/vg/ League Exports

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Revision as of 22:29, 27 November 2014 by Boksi (talk | contribs)
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/vg/ League 3

Post to your team's export section, or post a link to download you team's export. It would help if you separate the export and the aesthetics download.

DEADLINE IS November 28th, 23:59:59 UTC

FOR THOSE WITHOUT A TEAM PAGE copy/paste http://implyingrigged.info/wiki/[/TEAM/]/

Team Link
5N@F icon.png /5N@F/ Export Aesthetics: To Come Soon
Acg icon.png /acg/ If I fucked this up, I can upload the correct thing once I come home from work

Aesthetics: Soon, they're not finished

Civ4xg icon.png /civ4xg/ [[]]
Csgog icon.png /csgog/ [[1]]
Dng icon.png /dng/ [[]]
Domg icon.png /domg/ [Export]
Feg icon.png /feg/ [[2]]
Gsg icon.png /gsg/ [Export] Aesthetics: Soon
Gtag icon.png /gtag/ [[]]
Drg icon.png /drg/ [[]]
Igg icon.png /igg/ [[3]]
Kspg icon.png /kspg/ Export Aesthetics
Lolg icon.png /lolg/ [[]]
Mgg icon.png /mgg/ [[]]
Nepgen icon.png /nepgen/ [[]]
Pdg icon.png /pdg/ [[]]
Rsg icon.png /rsg/ [[4]]
Rs07g icon.png /rs07g/ [[]]
Ssbg icon.png /ssbg/ [[5]] Just change one CB to all 77s and 3,3,4,4 named Pac Man as this is all I could do to fix the blank player problem
Sthg icon.png /sthg/ [6]
Twg icon.png /twg/ [[]]
Vitagen icon.png /vitagen/ [[]]
Wtg icon.png /wtg/ [[7]]
Xcg icon.png /xcg/ [/xcg/port ] [/xcg/thestics]