Difference between revisions of "User:Koala//irc/"

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(→‎Formation: Maybe someone will come up with a better name for him later, new meme Smugleaf rep because he hates vaginas)
(Replaced content with "#REDIRECT User:GoldenWingman//irc/")
(8 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
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#REDIRECT [[User:GoldenWingman//irc/]]
|team= irc
|motto= Soryuu has quit (Ping timeout: 181 seconds)
|name= #4chancup
|date= 2nd of March 2015
|manager= {{Anonymous|f4r}}
|owner= {{Anonymous|DrBorisG}}
|irl= {{Anonymous|Koala}}
|color1= 000000
|color2= FFFFFF
|captain= buttbot
|hex= 000000
|color= The One True Background Colour
|anthem= www.youtube.com/watch?v=zf2wbRWb9xI
|a_title= Basshunter - Boten Anna
|horn= puu.sh/jfAgq/ed733c2e2e.mp3
|gh_title= A Letter from IRC
|althorn= www.youtube.com/watch?v=1iVkY7sZvUU
|altgh_title= GOP SPURDO EBIN :---DDD (When b e n i s scores)
|nickname= {{Greentext|IRC}}
Work in progress
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=11 |pos=GK |name= <tt>mode +m</tt>}}
{{sq start player |no=22 |pos=LB |name= !roll 1d100 dubs}}
{{sq start player |no=33 |pos=CB |name= IRC Shitposting Squad}}
{{sq start player |no=44 |pos=RB |name= ALLU}}
{{sq start player |no=15 |pos=DMF |name= Time Machine Modulus}}
{{sq start player |no=66 |pos=DMF |name= {{greentext|mibbit}}}}
{{sq start player |no=69 |pos=CMF |name= Powdi's Sister}}
{{sq silver player |no=55 |pos=LMF |name= b e n i s}}
{{sq silver player |no=34 |pos=RMF |name= {{greentext|Art}}}}
{{sq gold player |no=2 |pos=AMF |name= spengbab}}
{{sq gold player |no=1 |pos=CF |name= buttbot}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=GK |name= Fix your shit f4r}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos=GK |name= !findquote}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=CB |name= Tsundere Hamuko}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=CB |name= top beb}}
{{sq player |no=16 |pos=CB |name= VASED BED}}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos=CB |name= ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)}}
{{sq player |no=18 |pos=CB |name= SOR YUU}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=CB |name= HI BOL}}
{{sq player |no=20 |pos=CMF |name= /f/ links}}
{{sq player |no=21 |pos=CMF |name= {{greentext|Smugleaf >straight}}}}
{{sq player |no=22 |pos=CMF |name= #BringBackEdgar}}
{{sq player |no=23 |pos=CMF |name= !twilightsparkle}}
{{sq end}}
{| class="wikitable"
! Player !! Description
| mode +m || Need to say something important like things that will ruin the cup or dank memes? Just mode +m. Don't forget to unvoice amis!
| ALLU || {{Greentext|allu}}
| IRC Shitposting Squad || IRC runs this shit!
| !roll 1d100 dubs || <buttbot>  carmastrikes rolls 65 | <buttbot> {{Greentext|$65}}
| {{Greentext|Art}} || <buttbot> [169] <ArtVandelay> hey guys, since we are already talking abuot dicks, do you know that feel when you are sitting in a car or bus and you get a boner every time because the streets are wobbly and your penis touches your pants all the time?
| {{Greentext|mibbit}} || Get a real client.
| Powdi's Sister || <Powdinet> I was complaining it was hard and she was like "I bet it's not even hard" so I told her "Check them" and she touched it and realized it was really fucking hard
| b e n i s || :DDDDDDDD
| buttbot || <buttbot> [221] <buttbot> but we have like 10 different routers, switches, and random machines at home before the buttnet reaches my butt
| spengbab || <spengbab> i hate memes, you love them you don't want you love them
| Tsundere Hamuko || From the frosty north of Finland, and it shows. Cold as ice motherfucker.
| top beb || Formerly the freshest new meme on the block. RIP beb ;_;7
| VASED BED || He does it for free, and he does it for you.
| ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) || benis in bagina /s/ grill :DDDDDD now top in lines!
| SOR YUU || t
| /f/ links || [http://puu.sh/gAAuJ/b981127e96.swf https://i.4cdn.org/f/Daily%20Dose.swf]
| {{greentext|Smugleaf >straight}} || <Smugleaf> >vaginas <Smugleaf> None <Smugleaf> They all look like cunts
| #BringBackEdgar || THAT ABL FEEL LA
| !twilightsparkle || <benisbot> Aren't you a little old for this?
| {{tt|Fix your shit f4r|make me fgt}} || Why is the wiki so slow? What happened to !time? Why isn't buttbot rolling? F4RRRRRRRRR
| !findquote || <MayDave> I fucked an elementary schoolgirl

Latest revision as of 03:17, 16 November 2015