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Imagine making comprehensive yet pointless stats no one looks at for a Super Smash Brothers Ultimate AI tournament hosted by drunk people. Or making Cytube icons for it for that matter. That'd be crazy.
Default icons:
<gallery mode=nolines heights=25px width=25px>
[[File:Bayonetta 25px.png|thumb]]
Banjo_25px.png|Banjo & Kazooie
[[File:Bowser 25px.png|thumb]]
Bayonetta 25px.png|Bayonetta
[[File:bowserjr 25px.png|thumb]]
Bowser 25px.png|Bowser
[[File:Captainfalcon 25px.png|thumb]]
bowserjr 25px.png|Bowser Jr.
[[File:Chrom 25px.png|thumb]]
Byleth 25px.png|Byleth
[[File:Cloud 25px.png|thumb]]
Captainfalcon 25px.png|Captain Falcon
Chrom 25px.png|Chrom
[[File:Daisy smash 25px.png|thumb]]
Cloud 25px.png|Cloud
[[File:Darkpit 25px.png|thumb]]
[[File:Darksamus 25px.png|thumb]]
Daisy smash 25px.png|Daisy
[[File:Diddykong 25px.png|thumb]]
Darkpit 25px.png|Dark Pit
[[File:Doctormario 25px.png|thumb]]
Darksamus 25px.png|Dark Samus
[[File:Donkeykong 25px.png|thumb]]
Diddykong 25px.png|Diddy Kong
[[File:Duckhunt 25px.png|thumb]]
Doctormario 25px.png|Doctor Mario
[[File:Falco 25px.png|thumb]]
Donkeykong 25px.png|Donkey Kong
[[File:Fox 25px.png|thumb]]
Duckhunt 25px.png|Duck Hunt
[[File:Ganondorf 25px.png|thumb]]
Falco 25px.png|Falco
[[File:Greninja 25px.png|thumb]]
Fox 25px.png|Fox
[[File:Icies 25px.png|thumb]]
Ganondorf 25px.png|Ganondorf
[[File:Ike 25px.png|thumb]]
Greninja 25px.png|Greninja
Hero 25px.png|Hero
Icies 25px.png|Ice Climbers
[[File:Isabelle 25px.png|thumb]]
Ike 25px.png|Ike
[[File:Jiggly 25px.png|thumb]]
[[File:Ken 25px.png|thumb]]
[[File:Kingdedede 25px.png|thumb]]
Isabelle 25px.png|Isabelle
[[File:Kingkrool 25px.png|thumb]]
Jiggly 25px.png|Jigglypuff
[[File:Kirb 25px.png|thumb]]
[[File:Link 25px.png|thumb]]
Kazuya 25px.png|Kazuya
[[File:Littlemac 25px.png|thumb]]
Ken 25px.png|Ken
[[File:Lucario 25px.png|thumb]]
Kingdedede 25px.png|King Dedede
[[File:Lucas 25px.png|thumb]]
Kingkrool 25px.png|King K. Rool
[[File:Lucina 25px.png|thumb]]
Kirb 25px.png|Kirby
[[File:Luigi smash 25px.png|thumb]]
Link 25px.png|Link
Littlemac 25px.png|Little Mac
[[File:Marth 25px.png|thumb]]
Lucario 25px.png|Lucario
[[File:Megaman 25px.png|thumb]]
Lucas 25px.png|Lucas
[[File:Metaknight 25px.png|thumb]]
Lucina 25px.png|Lucina
[[File:Mewtwo 25px.png|thumb]]
Luigi smash 25px.png|Luigi
[[File:Mrgameandwatch 25px.png|thumb]]
[[File:Ness 25px.png|thumb]]
Marth 25px.png|Marth
[[File:Olimar 25px.png|thumb]]
Megaman 25px.png|Mega Man
[[File:Pacman 25px.png|thumb]]
Metaknight 25px.png|Meta Knight
[[File:Palutena 25px.png|thumb]]
Mewtwo 25px.png|Mewtwo
[[File:Peach smash 25px.png|thumb]]
Miibrawler.png|Mii Brawler
[[File:Pichu 25px.png|thumb]]
Miigunner.png|Mii Gunner
[[File:Pikachu 25px.png|thumb]]
Miiswordfighter.png|Mii Swordfighter
[[File:Piranhaplant 25px.png|thumb]]
Minmin_25px.png|Min Min
[[File:Pit 25px.png|thumb]]
Mrgameandwatch 25px.png|Mister Game & Watch
[[File:Pokemontrainer 25px.png|thumb]]
Mythra 25px.png|Mythra
[[File:Richter 25px.png|thumb]]
Ness 25px.png|Ness
[[File:Ridley 25px.png|thumb]]
Olimar 25px.png|Olimar
[[File:Rob 25px.png|thumb]]
Pacman 25px.png|Pac-Man
Palutena 25px.png|Palutena
[[File:Rosalina 25px.png|thumb]]
Peach smash 25px.png|Peach
[[File:Roy 25px.png|thumb]]
Pichu 25px.png|Pichu
[[File:Ryu 25px.png|thumb]]
Pikachu 25px.png|Pikachu
[[File:Samus 25px.png|thumb]]
Piranhaplant 25px.png|Piranha Plant
[[File:Sheik 25px.png|thumb]]
Pit 25px.png|Pit
[[File:Shulk 25px.png|thumb]]
Pokemontrainer 25px.png|Pokémon Trainer
[[File:Simon 25px.png|thumb]]
Pyra 25px.png|Pyra
[[File:Snake 25px.png|thumb]]
Richter 25px.png|Richter
[[File:Sonic 25px.png|thumb]]
Ridley 25px.png|Ridley
[[File:Toonlink 25px.png|thumb]]
Rob 25px.png|Rob
[[File:Villager 25px.png|thumb]]
[[File:Wario smash 25px.png|thumb]]
Rosalina 25px.png|Rosalina & Luma
[[File:Wiifittrainer 25px.png|thumb]]
Roy 25px.png|Roy
[[File:Wolf 25px.png|thumb]]
Ryu 25px.png|Ryu
[[File:Yoshi smash 25px.png|thumb]]
Samus 25px.png|Samus
[[File:Younglink 25px.png|thumb]]
Sephiroth 25px.png|Sephiroth
[[File:Zelda 25px.png|thumb]]
Sheik 25px.png|Sheik
[[File:Zerosuitsamus 25px.png|thumb]]
Shulk 25px.png|Shulk
Simon 25px.png|Simon
Snake 25px.png|Snake
Sonic 25px.png|Sonic
Sora 25px.png|Sora
Steve 25px.png|Steve
Terry 25px.png|Terry
Toonlink 25px.png|Toon Link
Villager 25px.png|Villager
Wario smash 25px.png|Wario
Wiifittrainer 25px.png|Wii Fit Trainer
Wolf 25px.png|Wolf
Yoshi smash_25px.png|Yoshi
Younglink 25px.png|Young Link
Zelda 25px.png|Zelda
Zerosuitsamus 25px.png|Zero Suit Samus
Alt icons, for genderswap characters, very different costumes, and characters who have another character as an alt :
Characters with single alts:
<gallery mode=nolines heights=25px width=25px>
Alph_25px.png|Alph (Olimar)
Bylethfemale_25px.png|Byleth (female)
Corrinfemale_25px.png|Corrin (female)
Pkmntrainerfemale 25px.png|Pokémon Trainer (female)
Robinfemale_25px.png|Robin (female)
Wiifittrainermale 25px.png|Wii Fit Trainer (male)
Alternate costumes (MAYBE):
<gallery mode=nolines heights=25px width=25px>
|Bayonetta (original)
|Joker (school)
|Link (hood)
|Wario (classic)
The Heroes:
<gallery mode=nolines heights=25px width=25px>
Herodq3_25px.png|Hero (DQ3)
Herodq4_25px.png|Hero (DQ4)
Herodq8_25px.png|Hero (DQ8)
The Koopalings (Bowser Jr.) :
<gallery mode=nolines heights=25px width=25px>
Iggy 25px.png|Iggy Koopa
Larry 25px.png|Larry Koopa
Lemmy 25px.png|Lemmy Koopa
Ludwig 25px.png|Ludwig von Koopa
Morton 25px.png|Morton Koopa Jr.
Royk 25px.png|"Cooler" Roy Koopa
Wendy 25px.png|Wendy O. Koopa
The Inklings:
<gallery mode=nolines heights=25px width=25px>
Inklingblue 25px.png|Inkling (blue)
Inklingcyan 25px.png|Inkling (cyan)
Inklinggreen 25px.png|Inkling (green)
Inklingindigo 25px.png|Inkling (indigo)
Inklingpink 25px.png|Inkling (pink)
Inklingpurple 25px.png|Inkling (purple)
Inklingyellow 25px.png|Inkling (yellow)
The Villagers:
<gallery mode=nolines heights=25px width=25px>
Villagerblue 25px.png|Villager (blue)
Villagerchartreuse 25px.png|Villager (chartreuse)
Villagercyan 25px.png|Villager (cyan)
Villagergreen 25px.png|Villager (green)
Villagerpink 25px.png|Villager (pink)
Villagerpurple 25px.png|Villager (purple)
Villageryellow 25px.png|Villager (yellow)
The Minecraft gang (Steve):
<gallery mode=nolines heights=25px width=25px>

Latest revision as of 17:37, 5 October 2021

Imagine making comprehensive yet pointless stats no one looks at for a Super Smash Brothers Ultimate AI tournament hosted by drunk people. Or making Cytube icons for it for that matter. That'd be crazy.

Default icons:

Alt icons, for genderswap characters, very different costumes, and characters who have another character as an alt :

Characters with single alts:

Alternate costumes (MAYBE):

The Heroes:

The Koopalings (Bowser Jr.) :

The Inklings:

The Villagers:

The Minecraft gang (Steve):