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Amateur Drawfagging, Provisional Submanager of /a/ (Baito)

Summer 2014 Group Stage 4koma

Page 1 Victory Version What actually happened Page 3
unused due to /a/'s relegation

Other Art

WIP, /a/ advertising image
WIP, /a/-/jp/ joint advertising image, featuring Beaver and Speedslut from the game Filthy Secondary pls Go
WIP, Difficult Hair Girl from the show Im@s with Magical Girls
/toy/ promotional image before coloring.
WIP, /ak/ advertising image featuring characters from wargaming's new hit game Weeaboos on Tanks
WIP, future /a/ advertising image featuring le Frustrated Man. Whenever I can learn to draw 80s shit
future /a/ promo targeted at /snk/, featuring Homosexual Hitler Self-Insert from the series Attack on Heterosexuality
RIP /c/