Difference between revisions of "User:Legendairyman"

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Line 122: Line 122:
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Round of 16
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Round of 16
|Beat /e/ to advance despite a silver player be suspended.
|Beat /e/ to advance despite a silver player being suspended.
| [[File:SC17 Design A.png|25px]] 2017 4chan Summer Cup
| [[File:SC17 Design A.png|25px]] 2017 4chan Summer Cup
Line 259: Line 259:
|Auto pilot menace has returned, with an illegal formation flavor.
|Auto pilot menace has returned, with an illegal formation flavor.
| [[File:ABC23 Design G.png|25px]] 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup
|style="background:#ccffcc"| 4
|style="background:#ccffcc"| 1
|style="background:#ccffcc"| 2
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Third Place Match
|Optimus Prime wins joint golden boot and player of the tournament.
| [[File:WC24 Design E1.png|25px]] 2024 4chan Winter Cup
|style="background:#ccffcc"| 1
|style="background:#ccffcc"| 1
|style="background:#ccffcc"| 2
|style="background:#ccffcc"| Round of 16
|Opened the cup by beating the defending champs.
| [[File:SC24 Design C.png|25px]] 2024 4chan Summer Cup
|style="background:#ffcccc"| 2
|style="background:#ffcccc"| 0
|style="background:#ffcccc"| 1
|style="background:#ffcccc"| Relegated
|Died in the 6-6-6-0 tragedy

Latest revision as of 23:50, 8 August 2024

The former (overwhelmingly average) /toy/ manager. I also make wallpapers and other cup related posters.
If you want me to make your team a hype poster or roster picture or whatever please feel free to ask. I'd be more than happy to help out.

  • Discord: Legendairyman#6845
  • I'm usually lurking /4ccg/ so you can yell and I'll probably see you.

Dumb Silly Things

/toy/ Tournament Record

Event Win Draw Loss Result Place Note
2012 Spring Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3 1 1 Quarter Finals 6th Qualified for the knockouts on penalties.
2012 Summer Cup logo.png 2012 4chan Summer Cup 2 1 1 Third Place Match 4th First top 4 finish.
2013 Winter Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Winter Cup 4 1 1 Runner-up 2nd Woody and Madoka Titus win joint golden boot.
2013 Summer Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Summer Cup 0 2 1 Relegated 26th We don't talk about this one.
2013 Autumn Cup logo.png 2013 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 6 0 1 Champions 1st First ever tournament win.
2014 Winter Cup logo.png 2014 4chan Winter Cup 2 1 2 Quarter Finals 5th "WHAT SEXCOPTER?!?"
2014SummerCupLogo.png 2014 4chan Summer Cup 2 1 1 Round of 16 9th Fuck penalties.
2015 4chan winter cup logo.png 2015 4chan Winter Cup 1 1 1 Failed to advance 17th Didn't advance, but didn't get relegated thanks to actual rigging.
2015 Summer Cup Logo.png 2015 4chan Summer Cup 0 1 2 Relegated 27th >got stomped by /soc/ and /s/.
ABC15 Design G.png 2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 1 0 3 Relegated 31st >losing to THAT /3/.
2016 spring fetus logo.png 2016 4chan Spring Babby Qualifiers 1 0 3 Failed to advance 11th ABORTED
ABC16 Design A.png 2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 3 0 2 Round of 16 14th /s/ dying was the best thing to happen to /toy/.
WC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Winter Cup 2 0 2 Round of 16 9th Beat /e/ to advance despite a silver player being suspended.
SC17 Design A.png 2017 4chan Summer Cup 3 2 2 Third Place Match 4th Woody and Madoka Titus win their second joint golden boot.
WC18 Design F2.png 2018 4chan Winter Cup 0 3 1 Round of 16 14th First team to advance to knockouts on 3 draws.
Summer18 E.png 2018 4chan Summer Cup 1 0 2 Relegated 23rd Good thing /toy/ won't lose to /gif/...oh wait.
ABC18 Design A.png 2018 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 0 0 3 Relegated 32nd Won the wooden spoon.
SBC19 Design B1q.png 2019 4chan Spring Babby Qualifiers 3 0 1 Promoted 4th The auto pilot menace is born.
SBC19 Design B1.png 2019 4chan Spring Babby Cup 3 1 3 Third Place Match 4th Maybe this auto pilot thing is alright.
Summer19 C.png 2019 4chan Summer Cup 3 0 1 Round of 16 16th /toy/'s first 9 points in groups.
WC20 Design A.png 2020 4chan Winter Cup 2 1 2 Quarter Finals 8th Beat /tg/ to advance with goals at 88' and 90+2'.
SC20 Design E2.png 2020 4chan Summer Cup 1 2 1 Round of 16 14th Advanced from "Group Retard".
WC21 Design D.png 2021 4chan Winter Cup 1 0 2 Relegated 24th >manlet defenders
WoC21 Design E.png 2021 4chan World Cup 1 1 1 Eliminated 33rd For one match, we were all /lit/ fans.
ABC21 Design C.png 2021 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 3 0 2 Round of 16 16th Madoka Titus carried the whole team and scored 8 goals.
WC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Winter Cup 1 1 1 Relegated 20th >-1
SBC22 Design D.png 2022 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 1 2 Relegated 30th fuck
ABC22 Design Hq.png 2022 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers 1 0 2 Failed to Advance 9th Fuck this group man.
SBC23 Design D.png 2023 4chan Spring Babby Cup 1 0 2 Relegated 23rd Woody scores his 100th goal, but at what cost?
ABC23 Design Gq.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup Qualifiers 2 0 1 Promoted 2nd Auto pilot menace has returned, with an illegal formation flavor.
ABC23 Design G.png 2023 4chan Autumn Babby Cup 4 1 2 Third Place Match 4th Optimus Prime wins joint golden boot and player of the tournament.
WC24 Design E1.png 2024 4chan Winter Cup 1 1 2 Round of 16 12th Opened the cup by beating the defending champs.
SC24 Design C.png 2024 4chan Summer Cup 2 0 1 Relegated 17th Died in the 6-6-6-0 tragedy