Difference between revisions of "/vg/ League Exports"

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{{Alert|When editing the exports page, edit '''your team's section only''' (click the [edit] link next to the header with your team's name) in order to prevent edit conflicts and loss of links! If an edit conflict happens, we'll be able to tell whose fault it is.}}
{{Alert|When editing the exports page, edit '''your team's section only''' (click the [edit] link next to the header with your team's name) in order to prevent edit conflicts and loss of links! If an edit conflict happens, we'll be able to tell whose fault it is.}}

This page is for the upcoming [[/vg/ League 16]]. Archived exports pages can be found at [[/vg/ League Exports/Archive]]
This page is for the upcoming [[/vg/ League 23]]. Archived exports pages can be found at [[/vg/ League Exports/Archive]]

'''''This page is for the <u>initial deadlines</u> only. See the [[VGL Mid Cup Aesthetics]] for tactical export-related changes beyond the first deadline.'''''
'''''This page is for the <u>initial deadlines</u> only. See the [[VGL Mid Cup Aesthetics]] for tactical export-related changes beyond the first deadline.'''''
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*Tactics and Aesthetics: May 13th (23:59:59 UTC)
*Qualifier Tactics and Aesthetics: November 16th (23:59:59 UTC)
*Music: May 20th (23:59:59 UTC)</big>'''
*Tactics and Aesthetics: November 23rd (23:59:59 UTC)
*Music: November 28th (23:59:59 UTC)</big>'''

= Qualifiers =
== {{team away|dng}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZUq1WxeOHDk74mU_U__J18Z5ohTilsp3/view?usp=sharing You've been Blasted ;)]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i-Rjx5K-QGZ1QfNwlvaLCNNCtkufXSUC/view?usp=sharing Welcome in MACRO ON LEGS, winner of our silver medal tournament]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qErBwssSfnAqE27q97bIMZ5VayWrK2V8/view?usp=sharing IKUZE CLEAR MIND!]
== {{team away|indie}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/VnARyY6C#bmz87kbTjxS_4YpmPlI7oOuH-PBqq6CI7TeHNQNCwK8 Wapddi - Like Our Friend Murphy is the best indie rock album this year.]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/17pVGRDC#ocoKFOeFUFyVnGGB8hU6yHzbGuUZDkUiC_ZpvtAIKNk Foxing S/T is also surprisingly good, and both Friko's debut and the new Vampire Weekend have their moments.]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/R6wUVCyT#D7v0PXuTefM5AnZ3JZOGBOsHNXA_k-w8cPgQvohQLnc Wait, shit, wrong thread.]
== {{team away|ink}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1izBCWQtYZQS2NNFCshS0o0yPYAc17FEU/view?usp=sharing god help me (and Woomy!)]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Wyz4qWRwB1P8Dbqf7Uduw5ldDmqlZHMP/view?usp=drive_link same as frenlies!]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/14ZLII5lOdfVO52G7y4c8KwTNhc0RZyps/view?usp=drive_link same as friendlies]
== {{team away|mjg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''[https://mega.nz/file/Bj8UBKpD#APq-nTfcuP7hDZIAIrvVZUuWuJdkNvF4LD6vlgQphEI RIICHI!]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''[https://mega.nz/file/Z6EVzTra#X9_appXCxAfsoxETyPgWuwfOWED7JIBVeGZNlsW-BVM KOKO??]
* '''Audio Export:'''[https://mega.nz/file/EiNj0BbK#GleI5MdCXUh0UhxslPwb-xECy9J7bUWtxMKWSGvz9j0 DOKO!!]

= Main Teams =
= Main Teams =

== {{team away|@}} ==
== {{team away|@}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1w3XA4ZkG1HzlGsHC24ftJmqBlciSaBPl/view?usp=sharing im@s tactics]
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/qLwCBCTQ#1iPvFTkb98h71KJcXI8f9tKPUYbXd3Ov966f1I763CU SSD (Sick Saki Drink)]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_L8fcog4DxHDkzJLtol-umRTPziLh_Nc/view?usp=sharing Ganb@rimasu]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Yp65bbQeCetaqxLFqQ_xcTQnvy75qDUm/view?usp=sharing 500 gems for a fucking costume?]  
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/ufoRGDhK#HVBwE-uiw3FtODlzS6dzfBMMqdu8FML3EdRhvWyzVco Poplinks Tunes!!! v2]

== {{team away|2hug}} ==
== {{team away|2hug}} ==
* '''Tactical Export: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/omqiarthpzvxb7p/2hug_VGL16_Precup_FINAL.ted/file Chimata is stylish!]'''
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/QBxSUIIQ#W8z70YjMZ8QVi7cn3ijmh6cLUTioBMbDxNlc6udehys Girls are now crossing, please head it warmly]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/WrRQGI5T#Jj3qCHe_yC77FFWzOtTYzkuPjtEPFgI5hGATc3YxC94 Girls are now dressing, please look at them warmly]
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/C6BSxT7Q#SnJsKi7wR0y1lYxhnIyI-Hb1LTZLV6nrbFF1V7MGVXE Girls are now trumpeting, please listen carefully]

== {{team away|aceg}} ==
== {{team away|aceg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/XsIlUbzT#YhCeuguovNF10YmeyOFejt1AVMq_9_VARgBGUmlxkaA << Now the war is finally over. I got a girlfriend back at the base. >>]
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/file/6tgAwSwD#C-1GDvKnS9r7SMXr9Wk8eL53BZcj-HKSnjnBPIKcoEk QUESTIONS YOU ASK YOUR SOUL, WHICH WAY DO I GO?]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/vgZwSThZ#K9LC8qwvfIPtFL9T6xENvhh4gJr8dTHHdU7iF6vf0cw << I'm gonna propose to her when I get back. I even bought flowers. >>]
* '''Audio Export: [https://mega.nz/file/Kx4nHJZK#X5eTdGo5NKKrOCCekVYdctkeDbyLdn_fUi-Q4FX75J0 HOW FAST IS TOO SLOW? THE JOURNEY HAS ITS TIME WITHIN US]'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/egZ3QYAD#P4fwIz6CMDe0i4QdkLOyqGRlUEzbmq0r95y5LDxUJMA << Dang it! >>]

== {{team away|akg}} ==
== {{team away|akg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:[https://mega.nz/file/GDBHhCjb#6zsMX2K4aZYSUBbOQM6gzs_7lCgTjV-xb_xx3BQBccU Doctor get out of the room. No people are not scary. Play divegrass to get THRM-EX's skin.]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:[https://mega.nz/file/maQTBTRC#gPUnLEgCdlgpow7__AC3NBvSgNs2XJaB6ss2rYv0Kz8 Really need THE WEEDSTER on the team.]'''
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export:[https://mega.nz/file/qepnXQZT#vxhH1xQ9X3aN43rPszYys3Po2NpWu4qGRCzi4V9uWIA Why did the sun break?]'''
== {{team away|alg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1WZN1b98bjOL3nyPKEpZA6xvrSSnyzPQk/view?usp=sharing Der mächtigste König im Luftrevier ist des Sturmes gewaltiger Aar!]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/16H1vJ9LPMce-pXxOwwI5UF1MG5MYKs7w/view?usp=sharing Come, cheer up, my lads, 'tis to glory we steer!]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1id9XfKhGVVih-gwfZVef1c2Yp_Z1_BW_/view?usp=sharing Anchors Aweigh, my boys!]

== {{team away|assg}} ==
== {{team away|bag}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T9Z30oC4lCji8UomV8B9DFbP6kfhTwPU/view?usp=sharing Sensei, take command.]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1dfxm5AGYvGiU89gG6aN_-Q04ZHeJt1y3/view?usp=sharing My artistic spirit is unstoppable!]
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PLgLRXneZxZVEnrPcBzPBqsuTDkW7unl/view?usp=sharing NIHAHAHAHA!]

== {{team away|dbg}} ==
== {{team away|dbg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export: [https://www.dropbox.com/s/zl15vhxy1x6e6xw/dbgvgl16tactics.rar?dl=0 Our Next Modpack]'''
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/nwk2jfomyznxgmsls2a5c/dbg_day1final?rlkey=qeoun1gq0mnnqoivdmxvedvhu&st=d5236fsy&dl=0Im Running Gogeta, Gogeta, Gogeta,Vegito and of course Goku (Mid)]
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/file/9m5wXDIR#JQz9bQS8eHUQl6-4p90XRCO23gxz19p6dhMytD7e868 preliminary export]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/p7xyEAYI#Rvq8zD0zFPbRxcwenuzIOLIJRJmQNufv18AM1i2rsrQ He's Got a Low Taper and Thinks he's him? AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA- Frieza]
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/19dy5chjvrf7639n8zcqf/Sparking-Zero-has-been-out-for-1-Month.rar?rlkey=b2841sr7uzqa26rihqmlcyamd&st=xpg7uegq&dl=0 People always ask why they call me The Drink]
== {{team away|ddlc}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/lIR2jDxT#WaARX8CR8tDWmIXec_9dMCYUyjQB-rDewEKvWY1R4wY jesus christ get me away from this spooky text] (auto)
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1cc-v4gVGJTOzsp9wEKZGcllNoz4iXjlA/view?usp=sharing J̶̙̘́ú̷̞͙͉̰̩͉͈͔͉͕̹͖̬͊̂̈́s̶͍̲͉͔͙̦͚̜̦̟̼̀͛̐́̈́̇̀t̵͓̟̤̖̻͕̰͙̮͓̓̆͗͆̐̂͒̍ ̴̛̝̮̞̟͙̙̬͓̞̪̌͗̔̒̅̀̀̑̇͛M̴̧̳̻̈̿̽̃͊̔̒́̑̿̕̚̕͠͝o̸̞̖̖̒̂̒̽͐̽͋́͝n̶͈͎̬̬̤̦̂͂͜͜i̷̤͓̙̓̈͑̀̑̓̓̚̕͝k̷̢̖̟͔̩͉͐̍̈́͑͗̋̎̕͠a̸̳̻̥̤͖̝̎̏͑͛̓̔̀̕͝]
* '''Audio Export:'''
== {{team away|digi}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/wcBRlAyL#zv1GZ8teqsGhRnTdiUpx-dkiFbYJdk8etlM9PNxQxE0 hello!] (auto)
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/lYBX3Aaa#DT8TWhDoie0rZaRNJcEuM0E1aZj5pr9nGDx1LqO5RSI I can't believe Leomon's gonna survive an entire anime season]
* '''Audio Export:'''

== {{team away|dlg}} ==
== {{team away|ddg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1d1xGuYNVuVvnmHYnO_euBU7Vs0GjrQcz/view?usp=sharing Lands and skies]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/file/YmJCUDgA#R_lnR54l7_2mZr01NfRB2CDKGVpIwqmOAcIf6-KP8m0 And seas yearn!]'''
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1apzX6LL3XiSUiPOt0xPhlkIl0u3DKdi8/view?usp=drive_link Finish the cycle of eternal return!]'''

== {{team away|domg}} ==
== {{team away|domg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' https://mega.nz/file/WRZwkTwQ#WJmlUjiJ1gik0EJuWba01bCOPzq9qMGsTSWaahPusNw
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/uI4VyDxR#wjSB2WaYeru_ANSqr_0r5X5T5nOr9pozRHYAU9vp2jI pröööh]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' https://mega.nz/file/GVJCwLKB#NNt107QzHCiR9PzxM28KEd1hM38321lvXGvrNWQExys
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/fIJRUALB#YVTlEUlOimF5LxSNncDtdPSiEEMqleqiigVSe9g6rdA AES more like ASS]
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/DBxUTLhD#hP2iwISggmhRFlLsmCFDIo6y1Slnt5M5sHAhAcm_nLs Did you think we were gonna change our music at this juncture?]
== {{team away|dng}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z_DRbPGR4yMHAw0TcvEAkLRoQl0yBhI5/view?usp=sharing Free Blaster]
* '''Audio Export:'''
== {{team away|drag}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:'''
== {{team away|drg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://www.mediafire.com/file/gw88n4pwoayd4oc/drg_vgl16_export.ted moogy mommy milky]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:'''
== {{team away|eftg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AujhblmAje6zVndosdNKof5MnORJGNWR/view?usp=sharing THE TIME HAS COME]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NftQTTM1-C74gBJyIz-g8CgwWr0hZyLz/view?usp=sharing Time to reach Ragman LLV4]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/13oTAuxZfVI82XTOelR9CLbxjG4RaPaW7/view?usp=sharing '''Ублюдок, мать твою, а ну иди сюда говно собачье, решил ко мне лезть?  Ты, засранец вонючий, мать твою, а? Ну иди сюда, попробуй меня трахнуть,  я тебя сам трахну ублюдок, онанист чертов, будь ты проклят, иди идиот,  трахать тебя и всю семью, говно собачье, жлоб вонючий,  дерьмо, сука, падла, иди сюда, мерзавец, негодяй, гад, иди сюда ты - говно, ЖОПА''']

== {{team away|egg}} ==
== {{team away|egg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/4EZGWL7S#eDl3FcFqYGlJLXN_ccb2EkzlKvUFVF817ACShHZKxos I will nuke Canada] (auto)
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/w0ZDlT6J#aRkHBxLjZvAbGvka6PlBg2SjTUzTw5KoJ-V0Wi6lqVU It works where it should!]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/I8ZHSbhZ#kEQCW4eagNL-dciihgsYOKDDstiEf88n8_X1h-TZYlM It works where it looks like it should!]
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/FxwgyAKY#yLISvXDYeGCNmkYrOh6bizcSAieDKEBxYA1qQQ0Rv8U It works where it sounds like it should!]

== {{team away|feg}} ==
== {{team away|esg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export: Day 4'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/NOgEjaYI#hXvrIkrT2kbZEQIHfO1odfd4CI-sMnMaab45uUCiltI Now with 100% Fire Emblem]  
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/file/pK1lkBoR#mSQ4FZ1yptiawzAO90sSm8bUcFR1UugsT_KheLiO3Yg Box 2]'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/lGgW1KCb#X8l5xPEHzz0ydF8xwtLa_73QvsIIqnOyzxXHAfY9DHI Now with 200% more music that will never play.]
* '''Audio Export: [https://mega.nz/file/cXUlDQzS#V20CX6Yo5XhHgwXZtqH87nhkbEaGDa4FNAOFyMylaD0 7500 gems spent]'''
* '''Audio Export Against Chinks (/gig/, /akg/, /gig/, /mjg/ (Might of missed some idk:''' [ https://mega.nz/file/cOhW0KIL#Qw6cXf9OYkzZFnS6ezChEWmQ5qN9kH7JmOfEMB7G3as FOURTH SINO-JAPANESE WAR.]
Why does 9ark hate me?
== {{team away|fg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:'''

== {{team away|fgoalter}} ==
== {{team away|fgoalter}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://www.mediafire.com/file/pyjfeqtuwkjcvqq/fgoalter_export.ted/file Walkthrough Guide for <s>LB4</s> VGL 16]
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/9TYiSQLB#VTDqmRmsK10WEtVQ1Qp-16kJEfGGNbXUaIrctLz5pks Tactics]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://www.mediafire.com/file/w1z8g3wc62rn097/fgoalter.7z/file If you only knew how many mats/QP was used for these costumes]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/folder/FOYzQLIJ#IZG8fLF8QsqYIce2ENjHeg Aesthetics]
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/folder/lGpwgJhL#hRcpQ3Wo7yMslHsTPVzKzw Music]

== {{team away|fgog}} ==
== {{team away|fgog}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/jRIjFCiB#TyDC2sqPIeruCu-RMDehkAtpkyrb-5o4U_I41iMMmb0 The Spirit of /mcg/ lives on in Fate (Just not in this export)]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/yNITyL7Q#COiXFU9__va6dTZ7yBhw8Wn2heLdisaf3c2zKflJGJ8 These never come finished]
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ssPn2y2dz6tQlhQKvv10hJEI2vBhsYz3/view?usp=sharing RO16 MUSIC UPDATED 12/19/2024]

== {{team away|gbfg}} ==
== {{team away|gbfg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/yFcQBbKD#BM0iBsEoXEMPTQwkMfUVAlj6hf2d4KUi58BX_B5S_x4 Scheduled delivery of hopium]
* '''Tactical Export (Day 1): [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1l82FKW1WPRuNkkpTNM4n45i0QIuyqZKj Used an export? Your win doesn't count.]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RfELAvoCVmU5kOZ13FqklJEXcl3mFsO5 This is clearly not enough wings.]'''
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export for VGL23: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/14wAm1EVib0AS_YZXBCFWEpJVe1qRxhVr/view?usp=sharing Amazing praise, how sweet the sound.]'''

== {{team away|gbpen}} ==
== {{team away|gbpen}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:'''[https://mega.nz/file/YngVRACL#YV48WziT09HWaio98j7mSOj3zwbeOgDSyPSiH7FqmcE boppin]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/0jAklSqY#sxuEPVSN31DcyywQ2eqOvuI3aNR3DtMnsrOtnEYK2RY same export used in the friendlies so it should still work now]
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/9uwg2B4I#iILHbFDvD7MafKFW9V03XhyQxe9j7IwIUobBLR4_RKM Music now featuring the very Happy member of the Smile Patrol!]

== {{team away|gfg}} ==
== {{team away|gfg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I3Y8hSprGEA83mIGm5nNC8KJ8dUG0wsM/view?usp=sharing gf2 unit tier list Now not a .ted because the wrong file got uploaded]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''[https://mega.nz/file/IKdzRJYQ#gnNLjIF88FtvQkwIg9XmwhTR3nmXwd_Hy71iHLjzlmM Wait what do you mean deadline is today?] Wait what do you mean prefox fucked up more than i anticipated? t. pro(crastinating) retard
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1o3YupkgyXUKpT3vgDvDp5T8FH_VN7dQX/view?usp=sharing *dork noises*]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/0pMnGDLY#9AR49J0zMIAnzc9rf_hkOkB8QcIr1ydFLrXwoHoU2y0 Maybe we'll add GF 2 music later on]

== {{team away|gig}} ==
== {{team away|gig}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' 「えへっ」
* '''Tactical Export:'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/sA5AVSTQ#15FEQZw-kXKZM1_iFLfM0lNERDGlY9PSy062BQagEoY て]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/0BUCxTLD#-4lkOlFR7bAiaMTOjGtbweo7MIIrxUmxDoazUZVdWLM Kill myself my man]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/ENgmkBCS#_2s6qryR3pMRkDjUzMePirHxCm7JSvp9m73_fOOPUWU なんだよ…!!]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/0IhR0KIC#7hRgR9-tSd3qsezx6MZXq68Mkt9hgyUhM4qhgaRhc2I Osmanthus wine.]

== {{team away|hanny}} ==
== {{team away|hanny}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://www.mediafire.com/file/t5pg96ks8eprxqs/hanny_vgl23_deadline_tactics/file Those tundra monkeys have crossed the border again. Deploy the KKK]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/folder/3d8wzQyB#6r_neGhadh8D4UisDjOiqw/file/fclkCQBa To be midcupped extensively]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://www.mediafire.com/file/hl2ipnyn6mooez8/hanny_VGL23_Aesthetic_Export_V0.7z/file Remove Helmaniggers]
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://www.mediafire.com/file/jb2d31pxgq7mwby/hanny_VGL23_music_export_V2.7z/file/file Useless Goalhorn V2]
* '''Stadium Export:''' [https://www.mediafire.com/file/boaphlpj5t33b17/Kichikuoh_Castle.7z/file Alright, listen well, ignorant masses! From now on, you work for me! You live for me!! Then when I order you to die, you die for me!! Got it!? Oh, but cute girls get special treatment. I'll give them all my love! Gahahahahaha!! ]

== {{team away|hgg2d}} ==
== {{team away|hgg2d}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/at1WDLDA#CRhzxb7hSt760X2sMIrc3AA2wL5FolT5NTJQ_CWLKFg My name is Fumika,]
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/75NTXAxD#qS4nHbc_B5hd19U3MDRwHvhDYkZeARbxX8PqGSVMokY SEX with Alcy everyday!]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/XhdgxDJZ#lSCOuzIYg5euIbYHfiEPoM_2UgK1zTF3ASn2hkUm9Qc and I'm a Hero!]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/i1tWTDDS#UIaiwVHtE7e2IDJAbnqaVcExTytnX46C3HjO2rmz9nQ kill yourself]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/Lt1yyZhS#ULVVcw743MhTytkbxFFiOKCIaM7oJHzWSUSzK-R4e4Y I came to this land to help those in need!]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/y98CxTaL#NXJVtRnnI9ac43uQqxGiJTGLpcmsCh_7BbAAVsJGAXc instant death to all ritualposters, no contribution!]
== {{team away|hsrg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/leZFkJhJ#Wkzr_GC7GBPyqwqHDNrxzRy9LkYfQKTFSQlyeYXbr8o Ninja Initiate Export!]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''[https://mega.nz/file/4XxAlAZb#DMtahUX0vZbAKK9FaqGodCqZXGgTnXN7S_8HOJs4zIk Ninja Initiate Aesthetics!]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/0WgWDAIK#C0_OYjz9OAoAT8ntjUPc1buf_l5RudNJUbDoQOawkps Ninja Initiate Audio! (UPDATED AS OF 12/13/2024)]

== {{team away|indie}} ==
== {{team away|kfg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export: [https://mega.nz/file/e95g2SpS#1tIE3Yy3e6RGaWm0exJyxmQMmC5XN9Je-eBaBfhya-0 Fun Kemono Friend Fact #1 - There has been a few collabs in KF3 recently, first with an aquarium involving Coelacanth and Pancake Octopus and another with a Yokai museum with 3 different Yokai Friends.]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/file/64QRgaRB#n92pQ-TxkbHtTR9PNVJoWjxE4XxxWGmnYdm2fAEAAz0 Fun Kemono Friend Fact #2 - There was a live stage play involving KF recently in Japan, even starring one of the vTubers.]'''
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export: [https://mega.nz/file/z9pQ2AwK#oalMldaFR2_4bYs9XbEV1hFKAg-lkLrIzvGK9FTFGEY Fun Kemono Friend Fact #3 - There was a pop up shop that sold a drinking flask and I had a friend living in Japan get one for me.  So I can drink in style while the matches happen to drown my sorrows!]'''

== {{team away|ink}} ==
== {{team away|ksg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/NZ4CFAyZ#awvackgsKAqMBvzw4I4Ay3NdmqsRh3FqYtyKoDILVaQ ina ina inaaaa]
* '''Tactical Export:'''[https://www.mediafire.com/file/tl4dwec2025j5r7/ksg_vgl23 Plans to fight the feminist conspiracy]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1j2NSXRgNifcUst9SdjbU1X6a55VpvcjK RevampedKSGv1 made with vodka and enthusiasm (literally)]
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:'''[https://www.mediafire.com/file/h5fnsygplxuobbs/KSG_Music_Export.zip Music to feel by]

== {{team away|kfg}} ==
== {{team away|lcg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZEaIbQg5Ihk3yVPLWZCRfL7yb1uiRrK0/view?usp=sharing GALLOP FORTH TOGETHER! THE DREAM SHALL NEVER END!]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nPIQItpNPMexjWInAB8ivFQBi_YmoyI_/view?usp=sharing Holy shit an ACTUAL FUCKING BEAR]
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VaWghZA64equ9FydFKqAWnRVgjTfrapk/view?usp=sharing I feel like Revision 19 of the same export is a little wild but here we are]

== {{team away|llsifg}} ==
== {{team away|llsifg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/0iBDwB5K#1WNOAARr9yvX1L8rFKNfWWpI6eG9wEyPUgr_Kiv20ds Fraudtics]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/MzITBYaR#AQ1R0TuWs0--AiHrOxIVEFOqbP6zt8NtmF4iiobkZN4 Just say you hate everything]
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/Enp2gSDZ#hMIDcqM6hb3-ziTuEgQ5jM5oipDBtDfgOGJtyDoQTiE Fixed export]

== {{team away|lolg}} ==
== {{team away|nepgen}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1SaNg6F07shJUYmez7lal_b75KU3CY8Qx/view?usp=drive_link More]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:[https://mega.nz/file/KQljya5A#2Cn9p0oMuATi7KTqZknRlfhBQ23ceqYNfg7XRmFN1gs Neps on motorcycles]'''
* '''Audio Export: [https://mega.nz/file/uohkAazZ#5mDKeiWZsnV9dodVinxb63CDjeT6b-Iy9zDK8lhr0b4 Even has chants]'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1VGci_n3MRKLljABIBV2sL8mlrkjd3oxD/ I forgor]

== {{team away|mbg}} ==
== {{team away|nikg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/g102gD4A#2ue0q_Dn2WwfqFGfhpdCMF05cw2EWfCGw1B8I1LMo5c you rolled for the best, most beautiful nikke, right anon?]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/5odUxLJB#4tuMVECKonxXWPxnDdomtdPdKtagnJ_VRHS4nmM_xH0 and graves as well, right anon?]
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/wwc3SAKR#NW4H1Y_WnSlFABRxeekFoPfsjRk41X_4jbSmZiLzrK4 music]

== {{team away|mjg}} ==
== {{team away|omg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/vbpg1YQJ#X55nehobeED3iS4zZNWlM_6vhn59-1gGpk8h9YhF-mc If you play divegrass naturally and honestly with a little bit of courage, it is good divegrass.]
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/tbIiEaqa#M5IP8cxIPog5u1yAVd9bkSIQ-c9wGISf5Gf5lqDSkrM let him defend]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/WPwWBABC#TPqYKJRxlds0VU0ptgrxm3X2s-KKI7sGLuhlJC4oTk4 The future of mahjong belongs to the machines.]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/0GhSFJAa#NUvndR_cNWX_AoOFW24ztfeMRVngIugrpF7UHlaUF_Q finii skin soon]
* '''Audio Export: [https://mega.nz/file/TLpGRAAb#TapEDvDuYpRH5Vzu_aZDjE96ApXKraFel4LH8fIfjSI CHINPOCHINPOCHINPO NYA~] '''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/8XpwWCyB#boyW8M-DIx3CYolpHyiqoTDZj4_mRWs4z1z1Ci-ZnXQ mvp music]

== {{team away|mmg}} ==
== {{team away|pcrg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1A0f7f9Oj7uJ8z814aKBfbbtHa9OuyDdo/view?usp=sharing How can this give me more gems for Clan Battle?]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1KLaGW-Kd2Qav83JxR2xvEi4OBPgV4JQE?usp=sharing Why does my waifu look like utter dogshit?]
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export:''' <s>[https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15jjx7C1PNsKg-Yrn5MQrCqK3o0jEdMbm?usp=sharing Kyot to Kyot Communications On]</s> [https://mega.nz/file/ceYgRSAJ#YPtlxVubcm0_EdvmboPQFX3ldpE28qFoMBDCD3XKI5U Now with two different Kyot Nonsense chants (one is 30 seconds, the other is the full 10 minutes)]

== {{team away|nepgen}} ==
== {{team away|pg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AlLynDF-sVHilqMshQYYc6iDUWCTVhGq/view?usp=drive_link did you know technically futaba sakura is stronger thank goku? look it up man]
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/file/zBVilb4B#uGOaufhLHNx7WIlSMMMn72AnM3CUkLGBg2U99NtpkE0 Can you stop remaking the first game for 10 minutes?]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AIK2xfZzl_m8QoQ_spNob_6fnaRrgv-k/view?usp=sharing ORB ORB ORB ORB]
* '''Audio Export: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1omo2SNwdKTySBiJ-m_QUkqYtkABqoIhR/ Fishing minigame included]'''
* '''Audio Export:'''  [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1-ntYn4NHy8O_akuSc9ZiulduFF1KwWfC/view?usp=drive_link persona invented gusic]

== {{team away|pmmm}} ==
== {{team away|pmmm}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1T4ai9mJ1fdw_XEU3I8tDEXS2yZmePQ6n/view?usp=sharing 究極なパゥワァ!次はご一緒に…パゥワァ!]'''
* '''Tactical Export:''' <s>Tactics have been delayed for Spring 2025, we apologize for any inconvenience</s> [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ArVlhiH2MM7wGeh2jCNURqOuK4T0HzbI/view?usp=sharing sike, Tactics are here]
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/folder/3d8wzQyB#6r_neGhadh8D4UisDjOiqw/file/6Jsy3IaY アルティメットドレスすごくお高いんだって]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' <s>AES has also been delayed for Spring 2025 as well, we apologize for any inconvenience once again</s> [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1z_SkG6uDi_8EK5f-kAXPX9ExRON_xaZX/view?usp=sharing sike, AES is here]
* '''Audio Export:[https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RKzYFaCljt764_hDyJbNjOVwa0Ob6vri/view?usp=sharing 目指せ!名誉1年分!]'''
* '''Audio Export:''' <s>Music will still be released 2 hours before kickoff and over 200MB as usual :^)</s> [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1crYd27dygwPOje21B7wO9rPUqj0gl0ab/view?usp=sharing sike, it's under 100 MB and only done under 8 hours before kickoff :^)]
== {{team away|psg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/WJtWVCAS#zfDsUP6yitLuucNel-ezUfO2mWAqxO2CL7qmd7MCCuY >thread is dead on Friday night because anon uploaded the export early so he could go out partying]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' {{tt|siiiiigh|aoba's got it}}

== {{team away|r6g}} ==
== {{team away|skg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export: [https://mega.nz/file/uLwQECpD#Zz3uup4ZAHlQZRN_jnVtuwonpLvKUeq734_6HNOlCUk It's been an honor, sir!]''' (Autopilot)
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/CzhlSJID#pmzagcxgh3rkqxdJlZzv9aoUIGmF9uAqyiicnwlQtdw New tactics for the return to PES 2017]
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/file/HbgmDAJZ#ufb2Py-WG469aCH1KizoT7VNzKIgaIQZJsI6IRDEx-w Being 1 Speed, 1 Armor and having only 5 Bullets on the 416-C won't fucking stop Jäger from having 95% Pickrate, retards!]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/KjpXlACK#rPL01fxzIuPn2C3mNc3N0HdDF_7I_-alwo5bjinEuIo It's too cold for swimming, so it's back to the Winter kits]
* '''Audio Export: [https://mega.nz/file/SO4WnJKL#zcYZtdGL8wIiUVS62Ti9NTRjm6B3vZv1LogJE_XKL4g Music to bid our farewells to. Thank you for so much fun!]'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/aqZQnJTK#fIIiYndJx6B4mNiftBFO9ou1xK7Xin4iNhz__tMoZrw Senran Music for the Holiday Season]
* '''Pastebin: [https://pastebin.com/mrM1Er27 See you in Bartlett U, fellas!]'''

== {{team away|revue}} ==
== {{team away|smbg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export: [https://mega.nz/file/pQAnnSBC#NcIQvaUayoifkyrLWdu1trFwVwM35fREQZrwA4cT_ss Someone show me who Gamer Milkies is supposed to be thanks] (auto)'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' auto
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/file/UdsQwa5b#N6cYDNI4N7Bw_BZzRNfNzQpHF5XRTECfA5wxovK8E8k The revue is not for the faint of heart.]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1z6024kXxfjAg3G4VwrkFPfHC3_5JPnWA?usp=drive_link shi]
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/QTUViADb#MXGhmNp1CcDzp9AmOF1rJHwFsTY91VdK8YWyoQyXoE8 ddy]
* '''Pastebin: [https://pastebin.com/u4qAU1pZ Proper attire and a stage for the grand performance.]'''

== {{team away|ssbg}} ==
== {{team away|smtg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/17LPSJu3E-Ih-oh6BDzw3xheVf7KGpKuY/view?usp=drive_link dex]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/186WLf7kHYslPiVSNC3uykGxByemHjCNe/view?usp=drive_link chads]
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_0iNyOh_P-l17Q672dFAdOwLQdiFQIxy/view?usp=drive_link only]

== {{team away|sgg}} ==
== {{team away|snowg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/jsoixKCD#hD2Nqp6Xpelg76ijeZZHrIm1vvwaNQXxcIW5l3cbnfo I am not sure if you noticed, but I am a robot. (Auto)]
* '''Tactical Export:''' we just dont know
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/al5kxS5J#oOr0xrhvE7cBvkrKX_j6MCh2gb5uyOVN5Vf-M_ODlTM What sort of nightmare is this?]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/pUshmShI#EQy9KGTio7du8AmyP0S0yc0CrcBt-PBJ0BfSKmUI6f8 continued feet optimizations]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/ytw2GSAZ#5gLRWDE8mDSg9izpQW0kM6oylN971dZhQMAaOb2yU5k 5LP 2LK 2LP 2MP]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/cNUWlQab#k-GbvHI-vn_wrOgoZx6-wyB7uUovJpHc6_aZ-tP72Ko now with more Chinese vocals]
* '''Pastebin:''' [https://pastebin.com/jvLHmCw7 Who will the Tsar be tonight?]

== {{team away|skg}} ==
== {{team away|sthg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export: [https://mega.nz/file/36piQJQJ#vbP6aBSnCYmZrTFKueCi024sZo5OLCCAk1XN_j3sxrg  New /vg/ League, new tictacs]'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' '''[Auto]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/file/b7AXwSIT#jtkaHfKs5W7wYJOEhbuQH8Z5AzY8nLnxg1vQr2gJo-M What's a late-spring day at the beach without swimsuits?]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1gmnXhrLePGL0wV2aB2VvE8Gg6a0wnsiy/view?usp=sharing Issue #75 coming out whenever we find a new writer to complain about.]
* '''Audio Export: [https://mega.nz/file/PiIiCJbI#txG1CKPMuz9JUjp0ng-fF3WVAYeeO44xVtSjblZ8MZw New music and chants you can rock out to on the beach]'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UVp7N_7tIhpD7bkTQIbfAzjSbiAaWfuA/view?usp=sharing /sthg/ Dance Power featuring m-flo]

== {{team away|tf2g}} ==
== {{team away|tf2g}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/nIx2ka7b#m977Ko97X7LWXe_WBVzObM7--LuoLUt0yGy6EFUDUmc guns]
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/d6J1hKaT#JKwhBTR_t2lOv0vYTROYKWKB9dHzPfHTuKyTh-JHM7o Reminder that Demoman's nerf that everyone hated and considered a huge mistake took 5 days to roll back]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/2QhGVSyR#80pwIhnKWfGITqXkvl-Xq8e_JiPF7QListsVv2mwu1Q hats]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/pm5jmQwY#Jz-LeQ3p9FAgt_HRuOI5dTCgs5QRIe7PgfobZvcz4jE While Scout's blue pants were rolled back in a day]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/2ZhlDaoY#6hio7YfdBnVAdYT1Vn1iCQXEeEna1pKJ5koOqES4tvw my ass!]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/Ir4jwSyA#h5xkHFtmSy7GKPvQ2ns9MqqHmUprdKuf_37YgDldja0 Blue pants > sticky bombs]

== {{team away|tnm}} ==
== {{team away|twg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export: [https://mega.nz/file/9dsC3KaR#rAlD9fai8_Qd8_58D6sF2HbM4OMieinLJdniyC-clC0 Not bottoms by choice.]'''  
* '''Tactical Export: [Auto]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/file/dF8g0SJT#W9ftvcXHBDWNGRjK8N7R2YMYqUdL4uY6yA3BewxqMzQ Demon-powered armor to slay our enemies.]'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1le8eksbmwnP2VRklxITrQQT2OyO62NtA/view?usp=drive_link SUMMON THE ELECTRIC CUNTS]'''
* '''Audio Export: [https://mega.nz/file/FE9UgCTQ#qHbEDazt_tGKKfkr1HHS_vHEnjPEwiuxl1K67M9z9vY Spanish guitars for the soul.]'''
* '''Audio Export: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PMi1pdAVzj0wT7XMZoZ1qbjiSnPBKAiw/view?usp=drive_link BRAVE WARRIORS]'''

== {{team away|twg}} ==
== {{team away|uma}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:[https://mega.nz/file/vw9gxJgD#phrQsnj41hwo-BynMgTPLa7e9BsPzNdXEFyLZNwBDc0 A Grand Plan]'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/PJUAUC7B#uzwvARE0RvbK0K1d2_2HVuGfW0NWJBJ5dZDnikiXDlY I'll be alright]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1I16aklxlFlzzEwUQe_I_PJ_bMk0iYViG/view?usp=drive_link should we start putting anti-AI watermarks on our textures?]
* '''Audio Export: [https://mega.nz/file/rgEUgTxQ#KAPmo3D-FPCXIHRqUtSNljGvJ3pGub5gBe_ZGEgE4Cw Songs Of The Ancestors]'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/3JUAjYrR#A_YWGa733YDkVHzS1Mg_g9wyC1yLKIeCqWK7gzoskCg You're gonna stop because that's what you do when you're faced with a mare in heat]
== {{team away|utg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1p8uQfAI1MtlX605LUm9e-B4_XEM2EMq6/view?usp=sharing Mike...]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AqQzCFiNB4LkQ9wQcemsZX-uLjv8Kafm/view?usp=sharing the 10 year anniversary is approaching, fast. Feel old yet?]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/xSRl1BBK#Vxr6iIFOI0xs1jGAbHWyWp2C1GrcOp3NGbCXePxrBnU <font face="Papyrus">STOP PLAGUING MY LIFE WITH INCIDENTAL MUSIC!!!</font>]
* '''Audio Export+:''' [https://mega.nz/file/ZTZFULJY#-2lwL2ZwDQvX07zNfCF2lvw-jmTn5xX6EjEWBxSp7ag <font face="Papyrus">'''''HEY USE THIS ONE FOR THE /vgt/ MATCH DAY OKAY THANKS!'''''</font>]

== {{team away|vitagen}} ==
== {{team away|vgt}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1nDuIdSkWhNiDuGUcl1aXS_Q8zafsET16/view >20 million dollar 50s race car]
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g9WMmL216Eo57N_3mMvDfhgtG6s-yA3F/view >another fucking jimny]
* '''Audio Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/14V0cPZRsc0ZnBLqp3pOUgpQXs8FEBZbV/view GEE THANKS KAZ GO BUY MORE SUPERMARKET QUAILS]

== {{team away|vn}} ==
== {{team away|vn}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:[https://mega.nz/file/5BZmUZrA#jDDAzhqOMpseme8br9dLZmagQSMfpSDu9C2gq_3qIR0 Talent good]'''  
* '''Tactical Export: [https://mega.nz/file/hKl3iCKb#l93zgTQ3CAyE-QWuFew5eVKQgu-uImmByA8gKINiFGw pls no spoilers]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:[https://mega.nz/file/dcYwlbgT#pfimry_NX61jJrhu52AoJV0KSC6lmyIlSEe5D20HafQ Hard work good]'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/10QmrEpQS5t1x-j4zlNx3gOe_x_vsvL47/view?usp=drive_link guys I told you please to not post any spoilers]'''
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export: [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OxO_UyYL0CkM8gSAbQznm_pB7FGeH40o/view?usp=sharing is that some spoiled text I see? aiieeeeeeeee janny save me]'''

== {{team away|vrg}} ==
== {{team away|vrg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export: [https://mega.nz/file/YzwWXR4T#eR0Nu69bcvCSNIxp5i6G5XF1hJcXneoy-le3NHEwarc witty comment line 1]'''
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/cjglgbyK#c5Fb46YQcPhn0sAGb39q595f21iYXvmZcV-LQjzBBAk I love 4-3-3. All my homies love 4-3-3. I use it in the shower, at work, when I sleep, and on every preset]
* '''Aesthetics Export: [https://mega.nz/file/Ez4kiTSJ#WMqiCwsfGvGuUNa3LpGLnwRCxWEkrtSPCLaLI2mHoxE witty comment line 2]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/4qRzCbxI#eb-ovDgqynPRIM2YKeG3-EfujHfS1lmCotfAfH0_JCU New Flavor of Booth coming in a midcup soon]
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/ZrQTmahT#2Vmx4rYKQbuq41dNhmVLToXOYcewa-yr09zB_fzyz10 Winter Audio Update]

== {{team away|wtg}} ==
== {{team away|wtg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/YBAWURQb#gUog5Vf-AEMaIDKYC5S77vls2VmApfoqOgTvTGXrB4I AutoPILOT get it??]
* '''Tactical Export:[https://mega.nz/file/784CVbTI#93cC5hsTP25Whyxb12W5Y4aTlZLGhRCcdWrwd3h_ZeY''' The (hopefully) grand return of the plane formation]
* '''Aesthetics Export:''' [https://mega.nz/folder/3d8wzQyB#6r_neGhadh8D4UisDjOiqw/file/GMlAzSQK plon]
* '''Aesthetics Export:[https://mega.nz/file/b8BHhahK#D3kZksNCXYGFKEFvDcrn7tq5gnRxj0Io0_CviFxgcwc''' Same old]
* '''Audio Export:''' [https://mega.nz/file/6VpCxKbR#B0FSGJF0HXUAs26MpO-uT3uC0wvLSZRjtId1SEQschA MOSKAU]
* '''Audio Export: [https://mega.nz/file/y9RjSRSZ#8SsfhwaZhM3mZE82EittBBGfqAidy758H5RGdGnfqdo''' Attack the D point!!]

== {{team away|きらら}} ==
== {{team away|xivg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:[https://www.mediafire.com/file/hhpbb57jbiit4x4/TEXPORT00000000/file We did everything right, everything that was asked of us and still it came to this.]'''
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export: :^)'''
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export: [https://www.mediafire.com/file/j0iolzuektbki76/xivg_vgl23_music_export.7z/file HOOOOOME, RIDING HOOOOOOOME]'''

Latest revision as of 15:23, 22 December 2024

Out of date.svg
When editing the exports page, edit your team's section only (click the [edit] link next to the header with your team's name) in order to prevent edit conflicts and loss of links! If an edit conflict happens, we'll be able to tell whose fault it is.

This page is for the upcoming /vg/ League 23. Archived exports pages can be found at /vg/ League Exports/Archive

This page is for the initial deadlines only. See the VGL Mid Cup Aesthetics for tactical export-related changes beyond the first deadline.

Make sure to read the warning message above.


  • Qualifier Tactics and Aesthetics: November 16th (23:59:59 UTC)
  • Tactics and Aesthetics: November 23rd (23:59:59 UTC)
  • Music: November 28th (23:59:59 UTC)


Dng icon.png /dng/

Indie icon.png /indie/

Ink icon.png /ink/

Mjg icon.png /mjg/

Main Teams

@ icon.png /@/

2hug icon.png /2hug/

Aceg icon.png /aceg/

Akg icon.png /akg/

Alg icon.png /alg/

Bag icon.png /bag/

Dbg icon.png /dbg/

Ddg icon.png /ddg/

Domg icon.png /domg/

Egg icon.png /egg/

Esg icon.png /esg/

Why does 9ark hate me?

Fgoalter icon.png /fgoalter/

Fgog icon.png /fgog/

Gbfg icon.png /gbfg/

Gbpen icon.png /gbpen/

Gfg icon.png /gfg/

Gig icon.png /gig/

Hanny icon.png /hanny/

Hgg2d icon.png /hgg2d/

Hsrg icon.png /hsrg/

Kfg icon.png /kfg/

Ksg icon.png /ksg/

Lcg icon.png /lcg/

Llsifg icon.png /llsifg/

Nepgen icon.png /nepgen/

Nikg icon.png /nikg/

Omg icon.png /omg/

Pcrg icon.png /pcrg/

Pg icon.png /pg/

Pmmm icon.png /pmmm/

Psg icon.png /psg/

Skg icon.png /skg/

Smbg icon.png /smbg/

  • Tactical Export: auto
  • Aesthetics Export: shi
  • Audio Export: ddy

Smtg icon.png /smtg/

  • Tactical Export: dex
  • Aesthetics Export: chads
  • Audio Export: only

Snowg icon.png /snowg/

Sthg icon.png /sthg/

Tf2g icon.png /tf2g/

Twg icon.png /twg/

Uma icon.png /uma/

Utg icon.png /utg/

Vgt icon.png /vgt/

Vn icon.png /vn/

Vrg icon.png /vrg/

Wtg icon.png /wtg/

Xivg icon.png /xivg/