/c/ Roster

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/c/ Roster updated to Summer 2019.
Main team page here


Name Number Position Image Description
Ika-chan 1
Ika.jpg Said to come from the sea, she constantly dreams of conquering the surface world as payback for humans polluting the ocean. Keeps the ball cleared with her gripping tentacles.
Let's All Love Lain 2
Lets All Love Lain.jpg Coming all the way from the wired, Lain wants to show why we should all love Lain.
Smugs 15
Oh So Smug.jpg Post all your smug cuties.
Анастасия 20
Anastasia.jpg Popular idol, avid stargazer, and now professional athlete! Anya is here to show people that idols can do anything!
EVA Autism 6
Rei threads.png EVA threads especially the Rei threads have a lot of special things going on for a /c/ thread.
Happy Birthday! 21
Birthday.png It's birthday time! Every girl gets a birthday thread but what better way to celebrate a birthday than with a win!
Fluffy 18
Fluffy.gif After noticing that Nishizumi-dono had joined the team, Yukari joined up to see if she could gain more admiration from her captain, but will her fluffy hair and love for tanks be enough to help her play football.
Every Girl Best Girl 19
All Best Girls.jpg There are no worst girls, only best girls!
No Lewding 10
No Lewding.png Do not lewd any girls on /c/!
Do It For Her 8
Do It For Her.png Always remember your waifu and to do it for her.
Yui Hirasawa Captain 11
Yui.png Though a great player, she can only seem to focus on one thing at a time. Plays for a band as lead guitarist and vocalist during her spare time.


Name Number Position Image Description
Do NOT Bully 16
Do NOT Bully.jpg Never bully! Cute anime girls are specifically not for bully and rudeposters should go elsewhere as /c/ is a no bully zone! Also don’t forget that scoring a goal against /c/ is considered bullying and should be avoided at all costs.
Yay! 5
Yay!.jpg Yay? Yay! Kanpai! Nyaa! Awoo! Yes! Hooray! Yay~ Now you’re getting it, girls cheering, celebrating, jumping in elation, or just reacting with positivity!
从x˵╹ ◡ ╹˶x从 17
Yuno.jpg Returned to the pitch apparently in search of inspiration for an art project, she's hoping to do well.
Cuties of Yesterday 22
Coy.jpg Cute when they first aired, still cute today, and even in another couple of decades they will still be cute. No amount of time will make us forget about the original cute anime girls who set the standard for being kawaii.
Tamamo Tuesday 4
Tamamotuesday.jpg >tfw tuesday
Why do you love Mami-san? 12
LoveMami.png Is it because of her strength, courage, compassion, beauty, or kindness? Is it because she’s the person you strive to be like in your day to day life? Or is it because you just find her cute? Tell us /c/, why do you love Mami-san?
Korbo 2
Korbo.jpg This fluffy wolf girl wants to use the skills of a Goddess to help on the pitch.
Kongou Desu 7
Kongoudesu.jpg While boatgirls are a staple of /c/, the big question is if they’re as good on the pitch as they are on the open water.
Radical Meido 3
RadicalMeido.jpg Maids are cute, skateboarding is cool, it was a match made in heaven.
Cute Little Fang 18
LittleFang.jpg Cute! Fang! While they are an extremely cute addition to a girl and are super important, the connection between a cute fang and doing well at divegrass must be tested.
Tomoko Trip 9
Tomoko.png They're everywhere you can find Tomoko on /c/.
Awoo~ 23
Awoo~.jpg This is now an awoo thread. awooooooooo~



Name Number Position Image Description
Karin Hanazono -
Karin.jpg Was let go from the team despite of her relatively good performance due to being irrelevant to the board.
Madotsuki -
Mado.jpg Was transferred to /jp/ at the request of /jp/'s management.
Dawn -
Dawn.jpg After getting seemingly no playtime at all under /c/'s new management, Dawn decided her days in /c/ were over and left the team. Will she be playing for /vp/ in the future? Time will tell.
Haruka Amami -
Haruka.jpg Put her boots on the shelf to keep working on her singing career, since her playtime was limited. Now performs /c/'s anthem together with the 765 Pro Allstars.
Nia Teppelin -
Nia.jpg Had to make room for new blood and is no longer on the team.
Sailor Moon -
Sailormoon.jpg The veteran decided that her days of playing football were over and retired from /c/.
Moetron -
Moetron.jpg Moetron was deemed irrelevant to the board, and therefore sacked.
Buffalo Bell -
Buffalo.jpg Returned to her previous role as a mascot after feeling undervalued on the pitch.
Uiharu Kazari -
Uiharu.jpg After some controversy around her relationship to Saten of /jp/, retired completely voluntarily from the team.
Kawaii Means Cute -
Kawaii.jpg Taking a hard shot to the eye when blocking a free kick put an end to the promising career of this player.
Beako -
Beako.png このロリコンどもめ!!
Hinata Hyuuga -
Hinata.jpg Left the team amiably citing a feeling that she no longer belonged on /c/ and would like to try to find a place in a more appropriate team.
Chiyo Mihama -
Chiyo.jpg Deciding that she would rather follow her natural aptitude for a more academic path, left the team to return to her studies at university.
Nanami Madobe -
Nanami.png Felt that she had spread her advertisements as far as she could on the field, retiring from the team to return to more conventional methods of system promotion.
Bestia 8
Bestia.jpg Has left the team to pursue other things to be the best at.
Please Love Her 87
Sakawa.png As every girl is loved, the reminder was no longer needed. Replaced by a more simple way to appreciate the girls.
Here Be Vocals 14
Rin.jpg There go vocals.
Why Is She So Perfect? 15
Ruri.jpg While a good question, it was also a very simple one which was answered immediately. She just is, always has been, and always will be perfect.
2hu Hijack 7
Tewi.png Spot on /c/ was hijacked by tiny2hu lol
T-Toshinou Kyoukooooo~ 18
Toshinou.jpg Despite showing talent when she tried, laziness seemed to have got the best of her. Can now be found around the stadium eating ice cream.
Hotaru.jpg She decided that the world of candy and sweets were much more interesting than divegrass.
tiny2hu 23
Tiny2hu.png Apparently you can be too smol for divegrass
We Love You Iori 13
Iori.png Lovingly loved idol forever loved
My Wife is so Cute 5
My wife.jpg Reminder was unneeded as my wife will always be cute and that is just a fact of life.
Thread LXXX.png Not the most popular way to track threads although a few threads hold on to roman numerals.
/k/awaii /c/ommandos 9
Cute Girls and Cute Guns.jpg Put on temporary leave due to being called back into the line of duty.
qt Camping 4
Camping.jpg So unknowingly signing up Shimarin to play divegrass wasn’t the best idea. Returned to the great outdoors and the wonderful world of camping.
*pat* *pat* 12
Pat pat.jpg Found to be too distracting and in some cases, embarrassing for the girls.