/sp/ Roster

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The players that will represent Sp icon.png /sp/ in the next cup.


Pos. No. Name Picture Description
1 >de gay Degea.jpg >de gay
23 Part Time Film Director Part Time Film Director.jpg Proof that you do not have to be a full time goalkeeper to be good


Pos. No. Name Picture Description
4 >Schalke Oldspmeme.jpg To the 2014 /wc/ babbies, this refers to an event that happened a long time ago. 4chan posting went down years ago, and the front pages of boards got stuck in place. This left /sp/ with a thread on the front page that mocked a recent result for Schalke in the Bundesliga which had some interesting imagery involving black people. By the time 4chan posting got fixed, it was time for American /sp/, and so the Americans who didn't know what the fuck was going on were amused and kept posting >Schalke.
35 Lelbron Lelbron.jpg >leshook
13 Tony Kornheiser Tony-Kornheiser.jpg WHY.jpg
11 Le Cut Inside Man LCIASM.jpg The nickname given to Arjen Robben due to how he constantly cuts inside during matches.
31 Universal Choking Sign A logo.png Pic unrelated
18 18-1 18and1.jpg One of the greatest chokes in the history of the NFL. The New England Patriots still get shit for this to this day since losing the Super Bowl against a wild card team was that much of an embarrassment.
3 An Horse Horse.jpg Is An Horse an athlete? Fuck it, put him in the team.


No. Name Picture Description
96 THIS DOES NOT FOOKIN' SLIP 1324044528303.jpg *slips*
43 >he does it for free Janitor.jpg NO MONETARY COMPENSATION
10 Punished Messi Punished Messi.jpg Some events in the previous season got Messi to no longer be "Punished," but due to poor performances in the 2018 world cup, he had become punished again.
33 amd amx Amdamx.jpg >Max Verstappen. It's an F1 thing that I was really surprised at the time about the amount of votes he got.
6 £100M for a dabbing Dembele Pogba.jpg Manchester United might have paid a tad too much for Paul Pogba.
12 UNEXPOSABLE Zidane.jpg >le "win everything with a stacked Real Madrid team" man
9 >Torres Tfwnogf.png >tfw no champions league trophy with Atletico Madrid


No. Name Picture Description
89 George Costanza George-Costanza.png http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTwE7xDZkPk
>needing to watch this video
7 TSUUUUUUUUUUUUU Tsu.jpg A weird yell from Cristiano Ronaldo during his acceptance speech at a FIFA Ballon d'Or ceremony. It's posted to mock his lackluster performances against big teams, while also downplaying his good performances against weak teams. Recently, he was promoted to being /sp/'s captain due to Portugal finally winning a major trophy.


Name Description
RGKnee A quarterback from the Cleverland Browns whose injuries practically ruined his career already.
YOU LIKE THAT AKA, Captain Kirk from the Washington R******s
Who /a/ here? A phrase used by anime fans on /sp/ to call out fellow anime fans in a thread. This can lead to many responses with anime images, pissing off other /sp/artans who dislike the medium.
VETTELWINSLOL Formula 1 meme
Is Flacco Elite? He won a Super Bowl, so he must be. Could also be called >120 MILLION DOLLARS
/trb/ The name for Football Manager threads on /sp/. Sometimes known as /lgc/ - little girls club.
UTV Archiver A shitstorm from the /trb/ threads where some anon made a 96 page pdf file with lots of weird shit based on a tripfag named UTV. There were even a few videos in the pdf that gave the impression of that anon being in UTV's house without him knowing.
Lad Banter It's just banter, m8.
Outlaw The name shitposters gave themselves as part of a movement against the more strict moderation that /sp/ faces today.
eatdatpussy445 A really fat and really black Filthydelphia Iggles fan from youtube who has gotten angry as hell at the team on his videos more than once. He visited /sp/ briefly with a tripcode and was scared away by /b/-tards calling him a nigger.
Vaughncouver Classic /hoc/ image of Vince Vaughn pointing at a player.
Michael Wilbon Because.jpg
I really, really like women He really, really likes them
System Babby A player performs better when the team around him is helpful? Must be a system babby...
Nerman Brazil's top meme
>still at the stadium It's been hours since the match, did he really wait that long for a short interview on MOTD?
>poop The nickname given Manchester City's manager, Pep Guardiola.
Roast Solo DON'T POST IT
Please Watch Our League Please.
Refball The MVP of every major sport.