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{{out of date|Last edit: February 2016}}
This is the roster of players for [[/pol/]].
This is the roster of players for [[/pol/]].

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|align="center"|'''BUILD WALL'''
|align="center"|'''Archive It'''
|Deport them all.
|Norwegian bot dedicated to archiving links for /pol/lacks to use without giving shekels to the (((New York Times))) or any other (((fake news))) outlet. Nordbot's duties on the board has earned the respect of its denizens, with respects being paid by what is normally a fickle and willfully ignorant board. ''"Let's archive it" - Nordbot''

|align="center"|'''Not An Argument'''
|Leading the Fight Against Antisemitism & Terrorism. Coordinating Concerned Citizens Globally. Promoting Israel, Jewish Pride, Knowledge, and Unity. But more importantly keeping the /pol/ goal-net safe from those racist racist goals.
|Canadian libertarian YouTuber Stefan Molyneux. Famous for recording hundreds of videos where he wrecks opposing dialogue by uttering his three word catchphrase "NOT AN ARGUMENT". While Molyneux is strongly libertarian, he has shown sympathy for the alt-right, and has openly spoke about the JQ.  

|If there's a man out there who you can simply not Mossad, it would certaintly be the based Syrian leader & career /pol/ack goalkeeper Assad.
|align="center"|'''Rapefugees Welcome'''
|Meme associated with anarcho-capitalism, with numerous different strawman arguments that make a mockery of anarchism in general. Is applicable to every one of the 76 genders of anarchism as well as individual nations (see: flagposting), but is best known for its use on /ancap/. 

|align="center"|'''WE WUZ KANGZ'''
|align="center"|'''Academics Please Respond'''
|we wuz kingz n sheit fam i swear to god n my fam we wus desendin from egyp man u tryin tell me dat them egyps ova dere they aint black man look at they skin nigga we goin to space n shit nigga look at my gramma she part egytian them white peple they tryin ruin our lyfes you tellin me king tut wasnt my greatgreat grandpappy dont you know romans was ruled by blacks
|Awful liberalist YouTuber Kraut and Tea, known best for ruining his internet career by openly attacking the alt-right and race realism. Got owned so hard that his liberalist community made up of """academics""" pretty much disowned him, and he made himself look like a total imbecile. Makes shitty, poorly-researched videos that are reprehensible even when compared to other skeptic community YouTubers like Sargon and the Amazing Atheist.

|align="center"|'''DEUS VULT'''
|align="center"|'''DEUS VULT'''
|The time as come for the heretics to meet their demize; The God serving Knights have risen once more to fight the Holy War and take back the Christian lands from the goat-loving sand monkeys. ''Si Deus Pro Nobis, Quis Contras Nos?''
|Ancient Christian crusader employed by Pope Urban II to wipe out all infidel scum on the field. Repeatedly makes rude remarks to Jews about how the Kingdom of Jerusalem should be reinstated, and spray painted the Templar's Cross on the side of the Truck of Peace. From CONSTANTINOPLE, not "Istanbul". ''Si Deus Pro Nobis, Quis Contras Nos?''

|align="center"|'''Khazar Milkers'''
|Little Ben Shapiro's equally Jewish sister, who has nice, big, plump, luscious, beautiful TITS. While /pol/ is quick to condemn race-mixing, especially with kikes, we think that beautiful titcow jewesses like Abigail Shapiro are a solid exception for any red-blooded conservative white male.
|align="center"|'''We Wuz Kangz'''
|Hailing from Wakanda, this Moorish negro brings some much-needed diversity to the /pol/ team. Secretly thinks that Moonman's beats are dope af. ''we wuz kingz n sheit fam i swear to god n my fam we wus desendin from egyp man u tryin tell me dat them egyps ova dere they aint black man look at they skin nigga we goin to space n shit nigga look at my gramma she part egytian them white peple they tryin ruin our lyfes you tellin me king tut wasnt my greatgreat grandpappy dont you know romans was ruled by blacks''
|align="center"|'''Alex Jones'''
|True patriot that stands up to the globalists. Conspiracy theorist and BASED water filter merchant active since the 1990's; famous for sneaking into the Bohemian Grove and filming the Cremation of Care ceremony. Runs the website InfoWars, where he redpills people on the new world order. Bears an uncanny resemblance to Bill Hicks.
|align="center"|'''Current Year'''
|align="center"|'''Ben Garrison'''
|I MEAN COME ON, IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR. How can people possibly be having opinions different than mine in the current year. ''shoo shoo slimey limey''
|Prominent anti-Semite and leader of the American Nazi Party's Ministry of Public Enlightenment. Makes wonderful NSDAP propaganda cartoons that /pol/ absolutely adores. Constantly denies that he is a full-blown Nazi but it is obvious that he is just trying to cover up his power level in order to maintain good relations with Jews.  

|align="center"|'''Red Pill'''
|align="center"|'''Best Korea'''
|This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay on /pol/ and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
|While North Korea is a communist shithole, it is /ourshithole/ thanks to Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un's Juche policies which mirror national socialism. Therefore, the Norks are better than their westernized weeb counterparts. Has a shaky relationship with Trump, mainly because he wishes that his nukes shot farther than the Donald's. Big fan of jelly donuts, basketball, and fetish porn.  

|align="center"|'''Jet Fuel'''
|align="center"|'''Dickie Spencer'''
|Jet fuel can't melt steel beams.
|American white nationalist figurehead, president of the National Policy Institute, and co-editor of Believed to be a CIA psyop by /pol/ thanks to his huge media persona, which involves him and his entourage of fat yes-men in white polos and fashy haircuts going around to college campuses and MSM outlets to perform Nazi salutes and make the alt-right look stupid in the eyes of normies.
|align="center"|'''Truck of Peace'''
|A white Renault Midlum truck that was used to mow down dozens of stupid French frogs in the name of the religion of peace. Still stained with the blood of Frenchies, the truck has been loaned to /pol/ by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant along with its driver, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel with the sole intention of running over members of the opposing team. 
|Leader of the Syrian Arab Republic, and /pol/ veteran. Leader of /sg/, Assad has not only contributed several years of service to this team, but he has also protected his country from the dirty Israelis and their (((moderate rebels))). Still in control to this day and winning in Syria, it has been proven that no mortal being can MOSSAD THE ASSAD.
|Real estate mogul with hardline populist views on immigration, foreign policy, and the economy. Ran for president in the US on the Republican ticket, and ended up winning against globalist scum Hillary Clinton in one of the greatest upsets in modern political history. Currently the 45th President of the United States, captain of /ptg/ and longtime member of /pol/ in the 4cc.  

|align="center"|'''Doom Paul'''
|align="center"|'''The Bogdanoffs'''
|Mysterious French twins with stunning facial features that, unknown to 99.999% of the general public, are responsible for some pretty insane stuff which you can learn about in one quick rundown to become bogpilled. Be warned, the bogpill is considered the last "pill", and the toughest pill to swallow. However, taking it leads to true enlightenment, and understanding of these benevolent beings.  

|Moonman, Moonman can't you see, spics and niggers need to hang from trees and I just love your racist way, that's why their mom is so black and you're so great.
|The titular kike. With a nose larger than Grenada, Jews owns 6 gorillion bank machines, has his yarmulke welded to his scalp, eats only matzoballs, and is a big fan of Gene Simmons. Has been around since the team's inception, partly in thanks to his actions in trying to fuck up the Western world numerous times with his jewry. If you don't think he's the best player on /pol/ the ADL will show up at your doorstep and execute you on the spot. OY VEY!
|Aspiring artist, painter, vegetarian, animal lover. The true leader of Germany, responsible for its ascension to greatness in the 1930's. A big fan of the Cure, the Smiths, and Depeche Mode, Hitler is a tolerant and inclusive player, buying gay and handicapped officers tickets to each /pol/ game. His actions have earned him the undying love of the board, and obviously, he serves as /ourfuhrer/ and /ourcaptain/. SIEG HEIL!!!! 卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐

|align="center"|'''Ben Garrison'''
|Prominent anti-Semite and leader of the American Nazi Party's Ministry of Public Enlightenment.
|Norwegian national socialist responsible for mowing down 69 commies at a summer camp, which earned him the mass shooting high score for years. An Odinist and self-proclaimed fascist, Breivik is another one of /pol/s longstanding veterans. In his spare time, he gets /comfy/ playing vidya in his cell and enjoying all the benefits of the meme-tier Norwegian prison system.

|Got famous quick in 2012 for shooting a dindu in self-defense. The nigger community immediately went after him demanding his imprisonment, but thankfully the courts let him off. Periodically rubs salt in the face of the media by getting in trouble, reminding them of their failure to lock him up. For killing the OG good boi, Zimmerman is revered on the board, and is a veteran of the /pol/ team.  

|align="center"|'''Madman Hyde'''
|Responsible for every single mass shooting in recent memory. Even we can't comprehend how this comedian gets away with it, especially since the media catches on to his doing immediately after the shooting happens. If you see this man, please report him to authorities. He's literally unstoppable, and he can't keep getting away with this.
|Perfect Aryan male

|Oy Vey. The greatest collectors of shekels ever. Remember the 6 gorillion.
|Republican congressman and 2012 presidential hopeful Ron Paul, who had /pol/s support during his campaign to challenge Barack Obama in reelection. A true libertarian and figurehead of conservatism, Doompaul may not be as important to the board as he used to be, but his placement on this team serves as a testament to /pol/s roots. ''IT'S HAPPENING!''
|The Führer

|align="center"|'''Donald Trump'''
|The unstumpable. Self-made billionaire who believes in eliminating enemies and making America great again.
|Professional rapper and former McDonalds late-night menu spokesperson, Moonman is the team's newest star, with his impressive divegrass ability allowing him to get his mixtapes out to the public. Speaking on relevant topics such as race relations, anti-semitism, and homophobia, you cannot run away from the moon and his music. ''"Moonman, Moonman can't you see, spics and niggers need to hang from trees and I just love your racist way, that's why their mom is so black and you're so great."''
|Weak little whiteboi. Apart from drinking five liters of soylent a day, he makes sure that he gives his reparations for slavery in the form of his wife, who is rammed by BBC daily while he watches. In his time off the field, he can be found taking care of his wife's boyfriend's son or attending the local antifa rally.  

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|align="center"|'''Issam Zahreddine'''
|Formerly the major general of the Syrian Arab Army in besieged Deir-ez-Zor, Issam (also referred to affectionately as "the Druze Beast") became a national hero for his bravery and resilience, defending his city from the (((Islamic State))) for over three whole years relying on airdrops alone, and fighting alongside his men. However, the legend of Issam ended when he was killed by a land mine shortly after the siege was lifted; while he has been immortalized on /pol/s Syria general (/sg/), on this team he follows in his leader Assad's footsteps as a goalkeeper for the board. 
|align="center"|'''BUILD WALL'''
|First brought to life by President Donald Trump on the campaign trail in 2016, BUILD WALL keeps out dirty Mexican illegal aliens from entering the United States. However, since the wall has not been built yet, and the wall was partly responsible for a torrid 2016 season for the /pol/ team, he was retired going into 2017, being replaced by Nordbot. Deport them all.
|A shoddy JIDF ripoff created by the Hillary Clinton campaign and her (((donors))) during the 2016 presidential election as a means of combating Trump's hordes of autistic /pol/lacks and their memes. Paid to shill, their actions were quickly revealed, and for the rest of the election they became a running gag to refer to anyone that shitposted against the Donald. After Trump's victory in the election, the shitposting disappeared, signifying CTR's defeat, and withdrawal from the /pol/ universe. 
|The OG shill organization, the JIDF, or Jewish Internet Defense Force, was a shilling-for-shekels outfit designed to combat internet Nazis, namely those frequented /pol/. While the JIDF was important in the board's earlier days, they have fallen out of the limelight in recent years, and their long-standing tenure as /pol/s goalkeeper came to an end in 2016. ''Leading the Fight Against Antisemitism & Terrorism. Coordinating Concerned Citizens Globally. Promoting Israel, Jewish Pride, Knowledge, and Unity. But more importantly keeping the /pol/ goal-net safe from those racist racist goals.''
|YOU CAN'T CORNER THE DORNER. Not with a large manhunt, not with shots on goal.
|Former Navy reservist, LAPD member, and murderer. Killed five people after writing a manifesto that detailed his plans to kill 40 people in response to being fired from the police because of using excessive force against a training officer. During his killing spree, he was the subject of a state-wide manhunt, ending in the hills of San Bernardino County when he was killed after the cabin he was hiding in was set on fire by police tear gas canisters. His resilience garnered the admiration of /pol/, who coined the phrase "CANT CORNER THE DORNER." A true BASED black man.
|align="center"|'''Dodge Challenger'''
|Symbolic of James Alex Fields's vehicle that mowed down a crowd of Antifa commies at the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right protest. Fields is still in prison to this day for being involved in the murder of a fat cunt that died from a heartattack caused by the event. While the event harmed the alt-rights credibility in the eyes of the media, the Dodge Challenger was a fan favorite on the /pol/ team, where with the Truck of Peace, /pol/ showed that you don't have to be /o/ to field cars. A Challenger BTFOs a Twingo or Miata any day.
|While modern-day Germany is a very cucked nation, the people of the once-great Reich have taken steps towards the right once more with the rise in popularity of political party Alternative for Deutschland (AfD). While the party has suffered many schisms, it performed very well in the country's elections in 2017, and is currently the third strongest party in the Fatherland. Supporters of the party have affectionately made an anime character as a symbol for the alt-right, identitarianism, and nationalism.
|align="center"|'''Dindu Nuffin'''
|Whether it be the actions of young black future scientists such as Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, or Rodney King, the black community always stands by their side in solidarity against the evil police officers of WHITE AMERICA. These poor souls did nothing wrong, went to church every week, and were 5.0 students in school, and it must be known that black lives do indeed matter. While teammates such as Moonman may dislike Dindu's presence on the team, our inclusion of him reflects /pol/s acceptance of diversity and rejection of racism in all forms.
|In protest to the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States in 2016, many (((Hollywood))) actors, including the incredibly famous and mentally sane Shia LaBeouf protested the ascension of such a racist, bigoted, homophobe. Shia proceeded to start a campaign titled "He Will Not Divide Us" which was immediately ruined when /pol/lacks raided the public spaces the protests were being held. Such persistence resulted in the arrest of Shia when he hurled racial slurs at some black guy. RIP
|If you take the redpill there is no going back. Your mind will be opened up to shocking revelations, such as the fact that Hitler Did Nothing Wrong, the Earth is flat, Hillary Clinton is a reptilian, and that (((they))) control everything. Obviously based on the Matrix, this concept is used ad nauseam by various right-wing groups, and is still in use today. ''This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay on /pol/ and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.''
|align="center"|'''Keep Me Posted'''
|A common saying on /pol/ in regards to making sure one keeps another up with certain current events and happenings.
|align="center"|'''Free Helicopter Rides'''
|Quite possibly the greatest moments in anti-communist history happened in 1970's Chile. Following the ouster of some communist dictator, the country was then run by a military general named Augusto Pinochet. You see, Pinochet did not like commies, and made sure that as many red bastards were executed during his tenure. One creative way to kill the Marxists was by throwing them out of a helicopter in the sky - the rest is self-explanatory. Such actions granted the Generalissimo /pol/ immortality. LONG LIVE PINOCHET!
|align="center"|'''Nigel Farage'''
|Still one of the most prominent right-wing eurosceptic politicians in the UK, this Brit/pol/ product ensured over nearly thirty years of hard work that the once-great United Kingdom remove itself from the (((European Union))), finally accomplishing his goal on June 23, 2016 with the Brexit vote. While he promptly retired from politics after the victory, he still makes sporadic appearances in politics to this day, and was well-represented on /pol/s team in the cup for his services towards an independent Britain.
|align="center"|'''Googles and Skypes'''
|/pol/ slang to refer to African-Americans and Jews, respectively. Still used to an extent today, largely in censored internet realms such as Facebook or Twitter, but almost non-existent on /pol/ thanks to the lack of censorship.  

|align="center"|'''Julian Assange'''
|The head of document-leaking website WikiLeaks, this British whistleblower, who has been confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London for several years to avoid being arrested because of "rape" he apparently committed in Sweden, helped leak sensitive documents pertaining to Hillary Clinton and the DNC during the 2016 Presidential Election. These documents, which revealed that the Democratic primaries were rigged, almost certainly helped Trump get cross-over votes.
|align="center"|'''Rapefugees Welcome'''
|Thanks to high rape rates among incoming migrants into Europe from "Syria" (aka the Third World), /pol/ began referring to these poor "refugees", who obviously were made up of poor women, children, and the elderly, and not fighting age males at all, as "rapefugees". This is because the people on /pol/ are racist bigoted homophobic misogynists, and they are too ignorant to realize that these refugees are perfectly peaceful people that will become astrophysicists, scientists, and doctors! Trust me! -Jews #6
|As the height of the European migrant invasion went on, many /pol/lacks sought an end to the madness. Just like most movements on the board, an anime character was created with the sole purpose of using meme magic to bathe Europe in a cold winter that would kill off all the migrants and restore Europe to its former glory. Wearing a kulak inscribed with a rune, Winter-Chan hails from the great cold north of Iceland, and loves simple things, such as the season of winter and the Nordic Resistance Movement.
|align="center"|'''Jet Fuel'''
|The 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush harkens back to age when neoconservatism was popular, the Democratic Party was still moderate, and yes, the government launched a false flag attack on its own soil killing thousands and dropping America into a police state as a means of invading Iraq and getting all that (((oil))). Ever since 9/11/2001, it has been disputed as to how Bush conducted this scheme; was the WTC painted with superthermites, or were the planes packed with explosives? One day we will figure it out...
|align="center"|'''Jihadi John'''
|As the Islamic State reached its peak in 2015, nearly capturing the whole of Syria and Iraq and defeating Assad, the terror group became known for its totally DANK propaganda execution videos, which put most aspiring filmmakers to shame. Using high-definition video, slow motion, and ingenious methods of execution, the most resonant way to kill an infidel on camera was beheading. This was conducted by British jihadist Mohammed Edwazi, also referred to as Jihadi John. قطع رأس الذين يهينون الله النبي الحقيقي محمد شاكر تحدث الحقيقة السويد هو لنا ، وسوف يموت أوروبا إلى الإسلام, TAKBIRRRR ALLAHU ACKBAR!
|The anime representation of /pol/s Christian roots, and a daily reminder that /pol/ is a Christian board. Opposed to degeneracy, homosexuality, and especially Islam, Christ-chan is as DEUS VULT as they come. Fundamentalist and evangelical, she is a great role model for heretics and the non-religious, who should repent and put their faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, otherwise may God have mercy on their souls.
|The Greek god of the seas and other bodies of water, the mountains and for some reason, horses. Poseidon guards the seas of the Mediterranean and sweeps away "refugee" rafts and capsizes "migrant" ships with his mighty hands and pulls the little shitters into his unforgiving depths since it never occurred to the shitskin faggots to learn how to swim. His terrifying command over the seas caused many /pol/lacks to sacrifice to the wet deity to in an effort to shove more refugee children beneath the cold waves while riding on them to victory.
|Black scientist not named Neil deGrasse Tyson, and "famed" neurosurgeon that roasted Obama in a National Prayer Breakfast and consequently received the love of neocons the world over. Wrote a book, and eventually ran for the Republican nomination for President in 2016. While his campaign was initially successful, by the Iowa caucus he had been completely forgotten in favor of Trump and Lyin Ted. Always looks asleep, which earned him nicknames such as "Sleepy Medicine Man" or "Sleepy Negro". Currently Secretary of HUD in Trump's cabinet.
|align="center"|'''Viktor Orban'''
|Current Prime Minister of Hungary, well-known for his anti-Islam and anti-migrant stances that have put him at odds with the rest of the (((EU))). As a result Hungary experiences less terrorist attacks than its more progressive neighbors (no shit). Before the rise of Trump and other nationalist movements in the West, Based Viktor was one of the most prominent conservative figures on the board who actually led his nation, and still leads it to this day, speaking out against George Soros and his cronies.
|Some arab kid that became the center of media controversy after creating a "clock" that looked like a briefcase bomb for a school science project. The """bigoted""" response by conservatives coerced President Obama to bring the kid to the White House and give him tons of gibs for standing up to "racism." Got a full scholarship for schooling in oh-so-tolerant Qatar, and promptly disappeared from the limelight. It was most likely a false flag designed to portray Muslims in a positive light in the media, but it didn't stop /pol/ from labelling Ahmed Mohamed a terrorist mudslime.
|44th President of the United States, and recipient of a lot of /pol/ hate from 2008-2016, as he would be the first African-American (and Kenyan-born) president in the country's history. Of course, he was a Democrat, and advocated for progressivism in every sense of the word, imposing a government-mandated health-care system, importing refugees, and stirring racial tensions among several things. After jinxing his party by stating that Trump would never become President, he was cucked and forced to handle over the Oval Office to a true leader.
|align="center"|'''Daily Reminder'''
|align="center"|'''Daily Reminder'''
|Today he will remind you that /pol/ is The irreverent board on the 4CC and 4chan itself.
|Today he will remind you that /pol/ is The irreverent board on the 4CC and 4chan itself.
|align="center"|'''Euphoric Atheist'''
|During the early 2010's, the Atheist movement hit young people across the internet. Fueled by such visionaries as a fat guy who shoved a banana up his ass on video, a redneck, and an anorexic woman, edgy kids began rejecting the word of God. However, as soon as these kids grew up and finished going through their phases, the movement came to an abrupt end. One atheist redactor's stupid post would become a meme attributed to several prominent atheist scientists: ''“Just to be clear, I’m not a professional ‘quote maker’. I’m just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism. ‘In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.’"''
|align="center"|'''Straw Man'''
|A player from a day when actual debates were held on /pol/ and not just shitposting, shilling, and newfags. Nothing like counter-acting your opponents formation by... counter-acting a formation he isn't even using? Calling out the strawman arguments in our enemy's faulty narrative is an assure way of staying on top of the table.

|align="center"|'''COME HOME WHITE MAN'''
|align="center"|'''COME HOME WHITE MAN'''
|It is time, White Man.
|'''It is time, White Man.''' As the JQ began to become more frequently asked, and the concept of white genocide taking off on /pol/, it was only a matter of time before the European-American male would wake up and begin shitposting to make everything all 1933 once again. Whether it be by ethnostate or the old fashioned way (((democracy))), maybe one day all the hard work will pay off. 14/88
|Degeneracy exists in many forms, whether it be the faggots from /lgbt/, the horsefuckers at /mlp/, or the weebs from the 6 gorillion /a/ proxies. /pol/ has always stood strong against such filth, and continues to as we look to purge the 4cc (and the world) of Jewish influence and hedonism. Whether we will throw the degenerates out of helicopters or reopen Auschwitz, you can be rest assured that /pol/ will be the sole survivor in this culture war.
|align="center"|'''GOD EXISTS'''
|Another reminder that /pol/ is a Christian board, and that God truly does exist. Also remember that if you don't believe in him, then you will roast in hell with the Muslims, Jews, atheists, and furries. You wouldn't want to spend the rest of eternity doing that would you? I guessed not, TIME TO REPENT!
|align="center"|'''Urban Youth'''
|The predecessor to the dindu nuffin meme you better know that these urban youths are well-educated gud bois dat would never rob a store, rape a girl, or attack anyone! They are on da honor rolls they stand up 2 da POLLLLECE hands up don't shoot

|align="center"|'''Straw Man'''
|Nothing like counter-acting your opponents formation by... counter-acting a formation he isn't even using? Calling out the strawman arguments in our enemy's faulty narrative is an assure way of staying on top of the table.
|align="center"|'''>taxation >not theft'''
|A cornerstone of libertarian and ancap philosophy, the concept that taxation is government-sponsored theft has stood the test of time. I mean, who wants to give money to the (((government))) to build roads roflmao?!
|A person who is in favor of big government, typically in the name of (((protectionism))) and (((workers rights))). (See: dirty communist, faggot, etc)
|align="center"|'''Austrian Economics'''
|The Austrian school is a school of economic thought that values laissez-faire capitalism (the free market and no government regulation) and economic liberalism. Of course, this is the school of thought that anarcho-capitalists and libertarians embrace; it was most opposed to the Prussian school of economics, which advocated for more government intervention and protectionism. That being said, the libertarians on /pol/ were advocates of this philosophy, and idolized the school's primary figurehead Hayek (who also played for /pol/!)

|align="center"|'''Jihadi John'''
|قطع رأس الذين يهينون الله النبي الحقيقي محمد شاكر تحدث الحقيقة السويد هو لنا ، وسوف يموت أوروبا إلى الإسلام, TAKBIRRRR ALLAHU ACKBAR!
|align="center"|'''>Daily Mail'''
|British fake news outlet. SAGE

|align="center"|'''Dindu Nuffin'''
|He dindu nuffin, he a good boi he was a honor roll student he's been goin to church every week 'bout to get his lyf on track we need mo money fo dem programs das rayciss man poleece brutality hands up dont shoot
|align="center"|'''Fox News'''
|A "fair and balanced" media outlet bastardized by the left as being the epicenter of right-wing fake news, but in reality it is a neocon circle jerk for boomers to praise Israel and talk about how we need to invade Iraq a million times, deport Obama to Kenya, and elect John McCain and Mitt Romney as supreme rulers of the Christian States of America, subservient to great Zion. Ran by (((Rupert Murdoch))).
|align="center"|'''Peaceful Buddhist'''
|A newcomer to the /pol/ team, the peaceful buddhist made a name for himself in Myanmar after honing his inner-Serbia to remove kebab en masse. Wiping out a ton of Rohingya Muslims in mid-2017, he has garnered the anger of the international community, namely the (((UN))) for resisting Islamic incursion. His actions have shown that Buddhists are willing to defeat the religion of peace, and that Christians are indeed the most cucked religion in the present day. The Buddha must be proud.
|align="center"|'''Le Pen'''
|The leader of French far-right party Front Nationale (FN), and its nominee in the 2017 French Presidential Election. While her surprise victory in the first-round of the elections was enough to capture the attention of /pol/ who provided her support in the form of memes, she was utterly BTFO by radical centrist Emmanuel Macron, who united both the moderate right and left-wings of the horridly cucked nation. While France's condition continues to deteriorate, she may get another shot, but her failure did not warrant a spot on the /pol/ team come 2017.
|align="center"|'''Praise Kek'''
|With the rise of several far-right parties across the West, many curious alt-righters turned to providence in order to justify such miracles. Seeking justification for /pol/s crusades against the MSM and globalist elite, many /pol/lacks have come to believe in the intergalactic entity known as Kek, who rules through Chaos and meme magic. While the more radical sects of the board dismiss such heresy, the concept of meme magic has entranced much of the internet - from repeating digits to the success of Pepe.
|Similar to the characters of Ebola-chan and Afd-chan, the President Trump general on /pol/ (/ptg/) used an anime character to represent the growing grassroots movement created by the Donald during the 2016 presidential campaign. Still used to an extent by the board even after the election, the character was spawned thanks to Trump's emotional and exciting campaign rallies held across the United States, which /ptg/ followed closely.
|align="center"|'''Mike Pence'''
|Currently the Vice President of the United States, Mike "LGBBQ+" Pence ran alongside President Trump during a time where many moderate GOP members refused to support him. The Indiana governor gained immediately infamy by /lgbt/ groups thanks to his staunchly Christian beliefs, including his advocacy for shock therapy to electrocute the gay away. /pol/ only fueled the fire by creating a slew of nicknames for Pence, all pertaining to violence against homosexuals and the other 6 gorillion genders. Still plays for the /ptg/ team in the /pol/league.

|align="center"|'''Christ Chan'''
|Reminder that /pol/ is a christian board
|align="center"|'''Carl the Cuck'''
|One of the two soy boys that rose to internet fame out of a video that showed a clash between Trump supporters and protesters. Along with fellow lefty AIDS Skrillex, Carl was best known for making a fool of himself on video, and as a result got roasted by /pol/ for embodying the stereotypical weak left-wing male. His catchphrase "ARE YOU KIDDING ME" may not resonate as much as Skrillex's, but it will remind everyone who participated in the 2016 meme crusade of the idiocy we had to compete with.

|align="center"|'''Kryptonite 4 the Sodomite'''
|A nickname for radical Islamist Omar Mateen, who rose to brief fame following his attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida where he came decently close to beating Breivik's high score, killing 49 sodomites. While we here at /pol/ hate kebab and wish to see them removed, Mateen's actions helped Trump on the campaign trail as it showed an instance of violent Islamic terror. Nevertheless, he currently has the high score in acts of violence against the LGBTQAAIAAWTFLOLSMH#^# community.
|align="center"|'''Current Year'''
|British late night show host and absolute cuck John Oliver has never ceased to fail in delivering left-wing rhetoric on HBO to appease his simple-minded fans. One of his most atrocious catchphrases is that we need to adopt every single progressive talking point because it is "the current year". While this ideology is shared by fellow cuck Justin Trudeau, Oliver continues to shill out propaganda via his show, but /pol/ has not failed in memeing him as the little cuck he is. ''I MEAN COME ON, IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR. How can people possibly be having opinions different than mine in the current year. ''shoo shoo slimey limey''''
|Originally the favorite to capture the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, Jeb, the brother of President George W. Bush, had his plans derailed by the Donald's breakout onto the political scene. Trump, who absolutely manhandled Jeb in the debates, exposing him as a total weakling, would single-handedly bury the Bush dynasty's grave, and by the South Carolina primary, Jeb had dropped out of the running after polling below 5%. /pol/ celebrated his demise by playing "The End" by The Doors over the board following his concession. Currently on /ptg/
|The go-to insult by /pol/lacks since 2016. Used in the same context as "faggot", it is derived from the term cuckold, which is a man who enjoys to watch someone have sex with his spouse/significant other. '''NOTE: IF YOU HAVE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PLAYER FEEL FREE TO ADD!'''
|align="center"|'''Ted Cruz'''
|Being Donald Trump's biggest opponent in the GOP primaries, the Texas senator was subject to intense roasting from the /pol/ meme machine. "Lyin' Ted" was targeted on about every facet of his being, from his potential Canadian citizenship and Cuban heritage, to the conspiracy theory that his father was the second shooter in the JFK assassination. After trying to undercut Trump, winning in the Iowa caucus, and being brought to the brink by Trump's chad persona, Cruz conceded after Trump secured the nomination, but remains in the US senate to this day.
|align="center"|'''Rand Paul'''
|align="center"|'''Rand Paul'''
|Current senator from Kentucky that is most famous for being the son of libertarian icon Ron Paul, better known here as Doompaul. While retaining his father's political views, he had a decent following on /pol/ prior to Trump's burst onto the political scene. Ran for the Republican nomination for President in 2016, but his lack of charisma and the fact that Trump had much more interesting platforms doomed him from the start. Polling at single-digits, Randlet dropped out of the race, and remains in the Senate to this day as its lone libertarian figure.
|align="center"|'''Penn Jillette'''
|Anarcho-capitalist magician and comedian, atheist, and shaving razor merchant. Best known on /pol/ for being the guy on the "Into the Trash it Goes" and "Opinion Discarded" memes which is used to discredit someone's opinion. Jillette's meme can be found on other boards on 4chan, but it truly originated from /pol/. One of the earlier members on the /pol/ team.
|In response to the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa that briefly prompted a mainstream scare thanks to the virus's lethality, /pol/ began to worship the disease in the form of an anime character. The character took off and became a literal cartoon death cult that attracted the attention of various news outlets. It spread wider than Ebola itself, triggering African forums and reddit the world over. While the Ebola outbreak became an afterthought by 2015, Ebola-chan still pops up periodically in response to minor outbreaks in Africa, as /pol/ hopes that she returns to wreak havoc on the African continent once more.
|align="center"|'''Natalia Poklonskaya'''
|Attractive Russian politician who gained internet fame in 2014 after being appointed as the Chief Prosecutor for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the Russian-backed state created after the country's liberation of the Crimea peninsula after the (((Maidan Coup))). Currently deputy of the State Duma, or basically the Russian legislature. Many anime and cartoon likenesses of her person were drawn in internet communities from 4chan to reddit, solidifying her status as a sex symbol, especially in Eastern Europe.
|align="center"|'''Free Market Will Fix It'''
|Many people don't realize that an intense government bureaucracy isn't necessary in order to maintain the capitalist system. In fact, it often worsens the problem, leading to massive government spending, higher taxes, and a decrease in the overall standard of living. If only the free market was allowed to correct its problems we could live in a more free economy as well as nation. As a meme, the free market can fix literally anything.
|align="center"|'''Kiker Chan'''
|Some Russian albino girl named Nastya Zhidkova, who was likely worshipped back in the old days of /pol/ for... you guessed it... being almost as white as Stormfront. '''NOTE: IF YOU HAVE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PLAYER FEEL FREE TO ADD!'''
|align="center"|'''Mark O'Mara'''
|A criminal defense lawyer, best known for being the defense attorney for George Zimmerman, successfully getting /ourguy/ off the hook for killing a dindu so he can play for /pol/ in the 4cc.
|/pol/s most revered veteran, currently leading the team in all-time goals with 54. The perfect Aryan male, he was on the team from its inception all the way up until 2018, when a poor performance in the 2017 Autumn Babby Cup resulted in his ousting from the team. While that game, which consisted of Stormfront and Dindu Nuffin single-handedly losing the game against /tg/ and getting eliminated, was harsh for fans of the team, Stormfront is still arguably /pol/s most respected player for leading the team for nearly six years.

[[Category:Official team rosters|pol]]
[[Category:Official team rosters|pol]]

Latest revision as of 21:39, 22 October 2021

This is the roster of players for /pol/.

Statistics are incomplete and begun at the 2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup due to lack of archived data.

"Hitler is great!"

DrBorisG before /pol/'s game againt /sp/ in the 2016 4chan Winter Cup

Sub Starter Silver Gold

Active Roster

Pos. Picture No. Name Description
Nordbot.jpg 24 Archive It Norwegian bot dedicated to archiving links for /pol/lacks to use without giving shekels to the (((New York Times))) or any other (((fake news))) outlet. Nordbot's duties on the board has earned the respect of its denizens, with respects being paid by what is normally a fickle and willfully ignorant board. "Let's archive it" - Nordbot
Molymeme.jpg 0 Not An Argument Canadian libertarian YouTuber Stefan Molyneux. Famous for recording hundreds of videos where he wrecks opposing dialogue by uttering his three word catchphrase "NOT AN ARGUMENT". While Molyneux is strongly libertarian, he has shown sympathy for the alt-right, and has openly spoke about the JQ.
Memeball.jpg 68 Memeball Meme associated with anarcho-capitalism, with numerous different strawman arguments that make a mockery of anarchism in general. Is applicable to every one of the 76 genders of anarchism as well as individual nations (see: flagposting), but is best known for its use on /ancap/.
Krautandtea.jpg 1 Academics Please Respond Awful liberalist YouTuber Kraut and Tea, known best for ruining his internet career by openly attacking the alt-right and race realism. Got owned so hard that his liberalist community made up of """academics""" pretty much disowned him, and he made himself look like a total imbecile. Makes shitty, poorly-researched videos that are reprehensible even when compared to other skeptic community YouTubers like Sargon and the Amazing Atheist.
Deusvultt.jpg 7 DEUS VULT Ancient Christian crusader employed by Pope Urban II to wipe out all infidel scum on the field. Repeatedly makes rude remarks to Jews about how the Kingdom of Jerusalem should be reinstated, and spray painted the Templar's Cross on the side of the Truck of Peace. From CONSTANTINOPLE, not "Istanbul". Si Deus Pro Nobis, Quis Contras Nos?
Jewess.jpg 60 Khazar Milkers Little Ben Shapiro's equally Jewish sister, who has nice, big, plump, luscious, beautiful TITS. While /pol/ is quick to condemn race-mixing, especially with kikes, we think that beautiful titcow jewesses like Abigail Shapiro are a solid exception for any red-blooded conservative white male.
Albertobarbosa.jpg 25 We Wuz Kangz Hailing from Wakanda, this Moorish negro brings some much-needed diversity to the /pol/ team. Secretly thinks that Moonman's beats are dope af. we wuz kingz n sheit fam i swear to god n my fam we wus desendin from egyp man u tryin tell me dat them egyps ova dere they aint black man look at they skin nigga we goin to space n shit nigga look at my gramma she part egytian them white peple they tryin ruin our lyfes you tellin me king tut wasnt my greatgreat grandpappy dont you know romans was ruled by blacks
Waterfilters.jpg 11 Alex Jones True patriot that stands up to the globalists. Conspiracy theorist and BASED water filter merchant active since the 1990's; famous for sneaking into the Bohemian Grove and filming the Cremation of Care ceremony. Runs the website InfoWars, where he redpills people on the new world order. Bears an uncanny resemblance to Bill Hicks.
Zyklonben.jpg 55 Ben Garrison Prominent anti-Semite and leader of the American Nazi Party's Ministry of Public Enlightenment. Makes wonderful NSDAP propaganda cartoons that /pol/ absolutely adores. Constantly denies that he is a full-blown Nazi but it is obvious that he is just trying to cover up his power level in order to maintain good relations with Jews.
Kim.jpg 72 Best Korea While North Korea is a communist shithole, it is /ourshithole/ thanks to Supreme Leader Kim Jong-un's Juche policies which mirror national socialism. Therefore, the Norks are better than their westernized weeb counterparts. Has a shaky relationship with Trump, mainly because he wishes that his nukes shot farther than the Donald's. Big fan of jelly donuts, basketball, and fetish porn.
Spence.jpg 18 Dickie Spencer American white nationalist figurehead, president of the National Policy Institute, and co-editor of Believed to be a CIA psyop by /pol/ thanks to his huge media persona, which involves him and his entourage of fat yes-men in white polos and fashy haircuts going around to college campuses and MSM outlets to perform Nazi salutes and make the alt-right look stupid in the eyes of normies.
Truckofpeace.jpg 99 Truck of Peace A white Renault Midlum truck that was used to mow down dozens of stupid French frogs in the name of the religion of peace. Still stained with the blood of Frenchies, the truck has been loaned to /pol/ by the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant along with its driver, Mohamed Lahouaiej-Bouhlel with the sole intention of running over members of the opposing team.
Bashar.jpg 59 Assad Leader of the Syrian Arab Republic, and /pol/ veteran. Leader of /sg/, Assad has not only contributed several years of service to this team, but he has also protected his country from the dirty Israelis and their (((moderate rebels))). Still in control to this day and winning in Syria, it has been proven that no mortal being can MOSSAD THE ASSAD.
DJT.jpg 45 Trump Real estate mogul with hardline populist views on immigration, foreign policy, and the economy. Ran for president in the US on the Republican ticket, and ended up winning against globalist scum Hillary Clinton in one of the greatest upsets in modern political history. Currently the 45th President of the United States, captain of /ptg/ and longtime member of /pol/ in the 4cc.
Thebogs.jpg 2 The Bogdanoffs Mysterious French twins with stunning facial features that, unknown to 99.999% of the general public, are responsible for some pretty insane stuff which you can learn about in one quick rundown to become bogpilled. Be warned, the bogpill is considered the last "pill", and the toughest pill to swallow. However, taking it leads to true enlightenment, and understanding of these benevolent beings.
Them.png 6 Jews The titular kike. With a nose larger than Grenada, Jews owns 6 gorillion bank machines, has his yarmulke welded to his scalp, eats only matzoballs, and is a big fan of Gene Simmons. Has been around since the team's inception, partly in thanks to his actions in trying to fuck up the Western world numerous times with his jewry. If you don't think he's the best player on /pol/ the ADL will show up at your doorstep and execute you on the spot. OY VEY!
Dasfuhrer.jpg 88 Hitler Aspiring artist, painter, vegetarian, animal lover. The true leader of Germany, responsible for its ascension to greatness in the 1930's. A big fan of the Cure, the Smiths, and Depeche Mode, Hitler is a tolerant and inclusive player, buying gay and handicapped officers tickets to each /pol/ game. His actions have earned him the undying love of the board, and obviously, he serves as /ourfuhrer/ and /ourcaptain/. SIEG HEIL!!!! 卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐卐
Basedbreivik.jpg 77 Breivik Norwegian national socialist responsible for mowing down 69 commies at a summer camp, which earned him the mass shooting high score for years. An Odinist and self-proclaimed fascist, Breivik is another one of /pol/s longstanding veterans. In his spare time, he gets /comfy/ playing vidya in his cell and enjoying all the benefits of the meme-tier Norwegian prison system.
Zimmer.jpg 10 Zimmerman Got famous quick in 2012 for shooting a dindu in self-defense. The nigger community immediately went after him demanding his imprisonment, but thankfully the courts let him off. Periodically rubs salt in the face of the media by getting in trouble, reminding them of their failure to lock him up. For killing the OG good boi, Zimmerman is revered on the board, and is a veteran of the /pol/ team.
Samhyde.jpg 18 Madman Hyde Responsible for every single mass shooting in recent memory. Even we can't comprehend how this comedian gets away with it, especially since the media catches on to his doing immediately after the shooting happens. If you see this man, please report him to authorities. He's literally unstoppable, and he can't keep getting away with this.
Itshappening.jpg 12 Doompaul Republican congressman and 2012 presidential hopeful Ron Paul, who had /pol/s support during his campaign to challenge Barack Obama in reelection. A true libertarian and figurehead of conservatism, Doompaul may not be as important to the board as he used to be, but his placement on this team serves as a testament to /pol/s roots. IT'S HAPPENING!
Themoon.jpg 18 Moonman Professional rapper and former McDonalds late-night menu spokesperson, Moonman is the team's newest star, with his impressive divegrass ability allowing him to get his mixtapes out to the public. Speaking on relevant topics such as race relations, anti-semitism, and homophobia, you cannot run away from the moon and his music. "Moonman, Moonman can't you see, spics and niggers need to hang from trees and I just love your racist way, that's why their mom is so black and you're so great."
Soyboy.jpg 69 Soyboy Weak little whiteboi. Apart from drinking five liters of soylent a day, he makes sure that he gives his reparations for slavery in the form of his wife, who is rammed by BBC daily while he watches. In his time off the field, he can be found taking care of his wife's boyfriend's son or attending the local antifa rally.

Retired Players

Pos. Picture # Name Description
Druze.jpg 0 Issam Zahreddine Formerly the major general of the Syrian Arab Army in besieged Deir-ez-Zor, Issam (also referred to affectionately as "the Druze Beast") became a national hero for his bravery and resilience, defending his city from the (((Islamic State))) for over three whole years relying on airdrops alone, and fighting alongside his men. However, the legend of Issam ended when he was killed by a land mine shortly after the siege was lifted; while he has been immortalized on /pol/s Syria general (/sg/), on this team he follows in his leader Assad's footsteps as a goalkeeper for the board.

Thewall.png 99 BUILD WALL First brought to life by President Donald Trump on the campaign trail in 2016, BUILD WALL keeps out dirty Mexican illegal aliens from entering the United States. However, since the wall has not been built yet, and the wall was partly responsible for a torrid 2016 season for the /pol/ team, he was retired going into 2017, being replaced by Nordbot. Deport them all.
CTR.jpg CTR A shoddy JIDF ripoff created by the Hillary Clinton campaign and her (((donors))) during the 2016 presidential election as a means of combating Trump's hordes of autistic /pol/lacks and their memes. Paid to shill, their actions were quickly revealed, and for the rest of the election they became a running gag to refer to anyone that shitposted against the Donald. After Trump's victory in the election, the shitposting disappeared, signifying CTR's defeat, and withdrawal from the /pol/ universe.
Jewidf.jpg 1 JIDF The OG shill organization, the JIDF, or Jewish Internet Defense Force, was a shilling-for-shekels outfit designed to combat internet Nazis, namely those frequented /pol/. While the JIDF was important in the board's earlier days, they have fallen out of the limelight in recent years, and their long-standing tenure as /pol/s goalkeeper came to an end in 2016. Leading the Fight Against Antisemitism & Terrorism. Coordinating Concerned Citizens Globally. Promoting Israel, Jewish Pride, Knowledge, and Unity. But more importantly keeping the /pol/ goal-net safe from those racist racist goals.
Thedorner.jpg 99 Dorner Former Navy reservist, LAPD member, and murderer. Killed five people after writing a manifesto that detailed his plans to kill 40 people in response to being fired from the police because of using excessive force against a training officer. During his killing spree, he was the subject of a state-wide manhunt, ending in the hills of San Bernardino County when he was killed after the cabin he was hiding in was set on fire by police tear gas canisters. His resilience garnered the admiration of /pol/, who coined the phrase "CANT CORNER THE DORNER." A true BASED black man.
Challenger.jpg Dodge Challenger Symbolic of James Alex Fields's vehicle that mowed down a crowd of Antifa commies at the 2017 Charlottesville Unite the Right protest. Fields is still in prison to this day for being involved in the murder of a fat cunt that died from a heartattack caused by the event. While the event harmed the alt-rights credibility in the eyes of the media, the Dodge Challenger was a fan favorite on the /pol/ team, where with the Truck of Peace, /pol/ showed that you don't have to be /o/ to field cars. A Challenger BTFOs a Twingo or Miata any day.
Afdchan.jpg 24 AfD-Chan While modern-day Germany is a very cucked nation, the people of the once-great Reich have taken steps towards the right once more with the rise in popularity of political party Alternative for Deutschland (AfD). While the party has suffered many schisms, it performed very well in the country's elections in 2017, and is currently the third strongest party in the Fatherland. Supporters of the party have affectionately made an anime character as a symbol for the alt-right, identitarianism, and nationalism.
Dindu.png 68 Dindu Nuffin Whether it be the actions of young black future scientists such as Trayvon Martin, Michael Brown, or Rodney King, the black community always stands by their side in solidarity against the evil police officers of WHITE AMERICA. These poor souls did nothing wrong, went to church every week, and were 5.0 students in school, and it must be known that black lives do indeed matter. While teammates such as Moonman may dislike Dindu's presence on the team, our inclusion of him reflects /pol/s acceptance of diversity and rejection of racism in all forms.
HWNDU.jpg 1 HWNDU In protest to the election of Donald Trump as President of the United States in 2016, many (((Hollywood))) actors, including the incredibly famous and mentally sane Shia LaBeouf protested the ascension of such a racist, bigoted, homophobe. Shia proceeded to start a campaign titled "He Will Not Divide Us" which was immediately ruined when /pol/lacks raided the public spaces the protests were being held. Such persistence resulted in the arrest of Shia when he hurled racial slurs at some black guy. RIP
Redpill.jpg 11 Redpill If you take the redpill there is no going back. Your mind will be opened up to shocking revelations, such as the fact that Hitler Did Nothing Wrong, the Earth is flat, Hillary Clinton is a reptilian, and that (((they))) control everything. Obviously based on the Matrix, this concept is used ad nauseam by various right-wing groups, and is still in use today. This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay on /pol/ and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes.
Keepmeposted.jpg 16 Keep Me Posted A common saying on /pol/ in regards to making sure one keeps another up with certain current events and happenings.
Pinochet.jpg 15 Free Helicopter Rides Quite possibly the greatest moments in anti-communist history happened in 1970's Chile. Following the ouster of some communist dictator, the country was then run by a military general named Augusto Pinochet. You see, Pinochet did not like commies, and made sure that as many red bastards were executed during his tenure. One creative way to kill the Marxists was by throwing them out of a helicopter in the sky - the rest is self-explanatory. Such actions granted the Generalissimo /pol/ immortality. LONG LIVE PINOCHET!
Basednige.jpg 17 Nigel Farage Still one of the most prominent right-wing eurosceptic politicians in the UK, this Brit/pol/ product ensured over nearly thirty years of hard work that the once-great United Kingdom remove itself from the (((European Union))), finally accomplishing his goal on June 23, 2016 with the Brexit vote. While he promptly retired from politics after the victory, he still makes sporadic appearances in politics to this day, and was well-represented on /pol/s team in the cup for his services towards an independent Britain.
Googlesskypes.jpg Googles and Skypes /pol/ slang to refer to African-Americans and Jews, respectively. Still used to an extent today, largely in censored internet realms such as Facebook or Twitter, but almost non-existent on /pol/ thanks to the lack of censorship.
Assange.jpg Julian Assange The head of document-leaking website WikiLeaks, this British whistleblower, who has been confined to the Ecuadorian embassy in London for several years to avoid being arrested because of "rape" he apparently committed in Sweden, helped leak sensitive documents pertaining to Hillary Clinton and the DNC during the 2016 Presidential Election. These documents, which revealed that the Democratic primaries were rigged, almost certainly helped Trump get cross-over votes.
Rapefugeeswelcome.jpg Rapefugees Welcome Thanks to high rape rates among incoming migrants into Europe from "Syria" (aka the Third World), /pol/ began referring to these poor "refugees", who obviously were made up of poor women, children, and the elderly, and not fighting age males at all, as "rapefugees". This is because the people on /pol/ are racist bigoted homophobic misogynists, and they are too ignorant to realize that these refugees are perfectly peaceful people that will become astrophysicists, scientists, and doctors! Trust me! -Jews #6
Winterchan.jpg Winter-Chan As the height of the European migrant invasion went on, many /pol/lacks sought an end to the madness. Just like most movements on the board, an anime character was created with the sole purpose of using meme magic to bathe Europe in a cold winter that would kill off all the migrants and restore Europe to its former glory. Wearing a kulak inscribed with a rune, Winter-Chan hails from the great cold north of Iceland, and loves simple things, such as the season of winter and the Nordic Resistance Movement.
Dubya.jpg Jet Fuel The 43rd President of the United States, George W. Bush harkens back to age when neoconservatism was popular, the Democratic Party was still moderate, and yes, the government launched a false flag attack on its own soil killing thousands and dropping America into a police state as a means of invading Iraq and getting all that (((oil))). Ever since 9/11/2001, it has been disputed as to how Bush conducted this scheme; was the WTC painted with superthermites, or were the planes packed with explosives? One day we will figure it out...
Jihadijohnisis.jpg 3 Jihadi John As the Islamic State reached its peak in 2015, nearly capturing the whole of Syria and Iraq and defeating Assad, the terror group became known for its totally DANK propaganda execution videos, which put most aspiring filmmakers to shame. Using high-definition video, slow motion, and ingenious methods of execution, the most resonant way to kill an infidel on camera was beheading. This was conducted by British jihadist Mohammed Edwazi, also referred to as Jihadi John. قطع رأس الذين يهينون الله النبي الحقيقي محمد شاكر تحدث الحقيقة السويد هو لنا ، وسوف يموت أوروبا إلى الإسلام, TAKBIRRRR ALLAHU ACKBAR!
Christchan.jpg Christ-chan The anime representation of /pol/s Christian roots, and a daily reminder that /pol/ is a Christian board. Opposed to degeneracy, homosexuality, and especially Islam, Christ-chan is as DEUS VULT as they come. Fundamentalist and evangelical, she is a great role model for heretics and the non-religious, who should repent and put their faith in our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, otherwise may God have mercy on their souls.
No-photo-available.png Poseidon The Greek god of the seas and other bodies of water, the mountains and for some reason, horses. Poseidon guards the seas of the Mediterranean and sweeps away "refugee" rafts and capsizes "migrant" ships with his mighty hands and pulls the little shitters into his unforgiving depths since it never occurred to the shitskin faggots to learn how to swim. His terrifying command over the seas caused many /pol/lacks to sacrifice to the wet deity to in an effort to shove more refugee children beneath the cold waves while riding on them to victory.
Sleepynigger.jpg Carson Black scientist not named Neil deGrasse Tyson, and "famed" neurosurgeon that roasted Obama in a National Prayer Breakfast and consequently received the love of neocons the world over. Wrote a book, and eventually ran for the Republican nomination for President in 2016. While his campaign was initially successful, by the Iowa caucus he had been completely forgotten in favor of Trump and Lyin Ted. Always looks asleep, which earned him nicknames such as "Sleepy Medicine Man" or "Sleepy Negro". Currently Secretary of HUD in Trump's cabinet.
Basedvik.jpg Viktor Orban Current Prime Minister of Hungary, well-known for his anti-Islam and anti-migrant stances that have put him at odds with the rest of the (((EU))). As a result Hungary experiences less terrorist attacks than its more progressive neighbors (no shit). Before the rise of Trump and other nationalist movements in the West, Based Viktor was one of the most prominent conservative figures on the board who actually led his nation, and still leads it to this day, speaking out against George Soros and his cronies.
Clockmed.jpg Clockmed Some arab kid that became the center of media controversy after creating a "clock" that looked like a briefcase bomb for a school science project. The """bigoted""" response by conservatives coerced President Obama to bring the kid to the White House and give him tons of gibs for standing up to "racism." Got a full scholarship for schooling in oh-so-tolerant Qatar, and promptly disappeared from the limelight. It was most likely a false flag designed to portray Muslims in a positive light in the media, but it didn't stop /pol/ from labelling Ahmed Mohamed a terrorist mudslime.
Obongo44.jpg 44 Obongo 44th President of the United States, and recipient of a lot of /pol/ hate from 2008-2016, as he would be the first African-American (and Kenyan-born) president in the country's history. Of course, he was a Democrat, and advocated for progressivism in every sense of the word, imposing a government-mandated health-care system, importing refugees, and stirring racial tensions among several things. After jinxing his party by stating that Trump would never become President, he was cucked and forced to handle over the Oval Office to a true leader.
Thedailyreminder.jpg 29 Daily Reminder Today he will remind you that /pol/ is The irreverent board on the 4CC and 4chan itself.
Euphoric.jpg 8 Euphoric Atheist During the early 2010's, the Atheist movement hit young people across the internet. Fueled by such visionaries as a fat guy who shoved a banana up his ass on video, a redneck, and an anorexic woman, edgy kids began rejecting the word of God. However, as soon as these kids grew up and finished going through their phases, the movement came to an abrupt end. One atheist redactor's stupid post would become a meme attributed to several prominent atheist scientists: “Just to be clear, I’m not a professional ‘quote maker’. I’m just an atheist teenager who greatly values his intelligence and scientific fact over any silly fiction book written 3,500 years ago. This being said, I am open to any and all criticism. ‘In this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of any phony god’s blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intelligence.’"
Strawman.jpg 12 Straw Man A player from a day when actual debates were held on /pol/ and not just shitposting, shilling, and newfags. Nothing like counter-acting your opponents formation by... counter-acting a formation he isn't even using? Calling out the strawman arguments in our enemy's faulty narrative is an assure way of staying on top of the table.
Whitepride.jpg 13 COME HOME WHITE MAN It is time, White Man. As the JQ began to become more frequently asked, and the concept of white genocide taking off on /pol/, it was only a matter of time before the European-American male would wake up and begin shitposting to make everything all 1933 once again. Whether it be by ethnostate or the old fashioned way (((democracy))), maybe one day all the hard work will pay off. 14/88
Degenerate.jpg 15 Degeneracy Degeneracy exists in many forms, whether it be the faggots from /lgbt/, the horsefuckers at /mlp/, or the weebs from the 6 gorillion /a/ proxies. /pol/ has always stood strong against such filth, and continues to as we look to purge the 4cc (and the world) of Jewish influence and hedonism. Whether we will throw the degenerates out of helicopters or reopen Auschwitz, you can be rest assured that /pol/ will be the sole survivor in this culture war.
Yahweh.jpg 4 GOD EXISTS Another reminder that /pol/ is a Christian board, and that God truly does exist. Also remember that if you don't believe in him, then you will roast in hell with the Muslims, Jews, atheists, and furries. You wouldn't want to spend the rest of eternity doing that would you? I guessed not, TIME TO REPENT!
Urbanyouth.png 24 Urban Youth The predecessor to the dindu nuffin meme you better know that these urban youths are well-educated gud bois dat would never rob a store, rape a girl, or attack anyone! They are on da honor rolls they stand up 2 da POLLLLECE hands up don't shoot
Taxationistheft.jpg 23 >taxation >not theft A cornerstone of libertarian and ancap philosophy, the concept that taxation is government-sponsored theft has stood the test of time. I mean, who wants to give money to the (((government))) to build roads roflmao?!
Dirtystatist.jpg 13 Statist A person who is in favor of big government, typically in the name of (((protectionism))) and (((workers rights))). (See: dirty communist, faggot, etc)
Austrianschool.jpg 23 Austrian Economics The Austrian school is a school of economic thought that values laissez-faire capitalism (the free market and no government regulation) and economic liberalism. Of course, this is the school of thought that anarcho-capitalists and libertarians embrace; it was most opposed to the Prussian school of economics, which advocated for more government intervention and protectionism. That being said, the libertarians on /pol/ were advocates of this philosophy, and idolized the school's primary figurehead Hayek (who also played for /pol/!)
Dailymail.png 6 >Daily Mail British fake news outlet. SAGE
Fauxnews.png 5 Fox News A "fair and balanced" media outlet bastardized by the left as being the epicenter of right-wing fake news, but in reality it is a neocon circle jerk for boomers to praise Israel and talk about how we need to invade Iraq a million times, deport Obama to Kenya, and elect John McCain and Mitt Romney as supreme rulers of the Christian States of America, subservient to great Zion. Ran by (((Rupert Murdoch))).
Buddhism.jpg 7 Peaceful Buddhist A newcomer to the /pol/ team, the peaceful buddhist made a name for himself in Myanmar after honing his inner-Serbia to remove kebab en masse. Wiping out a ton of Rohingya Muslims in mid-2017, he has garnered the anger of the international community, namely the (((UN))) for resisting Islamic incursion. His actions have shown that Buddhists are willing to defeat the religion of peace, and that Christians are indeed the most cucked religion in the present day. The Buddha must be proud.
Marine.jpg 18 Le Pen The leader of French far-right party Front Nationale (FN), and its nominee in the 2017 French Presidential Election. While her surprise victory in the first-round of the elections was enough to capture the attention of /pol/ who provided her support in the form of memes, she was utterly BTFO by radical centrist Emmanuel Macron, who united both the moderate right and left-wings of the horridly cucked nation. While France's condition continues to deteriorate, she may get another shot, but her failure did not warrant a spot on the /pol/ team come 2017.
Shadilay.jpg 77 Praise Kek With the rise of several far-right parties across the West, many curious alt-righters turned to providence in order to justify such miracles. Seeking justification for /pol/s crusades against the MSM and globalist elite, many /pol/lacks have come to believe in the intergalactic entity known as Kek, who rules through Chaos and meme magic. While the more radical sects of the board dismiss such heresy, the concept of meme magic has entranced much of the internet - from repeating digits to the success of Pepe.
Woovement.jpg ~Awoovement Similar to the characters of Ebola-chan and Afd-chan, the President Trump general on /pol/ (/ptg/) used an anime character to represent the growing grassroots movement created by the Donald during the 2016 presidential campaign. Still used to an extent by the board even after the election, the character was spawned thanks to Trump's emotional and exciting campaign rallies held across the United States, which /ptg/ followed closely.
Shockmaster.jpg Mike Pence Currently the Vice President of the United States, Mike "LGBBQ+" Pence ran alongside President Trump during a time where many moderate GOP members refused to support him. The Indiana governor gained immediately infamy by /lgbt/ groups thanks to his staunchly Christian beliefs, including his advocacy for shock therapy to electrocute the gay away. /pol/ only fueled the fire by creating a slew of nicknames for Pence, all pertaining to violence against homosexuals and the other 6 gorillion genders. Still plays for the /ptg/ team in the /pol/league.
Carlthecuck.jpg Carl the Cuck One of the two soy boys that rose to internet fame out of a video that showed a clash between Trump supporters and protesters. Along with fellow lefty AIDS Skrillex, Carl was best known for making a fool of himself on video, and as a result got roasted by /pol/ for embodying the stereotypical weak left-wing male. His catchphrase "ARE YOU KIDDING ME" may not resonate as much as Skrillex's, but it will remind everyone who participated in the 2016 meme crusade of the idiocy we had to compete with.
Mateen.jpg Kryptonite 4 the Sodomite A nickname for radical Islamist Omar Mateen, who rose to brief fame following his attack on a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida where he came decently close to beating Breivik's high score, killing 49 sodomites. While we here at /pol/ hate kebab and wish to see them removed, Mateen's actions helped Trump on the campaign trail as it showed an instance of violent Islamic terror. Nevertheless, he currently has the high score in acts of violence against the LGBTQAAIAAWTFLOLSMH#^# community.
Itsdacurrentyear.jpg Current Year British late night show host and absolute cuck John Oliver has never ceased to fail in delivering left-wing rhetoric on HBO to appease his simple-minded fans. One of his most atrocious catchphrases is that we need to adopt every single progressive talking point because it is "the current year". While this ideology is shared by fellow cuck Justin Trudeau, Oliver continues to shill out propaganda via his show, but /pol/ has not failed in memeing him as the little cuck he is. I MEAN COME ON, IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR. How can people possibly be having opinions different than mine in the current year. shoo shoo slimey limey'
Yeb.jpg ¡Jeb! Originally the favorite to capture the 2016 Republican presidential nomination, Jeb, the brother of President George W. Bush, had his plans derailed by the Donald's breakout onto the political scene. Trump, who absolutely manhandled Jeb in the debates, exposing him as a total weakling, would single-handedly bury the Bush dynasty's grave, and by the South Carolina primary, Jeb had dropped out of the running after polling below 5%. /pol/ celebrated his demise by playing "The End" by The Doors over the board following his concession. Currently on /ptg/
No-photo-available.png Cuck The go-to insult by /pol/lacks since 2016. Used in the same context as "faggot", it is derived from the term cuckold, which is a man who enjoys to watch someone have sex with his spouse/significant other. NOTE: IF YOU HAVE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PLAYER FEEL FREE TO ADD!
Elrato.jpg Ted Cruz Being Donald Trump's biggest opponent in the GOP primaries, the Texas senator was subject to intense roasting from the /pol/ meme machine. "Lyin' Ted" was targeted on about every facet of his being, from his potential Canadian citizenship and Cuban heritage, to the conspiracy theory that his father was the second shooter in the JFK assassination. After trying to undercut Trump, winning in the Iowa caucus, and being brought to the brink by Trump's chad persona, Cruz conceded after Trump secured the nomination, but remains in the US senate to this day.

Randlet.jpg Rand Paul Current senator from Kentucky that is most famous for being the son of libertarian icon Ron Paul, better known here as Doompaul. While retaining his father's political views, he had a decent following on /pol/ prior to Trump's burst onto the political scene. Ran for the Republican nomination for President in 2016, but his lack of charisma and the fact that Trump had much more interesting platforms doomed him from the start. Polling at single-digits, Randlet dropped out of the race, and remains in the Senate to this day as its lone libertarian figure.
Jilette.jpg 9 Penn Jillette Anarcho-capitalist magician and comedian, atheist, and shaving razor merchant. Best known on /pol/ for being the guy on the "Into the Trash it Goes" and "Opinion Discarded" memes which is used to discredit someone's opinion. Jillette's meme can be found on other boards on 4chan, but it truly originated from /pol/. One of the earlier members on the /pol/ team.
Ebolachan.jpg 17 Ebola-Chan In response to the 2014 Ebola outbreak in West Africa that briefly prompted a mainstream scare thanks to the virus's lethality, /pol/ began to worship the disease in the form of an anime character. The character took off and became a literal cartoon death cult that attracted the attention of various news outlets. It spread wider than Ebola itself, triggering African forums and reddit the world over. While the Ebola outbreak became an afterthought by 2015, Ebola-chan still pops up periodically in response to minor outbreaks in Africa, as /pol/ hopes that she returns to wreak havoc on the African continent once more.
Poklonskaya.jpg 17 Natalia Poklonskaya Attractive Russian politician who gained internet fame in 2014 after being appointed as the Chief Prosecutor for the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, the Russian-backed state created after the country's liberation of the Crimea peninsula after the (((Maidan Coup))). Currently deputy of the State Duma, or basically the Russian legislature. Many anime and cartoon likenesses of her person were drawn in internet communities from 4chan to reddit, solidifying her status as a sex symbol, especially in Eastern Europe.
Themarket.jpg 17 Free Market Will Fix It Many people don't realize that an intense government bureaucracy isn't necessary in order to maintain the capitalist system. In fact, it often worsens the problem, leading to massive government spending, higher taxes, and a decrease in the overall standard of living. If only the free market was allowed to correct its problems we could live in a more free economy as well as nation. As a meme, the free market can fix literally anything.
Kikerchan.jpg Kiker Chan Some Russian albino girl named Nastya Zhidkova, who was likely worshipped back in the old days of /pol/ for... you guessed it... being almost as white as Stormfront. NOTE: IF YOU HAVE MORE INFORMATION ABOUT THIS PLAYER FEEL FREE TO ADD!
Itsmark.jpg Mark O'Mara A criminal defense lawyer, best known for being the defense attorney for George Zimmerman, successfully getting /ourguy/ off the hook for killing a dindu so he can play for /pol/ in the 4cc.
Stormfront1488.jpg 14 Stormfront /pol/s most revered veteran, currently leading the team in all-time goals with 54. The perfect Aryan male, he was on the team from its inception all the way up until 2018, when a poor performance in the 2017 Autumn Babby Cup resulted in his ousting from the team. While that game, which consisted of Stormfront and Dindu Nuffin single-handedly losing the game against /tg/ and getting eliminated, was harsh for fans of the team, Stormfront is still arguably /pol/s most respected player for leading the team for nearly six years.