
From Rigged Wiki
Revision as of 02:07, 13 March 2018 by Darkbow (talk | contribs)
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[[File:{{#rreplace:4ccc}} logo.png|250px]]
/4ccc/ - N/A
Team color
HEX color 8cc642
Team music
Anthem Anthem name

Goal horn Goal horn name


|team= Team abbreviation, without slashes.
|motto= Motto of the team. Use {{tt}} if it's from another language.
|name= Name of the team, complete.
|bgcolor= (Optional) Header background color in HEX code.
|txtcolor= (Optional) Header text color in HEX code.
|date= Date the team was founded.
|manager= (Optional) The in-game manager, (ex: Grandpa Tetsujin)
|owner= (Optional) The in-game owner of the team.
|irl= IRL manager, use {{Anonymous}}.
|color1= Team color in HEX code.
|color2= (Optional) Team secondary color in HEX code.
|color3= (Optional) Third team color in HEX code. Will enable the section 'Extra Team Color'
|color4= (Optional) Fourth team color in HEX code.
|hex= HEX color used for your team at several places on the wiki.
|color= Name of the HEX color.
|ranking= (Optional) Current ranking.
|high_ranking= (Optional) Highest ranking.
|high_date= (Optional) Date of highest ranking (month, year).
|low_ranking= (Optional) Lowest ranking.
|low_date= (Optional) Date of lowest ranking (month, year).
|elo= (Optional) Highest ELO ranking.
|high_elo= (Optional) Highest ELO ranking.
|high_elo_date= (Optional) Date of highest ELO ranking (month, year).
|low_elo= (Optional) Lowest ELO ranking.
|low_elo_date= (Optional) Date of lowest ELO ranking (month, year).
|scorer= Top scorer.
|goals= Goals scored by top scorer.
|assister= Top assister.
|assists= Assists performed by top assister.
|captain= Team captain.
|nickname= Nickname given to the fans/team.
|anthem= Link to the main anthem.
|a_title= Main anthem title.
|altanthem1_what= Kind of alternate anthem (victory, K/O, MotM, etc.)
|altanthem1= Link to the alternate anthem.
|altanthem1_title= Alternate anthem title.
|altanthem2_what= Kind of alternate anthem (victory, K/O, MotM, etc.)
|altanthem2= Link to the alternate anthem.
|altanthem2_title= Alternate anthem title.
|altanthem3_what= Kind of alternate anthem (victory, K/O, MotM, etc.)
|altanthem3= Link to the alternate anthem.
|altanthem3_title= Alternate anthem title.
|altanthem4_what= Kind of alternate anthem (victory, K/O, MotM, etc.)
|altanthem4= Link to the alternate anthem.
|altanthem4_title= Alternate anthem title.
|altanthem5_what= Kind of alternate anthem (victory, K/O, MotM, etc.)
|altanthem5= Link to the alternate anthem.
|altanthem5_title= Alternate anthem title.
|altanthem6_what= Kind of alternate anthem (victory, K/O, MotM, etc.)
|altanthem6= Link to the alternate anthem.
|altanthem6_title= Alternate anthem title.
|altanthem7_what= Kind of alternate anthem (victory, K/O, MotM, etc.)
|altanthem7= Link to the alternate anthem.
|altanthem7_title= Alternate anthem title.
|altanthem8_what= Kind of alternate anthem (victory, K/O, MotM, etc.)
|altanthem8= Link to the alternate anthem.
|altanthem8_title= Alternate anthem title.
|altanthem9_what= Kind of alternate anthem (victory, K/O, MotM, etc.)
|altanthem9= Link to the alternate anthem.
|altanthem9_title= Alternate anthem title.
|horn= Link to the main goal horn.
|gh_title= Main goal horn title.
|altgh1_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|althorn1= Link to the alternate goal horn.
|altgh1_title= Alternate horn title.
|altgh2_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|althorn2= Link to the second alternate goal horn.
|altgh2_title= Alternate second horn title.
|altgh3_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|althorn3= Link to the third alternate goal horn.
|altgh3_title= Alternate third horn title.
|altgh4_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|althorn4= Link to the fourth alternate goal horn.
|altgh4_title= Alternate fourth horn title.
|altgh5_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|althorn5= Link to the fourth alternate goal horn.
|altgh5_title= Alternate fourth horn title.
|altgh6_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|althorn6= Link to the fourth alternate goal horn.
|altgh6_title= Alternate fourth horn title.
|altgh7_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|althorn7= Link to the fourth alternate goal horn.
|altgh7_title= Alternate fourth horn title.
|altgh8_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|althorn8= Link to the fourth alternate goal horn.
|altgh8_title= Alternate fourth horn title.
|altgh9_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|althorn9= Link to the fourth alternate goal horn.
|altgh9_title= Alternate fourth horn title.
|kithome= (Optional) Filename for the home kit.
|kitaway= (Optional) Filename for the away kit.
|kitgk= (Optional) Filename for the GK kit.
|kit3= (Optional) Filename for the third kit.
|kit4= (Optional) Filename for the foruth kit.
|kit5= (Optional) Filename for the fifth kit.
|kit6= (Optional) Filename for the sixth kit.
|kit7= (Optional) Filename for the seventh kit.
|kit8= (Optional) Filename for the eighth kit.
|kit9= (Optional) Filename for the ninth kit.