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Revision as of 00:59, 8 May 2022 by Finer (talk | contribs) (Created page with "This page documents the format of the settings.dat file (on PES21). All numbers are in little-endian format. A settings.dat file MUST be exactly 612 bytes long. == Header == The magic bytes at offset 0 MUST match the four decimal values listed below, as MUST the version field. Some bits at offset 8 are initially set to 0 but are later ORed with another value; the latter is shown after an arrow (→). {| class="wikitable" ! Offset !! Size !! Type !! Description !!...")
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This page documents the format of the settings.dat file (on PES21). All numbers are in little-endian format.

A settings.dat file MUST be exactly 612 bytes long.


The magic bytes at offset 0 MUST match the four decimal values listed below, as MUST the version field.

Some bits at offset 8 are initially set to 0 but are later ORed with another value; the latter is shown after an arrow (→).

Offset Size Type Description PES21 Defaults
0 4 bytes "WECF" (Winning Eleven Configuration File) magic. (87 69 67 70)
4 4 dword Version (107)
8 4 bits Bit 0: Fullscreen 0
Bit 1: Wait for VSync (always forced to 1) 0 → 1
Bit 2: 60 fps (in-game) 0 → 1
Bit 3: 60 fps (replay demo) 0
Bit 4: Use XInput 0 → 1
Bit 5: Use P2P 1 → 0
Bit 6: Automatic UDP 1 → 1
Bit 7: Enable Voice Chat 0
Bit 8: Enable HDR 0
Bit 9: VSync Off 0
Bit 10: VSync On 1 0 → 1
Bit 11: VSync On 2 0
12 4 dword Horizontal resolution 1920
16 4 dword Vertical resolution 1080
20 4 ? ? (dword) 2
24 4 dword Audio buffer size index
(same as in Settings, minus 1)
28 4 dword UDP port 1 5739
32 4 dword UDP port 2 5740

Controller entries

Nine of these entries make up the rest of the settings file.

Controller 0 is hard-wired to be the keyboard, and its GUID is ignored.

Offset Size Type Description PES21 Defaults
0 16 guid Controller GUID 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
16 2 hid Square (X) 0, 0 or 16, [A]
18 2 hid Cross (A) 0, 0 or 16, [X]
20 2 hid Circle (B) 0, 0 or 16, [D]
22 2 hid Triangle (Y) 0, 0 or 16, [W]
24 2 hid Left Trigger/L2 (LT) 0, 0 or 16, [Z]
26 2 hid Right Trigger/R2 (RT) 0, 0 or 16, [C]
28 2 hid Left Shoulder/L1 (Left Bumper/LB) 0, 0 or 16, [Q]
30 2 hid Right Shoulder/R1 (Right Bumper/RB) 0, 0 or 16, [E]
32 2 hid Start 0, 0 or 16, [V]
34 2 hid Select (Back) 0, 0 or 16, [B]
36 2 hid Left Stick Button/L3 (LSB) 0, 0 or 17, 0
38 2 hid Right Stick Button/R3 (RSB) 0, 0 or 17, 0
38 2 hid D-Pad ↑ 0, 0 or 16, [Numpad 8]
38 2 hid D-Pad ↓ 0, 0 or 16, [Numpad 2]
38 2 hid D-Pad ← 0, 0 or 16, [Numpad 4]
38 2 hid D-Pad → 0, 0 or 16, [Numpad 6]
38 2 hid Left Analog ↑ 0, 0 or 16, [Up]
38 2 hid Left Analog ↓ 0, 0 or 16, [Down]
38 2 hid Left Analog ← 0, 0 or 16, [Left]
38 2 hid Left Analog → 0, 0 or 16, [Right]
38 2 hid Right Analog ↑ 0, 0 or 17, 0
38 2 hid Right Analog ↓ 0, 0 or 17, 0
38 2 hid Right Analog ← 0, 0 or 17, 0
38 2 hid Right Analog → 0, 0 or 17, 0

TODO: explain the last column