Difference between revisions of "User:Wasad"

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(Replaced content with "Hi, I'm the {{team away|ghost}} fugger(manager). Maybe more meme teams in the future? =Contact= Skype/Email: wasadkun@gmail.com")
(8 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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Hi, I'm the {{team away|ghost}} fugger(manager).
Maybe more meme teams in the future?
Skype/Email: wasadkun@gmail.com
Skype/Email: wasadkun@gmail.com
|team= ghost
|motto= Spooky
|name= ghost
|date= August 29th , 2016
|irl= {{Anonymous|wasad}}
|captain= My Spooky Ghost Waifu
|anthem= puu.sh/qTrZu/8cd0d80a4d.mp3
|a_title= Bustin (short)
|altanthem1= youtube.com/watch?v=0tdyU_gW6WE
|altanthem1_title= Bustin
|altanthem1_what= Victory Anthem
|horn= youtube.com/watch?v=fq3abPnEEGE
|gh_title= it is a mystery
|althorn1= puu.sh/qTs5T/8a07b3868a.mp3
|altgh1_title= CHOIR JAIL (crabMixx)
|altgh1_what= My Spooky Ghost Waifu's Goal Horn
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=33 |pos=GK |name= <span class="explain" title="Held hostage here by the other ghosts. Defends the goal for his life.">Luigi</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=77 |pos=LB |name= <span class="explain" title="She spends all day inside testing in PES so maybe she'll be useful.">NEET Ghost</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=7 |pos=RB |name= <span class="explain" title="chink ghost">Hsien-Ko</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=18 |pos=CB |name= <span class="explain" title="Do you have to yell that everytime?">GHOST BLOWJOB</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=12 |pos=CB |name= <span class="explain" title="He won't be so friendly when he kills you for the ball.">Casper</span>}}
{{sq start player |no=4 |pos=DMF |name= <span class="explain" title="Stupid sexy 2hu.">Yuyuko</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=3 |pos=CMF |name= <span class="explain" title="it is a mystery">it is a mystery</span>}}
{{sq silver player |no=1 |pos=SS |name= <span class="explain" title="My wish is for you to rape Jinta!">Vengeful Menma</span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=2 |pos=AMF |name= <span class="explain" title="Quite possibly the best anime ever created.">Ghost Slide</span>}}
{{sq gold player |no=15 |pos=CF |name= <span class="explain" title="She's cute, she's dead, and she's my waifu.">My Spooky Ghost Waifu</span> {{captain}} }}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=GK |name= <span class="explain" title="HE'S GONNA CATCH 'EM ALL 'CAUSE HE'S DANNY PHANTOM">Danny Phantom</span>}}
{{sq player |no=20 |pos=GK |name= <span class="explain" title="Some fucking inazuma eleven technique because I'm Dragonfag :^)">Ghost Lock</span>}}
{{sq player |no=8 |pos=LB |name= <span class="explain" title="You wouldn't fug a snail, would you?">Snail</span>}}
{{sq player |no=11 |pos=LB |name= <span class="explain" title="Sorry, I'm not using any of your music for the team. Maybe next time bud.">Napstablook</span>}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=RB|name= <span class="explain" title="What a ruse.">GhosTrick</span>}}
{{sq player |no=25 |pos=RB |name= <span class="explain" title="What the fuck it's not even the right season">Ghost of Christmas Past/Present/Future</span>}}
{{sq player |no=10 |pos=CB |name= <span class="explain" title="HE'S FAT">Stay Puft</span>}}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos=CB |name= <span class="explain" title="Literal filler. I don't even like Yokai Watch.">Whisper</span>}}
{{sq player |no=9 |pos=DMF |name= <span class="explain" title="Haha, time to visit Davy Jones' Locker you little shit.">The Flying Dutchman</span>}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos=DMF |name= <span class="explain" title=";_;">Cubone's Mother</span>}}
{{sq player |no=69 |pos=CMF |name= <span class="explain" title="helps to fug the ghosts better">Ectoplasm</span>}}
{{sq player |no=6 |pos=CMF |name= <span class="explain" title="what that tongue do">King Boo</span>}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=CMF |name= <span class="explain" title="Learn the difference!">Western vs Eastern Ghosts</span>}}
{{sq end}}
I'm getting to that.
My PC packs cpks wrong for some reason, so I have to transfer faces to laptop to pack and then transfer back.
Will hopefully be done all the face aesthetics (lots of box and flatheads) soon™.

Latest revision as of 05:08, 23 October 2016

Hi, I'm the Ghost icon.png /ghost/ fugger(manager).

Maybe more meme teams in the future?


Skype/Email: wasadkun@gmail.com