The logo competition for the 2024 4chan Summer Cup is now taking submissions.
The deadline is July 7th, 23:59 UTC. Logos will be placed in this gallery to facilitate discussion. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

Please send all submissions to Potatotron. You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

/x/ roster

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Sub Starter Silver Gold


Position Number Name Picture Description Playstyle
13 Nope Nope.png Despite frequent instances of "spaghetti", this battle hardened engineer is /x/'s first choice for a goalie. With years of experience and team play, Nope will deny any plucky striker with his long arms and neck. Offensive Goalkeeper
1 Hoagie Hoagie.jpg An expert in ancient aliens on Mars, Hoagie is one of /x/'s top men when it comes to b̶u̶l̶l̶s̶h̶i̶t̶ goalkeeping. Moonlighting as /x/'s GK to pay for a new chair to replace his broken one that squeaks more than a thousand mice, he's out to prove himself. Offensive Goalkeeper


Position Number Name Picture Description Playstyle
3 Elisa Lam ElisaLam.jpg She's looking to defend the net by any means necessary. That is, if she can get out of the elevator first. Build Up
18 SCP Series SCPSeries.png What started as a series of posts describing containment procedures for potentially dangerous or world ending items and creatures eventually became a Wiki purported to belong to the SCP Foundation. Each entry lists the danger level, containment procedures, and usually a short story or incident report. Above all, SCP looks to secure, contain, and protect the net. Build Up
11 Astral Meetup AstralMeetup.png What better way to make new friends than to lie together in a circle and try to force your soul out of your own body? A dependable sub who looks to project a cheeky 90+er straight into the opponent's net. Extra Frontman
15 Divination Divination.png Whether it be through tarot cards, crystal balls or a certain spiritual connection OP has with anon, people will always want to know more about their future. This defender foresees no shots going into his team's net. Build Up
17 Lost Media LostMedia.png Threads attempting to hunt down lost media, predominately movies and TV shows. First appearing on /x/ during the hunt for the lost Nickelodeon movie Cry Baby Lane, the threads have ingrained themselves within /x/'s culture. Recent events include the hunt for clock man with the help of The Flood from the Bungie forums, and the hunt for a bizarre Spongebob...thing with the help of /co/. Unlike his namesake, Lost Media is quite easy to find -- right in front of the net. Build Up
20 Ethereal Ghost EtherealGhost.png You've heard of ghosts right? How about Ethereal ghosts? They're just like normal ghosts....only spookier....A cocky defender who always seems to be in the right place at the right time, often used when implementing a more possessive style of play. Defensive Fullback
5 Creepypasta Creepypasta.png As the staple /x/ left back, The bald blue Creepypasta is one of the very best when it comes to passes, working with The Grey on the left wing to fully establish /x/'s strong wing play. Offensive Fullback
19 Solomon Demon SolomonDemon.png This abomination appeared in Israel, bound and made a slave by King Solomon (see, this is what happens when you give a Jew a magic ring). A fiery late game sub, this left back is skilled with both feet, working hard down the wing to snatch the ball and get that crucial game-changing clear. Defensive Fullback
21 Ghost Puncher GhostPuncher.jpg Not even ghosts could phase him - you think he's scared of anyone on your team? Beaming with courage (or lack of common sense), Ghost Puncher demonstrates his total devotion to lifting by punching holes into the opponent's offense and going for a blooter himself every now and then. Offensive Fullback


Position Number Name Picture Description Playstyle
2 Slenderman Slenderman.png The tallest player on the team by far, Slenderman has been a staple in the /x/ defensive line for years, even with some goals to his name in his brief stint as a forward. Always watches, no eyes. Anchor Man
12 Urbex Urbex.png This urban explorer is more cautious than the last who played for /x/, (the old forward was never seen again after visiting an abandoned Japanese hospital) and prefers to stay back as a defensive midfielder. Though not as experienced as Slenderman, Urbex is a promising talent with several key interceptions to his name. Build Up
4 Pyramid Head PyramidHead.png Former Team Captain and the physical embodiment of one crazy man's dark repressed desires. Pyramid Head will not hesitate when presented with a chance to violate the opponent's net. The Destroyer
8 Cthulhu Cthulhu.png The driving force in /x/'s right wing play, Cthulhu has a bag of tricks to keep the opponents guessing. Often finds himself wide open on the end of a through ball having slipped past the defensive line after shenanigans by /x/-tan and Pyramid Head. Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn. Box to Box
23 Secret Society SecretSociety.png Do any of you know anyone in the Illuminati? Because I want in. PS=N/A (It's a secret)
10 The Grey TheGrey.png "The Grey Alien" is the most commonly sighted alien worldwide. Short in stature with weak skeletal bodies, large black eyes and a bulbous head. Basically your generic alien (ayy lmao). Dummy Runner
16 Zodiac Killer ZodiacKiller.jpg The Zodiac Killer is looking to continue his kill streak by adding a few hopes and dreams to the list. Also definitely not Ted Cruz. Hole Player
7 Spooky Mulder Mulder Spooky.png With years of experience behind his belt, Spooky Mulder returned to investigate the /x/ team. Somewhere along the line he ended up getting drafted as an Attacking Midfielder, though he's still searching for some kind of truth. Classic No. 10
22 Berenstæin Bears BerenstæinBears.jpg Do you remember a series of books from childhood featuring a family of anthropomorphic bears? You seems to remember the name of the family as the Berenstein Bears, but moving to your long forgotten copies from childhood you gasp, reading the name as Berenstain Bears. Clearly, you have slid from your previous timeline into the current one you now inhabit. Or not. Who knows. Hole Player


Position Number Name Picture Description Playstyle
9 /x/-tan The very essence and soul of the /x/ board put in a girl shaped bundle. Cute and Creepy. A truly gifted player, /x/-tan is the driving force behind the /x/ attack, able to shoot and pass brilliantly with both feet and use mesmerizing skills to outfox defenders, /x/-tan is always a tricky problem for any team to face. PS=N/A
6 Goatman Goatman.jpg A staple in creepypasta now a day, Goatman was originally called Skinwalker before an /x/ browsing Native American cleared up the differences. Popularized by the Asansi Goatman story and many more like it, Goatman is a creature that works its way into groups of people and impersonates one of them. Some of them are looking to escape the woods they inhabit, while others are just fucking assholes who want to mess with you. I wouldn't worry about it. Creative Playmaker
14 Chaos Magick ChaosMagick.png The practice of chaos magick is an ancient and refined art, where you use the power of faith and belief to make the extraordinary actually happen. Or you just consume so many hallucinogens that you can't tell the difference. PS=N/A (too high on ketamine)