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/pol/ Roster

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This is the roster of players for /pol/.

Statistics are begun at the 2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup due to lack of archived data.

Sub Starter Silver Gold

Active Roster

Pos. Picture No. Name Description Caps Goals Assists Saves Fouls
PolBUILDWALL.png 22 BUILD WALL It is time to make sure Mexico sends no more rapists and murderers. ?? 0 0 2 0
PolJIDF.png 1 JIDF Leading the Fight Against Antisemitism & Terrorism. Coordinating Concerned Citizens Globally. Promoting Israel, Jewish Pride, Knowledge, and Unity. But more importantly keeping the /pol/ goal-net safe from those racist racist goals. ?? 0 0 ?? 0
PolAssad.jpg 99 Assad If there's a man out there who you can simply not Mossad, it would certaintly be the based Syrian leader & career /pol/ack goalkeeper Assad. ?? 0 0 ?? 0
PolRapefugeesWelcome.png 72 Rapefugees Welcome 0 0 0 0 0
File:PolWeWuzKangs.jpg 25 WE WUZ KANGZ we wuz kingz n sheit fam i swear to god n my fam we wus desendin from egyp man u tryin tell me dat them egyps ova dere they be black man look at they skin nigga we goin to space n shit nigga look at my gramma she part egytian them white peple they tryin ruin our lyfes you tellin me king tut wasnt my greatgreat grandpappy dont you know romans was ruled by blacks 0 0 0 0 0
PolDEUSVULT.jpg 7 DEUS VULT The time as come for the heretics to meet their demize; The God serving Knights have risen once more to fight the Holy War and take back the Christian lands from the goat-loving sand monkeys. Si Deus Pro Nobis, Quis Contras Nos? ?? 0 0 0 0
File:PolCurrentYear.png 16 Current Year I MEAN COME ON, IT'S THE CURRENT YEAR. How can people possibly be having opinions different than mine in the current year. shoo shoo slimey limey 0 0 0 0 0
File:PolRedpill.png 24 Red Pill This is your last chance. After this, there is no turning back. You take the blue pill - the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill - you stay on /pol/ and I show you how deep the rabbit-hole goes. ?? 0 0 0 Booked 1
PolDoomPaul.jpg 12 Doom Paul IT'S HAPPENING 3 0 0 0 0
PolMoonman.png 14 Moonman ?? 0 0 0 0
PolBenGarrison.png 28 Ben Garrison Prominent anti-Semite and leader of the American Nazi Party's Ministry of Public Enlightenment. ?? 0 0 0 0
File:PolZimmerman.jpg 10 Zimmerman CAN'T FLIM FLAM THE ZIM ZAM. CAN'T SIMMER THE ZIMMER. ?? 0 0 0 0
14 Stormfront Perfect Aryan male ?? 0 0 0 0
PolJews.png 6 Jews Oy Vey. The greatest collectors of shekels ever. Remember the 6 gorillion. 0 0 0 0 0
PolHitler.png 88 Hitler The Führer 3 0 0 0 0
PolDonaldTrump.png 76 Donald Trump The unstumpable. Self-made billionaire who believes in eliminating enemies and making America great again. 4 0 0 0 0

Retired Players

Pos. Picture Name Description Caps Goals Assists Saves Fouls
File:PolDorner.png Dorner YOU CAN'T CORNER THE DORNER. Not with a large manhunt, not with shots on goal. ?? 0 0 ?? 0
File:PolDailyReminder.png Daily Reminder Today he will remind you that /pol/ is The irreverent board on the 4CC and 4chan itself. ?? 0 0 0 Booked 1
File:PolComeHomeWhiteMan COME HOME WHITE MAN It is time, White Man. ?? 0 0 0 0
PolStrawman.png Straw Man Nothing like counter-acting your opponents formation by... counter-acting a formation he isn't even using? Calling out the strawman arguments in our enemy's faulty narrative is an assure way of staying on top of the table. ?? 0 0 0 0
PolJihadiJohn.png Jihadi John قطع رأس الذين يهينون الله النبي الحقيقي محمد شاكر تحدث الحقيقة السويد هو لنا ، وسوف يموت أوروبا إلى الإسلام, TAKBIRRRR ALLAHU ACKBAR! ?? 0 0 0 Booked 1
File:PolDinduNuffin.png Dindu Nuffin He dindu nuffin, he a good boi he was a honor roll student he's been goin to church every week 'bout to get his lyf on track we need mo money fo dem programs das rayciss man poleece brutality hands up dont shoot ?? 0 0 0 0
PolChristChan.png Christ Chan Reminder that /pol/ is a christian board 0 0 0 0 0
File:PolRandPaul.jpg Rand Paul ?? 0 0 0 0