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== 4chan Cup Commissioners ==
|0=LNeGlEtVd34 <!---/3/-->
{| class="wikitable sortable" width=80%
|1=X3aKe8n6NLo <!---/a/-->
|2=71lLnE8gJnU <!--/aco/-->
!style="background:#f8f8f8;color:#000000"| Name
|3=Hm7vnOC4hoY <!---/adv/-->
!style="background:#f8f8f8;color:#000000"| Former manager of
|4=tE1HDSipRxU <!---/an/-->
!style="background:#f8f8f8;color:#000000"| Cups
|5=E7oMBq1vkCM <!---/asp/-->
!style="background:#f8f8f8;color:#000000"| Tenure
|6=PhZghcHnGf8 <!---/b/-->
|7=DCkvm7YOhzo <!---/bant/-->
| align=center| {{Anonymous|GermanBro|!!i9X8R/z42R}}
|8=1oNP0zDY6C4 <!---/biz/-->
| align=center| ⸻
|9=9orv-Cs5fTE <!---/c/-->
| align=center| 5
|10=aGRrSM6zwNw <!---/cgl/-->
| align=center| August 6th, 2011 &ndash; February 24th, 2013 <small>({{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month1 = 8|day1 = 6|year1 = 2011|month2 = 2|day2 = 24|year2 = 2013}})</small>
|11=QiHmiZQNgL4 <!---/ck/-->
|12=lTYwCZEUC94 <!---/cm/-->
| align=center| {{Anonymous|BasedNickLeddy}}
|13=ptePr6tgKnM <!---/co/-->
| align=center| ⸻
|14=QEPHLPmt914 <!---/d/-->
| align=center| 1
|15=sN-ZX8-IXYI <!---/diy/-->
| align=center| ???
|16=7ZkUsxlUwbA <!---/e/-->
|17=844plbHuW84 <!---/f/-->
| align=center| {{Anonymous|Gracen Ivorinne|!SyespadaHQ}}
|18=F-z6u5hFgPk <!---/fa/-->
| align=center| {{team away|u}}
|19=sXCfLMabcZw <!---/fit/-->
| align=center| 1
|20=Dn8gealMDsg <!---/g/-->
| align=center| February 25th, 2013 &ndash; May 19th, 2013 <small>({{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month1 = 2|day1 = 25|year1 = 2013|month2 = 5|day2 = 19|year2 = 2013}})</small>
|21=2jz8NK5QoA0 <!---/gd/-->
|22=dqf1lhK2yjo <!---/gif/-->
| align=center| {{Anonymous|DrBorisG|!!uWmnP2zIyZF}}
|23=KyioXR-AwHg <!---/h/-->
| align=center| {{team away|hr}}
|24=E_OvT3Qm45E <!---/his/-->
| align=center| 11
|25=InBXu-iY7cw <!---/hm/-->
| align=center| May 20th, 2013 &ndash; March 19th, 2016 <small>({{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month1 = 5|day1 = 20|year1 = 2013|month2 = 3|day2 = 19|year2 = 2016}})</small>
|26=asY-2HWqpGM <!---/hr/-->
|27=pq-8eYMjEVM <!---/i/-->
| align=center| {{Anonymous|Lear|!!vH2UmJDmLxj}}
|28=YLO7tCdBVrA <!---/ic/-->
| align=center| {{team away|w}}
|29=o9QRa0hdf9E <!---/int/-->
| align=center| 10
|30=G_eyUVVcgc8 <!---/jp/-->
| align=center| March 20th, 2016 &ndash; August 12th, 2018 <small>({{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month1 = 3|day1 = 20|year1 = 2016|month2 = 8|day2 = 12|year2 = 2018}})</small>
|31=QVCzYLxBK74 <!---/k/-->
|32=gI6oD8dqQYU <!---/lgbt/-->
| align=center| {{Anonymous|QD|!!ztCBdAQrY7S}}
|33=DUmq1cpcglQ <!---/lit/-->
| align=center| {{team away|vg}}
|34=x7PjQnw_E0U <!---/m/-->
| align=center| 19
|35=NGouV7BXcMU <!---/mlp/-->
| align=center| August 13th, 2018 &ndash; August 12th, 2023 <small>({{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month1 = 8|day1 = 13|year1 = 2018|month2 = 8|day2 = 12| year2 =2023}})</small>
|36=jgNvzc-ZdME  <!---/mu/-->
|37=EJpP7ZId-mc  <!---/n/-->
| align=center| {{Anonymous|Old Man Sou|!!yxVFw85glNC}}
|38=hB3ibdil2UM  <!---/o/-->
| align=center| {{team away|f}}
|39=68X8o0S7vJc  <!---/out/-->
| align=center| 7
|40=KCjMZMxNr-0  <!---/p/-->
| align=center| August 13th, 2023 &ndash; Incumbent <small>({{Age in years, months, weeks and days |month1 = 8|day1 = 13|year1 = 2023|month2 = {{CURRENTMONTH}}|day2 = {{CURRENTDAY}}| year2 ={{CURRENTYEAR}}}})</small>
|41=WPrYps0Hy04 <!---/po/-->
|42=qAzVYCs4BMY <!---/pol/-->
|43=n3ztt2yhU4I <!---/pw/-->
|44=CbqU7NKUnhg <!---/r9k/-->
|45=V_v_4RoAjvM <!---/s/-->
|46=5xxQs34UMx4 <!---/s4s/-->
|47=Ws6HPTom2AY <!---/sci/-->
|48=lQlIhraqL7o <!---/soc/-->
|49=TgnG0rkhARo <!---/sp/-->
|50=qeSUPrjKVIg <!---/t/-->
|51=02nLHpSLTxo <!---/tg/-->
|52=475g0fZNywU <!---/toy/-->
|53=ov4epAJRPMw <!---/trv/-->
|54=06CPuM0UVVM <!---/tv/-->
|55=K0_QnRGA6wE <!---/u/-->
|56=9aHQnDTd1y4 <!---/v/-->
|57=8XBlBPtQW6g <!---/vg/-->
|58=svdR8_w1N0Y <!---/vm/-->
|59=4ltOaOKhmwY <!---/vp/-->
|60=1Nnl0ycLvgU <!---/vr/-->
|61=Fi_D97cHcbQ <!---/vrpg/-->
|62=AM9uQ1fqV2I <!---/vst/-->
|63=Kn066hDKjx4 <!---/vt/-->
|64=h9COHyaFMU8 <!---/w/-->
|65=MCbJSGWim9E <!---/wg/-->
|66=8d44ykdKvCw <!---/wsg/-->
|67=HQoRXhS7vlU <!---/x/-->
|68=udUCjJphE-0 <!---/xs/-->
|69=71Gl5aBBvRY <!---/y/-->

Latest revision as of 01:03, 10 February 2025

4chan Cup Commissioners

Name Former manager of Cups Tenure
GermanBro !!i9X8R/z42R 5 August 6th, 2011 – February 24th, 2013 (1 year, 6 months, 2 weeks and 4 days)
BasedNickLeddy 1 ???
Gracen Ivorinne !SyespadaHQ U icon.png /u/ 1 February 25th, 2013 – May 19th, 2013 (2 months, 3 weeks and 3 days)
DrBorisG !!uWmnP2zIyZF Hr icon.png /hr/ 11 May 20th, 2013 – March 19th, 2016 (2 years, 9 months and 4 weeks)
Lear !!vH2UmJDmLxj W icon.png /w/ 10 March 20th, 2016 – August 12th, 2018 (2 years, 4 months, 3 weeks and 2 days)
QD !!ztCBdAQrY7S Vg icon.png /vg/ 19 August 13th, 2018 – August 12th, 2023 (4 years, 11 months, 4 weeks and 2 days)
Old Man Sou !!yxVFw85glNC F icon.png /f/ 7 August 13th, 2023 – Incumbent (1 year, 6 months, 3 weeks and 3 days)