Revision as of 13:14, 20 April 2018 by Kostas GRE (talk | contribs)
This page is for the upcoming 2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup. Archived exports pages can be found at Exports/Archive.
This page is for the preliminary and tactical deadlines only. See the Save Fixes for changes beyond the first deadline.
Returning Teams
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Prelim
- Aesthetics Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: preliminary stuff
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:Export pages are still GAY. Also I know it's winter's export but you are not yet ready to bare witness to these tactical memes.
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Raf Simons
- Aesthetics Export: Rick Owens
- Audio Export: usually what I'm dressed in
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export: Asstitics
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:VARUS YOU SHIT
- Aesthetics Export:WHERE ARE
- Music Export:MY LEGIONS
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: https://my.mixtape.moe/cozfed
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: http://puu.sh/A6qNt.rar
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Prelim Export
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Signup
- Aesthetics Export: Soon™
- Audio Export: Soon™
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Totally not
- Aesthetics Export: the winter
- Music Export: exports
- Tactical Export: le millenom girl
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Totally the spring cup export
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Export
- Aesthetics Export: Old-Ass Summer Aesthetics But It's Something Until It Can Be Fixed Properly Next Week
- Audio Export: Latest Music Export, may change one song
- Tactical Export: Export
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Y'all late as hell like damn lol
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
New/Reviving Teams
If your team is not listed above, then you must contact /merit/ with proof of interest from your board. If proof of interest is accepted and confirmed, your team will be added to this section, and you will be able to post your exports. Please do not create your subsection until proof of interest has been confirmed!
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export: You all know what's in here
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export: BITCH GOT A PENIS
- Tactical Export:Export
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export:
- Tactical Export: Tactics are locked but expect an update here anyway because of Aesthetic settings.
- Aesthetics Export: I hope to have plenty more models before the deadline, but even if I don't an update will come for profile images at the very least
- Audio Export:
- Pastebin: [1]
- Tactical Export:
- Aesthetics Export:
- Audio Export: