Firm Handshake
The best /biz/nessmen make a good impression, and the first step to a good impression is a Firm Handshake.
/biz/, what's the best way to make a million dollars? Buy some kneepads and suck a million dicks at $1/Pop.
80s Guy
The most aggressive member of the /biz/ Backline. Ambitious, but misunderstood, 80s Guy returns to the starting lineup to turn his defenders into Sharks, not Sheep.
Fuck The Poor
Reminder that there are no poor people on /biz/, just temporarily embarrassed millionaires.
Chip Warmer
Providing Restaurant Style Warmth to the /biz/ backfield.
Oil Prices
One of /biz/'s oldest threads - nothing but endless shitposting since Oil Prices began to drop in 2014, but they've managed to chug on since.
Tai Lopez
Tai Lopez would be happy to tell you the secrets of his success... for $70/month. Can the team follow his 67 steps to success?
More optimistic than his partner Bears, Bulls hopes to BUY BUY BUY a solid performance in the 4chan Cup.
How Do I Get Rich?
Every /biz/ regular's least favorite thread - the only thing an outsider asks is how to get rich quick.
Janet Yellen
Chairwoman of the Federal Reserve, or Ben Bernanke in a wig? Janet Yellen takes her place in the /biz/ Goal, looking to build a sound Monetary Policy in the /biz/ backfield.
Pyramid Scheme
Get your friends to buy in by calling it a "Reverse Funnel System". You can make a lot of money in a Pyramid Scheme, if you just know the right time to cash out. You wouldn't get caught holding the bag, right?
Some call it a technological marvel, but to /biz/, it's all about Buying the Dip and making sure not to be left holding the bag. The latest /biz/ money-making sensation
Foreign Exchange threads have always been popular on /biz/. Don't let anyone trick you into thinking they've actually made money on it, though.
Turning memes into dreams since 2014. Buy high, sell low.
Step 1: Be A Jew
You had to know this was coming. The Chosen People know how to make a buck or two, and we can only hope that their PES equivalent can bring /biz/ Plenty of Goals.
Every /biz/nessman's goal is to own a 200-foot Yatch.