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Hey there.
[[File:Thanks for playing.gif|250px|https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CdqoNKCCt7A]]
===Useful Links===
[[User:BasedSmugleaf//sco/| >>>/sco/]]
[[User:BasedSmugleaf//4ccg/| >>>/4ccg/]]
[[User:BasedSmugleaf/benis_productions| >>>Aesthetic work]]
The Jews did 9/11 --[[User:BasedSmugleaf|M3OWMlX]] ([[User talk:BasedSmugleaf|talk]]) 18:25, 29 April 2015 (UTC)
Legendary Pokémon from throughout the ages.
|team= smugleaf
|motto= Somewhat good
|name= Smugleaf
|date= April 22, 2014
|irl= {{Anonymous|Smugleaf|!!WROPMzfJikm }}
|color1= 18A368
|color2= F3CC57
|captain= Kris
|hex= 18A368
|color= Smugleaf Green
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=AIdqLDTyw5U
|a_title= Crystal Theme
|altanthem1_what= Victory Anthem
|altanthem1_title= The End
|altanthem1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=e2_7-z2UZWI
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=RKYVqdVvJRk
|gh_title= Silver Battle Theme
|althorn1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=L82J495iWrM
|altgh1_title= Raikou Theme
|altgh1_what= {{tt|Alt-horn|Raikou}}
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player  |no= 1  |pos=GK  |name= {{tt|Harbinger| My prized shiny Shuckle.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 2  |pos=LB  |name= {{tt|Starmie| Starmie from Emerald ROM which has carried my team through the Battle Frontier.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 3  |pos=CB  |name= {{tt|Swampy| Double Battle champion partnered with Torkoal. Surf and Heat Wave spam all day every day.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 4  |pos=CB  |name= {{tt|Rocky| A lvl 100 Onix completely leveled up via Exp. Share because I wanted a Steelix and didn't know about Metal Coat.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 5  |pos=RB  |name= {{tt|Volty| The name for the many Electrodes I've had over all the Pokémon games.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 6  |pos=CMF |name= {{tt|Arcanine| My best non-lvl 100 from my Pokémon Crystal save.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 7  |pos=CMF |name= {{tt|Dragonite| One of my two main lvl 100's from my Pokémon Crystal save, partnered with Lapras.}} }}
{{sq silver player |no= 8  |pos=CMF |name= {{tt|Snivy| Best starter hands down.}} }}
{{sq silver player |no= 9  |pos=CMF |name= {{tt|Lapras| My main from my legendary Pokémon Crystal save and also my first ever lvl 100.}} }}
{{sq gold player  |no= 10 |pos=CF  |name= {{tt|Torkoal| The very best.}} }}
{{sq gold player  |no= 11 |pos=CF  |name= {{tt|Kris| When I was younger I used to play Pokémon Crystal as Kris every day, starting from the beginning and seeing how far I could get before the battery ran out.}} {{Captain}} }}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq start player  |no= 12 |pos=GK  |name= {{tt|Cursed Shedinja| I once caught a Shedinja in Emerald and later that day I lost my entire party except Torkoal due to a botched glitch. In a later save on the same cartridge, I caught another Shedinja before going to bed, and when I woke up my file was corrupted.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 13 |pos=LB  |name= {{tt|Chuck| I became so used to this name, I often forget that it's real name is Chespin.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 14 |pos=CB  |name= {{tt|Tropicus| The best HM slave, also it's a fucking dinosaur.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 15 |pos=CB  |name= {{tt|Lunatone| An underleveled Lunatone that somehow saved me despair as it took out Wally's Gardevoir in my first Sapphire playthrough.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 16 |pos=RB  |name= {{tt|Sharpedo| Reliable backup that I always catch in my Hoenn playthroughs.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 17 |pos=CMF |name= {{tt|Hydreigon| My main from Pokémon White, undefeated champion in link battles.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 18 |pos=CMF |name= {{tt|Salamence| The first uber I trained up from an egg.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 19 |pos=CMF |name= {{tt|Mothra| The super Volcarona from my Pokémon White save.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 20 |pos=CMF |name= {{tt|Gardevoir| All-round GOAT and good waifu.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 21 |pos=CMF |name= {{tt|Macross| My main Hitmonchan from my Liquid Crystal ROM.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 22 |pos=SS  |name= {{tt|200 Zigzagoons| I once hatched 200 Zigzagoons that I traded from Ruby to Emerald so that I could restart my Emerald save.}} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 23 |pos=SS  |name= {{tt|That Fucking Raikou| It took me over 5 years to catch the Raikou in my Pokémon Crystal Save.}} }}
{{sq end}}
<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
Don't question why, just let it happen.
|team= pingu
|motto= Noot Noot Motherfucker
|name= NOOT NOOT
|date= May 28, 1986
|irl= {{Anonymous|Smugleaf|!!WROPMzfJikm }}
|color1= FFFFFF
|color2= 000000
|captain= Pingu
|hex= 000000
|color= Noot Soot
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQKvyxo36ZM
|a_title= Pingu Trap Theme
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=M18HWNck7-A
|gh_title= Attack on Pingu
|althorn1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0IlJc_vkZ0
|altgh1_title= Nootstorm
|altgh1_what= {{tt|Alt-Horn|For when the main goalhorn runs out}}
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player  |no= 1  |pos=GK  |name= Pingj}}
{{sq start player  |no= 2  |pos=CB  |name= Pongi}}
{{sq start player  |no= 3  |pos=CB  |name= Pengy}}
{{sq start player  |no= 4  |pos=CB  |name= Pingi}}
{{sq silver player |no= 5  |pos=DMF |name= Bert is a Walrus}}
{{sq start player  |no= 6  |pos=CMF |name= Punki}}
{{sq start player  |no= 7  |pos=LMF |name= Pingu's Mum}}
{{sq start player  |no= 8  |pos=RMF |name= Pingu's Dad}}
{{sq gold player  |no= 9  |pos=AMF |name= Pinga}}
{{sq silver player |no= 10 |pos=CF  |name= Robby the Seal}}
{{sq gold player  |no= 11 |pos=CF  |name= Pingu {{Captain}}}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq start player  |no= 12 |pos=GK  |name= That Fucking Seagull}}
{{sq start player  |no= 13 |pos=LB  |name= Twin 1}}
{{sq start player  |no= 14 |pos=CB  |name= Pingo}}
{{sq start player  |no= 15 |pos=CB  |name= Pingg}}
{{sq start player  |no= 16 |pos=RB  |name= Twin 2}}
{{sq start player  |no= 17 |pos=DMF |name= Grandpa}}
{{sq start player  |no= 18 |pos=CMF |name= The Post Master}}
{{sq start player  |no= 19 |pos=CMF |name= The Famous Artist}}
{{sq start player  |no= 20 |pos=LMF |name= Stranger 1}}
{{sq start player  |no= 21 |pos=RMF |name= Stranger 2}}
{{sq start player  |no= 22 |pos=AMF |name= Bajoo}}
{{sq start player  |no= 23 |pos=SS  |name= NOOT NOOT}}
{{sq end}}
'''Export:''' Soon innit <br>
'''Aesthetics:''' I ain't no scrub <br>
<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
Wumpa Islands National Football Team
|team= wumpa
|motto= Bring Back Naughty Dog
|name= Wumpa Islands
|date= August 31, 1996
|irl= {{Anonymous|Smugleaf|!!WROPMzfJikm }}
|color1= FF7D00
|color2= FFDB00
|captain= Crash
|hex= FF7D00
|color= Bandicoot Orange
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=VYak9uIatDw
|a_title= Twinsanity Theme
|altanthem1_what= Victory Anthem
|altanthem1= www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK4CMcvMaEE
|altanthem1_title= The Great Hall
|altanthem2_what= Cup Win Anthem
|altanthem2= www.youtube.com/watch?v=6xvJ9RMGVWQ
|altanthem2_title= Tournament Win
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=-2sjh0qwxhY
|gh_title= Ring of Uranus
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player  |no= 1  |pos=GK  |name= {{tt| Ooga Booga | What does the mask actually say? }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 2  |pos=CB  |name= {{tt| Dr. Fetus | My name sounds like fetus. Hmm }} }}
{{sq silver player |no= 3  |pos=CB  |name= {{tt| Mr. T | Unoriginality: The Character }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 4  |pos=CB  |name= {{tt| Mecha Space Battles | N. Gin had the best boss fights. }} }}
{{sq silver player |no= 5  |pos=DMF |name= {{tt| Coco Bandicoot |  Kick-ass lil' sister. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 6  |pos=LMF |name= {{tt| Penta God-Mode | Practically cheating. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 7  |pos=RMF |name= {{tt| GLORIOUS REMAKES | IT'S BEEN TOO LONG }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 8  |pos=AMF |name= {{tt| Pasadena Wanted It | Howdy there Crash! Gimme a kiss, I want me some bandi-cooties! }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 9  |pos=AMF |name= {{tt| Tawna's Tits | Literally banned for being too lewd. Replaced with a more tame Coco. }} }}
{{sq gold player  |no= 10 |pos=SS  |name= {{tt| Dr. Neo Cortex | Darn you Crash Bandicoot! }} }}
{{sq gold player  |no= 11 |pos=SS  |name= {{tt| Crash | Orange fuzzball. }} {{Captain}} }}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq start player  |no= 12 |pos=GK  |name= {{tt| Bring Back Naughty Dog | ;_;7 }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 13 |pos=CB  |name= {{tt| Oxide Haxx | Cheating cunt. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 14 |pos=CB  |name= {{tt| Rilla Roo | Literally who? }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 15 |pos=DMF |name= {{tt| Shitty Character Re-Designs | What the fuck did they do to Tiny? }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 16 |pos=DMF |name= {{tt| Sonic's Ass | Crash kicked off a golden generation of 3D games. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 17 |pos=LMF |name= {{tt| {{greentext|titans}} | Killed the series. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 18 |pos=RMF |name= {{tt| {{greentext|skylanders}} | IT ALL. RETURNS. TO NOTHING. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 19 |pos=CMF |name= {{tt| Stormy Ascent | A level so evil they had to cut it. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 20 |pos=AMF |name= {{tt| Pogo Padlock's Crystal | Worse than N. Ballism and Skyballs put together. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 21 |pos=AMF |name= {{tt| Snow Go's Red Gem | The infamous tease gem from Crash 2. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 22 |pos=CF  |name= {{tt| Bash 200% | The hardest thing to achieve over any Crash game. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 23 |pos=CF  |name= {{tt| Spyro | FUSION }} }}
{{sq end}}
'''Export:''' [https://mega.nz/#!RxFHGYDL!xPgI8A3WbWMKqGw9cSTduGxw61_A6qfmC67TJ8QQvos Tactical Export] <br>
'''Aesthetics:''' I ain't no scrub <br>
<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
Pokemon Go General
|team= pgg
|motto= Nerf Vaporeon
|name= Pokemon Go General
|date= July 6, 2016
|irl= {{Anonymous|Smugleaf|!!WROPMzfJikm }}
|color1= 063375
|color2= 08224E
|hex= 063375
|color= Hypothermia Blue
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=tM0sTNtWDiI
|a_title= Proclaimers - 500 Miles
|horn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=reU6omKBwks
|gh_title= Gym Raid Battle
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player  |no= 1  |pos=GK  |name= {{tt| Spoofing Masterrace | Y-You'll get banned o-one day! }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 99 |pos=LB  |name= {{tt|{{greentext|those IVs}} | Anything that isn't 100% is shit. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 2  |pos=CB  |name= {{tt| Mythical Grimer | WHY ARE THEY SO RARE }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 4  |pos=CB  |name= {{tt| Censor Bars | Who's that Pokémon? }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 5  |pos=RB  |name= {{tt| {{greentext|female}} | My condolences anon. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 6  |pos=DMF |name= {{tt| Remove Murkrow| Murkrap }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 22 |pos=CMF |name= {{tt| Batemons | Check my Quads. }} }}
{{sq gold player  |no= 7  |pos=CMF |name= {{tt| Vaporeon | Niantic's favourite Pokemon, nerfs never ever. }} {{Captain}} }}
{{sq silver player |no= 8  |pos=AMF |name= {{tt| Nothing Personnel Kid | HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANKE }} }}
{{sq silver player |no= 9  |pos=SS  |name= {{tt| 3K Blissey | BEHOLD, THE FIERY DESTROYER OF WORLDS }} }}
{{sq gold player  |no= 11 |pos=CF  |name= {{tt| Yellow Devil | #YELLOW'D }} }}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq start player  |no= 12 |pos=GK  |name= {{tt| Walkfags | Enjoy your hypothermia. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 10 |pos=LB  |name= {{tt| 10k Skarmory| Why have you forsaken me. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 13 |pos=CB  |name= {{tt| Cloyster's Evo | Personally I can't wait for Gen III so I can evolve my Cloyster. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 3  |pos=CB  |name= {{tt| {{greentext|66 Days Until Gen 3}} | G3N WH3N? }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 14 |pos=CB  |name= {{tt| Pls Visit My Raid | Please help me out big strong spooferman. }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 15 |pos=RB  |name= {{tt| Bitedoze | TM'S CONFIRMED }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 16 |pos=DMF |name= {{tt| Hat Rat | lol Brick Break }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 17 |pos=DMF |name= {{tt| Morning Lads | Evening Lads }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 18 |pos=CMF |name= {{tt| Big Dick Nick | Really Dude? }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 19 |pos=CMF |name= {{tt| Daily "Do people still play this?" Post | Sun and Moon is out, why are you still playing this? }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 20 |pos=SS  |name= {{tt| Poke gf | tfw no poke gf to take down gyms with }} }}
{{sq start player  |no= 21 |pos=SS  |name= {{tt| Norilsk | N-None of you actually live there, r-right? }} }}
{{sq end}}
'''Export:''' I ain't no scrub <br>
'''Aesthetics:''' I ain't no scrub <br>
<br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
=Newevo Elites=
'''Newevo Elite''' is a term used to describe teams that have <u>not</u> missed an Elite Cup. <br> Current Newevo Elite teams are:
|+style="position: relative;float:left;margin: 10px; text-align: center;" | [[File: mu_logo.png|x150px|link=/mu/]]<br/>[[:/mu/|/mu/ - Music]]
'''Secondary Newevo Elite''' is a term used to describe teams that started in a Babby Cup (or Qualifier), then moved on the the main cup, and have <u>not</u> missed an Elite Cup since. <br> Current Secondary Newevo Elite teams are:
|+style="position: relative;float:left;margin: 10px; text-align: center;" | [[File: gd_logo.png|x150px|link=/gd/]]<br/>[[:/gd/|/gd/ - Graphic Design]]
'''Newevo Elitesterisk''' is a term used to describe teams whose status as Newevo Elite is in question, for whatever reason. <br> Current Newevo Elitesterisk teams are:
|+style="position: relative;float:left;margin: 10px; text-align: center;" | [[File: asp_logo.png|x150px|link=/asp/]]<br/>[[:/asp/|/asp/ - Alternative Sports]]<abbr title="/asp/ did not promote from the 2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup, but competed in the 2014 4chan Winter Cup by taking /pol/'s place after /pol/ were unable to provide an export.">*</abbr>

Latest revision as of 00:20, 5 June 2020
