! Nothing gets past Goggles! When a person sees a full blown romantic attraction between two girls when no or very few hints of romance are actually presented in the work, that person is wearing 'yuri goggles'. For the longest time, this is all the yuri fanbase had to work with, as authors were content to leave those attractions ambiguous. This is somewhat less common in modern times, where authors are more willing to present romantic attractions between girls and make them more obvious, but the yuri goggles still see use now and then. Japan Yurivision
18 Onee-sama The iconic oneesama.jpg Less a single person and more a representation of what thousands of young lesbians fawn over every day, The Onee-sama is one of the founding tenements of lesbianism. She has taken to being a Center Back for /u/ because she's quite experienced at being the center of a person's world. The concept of the 'onee-sama' has existed in Japan since at least 1913, where a large number of single sex schools founded by religious organizations appeared. These schools fostered bonds of admiration between younger students ('kouhai') and older ones ('senpai'). This concept was used and made popular by Maria-sama ga Miteru (Maria Watches Over Us, Marimite for short), where younger students (called 'petite soeur', 'younger sister') are 'adopted' by older students. The phrase used to refer to these older students, 'grande soeur', means 'older sister', and it was a short jump from that to 'onee-sama' ('respected older sister'). The girl pictured, Sachiko Ogasawara, is the 'onee-sama' par excellence in Marimite. Japan Onee-samaaaa
5 Science Babies Science babbies.png When a girl and another girl love each other very much, sometimes science steps in and provides a lovely little bundle of joy to keep them awake at night with her horrible screaming and crying. Technically speaking on loan from /sci/, Science Babies is eager to make Mommy and Mommy proud. Biological reproduction is somewhat harder for two girls. Fortunately, modern science provides alternatives to the unpleasantness of having to involve a male in the process. Sometimes alternative methods are seen, such as alien tech or magic. Japan iPS
1 Akkarin AKKARIIIN~.png The ultimate sneakiness, the living embodiment of avoiding the limelight, /u/ proudly presents: Akar- Eh? Where'd she go...? Akari Akaza is one of the main characters from 'Yuru Yuri'. She is the butt of frequent jokes about her lack of presence. Japan Literally who
0 Macarons Macarons.jpg Not only delicious and gay, but also the signal for everyone to start an edit war over how they're spelled. It is not currently known when was this tasty treat first used in a yuri context, but the earliest most prevalent example comes from the 2012 Black Rock Shooter anime, where Kagari Izuriha tries to feed macarons to a catatonic Yomi Takanashi. Macarons also kinda look like the other tasty treat lesbians enjoy. France Macaroons
6 BEFRIENDING Befriending in process.jpg A commonplace mating ritual of the Action Lesbian (Dynamicans Sappho), BEFRIENDING typically involves giant laser beams and staggeringly homoerotic declarations. Just as BEFRIENDING lets two girls pick up in the right place, so too has BEFRIENDING taken up the position of right midwing. Nanoha Takamachi, the main character of Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha. She has a habit of beating the crap out of people she will eventually become friends with. Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha, while not being the first magical girl series to feature lesbians, was however the first series to feature lesbians in a leading role. Some historians acknowledge this series as being the responsible for ushering a golden age where every magical girl series worth its salt must have lesbians as main protagonists. Japan Takamachi
7 Feito-chan Feito-chan.png Converted from /a/ by BEFRIENDING, Feito-chan has been a stalwart of the team ever since then. Though some have called her loyalty into question, as long as she gets a regular lasering from BEFRIENDING, Feito-chan says she'll happily stay with /u/. One of the girls Nanoha Takamachi beat up, then befriended. However, contrary to popular belief, Fate Testarossa (then Fate T. Harlaown, after Lindy Harlaown adopted her) was not the first girl Nanoha beat up, nor was she the girl Nanoha beat up the hardest. The former honor goes to Arisa Bunnings, who remained friends with Nanoha, and the latter honor goes to Vivio, who Nanoha and Fate would adopt as their daughter. Still, Fate is the most memorable of Nanoha's beatings, and so remains her wife. Italy Testarossa
69 Purest Form Of Love PFoL.jpg Love between two girls is the purest form of love. Most authors tend to portray yuri relationships as being more romantic and less sexual than het or yaoi relationships. Japan Yuri
666 Homucifer Homucifer.png Once merely Homura Akemi, Homucifer has now transcended mortality in order to spend more time with her beloved Madokami. Since Madokami plays divegrass, Homucifer will too. There was some discussion about whether her mortal goalscoring record would carry over to her new form, but such actions have been revealed as the work of the Incubators, attempting to undermine Homucifer's position as Glorious Lesbian Overlord of All Creation. Homura Akemi is another of the main characters in Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Her actions during the Rebellion movie resulted in her becoming a deity-like entity. A demon of sorts, whose objective is making sure Madoka is safe and happy, whether Madoka wants it or not. 'Homucifer' is a portmanteau of 'Homura' and 'Lucifer', the angel that opposed God and fell from the Heavens. Japan >Hameru


Position No. Name Image Description Explanation Nationality Shirt name
33 Autistic Metronome AutisticMetronome.gif The very definition of a disaster lesbian, Adachi hopes she's not as disastrous with divegrass and that Shimamura is watching her. Sakura Adachi, one of the two main characters from Adachi to Shimamura. Her weird mannerisms and attitudes have led some to believe she's on some kind of spectrum, where the reality is that she's most likely a normal teenager confronted with love. Japan Adachi
98 Alien From Black Lizard Planet Black Lizard Planet.jpg Invaders from the Black Lizard Planet are known to not play divegrass, not like girls and always tell the truth. Ange le Carré, born as Charlotte, is one of the main characters from Princess Principal. Ange says she's an 'invader from the Black Lizard Planet' to tease her teammates or to hide things from her past. England Liar
82 Low Impact Consensual Cuddling Low Impact.png Rated P for Pure even in Australia. It's comfy and cute, and sometimes that's all that's required. Australia Pure
4 Being Yaya Is Suffering Being Yayaka is Suffering.png The faces change, the names are mostly similar, the circumstances are always the same. The number of girls called Yaya that have girls they have an interest in stolen by another girl became a meme after it happened for the second time (first time was Yaya Nanto in Strawberry Panic, second time was Yaya Samame in Hanayamata). Since then, two other girls with similar names had this happen to them: Yayaka in Flip Flappers and Sayaka Saeki in Bloom Into You. Since then, Yayaka was removed from this list for unknown reasons (but still appears in the in-game model) and Sayaka was removed because she eventually got her own girlfriend. Japan Not again
22 But We're Both Girls BOTH GIRLS.png BUT WE'RE BOTH GIRLS A common excuse by certain girls to not get into romantic/sexual relationships with other girls. As Japan becomes more and more liberal (or at least accepting of homosexuals), this excuse is less used. Japan Forbidden love
99 Big Aquarium Conspiracy Aquarium.png A surprising amount of yuri works have started featuring the Aquarium Date. As if someone manipulated things from the water tanks... Aquariums have become a popular dating spot in recent years. It was only a matter of time since this impacted on yuri works. Japan Blub Blub
450 Cruel Paradise Lost of Blue Cruel Paradise Lost of Blue.png Nobody said Blues have to be cool. Nobody said they have to be soccer players either, but Pure Azurite is both (or pretends to be). Azusa Gunjou, the main character from Who Decided That Blues Had To Be Cool!?. Blue magical girls are usually the 'cool' character, but Azusa doesn't fit this personality and is forced to pretend to be cool to not betray Harumi Akaishi's (the Pink magical girl in Azusa's duo) expectations. The name of her sword, Cruel Paradise Lost of Blue, came to her while she was in her 'chuuni' period, which Azusa is desperately trying to leave behind. Japan Gunjou
43 Revolver Panties Revolver Panties.gif Where did the revolver come from? Does it really matter? Gertrude Barkhorn, from Strike Witches, has super strength (even beyond the standard Strike Witch norm) as a power. No hammerspace, which makes the revolver a mystery. If it gets the job done... Germany Barkhorn
7 Mom Get The Lightbulbs Mom Get The Lightbulbs!.jpg She joined the team while she waits for her mom to come back with the lightbulbs. Hiori Hirahara, from Blue Ray Reflection, lives alone in her house. This is because her mom had gone out to buy lightbulbs and, 5 years later, has yet to return. 'Out for lightbulbs' seems to be the new 'out for cigarettes' or 'gone to buy milk'. Japan Hirahara
10 Demon Dork Shamiko.jpg Hang in there, Shamiko! Soon you'll be a football playing demon! Yuko Yoshida (aka Shadow Mistress Yuko, 'Shamiko' for short) is the main character from Machikado Mazoku. She's been the victim of several curses which severely affected her demonic power levels, which forced her to resort to other methods to survive. Her general 'dorkiness' stems from these workarounds. Japan Shamiko
39 Black Sunshine Mikugear.jpg As Hibiki is back, so is she. Black Sunshine's mission continues and she will see it through. Miku Kohinata is a main character from the Symphogear series. She's referred to as 'my sunshine' by her love interest, Hibiki Tachibana (Hibiki, in turn, is Miku's 'sun'). Miku would end up using a Gear (a sort of power armor) twice, in the second season (G) and the fifth (XV). Both times she would end up fighting Hibiki, in G as a product of brainwashing and in XV as a result of possession. This, combined with her Gear, Shénshòujìng, featuring darker colors, led to the Black Sunshine name. Japan Kohinata
11 Mistress Baiser Mistress Baiser.png When you like Magical Girls so much you become a BDSM Mistress to sexually harass them. Utena Hiiragi, the main character of Looking Up To Magical Girls (Mahou Shoujo ni Akogarete, MahoAko for short) really admires Magical Girls. When a mysterious entity offered her the chance to become one, she jumped at the bit. Unfortunately for her, she ended up fighting the Magical Girls she admired, and she does so by subjecting them to all kinds of humiliations and BDSM. Urara, to her horror, found she experiences intense sexual pleasure when she abuses the Magical Girls. Japan Hiiragi

Retired Players

Old Position Name Image Description Date Departed
Teru Time Look at the teru time.png After a long and distinguished career, it was finally her time to go. It will always be Teru o'clock in our hearts. Summer 2018
Spontaneous Combustion Spontcomb.jpg What do you think happened to her? Winter 2015
Sumisumi Sumisumi.jpg With her president graduating to university and her studies taking up more of her time, Sumisumi stepped down to let the new generation step up. Given her height, most people assumed she'd stepped down already. Winter 2015
Ruined Birthday Party Happi basudei.jpg Happy birthday, KannaMiko. ;_;7 Winter 2015
Nio-ssu Nio-ssu's lovely smile.png It turns out tiny shark lesbians aren't all that good at divegrass. Who knew? Winter 2015
Dying Arisawa Phone senpai.jpg Fortunately for her and Yuno, the cure for terminal plotdevicitis was found. Unfortunately for the team, it was to not play divegrass. Winter 2016
Cousins By The Way LesbianCousins.png Found out certain states allowed cousin marriage, quit the team to do exactly that. Winter 2016
Eila Juutilainen Eila.jpg Her contract finished, she went back to Sanya's warm embrace. Winter 2016
Ayayayayaya Ayaya.jpg Ayayayyyyy Summer 2016
Stamen YuriCam-1-035.png A True Alpha Lesbian takes time off to pollinate her harem. Summer 2016
Saint Michael Saint Michael.png 6. And on the seventh day, Saint Michael rested. Summer 2016
Spitting Distance Spitting distance.jpg A surprisingly long distance, apparently. Well beyond what's considered "ladylike" and much too far for the rigorous quality control applied to all /u/ players. Winter 2017
Metall/u/rgy Metallurgy.png Divegrass fields are low on metals. Contract expired and mining operations relocated. Winter 2017
Lesbodynamics Lesbodynamics.gif This is a science best studied in a lab. Or in bed. Winter 2017
ANGST AND DRAMA Angst.png The pitch is too dramatic, even for this seasoned veteran who retired to enjoy even more misunderstandings off the field. Spring 2017
Punished Bocchi Punished Bocchi.png Such a tough place ;_; Spring 2017
Ano Route Ano Route.png What do you mean "they didn't do an Ano route"? Spring 2017
Intertwined Fingers Intertwined Fingers.jpg Was let go after repeated warnings from media watchdogs against online indecency. Kids might be watching! Summer 2017
Kuma Shock GAU GAU.jpg Ascended with Kumaria. Which is also sexy. Shabadadoo~ Winter 2018
Doragon Meido Doragon Meido.jpg Better service as spectator. Winter 2018
Fingering For World Peace Fingering For World Peace.jpg World peace achieved! At least on the pitch. Plenty more fingering to do on the sidelines! Winter 2018
Archdyke Fine.png Retired to better take care of her country and her witch. Winter 2018
Loathsome Daughter of Heresy Loathsome Daughter.png Was left go after too many belly exposures were declared 'indecent'. Besides, the field is far too chaotic to divine Winter 2018
Touching Paddles Agari.jpg Retired after deciding ping pong was a more heart racing sport. Winter 2018
Dai Dai Daisuki Papika.jpg Noting the lack of shards and that even Pure Illusion is less random, she retired. Summer 2018
Hifumin Leeeeeader Hifumin.jpg It's death march at Eagle Jump! No time for soccer! ( ; w ; ) ノ Summer 2018
The Mochiverse The Mochiverse.png The Mochiverse is a thing that transcends time, space and dimensions. It now also transcends the soccer fields. Autumn 2018
Post Apocalyptic Bonding Post-apocalyptic Bonding.jpg The end of the world also means the end of soccer. Survival will have to continue off the pitch. Autumn 2018
°◇° Rhombus.jpg A sudden influx of guests made her return to her normal job as an inn attendant. Autumn 2018
Pussy Whisperer Pussy Whisperer.jpg Seducing your teacher requires, amongst other things, a lot of sleepovers, tied arms and Sister Juice. Those are very time consuming, and very little was left for divegrass, so she retired. Winter 2019
Abababababa Abababababa.jpg Her resignation form reads: "bad as it may be, this unworthy self needs time to focus on her manga and thus needs to resign from the team". The line "ABABABABABA" is written below and crossed out. Winter 2019
Yamada's Sprout Yamada's Sprout.png Winter is not a good season for plants, let alone the soccer pitch. Winter 2019
Bananice Bananice.jpg Position Zero. Summer 2019
Incest Receiver Incest Receiver.jpg Summer is when most beach volleyball tournaments take place, so this couple resigned the team to focus on those. Summer 2019
How To Make A Bomb How to make a bomb.png No bomb, no door, no scheme can protect a loli from a musclemaid. Summer 2019
The Spy Who Licked Me The Spy Who Licked Me.jpg Mission complete. Summer 2019
Are You A Lolicon? Are you a lolicon.png [Told you.] Summer 2019
Blood Countess Blood Countess.jpg Having taken her due, Ellie now sleeps. Winter 2020
Bedroom Tyrant Bedroom Tyrant.jpg Onee-chan! Winter 2020
Girlship Girlship.jpg It's still yuri. Summer 2020
Is This Yuri? Is This Yuri.jpg Yes, it was yuri. Summer 2020
MAHJONG GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES MAHJONG GAMES ON MOTORCYCLES.png Chose to retire to give our expert analysts more time to investigate what the hell is going on with the plot. ("¡Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!") Summer 2020
I'm Yuu But Stronger Stronger Yuu.jpg Even retired she's stronger than Yuu. And Sayaka is still not a Yaya, so there's that! Winter 2021
G/u/ardians Rolac.png Even from the audience, these heroines still protect the General and the team from the Evil Fairy. Winter 2021
ERNESTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! ERNESTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!.jpg Retired after realizing she's better at cheering than soccer. However, she only screams ERNESTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! and her cheers sound like bloodcurling screams of rage rather than encouragement... Winter 2021
War Crimes Kurumi War Crimes Kurumi.png Following her well earned victory in the Asukabowl, Kurumi retired and is now happy with Asuka. World 2021
Ethereal Trigger Fingering Ethereal Trigger Fingering.png Retired after reasoning that even the Otherside is less strange than PES. Frankly, we agree. World 2021
Assault Kaede Assault Kaede.jpg As she owns a large corporation, and she retired the team to work on that. Still a Yaya, though! World 2021