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{{greentext|implying profile pages}}
{{greentext|implying profile pages}}
I won {{tt|Rigshop|Spring Babby Cup 2022/Summer Cup 2023}} twice and {{tt|Fantasy Football|2022 Summer Cup/2024 Autumn Babby Cup}} twice!

'''Manager of the following team(s):'''
'''Manager of the following team(s):'''

{{team away|r6g}} Rainbow 6 </br>
{{team away|vm}} Video Games/Multiplayer<br>
{{team away|kamipro}} Kamihime Project </br>
{{team away|vn}} Visual Novels General
{{team away|100oj}} 100% Orange Juice </br>
{{team away|hardstyle}} Hardstyle/Hardcore Music </br>
{{team away|arg}} Argentina </br>
{{team away|dothack}} .hack// (Soon™)
'''Caretaker of the following team(s):'''
{{team away|lzg}} Lab Zero General

Contact me at:
Contact me at:

{{greentext|Dicksword}}: L'aventale.-#4530
{{greentext|Dicksword}}: laventale.-
{{greentext|uPlay}}: KaeBlazing.-

{{greentext|Mail}}: sakuzyoislit@gmail.com
{{greentext|Mail}}: sakuzyoislit@gmail.com

==Team<span class="explain" title="Soon™">(s)</span> for Invitationals==
[[File:Kamihime uriel.png|thumb|right|250px| '''Uriel, Goddess of the Dual Wielding Flame.'''<br>
/kamipro/'s Captain and Gold Player]]
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=1 |pos=GK |name=<span class="explain" title="Thanks for the Buff not a single Light shitter needed.">{{greentext|"Balanced" Light Meta}}</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=2 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Release Count: 3">Reprint of a Reprint</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=3 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Not even the new Pokemon games could get away with murder like this.">Fire/Dark Fighter Maid</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=4 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="God tier animated scenes.">Lewd Cat</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=5 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Hope your dick is still ready for the next round.">The Power of Femdom</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=6 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Don't even bother looking at her scenes, fucking Pedos.">Tags: Bestiality/Loli</span>}}
{{sq bronze player |no=7 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="RE-ROLL FOR HER, DUDE. SHE'S THE BEST CHARACTER, DUDE.">Overrated Miracle Loli</span>}}
{{sq bronze player |no=8 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="PARA TRAIN, PARA TRAIN, WE'RE LIVING IN THE PARA TRAIN, WOW WOW ♫">The Bane of Union Events</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=9 |pos=SS |name=<span class="explain" title="Good luck gathering Fire Weapons without spending money, though.">{{greentext|Main Fire >Win Game}}</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=10 |pos=SS |name=<span class="explain" title="THESE ARE LOVE BUFFS WITH MY LOVE NECTAR MIXED INTO THE DOUGH!">{{greentext|Love Enthusiast}}</span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=11 |pos=CF |name=<span class="explain" title="Heard you like Bursting every 2 turns...">Uriel, Queen of the Dual Wielding Flame{{captain}}</span>}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=GK |name=<span class="explain" title="No insurance against AoE attacks."><BLOCKS YOUR SPELL></span>}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Only obtainable during Saint Valentine's Event. She will cheer for your love with everything she's got.">Goddess of Love</span>}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="I didn't defeat this Ragnarok Disaster to get mats for you or anything...">Tsundere Light Queen</span>}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="SPIN KRAMPUS, SPIN.">Wind Tazmania Loli</span>}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="FUCKING C-FRAME DEBUFFS.">Meta Defining Collab Characters</span>}}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="The cutest himes, no doubts.">Megane Characters</span>}}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Remember when Persona 5 made a collab with KamiPro? Good times.">Shameless Cameos</span>}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Thinking Man's fetish.">CHOCOLATE GODDESS</span>}}
{{sq player |no=20 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Yo dude, I can't wait. How much time until her Awakening? 1 YEAR?! FUCK ME!">{{greentext|Future Content}}</span>}}
{{sq player |no=21 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="150 RE-ROLLS AND NO HRAESVELGR. WHAT THE FUCK?">{{greentext|shitty rerolls}}</span>}}
{{sq player |no=22 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="I'M NOT SHILLING 150 BUCKS TO BREAK THE WIND BURST META, FUCK OFF.">Broken Limited Himes</span>}}
{{sq player |no=23 |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Would defeat fucking Ragnarok by herself for some Jack Daniels.">Drunk Tomboy</span>}}
{{sq end}}

{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=1  |pos={{NewPosition|GK|type=1}}  |name=Store Manager}}
{{sq start player |no=2  |pos={{NewPosition|LB|type=1}}  |name=<span class="explain" title="Gyaru QP - Gyaru QP">Summer Pudding Addict Doggo</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=3  |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}}  |name=<span class="explain" title="Will these stars buy me food?">Starving Chuuni</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=4  |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}}  |name=<span class="explain" title="We just want to fly freely.">Sky Queen</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=5  |pos={{NewPosition|RB|type=1}}  |name=<span class="explain" title="Saki set a trap on her base, I wonder what it might be... :thonk:">Retarded Pudding Goddess</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=6  |pos={{NewPosition|DMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="PLAYA 1 *DUN* *DUN* *DUN* PLAYA 1">*skips your turn*</span>}}
{{sq bronze player |no=7  |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Player with Self-Destruct: 'I'M GROWING STRONGER'.">ALTE ACKBAR!</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=8  |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="*dies* *insta-revives at 2hp* *dies again*>PTSD War Survivor</span>}}
{{sq bronze player |no=9  |pos={{NewPosition|SS|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Suguri! Let's play! Can you guess my name?">SUMIKA!</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=10 |pos={{NewPosition|SS|type=1}}  |name=<span class="explain" title="+9ATK -6DEF +3EVA">BLAZING!</span>{{captain}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=11 |pos={{NewPosition|CF|type=1}}  |name=<span class="explain" title="SHE'S ACCELERATING, ALSO MULTIPLYING!">Featuring Suguri from the Suguri series</span>}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos={{NewPosition|GK|type=1}} |name=*BLOCKS YOUR TRAP*}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos={{NewPosition|LB|type=1}} |name=Dangerous Pudding Addict Doggo}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos={{NewPosition|LB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Go down, all of you">Princess' Priviledge</span>}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Fucking Sevengulls">Grunt rolls a 6</span>}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="YOU'RE A CUTE BUNNY, PYON PYON. t. Kae">Bunny for Bullying</span>}}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Implying +2Def and 3HP will get you anywhere.">{{greentext|RNG effects >Helping}}</span>}}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos={{NewPosition|RB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="WAIT UNTIL I REACH LEVEL 4">Face of Mercy</span>}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos={{NewPosition|RB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Oi sir, would you kindly lend me 50 of your stars? Why, thank you. Poppo!">Sir Poppington</span>}}
{{sq player |no=20 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="se~no">Cute Idorus</span>}}
{{sq player |no=21 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Whose turn it is now? *kills herself*">The Cat with the Gat}}
{{sq player |no=22 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="49 Wins, Level 2">Fun Breaker</span>}}
{{sq player |no=23 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="It's Magical Revenge time!">Friendless Neet</span>}}
{{sq end}}


{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=1  |pos=GK  |name=<span class="explain" title="CHECK OUT THIS STYLE PUNK, IT'S ABOUT TO ROCK YA.">WELCOME TO THE WORLD OF HARDSTYLE, MOTHER FUCKER!</span>
{{sq start player |no=2  |pos=LB  |name=<span class="explain" title="HOLY FUCKING SHIT I WANT THESE PANTS!.">Melbourne Shuffle</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=3  |pos=CB  |name=<span class="explain" title="Name a more iconic song, I double dare you, mother fucker.">ROCK CIVILIZATION</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=4  |pos=CB  |name=<span class="explain" title="Nice Lyrics.">HA HA HA!</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=5  |pos=RB  |name=<span class="explain" title="If you're looking for stupidly good production value and outstanding artists, say no more!">REVERZE</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=6  |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="A Place of Freakz and the Kingdom of Maniacs.">World of Madness</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=7  |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="Undisputed Best Song of 2018">A MOTHER FUCKING HURRICANE!</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=8  |pos=CMF |name=<span class="explain" title="When you thought you have heard everything, Netherlands keeps giving birth to new shinning stars!">Phuture Noize</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=9  |pos=SS |name=<span class="explain" title="Make way for one of the unrivaled Legends.">The Frontliner</span>{{captain}}}}
{{sq silver player |no=10 |pos=SS  |name=<span class="explain" title="RAISE YOUR FUCKING HANDS UP!">REAWAKENING!</span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=11 |pos=CF  |name=<span class="explain" title="The Alpha and the Omega, the One and Only">Project One</span>}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=GK |name=<span class="explain" title="This is just the beginning.">The Gathering</span>}}}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=LB |name=<span class="explain" title="BACK OFF, BACK OFF!">Lose my Mind!</span>}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=LB |name=<span class="explain" title="You think this shit has brakes?">POWER HOUR!</span>}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="A VOYAGE FUELED BY OUR DESIRE TO KNOW OUR TRUE CALLING">THIS IS MY DESTINY!</span>}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="Stand before them and there is no beginning, follow them and there is no end.">Luminosity</span>}}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos=CB |name=<span class="explain" title="You and I would create a new world, deep within our minds ♫">Imaginary</span>}}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos=RB |name=FUCK EDM!}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=RB |name=<span class="explain" title="IF I LISTEN TO YOUR SONG, WOULD I DIE?">THE MASKED MEN</span>}}
{{sq player |no=20 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="HOW THE FUCK DOES HE GET TO REMIX A TRANCE SONG AND MAKES IT 10000000% BETTER? HE CAN'T KEEP GETTING AWAY WITH IT!">Great Spirit}}
{{sq player |no=21 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="THIS MOTHERFUCKING DROP RIGHT HERE, JESUS TAP DANCING CHRIST">Lost in Paradise</span>}}
{{sq player |no=22 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="I'm semi-kinda sinner, but lord knows I'm a winner because I do it for love. ♫">Into the Madness</span>}}
{{sq player |no=23 |pos=DMF |name=<span class="explain" title="The perfect song to start or end a journey.">Timeless</span>}}
{{sq end}}


{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=1 |pos={{NewPosition|GK|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Gracias Turco.">1 Dolar 1 Peso</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=2 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="BAMO' A BOLBE'.">Resistiendo con Aguante</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=3 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Would you please attend the nearest football stadium, dummy?">ANDÁ A LA CANCHA, BOBO!</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=4 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="This boludo detector is off the charts!">Atendedor de Boludos</span>}}
{{sq bronze player |no=5 |pos={{NewPosition|DMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="RIP MY NIGGA RICARDO FORT.">The Commander</span>}}
{{sq bronze player |no=6 |pos={{NewPosition|DMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="NO LO SOÑEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE">I DIDN'T DREAM</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=7 |pos={{NewPosition|LMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="THREE PERCENT INFLATION, OF FUCKING COURSE IT ISN'T YOU LYING GOOD FOR NOTHING SACKS OF SHIT">{{greentext|INDEC}}</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=8 |pos={{NewPosition|RMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="La década robada, la década gastada, la década desperdiciada, la década perdida, etc etc">The Won Decade</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=9 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="No Mayo, pls.">Choripan</span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=10 |pos={{NewPosition|CF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="MESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSIMESSI">Messi Chikito</span>{{captain}}}}
{{sq silver player |no=11 |pos={{NewPosition|CMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="NO FUERON 30000, NO FUERON INOCENTES Y NO FUERON SUFICIENTES">Jorge Rafael Videla</span>}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="¿QUÉ TE PASA, MACHIRULE?">LENGUAJE INCLUSIVE</span>}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Imaginate destrozar propiedad privada para festejar cada vez que tu equipo gana algo.">USA Embassy Invasion</span>}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Imaginate irte a dormir un Domingo y despertarte el Lunes con tu moneda devaluada al 33%">The Absolute State of Argentina's Economy</span>}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Que la sigan chupando.">EeEeEeEeeeEe</span>}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos={{NewPosition|CB|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Solamente Argentino cuando Cristina está al poder.">The Pope</span>}}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos={{NewPosition|LMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="OH NO NO, MIRAAAAA! MIRA LA REPE! NO NO NO!.">PASAME LA REPE!</span>}}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos={{NewPosition|LMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Norteño niggas be like...">THE BAD LIGHT</span>}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos={{NewPosition|LMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="MUEREN 2 PERSONAS Y 1 BOLIVIANO">Cronica TV</span>}}
{{sq player |no=20 |pos={{NewPosition|RMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Provincia Rebelde">Uruguay is Argentinian Clay!</span>}}
{{sq player |no=21 |pos={{NewPosition|RMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Ah, sí sí, vos seguí hablando Sub-zero, tomá un matienzo.">Scorpion Matero</span>}}
{{sq player |no=22 |pos={{NewPosition|RMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="Buen post, +10, a favoritos y denunciado.">DESPEDITE DE TU CUENTA, LINCE.</span>}}
{{sq bronze player |no=23 |pos={{NewPosition|AMF|type=1}} |name=<span class="explain" title="ES URUGUAYO Y DE BOCA">Dulce de Leche</span>}}
{{sq end}}

Latest revision as of 03:35, 4 February 2025

>implying profile pages

I won Rigshop twice and Fantasy Football twice!

Manager of the following team(s):

Vm icon.png /vm/ Video Games/Multiplayer
Vn icon.png /vn/ Visual Novels General

Contact me at:

>Dicksword: laventale.-

>Mail: sakuzyoislit@gmail.com


Vm lookatthetime.gif