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User:MarcoZ/dt18 Files Breakdown

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To be republished as an ""official"" wiki file maybe

A very rough summary of what does what in PES's dt18 constants file, as best I can gleam.


In programming, a constant is a value that can't be modified during execution, as opposed to a variable. It's used for shorthand (such as declaring the value of Pi as a constant named "PI" in lieu of typing it each and every time you use it in a calculation) or configurations that don't need to be changed during the program's run time.

In Konami's case, they contain a multitude of values used throughout the game that have stayed mostly consistent since PES16 (although there are some notable additions and omissions through the years) loaded before the match starts up, that we can manipulate for our purposes. However, remember that this is only one factor in a calculation we do not know the other parts of, and neither when it is executed. As such, what follows are educated guesses of what each object does.


We're mainly interested in 3 files: constant_match, constant_player and constant_team. There are other consequential files - such as all of the positional files for corner kicks and free kicks, but as those work OK in the stock game, we can ignore them for now.

Match contains objects relating to the match itself, such as the ball's physics, the difficulty, the ratings, some AI stuff etc.

Player contains objects pertaining only the player who currently has the cursor on them at the time. This file has the most descriptive names, but most of it is actual gameplay stuff (how fast should the gauge charge after pressing the button? that sort of thing), and it's not as useful as it may sound.

Team contains objects retaining every non-cursored player in the field, as well as their actions and their positions off the ball. This is a very important file and most of the focus of any AI Coach Mode patch should be here. basically all-important file for all future PES endeavours


  • animeAgingDribble contains some vestigal animation debug stuff. Unlikely to be of use, except for a single "angle add" value which may tweak how much the player turns before executing dribbles. Untested as of yet
  • animeAgingFreeMove same as the above.
  • animeAgingKick same as the above.
  • animeAgingTrap same as the above.
  • ball contains all of the fixed ball physics, which are weather dependant. Stuff such as speed, roll, curve, drag is here.
  • cameraInplay and
  • cameraSetplay both contain some camera parameters. Untested as of yet
  • command is a small file that enables\disables some stuff you can cancel by pushing dash. Irrelevant for us.
  • cpuLevel has all the difficulty toggles, for non coach mode AI. Irrelevant for us.
  • cursor contains cursor switch distance, width and wait\suspend time. Used to mitigate the "cursor bug"
  • feintCommand is unknown lol
  • injury contains the amount of damage each injury will inflict on your player. Unfortunately this seems to be Master League related and not injury likelyhood.
  • inplayDemo is unknown lol
  • mlScreenShot contains some settings for the ingame camera in master league mode. Irrelevant for us.
  • modeMatchup seems to be related to how the goalkeeper interacts with the attacking striker. Untested as of yet.
  • pes15Test contains some fixed gauge settings for setpieces.
  • pesSmart is where some of the more important AI values are, including some stamina effects, AI GK skills and defensive closing rate.
  • rating contains all of the rating calculations for ratings at the end of the match.
  • setplayGuideCommon has some setpiece-related AI values.
  • setplayGuideCornerKick,
  • setplayGuideFreeKickFar,
  • setplayGuideFreeKickMiddle,
  • setplayGuideFreeKickNear,
  • setplayGuideGoalKick all have parameters relating to the specific setpiece: kick speed\power, back\side\top spin the player can impart to the ball and angles and distance ranges. Untested for now.
  • teamEmotion is unknown as it isn't well mapped. Probably doesn't work for exhibition though because it has some specific nerfs for away teams which would rig the game.
  • throwin is very similar to the setplayguide files, with some additional support and a couple of values for fast throw ins.
  • userPlayTendencyTest is unknown lol


  • avoid has some variables for when the cursored player is part of a wall or needs to avoid the ball.
  • ballplayer is a mess and not fully mapped, unknownlol
  • ballplayerAnalyze is a dummy file.
  • ballplayerClear is a dummy file.
  • ballplayerDebug is a dummy file?
  • ballplayerDribble is a dummy file.
  • ballplayerFeint is a dummy file.
  • ballplayerGk relates to when the GK has the ball at his feet while in play (AKA not in a setpiece)
  • ballplayerPass is a dummy file.
  • ballplayerSetplay contains some setpiece related stuff, such as freekick and throw in range.
  • ballplayerShoot contains some values relating to shot power, range, and maximum angle.
  • block has a couple of variables relating to when the cursored player needs to block the ball with his body. Note
  • centering contains all the parameters for crosses.
  • contact has ragdoll speed\size stuff. (funny shit potential very good)
  • dribble has some angles relative to dribbling, as well as a couple of toggles, including "drunk mode" (players always stagger)
  • flypass contains all the parameters for long passes.
  • freemove is as of yet untested.
  • gk contains animation parameters, wait times and position rates for the GK.
  • goalKick has angle and distances for said setpieces.
  • grounderpass has short pass and lobs' max and minimum distances and angles, as well as "receive speed".
  • matchup contains angle\distances relative to when the player with the cursor is pressing for the ball.
  • motivation may or may not control condition buffs or momentum. It only has minimum and maximum effect.
  • moveOnPass regulates how many frames it takes before the player chases the ball, and how far is the ball before he gives up
  • passget contains values related to interceptions (mostly untested as of now)
  • penaltykick has a few values relating to PKs, but focusing on real players, not coach mode.
  • playStyle is unmapped lol
  • press only has "High Ball Press Speed Adjust" as a toggle. (Default off)
  • reaction only has "Think Wait Timer" as a toggle. (Default on)
  • shoot has min\max distances for shots, and a bunch of preset speed for how much you fill the power gauge. Not entirely sure it all works with the AI.
  • sliding contains animation speeds for slides. Although this probably doesn't mean sliding tackle, but sliding shots\passes.
  • tackle contains all tackling values - animation speeds, angle limits that enable it in 3 levels, a lot of toggles, safety rate (the less it is, the more likely they're to tackle and get caught), the forecast hit rate and more.
  • throughpass contains angle, distance, speed, search length, vertical angles, as well as parameters for receiving said throughpasses. This probably only affects ground throughpasses.
  • trap is not Astolfo, but Offside Trap related stuff. (as of yet untested)


  • basePosition is the most important object of the file. This thing regulates how every single one of the 20 outfielders of the pitch work, how the DF, MF, and FW keep lines, how grouped up they are, how wide they are, how likely they are to compact up, minimum and maximum levels, and so on and so forth. It also allows you to fuck with the ranges of user adjustable defensive line, If you're a real football nerd and want to get into this, just read the constants' names and then start fucking with the file.
  • centeringGet only has centeringGetPattern which is set to "5"
  • combination has some values that seem to relate with one-twos, but it's a very short file.
  • defence regulates how non-cursored player press and keep "matchups" with the opposing teams' players, AKA how long and for how much they press. Also has hard coded wait times and minimum frames to press, so you can effectively buff\nerf through tweaking those.
  • defenceCover regulates distances\angles related to player marking. This seems to mostly relate to aerial challenges and first-time shots.
  • defenceMark regulates all marking for non-cursored players, X/Z distances, angles, continue thresholds, etc.. This contains 10 special values for the Box to Box playstyle, effectively making it better at marking.
  • diagonalRun is for dummy running to displace the opposite defence; this contains four special values for the playstyle.
  • lineBreak regulates when a non-cursored offender tries to break through the defence. Contains four values (checkAreaScore, checkAreaScore_lineBreaker, checkInterceptScore and checkInterceptScore_lineBreaker) that essentially regulate goalscoring; the higher the number, the better the shot will be from a striker.
  • overlap only contains a couple of checks.
  • pairAnime has stamina effects, a bunch of wait timers and more that seem to relate to player contact (when being marked and such)
  • pullAway has values relating to when a player needs to break away from being marked.
  • selectorVision probably regulates the amount of players that get pulled away to execute diagonalRun, lineBreak, pullAway, and spaceRun moves. Basically for counters and throughballs.
  • spaceRun is basically the "chance creation" object. This regulates the non ball carriers' teammates likelihood to try and create a chance, request a pass and score. Like lineBreak, it has a couple vital values for chance quality: checkInterceptScore and checkInterceptScore_good regulate first-time shots like acrobatic finishes (and are set horrendously low in the stock games), while checkScore and checkScore_good regulate other chances.
  • subConcept is a massive array of toggles that make it possible to enable more varied breakaway plays, such as a bunch of one-twos that are normally disabled. About half are normally disabled.
  • support contains parameters for non-cursored teammates coming to support the ball carrier.
  • teamId is probably for rigging licensed teams, but we don't use those slots.