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2014 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Save Fixes
List your team and its fixes here. Please use level 2 headers for each team and try to keep it in alphabetic order.
Pls gib these fellas these cards
06 Early Cross:
- Irish Stew Autist
- Sriracha
- In-n-Out
- Bread Thread
05 Long Ball Expert
- Masaokis
- Shitpotle
Jnig Is a RWF
Not a Fetish 195cm NiggaMoon 180cm Vendetta 180cm 50 Dicks 180cm Getagoddamnwig 180cm Gazabo 170cm Suger Daddy 180cm CircleJerk 185cm Coscom 180cm TaoBao 190cm Mr. Yan 185cm Tunamelt Chan 180cm
All non medal forms to 5 whatever the 4/4 and 8/8 foot shit is fix this (Most NM have 88 Def Prow, GK Maguma's shirt has 40 stamana and header, Mr Yan has 66 keeper stats, with everything else 77 except for Def Prow which is 99) aka set NM stats to correct number
fuck long throws
- Set all GK's stats to 70
- Set Win O'Thread's Foot stats to 4
- Set all GK's stats to 70
- Give no-medals form 5
- Set 77 Defensive Prowess for non-medal outfielders
- Changed DPT's ability from A in DMF to A in CB
- Changed Systemd and Guts Thread form from 8 to 5
- STDSTDSTD and Str8cam should have 4/4 weak foot
- Rename Smush Smosh to Oakley Dokley
- Rename Str8cam Josh to Str8cam Jeff
Switch Sweden Yes and Spede Pasanen
Change all non-medal players frorm to 5
Put 4/4 weakfoot on anyone 180 and above, and 8/8 on anyone 179cm and under
- Change Niggardly Jew to starter.
- Starter CMFs should be Homer and Lovecraft.
- [PHILOSOPHY INTENSIFIES] should be 77 defensive prowess.
- Fix player forms.
- Give No-medals form to 5
- Gunbuster and Ultraseven foot usage to 4/4
- Ideon and außenseiter foot usage to 8/8
- Also make sure Alteisen is listed as Captain
Make Boogady Veyron a CMF Make LS1 Swap a AMF Make James May a CMF
I recounted it 3 times, I have 29 skillcards, exactly the right amount. ATF pls.
- Set all GK stats to 70
- Set defensive prowess for NMs to 77
- Set Ben Garrison feet to 4/4
- Set Zimmerman position on all presets to AMF
- If your aesthetics are on, make sure DEUS VULT has a crusader helmet on
Accessory changes as they get reverted on the export somehow.
- >biology >hard science, Cool Science Facts and Totally Not My Homework must have these accessory changes:
- Boots: WEPES Heritage III Black/Black (first ones under the Mizuno boots)
- Strip Style: Sleeves long, Socks long, Long-Sleeved Inners: Turtle Neck
- 300k starting and Sun of Fire/Ice must have the boots listed above and with short and medium sleeves.
Change kik's form to 5
Change Rate My Cock's height to 193
Change Vocaroo's height to 205
Change Feet's height to 165
Change /INTSOC/'s height to 175
- Remove all cards that are not the first XI
- Give Keygen (GK) the Long Throw card
- Dickass Thief footedness to 4/4
- Jace cards: drop Speeding Bullet, add Track Back
- Creed cards: drop Acrobatic Finishng, add Track Back
- Doomrider cards: drop First-time Shot, add Track Back
Gotta Catch 'em All (GCEA),, and First Edition Charizard (FEC) changed to form 5
- Change Gunpei Yokoi Weak foot usage and accuracy to 4/4.
- Copy the config.txt from an outfield kit to all the GK kits' folders, this stops the GK from randomly turning white.
- PES seems to mess with the players physique. Please verify (and correct if necessary) that all the players have the correct physique.
All players except Doc. Louis and Aeris Dies: Shoulder Width +7, Chest Measurement +7, Waist Size -7, Leg Lenght +7 leave all other stats as they are.
Both keepers should also have Arm Lenght +7
Doomguy should also have Arm, thigh and calf Size +7
Doc Louis: Shoulder Width +7, Chest Measurement +7, Waist Size +7, Arm Size +7, Thight Size +7, Calf Size +7
Aeris Dies: Neck Size -7, Shoulder Width -7, Chest Measurement -7, Waist Size -7, Thight Size -7, Calf Size -7, Leg lenght +7
- Eva Thread #444: Change height to 194 from 180.
- Nth in Folder: Change form to 5 from 4.
- Bliss: change height to 191
- Fuckscapes: change height to 181
- keep calm: change height to 181
- dark side of the moon: change height to 181, reset the face with Y to get a boxhead
- rainmeter: change height to 181
- boss nigger: change height to 189, reset the face with Y to get a boxhead
- goldblum: change height to 189
- headphone girl: change position to CMF
- Descartes: change height to 200, change position to CMF
- dolla dolla bill y'all: change height to 185
- more like this: change height to 180
- astroswag: change height to 185, change footedness to 4/4, change position to CB
- graaahnpanda: change height to 181, change position to CB
- once there was a tree: change height to 185
- minimalistic: change height to 164, change footedness to 8/8
- ronald raygun: change height to 185, change position to DMF
- desktop thread: change height to 175, change footedness to 8/8, change position to DMF
- colorsplash: change height to 180, change position to DMF
- nudes: change height to 175, change position to DMF
- communism: change height to 170
- Original content: change height to 170, change footedness to 8/8, change possition to CB
- This [EXPORT] has the height and footedness already fixed, the positions and heads still have to get fixed.
- Change all Non medal players forms to 5
- Remove Super Sub from Black 2.0
- Remove blenders from players I'm Cumming and Cum In My Pants (Tests show they are the cause of everything, if you don't do this, the game with /sp/ will crash every time)
- Trollkastell: Make height 186
- Anatomy: Make height 186
- Set Yukkuri's CMF position ability to A.