Get out of /jp/
Due to her abrasiveness and bluntness, Marisa is the perfect candidate for letting people know that /jp/ is a board where bullshit is not tolerated. These qualities also make her an excellent captain for the team.
Billy Herrington
Popular vote
Popular icon of the Gachimuchi series, and easily recognizable for his figure and presence. RIP Billy ;_;7
The Narrative
Peko in Boots, the one who tricks the nousagi. She hides who she really is and pretends to be someone else forever. So in time she becomes that person, so her lie becomes the truth, see? She transcends the mask. That's how she finds happiness. That's pretty good, right?
Popular vote
These abominations with passing resemblances to Touhou characters aren't too good at playing football on virtue of having no legs, but seem to have an uncanny ability to attract all the tackles from the opposing players, which makes them a great distraction.
Captain Meido
Popular Vote
The trusty /jp/ meido is always there to keep crossboarders and shitposters at bay, so who better than her to stop the opponents attempts on the goal?
Nazono Mito
Nijisanji Thread
Stuck in Live2D? Become the 3D model yourself.
Lifelike gattai ;-;
Watching trains on streaming webcams? Based. Watching trains from the middle of the road with a gaggle of other autistic railfans and being a general public nuisance? Unbased. Get photobombed.
A stylized, catlike version of Arcueid Brunestud which serves as the mascot of Type-Moon, most famously appearing in Melty Blood. Because it's written by Nasu, it's naturally canon that she's not just real and distinct from the real Arcueid, but one of the most powerful characters in the setting.
Giant Yukari
She's a big girl.
Commentator note: pronounced "Teitokaze".
You can't learn Japanese. You don't even know how to score a goal.
Takahashi Shoko
JAV Thread
The song? Darude Sandstorm. The actress? Takahashi Shoko.
Pickle Bern
Ushiromiya Battler... I've turned myself into a pickle!
Watanabe Junnosuke
The founder of WACK, an idol company whose groups encompass a variety of "alternative" musical styles and aesthetics (punk, metal, etc). For his part, Watanabe is the producer for all of the WACK groups as well as a fashion designer and belligerent twitterer.
Kageyama Yuuka
Sakamichi General
The football autist of Hinatazaka46. Dortmund fan.
Gravure Thread
Measurements: B94 / W64 / H93 Cup Size: H Cup Height: 162cm
Monster Girl Thread
The single-eye is a sensual and overwhelmingly sexy organ. Single-eyed women are the best reproductive partners.
Virtual Youtuber
Brought back from the dead by request of the virtual youtuber thread. Perhaps the real YUA line is the grave.
Vocaloid Thread
Miku, but a nightmare. Officially recognized by Crypton, appearing in backgrounds and as accessories in various Project Diva games.
BJD Thread
A line of 1/6th scale vinyl figures made by Volks Inc., broadly considered the gold standard in ball jointed dolls. Individual dolls can cost upwards of $500 USD and come completely blank, being extensively customized by hobbyists with clothing, hair, and so on.
Touhou Lost Word
It's always 2AM somewhere.
Younger Sister
Elona Thread
My mount ate younger sister meat and suddenly turned into a younger sister. Now she won't hold a weapon even though I gene engineered her to do so. She didn't even make me breakfast. I want a divorce.