Old Position
Date Departed
Teru Time
After a long and distinguished career, it was finally her time to go. It will always be Teru o'clock in our hearts.
Summer 2018
Spontaneous Combustion
What do you think happened to her?
Winter 2015
With her president graduating to university and her studies taking up more of her time, Sumisumi stepped down to let the new generation step up. Given her height, most people assumed she'd stepped down already.
Winter 2015
Ruined Birthday Party
Happy birthday, KannaMiko. ;_;7
Winter 2015
It turns out tiny shark lesbians aren't all that good at divegrass. Who knew?
Winter 2015
Dying Arisawa
Fortunately for her and Yuno, the cure for terminal plotdevicitis was found. Unfortunately for the team, it was to not play divegrass.
Winter 2016
Cousins By The Way
Found out certain states allowed cousin marriage, quit the team to do exactly that.
Winter 2016
Eila Juutilainen
Her contract finished, she went back to Sanya's warm embrace.
Winter 2016
Summer 2016
A True Alpha Lesbian takes time off to pollinate her harem.
Summer 2016
Saint Michael
6. And on the seventh day, Saint Michael rested.
Summer 2016
Spitting Distance
A surprisingly long distance, apparently. Well beyond what's considered "ladylike" and much too far for the rigorous quality control applied to all /u/ players.
Winter 2017
Divegrass fields are low on metals. Contract expired and mining operations relocated.
Winter 2017
This is a science best studied in a lab. Or in bed.
Winter 2017
The pitch is too dramatic, even for this seasoned veteran who retired to enjoy even more misunderstandings off the field.
Spring 2017
Punished Bocchi
Such a tough place ;_;
Spring 2017
Ano Route
What do you mean "they didn't do an Ano route"?
Spring 2017
Intertwined Fingers
Was let go after repeated warnings from media watchdogs against online indecency. Kids might be watching!
Summer 2017
Kuma Shock
Ascended with Kumaria. Which is also sexy. Shabadadoo~
Winter 2018
Doragon Meido
Better service as spectator.
Winter 2018
Fingering For World Peace
World peace achieved! At least on the pitch. Plenty more fingering to do on the sidelines!
Winter 2018
Retired to better take care of her country and her witch.
Winter 2018
Loathsome Daughter of Heresy
Was left go after too many belly exposures were declared 'indecent'. Besides, the field is far too chaotic to divine
Winter 2018
Touching Paddles
Retired after deciding ping pong was a more heart racing sport.
Winter 2018
Dai Dai Daisuki
Noting the lack of shards and that even Pure Illusion is less random, she retired.
Summer 2018
Hifumin Leeeeeader
It's death march at Eagle Jump! No time for soccer! ( ; w ; ) ノ
Summer 2018
The Mochiverse
The Mochiverse is a thing that transcends time, space and dimensions. It now also transcends the soccer fields.
Autumn 2018
Post Apocalyptic Bonding
The end of the world also means the end of soccer. Survival will have to continue off the pitch.
Autumn 2018
A sudden influx of guests made her return to her normal job as an inn attendant.
Autumn 2018
Pussy Whisperer
Seducing your teacher requires, amongst other things, a lot of sleepovers, tied arms and Sister Juice. Those are very time consuming, and very little was left for divegrass, so she retired.
Winter 2019
Her resignation form reads: "bad as it may be, this unworthy self needs time to focus on her manga and thus needs to resign from the team". The line "ABABABABABA" is written below and crossed out.
Winter 2019
Yamada's Sprout
Winter is not a good season for plants, let alone the soccer pitch.
Winter 2019
Position Zero.
Summer 2019
Incest Receiver
Summer is when most beach volleyball tournaments take place, so this couple resigned the team to focus on those.
Summer 2019
How To Make A Bomb
No bomb, no door, no scheme can protect a loli from a musclemaid.
Summer 2019
The Spy Who Licked Me
Mission complete.
Summer 2019
Are You A Lolicon?
[Told you.]
Summer 2019
Blood Countess
Having taken her due, Ellie now sleeps.
Winter 2020
Bedroom Tyrant
Winter 2020
It's still yuri.
Summer 2020
Is This Yuri?
Yes, it was yuri.
Summer 2020
Chose to retire to give our expert analysts more time to investigate what the hell is going on with the plot. ("¡Ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!")
Summer 2020
I'm Yuu But Stronger
Even retired she's stronger than Yuu. And Sayaka is still not a Yaya, so there's that!
Winter 2021
Even from the audience, these heroines still protect the General and the team from the Evil Fairy.
Winter 2021
Retired after realizing she's better at cheering than soccer. However, she only screams ERNESTAAAAAAAAAAAA!!! and her cheers sound like bloodcurling screams of rage rather than encouragement...
Winter 2021
War Crimes Kurumi
Following her well earned victory in the Asukabowl, Kurumi retired and is now happy with Asuka.
World 2021
Ethereal Trigger Fingering
Retired after reasoning that even the Otherside is less strange than PES. Frankly, we agree.
World 2021
Assault Kaede
As she owns a large corporation, she retired the team to work on that. Still a Yaya, though!
World 2021
Mom Get The Lightbulbs
Looks like her mom was in a hardware store near the stadium all along. Hiori retired to go find her.
Hiori Hirahara, from Blue Ray Reflection, lives alone in her house. This is because her mom had gone out to buy lightbulbs and, 5 years later, has yet to return. 'Out for lightbulbs' seems to be the new 'out for cigarettes' or 'gone to buy milk'.
Winter 2022
Cruel Paradise Lost of Blue
Who decided Blues had to play soccer!?
Azusa Gunjou, the main character from Who Decided That Blues Had To Be Cool!?. Blue magical girls are usually the 'cool' character, but Azusa doesn't fit this personality and is forced to pretend to be cool to not betray Harumi Akaishi's (the Pink magical girl in Azusa's duo) expectations. The name of her sword, Cruel Paradise Lost of Blue, came to her while she was in her 'chuuni' period, which Azusa is desperately trying to leave behind.
Winter 2022
Demon Dork
D-Don't think this means you've won!
Yuko Yoshida (aka Shadow Mistress Yuko, 'Shamiko' for short) is the main character from Machikado Mazoku. She's been the victim of several curses which severely affected her demonic power levels, which forced her to resort to other methods to survive. Her general 'dorkiness' stems from these workarounds.
Summer 2022
Autistic Metronome
Metronomes do tend to go back and forth after all.
Sakura Adachi, one of the two main characters from Adachi to Shimamura. Her weird mannerisms and attitudes have led some to believe she's on some kind of spectrum, where the reality is that she's most likely a normal teenager confronted with love.
Summer 2022
The Girl, the Myth, the Legend
It's still the sailor uniform that makes the girl a girl magnet, even out of the pitch
Komichi Akebi, the main character from Akebi-chan's Sailor Uniform. She's a very skilled dancer.
Winter 2023
Revolver Panties
The mystery of where the revolver came from continues...
Gertrude Barkhorn, from Strike Witches, has super strength (even beyond the standard Strike Witch norm) as a power. No hammerspace, which makes the revolver a mystery. If it gets the job done...
Winter 2023
Black Sunshine
Hibiki and Miku's fight is finally over.
Miku Kohinata is a main character from the Symphogear series. She's referred to as 'my sunshine' by her love interest, Hibiki Tachibana (Hibiki, in turn, is Miku's 'sun'). Miku would end up using a Gear (a sort of power armor) twice, in the second season (G) and the fifth (XV). Both times she would end up fighting Hibiki, in G as a product of brainwashing and in XV as a result of possession. This, combined with her Gear, Shénshòujìng, featuring darker colors, led to the Black Sunshine name.
Winter 2023