
From Rigged Wiki
Revision as of 04:22, 10 November 2015 by BasedSmugleaf (talk | contribs)
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Hey there.

Current manager of /gd/.
Also the manager /igg/ in the /vg/ League.

Fan of every board I visit including /gd/, /d/, /f/, /sci/, /sp/, /vg/, /vp/, /wg/, and some other boards that we don't speak about.

I also help out a lot with aesthetics so if you need any faces or blenders made contact me and I'll be happy to help.

Useful Links



>>>Aesthetic work


The Jews did 9/11 --M3OWMlX (talk) 18:25, 29 April 2015 (UTC)

Newevo Elites

Newevo Elite is a term used to describe teams that have not missed an Elite Cup.
Current Newevo Elite teams are:

Ck logo.png
/ck/ - Food and Cooking
Mu logo.png
/mu/ - Music

Secondary Newevo Elite is a term used to describe teams that started in a Babby Cup (or Qualifier), then moved on the the main cup, and have not missed an Elite Cup since.
Current Secondary Newevo Elite teams are:

Gd logo.png
/gd/ - Graphic Design
Wg logo.png
/wg/ - Wallpaper General

Newevo Elitesterisk is a term used to describe teams whose status as Newevo Elite is in question, for whatever reason.
Current Newevo Elitesterisk teams are:

Asp logo.png
/asp/ - Alternative Sports*
H logo.png
/h/ - Hentai*