/jp/ Roster

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Sub Starter Silver Gold


Pos. Name Picture Description Playstyle
Slut Sanae 1406073734596.png SlutSanae is /jp/s trusted and lewd goalkeeper. Rigurous training, year long experience and ancestry to a legendary slut goddess turned Sanae into a true master at handling balls. In the beginning she was mocked as a just a second player Reimu, she soon became known for her acts on and off the field, leaving many dry after facing her. Now SlutSanae is a vital member of the team, playing a critical role in taking off the pressure on the team. She is not without weaknesses though, as she sometimes let's people too easily score on her and come inside.

-All her ten desires involve balls, and what's inside them.

-Original model by 鯖缶

Offensive Goalkeeper
Captain Meido Captainmeido.jpg The trusty /jp/ meido is always there to keep crossboarders and shitposters at bay, so who better than her to stop the opponents attempts on the goal?

-Original model by yas

Offensive Goalkeeper
truNEET TruNEET.jpg When she was told she was being drafted into the team, truNEET accepted but only under one condition: She would be on a position where she would have to do absolutely nothing. Since the manager position was already picked, we settled on the next best thing: third goalkeeper.

-Original model by kur

Defensive Goalkeeper


Pos. Name Picture Description Playsytle
(´・ω・`) Shobon.jpeg An emoticon that became (in)famous after it was used frequently in the 2ch story of Denko, where a lonely guy tries to get a girlfriend and fails spectacularly. NOTE TO COMMENTATORS: It's pronounced syobon, Defensive FB
Why is /jp/ so shitty? Bawson.jpg One day, Dawson Leery opened his favorite board with the intention of discussing 2hu feet, his favorite VN or maybe make a cheeky metathread complaining about tripfags. However, much to his dismay, what he found was an endless barrage of 3D idol generals, JAV threads and /a/ crossboarders. He started crying silently and asked to no one in particular: "Why is /jp/ so shitty?". Build Up
Lunarian Scum Remove lunarian.png Illegal aliens that came to Gensokyo to steal our jobs.

-Original model by フリック

wich2huwudufuq Getting a piece of that clown.PNG A question that keeps every Touhou fan up at night: Which Touhou would I fuck? Do you go for the innocent lolis like Cirno, or for the experienced hags like Yukari? Vanilla lovemaking with Youmu, or the most depraved sexual acts with Sanae? Do you go for a normal human girl like Reimu or Marisa or you prefer more exotic stuff, such as Wakasagihime? Whatever your tastes are, most likely there will be a Touhou that can satisfy them.

-Original model by Cresato,Yas,Kome-ken

Defensive FB
WhoRUQuoting Placeholder3.gif /jp/ likes to emulate their big brother 2chan on everything, and since greentexting is only used there to quote, /jp/ users get pretty confused whenever they see a crossboarder using it to tell a story or to make fun of someone. Defensive FB
Madotsuki Madotsuki.jpg Madotsuki is a mysterious player. She doesn't say much and no one really knows her name, but she can always be counted on to get stuck in when her team needs her. Defensive FB
No Bully No bully.jpeg Being a bully is one of the worst sins one can commit. You should always be polite and respectful when talking with your fellow /jp/sies. Unless you are talking to a filthy Kancollefag, then bullying is okay. Build Up
TAKE IT EASY! Takeiteasy.jpg These abominations with passing resemblances to Touhou characters aren't too good at playing football on virtue of having no legs, but seem to have an uncanny ability to attract all the tackles from the opposing players, which makes them a great distraction. PS=N/A


Pos. Name Picture Description Playsytle
Sachiko Sachiko.jpg Taken from the Idolm@ster wiki: "The standard skill for most of the girls in the game is to buff her own type, or debuff an opposing type. Sachiko's first S Rare was also the first card in the game to debuff its own kind, weakening enemy Cutes so that Sachiko could be the cutest." I feel there's no better description for her.

By the way, don't mention Fatalpulse near her fans.

Classic Number 10
Cirno Cirno.jpg Sometimes idoitic, always boastful, Cirno is a midfielder with an ice cold touch and a red hot passion. The Destroyer
Japanese Bird Japanesebird.jpg A budgie with a passion for cooking. His favorite dish to make is pasta, be it spaguetti or penne rigate. He and his other bird friends are protected /jp/ heritage. The Destroyer
sage Sage.png sage has lived better times. Ever since he became invisible, people seem to have forgotten he exists and have stopped using him, even as a downvote. But his invisibility has a silver lining to it, since he now can sneak into the opponent's goal without being spotted by the defense. Not a very ethical tactic, but you gotta play dirty sometimes. Hole Player
Get out of /jp/ Marisa get out of jp.png Due to her abrasiveness and bluntness, Marisa is the perfect candidate for letting people know that /jp/ is a board where bullshit is not tolerated. These qualities also make her an excellent striker for the team.

During Comiket, when the influx of Chinese visitors to /jp/ grows greatly, she sometimes gets help from Hong Meiling to remind them to get out.

-Original model by Ki

Creative Playmaker
Ohayou Ohayou.png Being the embodiment of mountain echoes, Kyouko Kasodani acts as the self-appointed Gensokyo alarm clock. Every day at 6 A.M she flies to the top of the Youkai Mountain and lets out an OHAYOU that wakes up everyone on Gensokyo. Despite earning the eternal hate of the lazier Gensokyans like this, she is very commited to this endeavor.

-Original model by みるちお

Corndog Tenshi Corndogtenshi.png Corndog Tenshi hails from historic Route 66 (or at least that's where we always find her). Her love of football is only surpassed by her love of corndogs.

-Original model by alva

Anchor Man
Billy Herrington Billy.jpg The man, the legend, the lord of the locker room. Billy is here to show the other teams who's boss of this gym, following the three principles of his philosophy: Saikin Darashinee na, Yugami nee na, and Shikata ga nai.

-Original model by Goropeco

The Destroyer
Fumos Fumos.jpg A brand of Touhou plushies that are popular on /jp/ due to their cuteness, their wide variety of characters and for being generally affordable. The Destroyer
Flanfly Flanfly.png It's always 2AM somewhere.

-Original model by Suke

Hole Player
内側に射精されることの喜びに Nakadashi.jpg A mysterious text written on a foreing language, /jp/'s experts have been trying to decipher it for years. For now, only three words have been translated: "Pleasure", "To go", and "interior". Hole Player


Pos. Name Picture Description Playsytle
Autism Autism.png A quality that every /jp/sie should have. It allows you to perfom feats such as 1CCing every Touhou game on Lunatic or learning Japanese for the sole purpose of reading VNs. Rumour says that if your autism is strong enough you get rewarded with a government paycheck every month. Living the dream. Target Man