The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg


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Teams died. Somebody cried.

I am gw !!+HdfEOCtfid. I do it for free negative money.

I was President of the United States from 2001 to 2009 did 9/11 once managed Vg icon.png /vg/ for two whole years. We sucked most of the time, except when we didn't somehow. Then /vg/ got gud almost immediately after I retired. I also did shit for Usa icon.png /usa/ for a bit, which worked out about as well as the 2018 World Cup Qualifiers. USA still won Multinats. Let me make /yourteam/'s autopilot tactics, what could POSSIBLY go wrong?

I also do wiki autism when I feel like it, therefore making me part of the most powerful race in the world, and am a two-time FF champion.

Oh, and someone I memed into co-managing /vg/ in 2015 is now the commissioner. /vg/ runs this shit. Tony is a cuck. Please edit our wiki.

Seriously though, please edit our wiki.

Gay FF Bullshit

Autumn 2014
(Final Placement: 1st Place, 365 points, 1 >Gold Defender)

Team >implying big market teams are relevant (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Sci icon.png GK Stephen Hawking - -
Sci icon.png LB Does 0.999 = 1? - -
E icon.png CB Super Sonico - -
Y icon.png CB Yaranaika Vice-captain - -
C icon.png CB Haruhi - -
E icon.png RB Pantsu - -
Wg icon.png DMF Boss Nigger - -
Hm icon.png CMF STDSTDSTD - -
S icon.png AMF In The Crack - -
I icon.png CF Shockandjoy - -
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Biz icon.png GK Scrooge McDuck - -
R9k icon.png CB Beta As Fuck - -
T icon.png CB Deluge - -
R9k icon.png DMF Greentext - -
I icon.png CMF Speed Drawing - -
3 icon.png CF Maya - -

Team >implying big market teams are relevant (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Sci icon.png GK Stephen Hawking - -
Sci icon.png LB Does 0.999 = 1? - -
B icon.png CB Chris Hansen - -
Lit icon.png CB Huge Orson Welles - -
E icon.png CB Super Sonico - -
E icon.png RB Pantsu - -
Vp icon.png DMF Trumpets Vice-captain - -
Wg icon.png DMF Boss Nigger - -
S icon.png AMF In The Crack - -
I icon.png CF Shockandjoy - -
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vp icon.png GK First Edition Charizard - -
T icon.png CB Deluge - -
Lit icon.png RB Why I'm The Best - -
Vp icon.png LMF Smogonsword - -
I icon.png CMF Speed Drawing - -
E icon.png CF Yoko Littner - -

Spring 2015 (Final Placement: 38th Place, 165 Points, Small Market Fags BTFO)

Team >implying big market teams are relevant 2 (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
T icon.png GK Bukkake - -
Gd icon.png CB Rate My Logo - -
C icon.png CB Haruhi - -
W icon.png CB Girls With Guns - -
Vg icon.png DMF Napoopan - -
X icon.png LMF The Grey - -
Gif icon.png CMF Amateurs - -
Po icon.png CMF Template - -
D icon.png RMF Elzi - -
N icon.png SS I Like Trains Vice-captain - -
W icon.png CF Waifu Walls Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Po icon.png GK Cutting Mat - -
An icon.png CB Evil Pitbull - -
Biz icon.png RB Pyramid Scheme - -
C icon.png DMF Pleinair - -
Gd icon.png CMF Logo Redesign - -
3 icon.png CF Maya - -

Team >implying big market teams are relevant 2 (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vr icon.png GK Powerglove - -
Gd icon.png CB Rate My Logo - -
Vr icon.png CB Megaman - -
Fit icon.png CB Julius - -
Fit icon.png DMF L O N D O N - -
O icon.png LMF WAT Racing - -
Vp icon.png CMF Dogars - -
Cm icon.png CMF Edward Elric - -
D icon.png RMF Elzi - -
N icon.png SS I Like Trains Vice-captain - -
Cm icon.png CF Kaworu Nagisa Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
D icon.png GK Vore - -
N icon.png LB American O - -
Vr icon.png RB Aeris Dies - -
Gd icon.png CMF Logo Redesign - -
O icon.png AMF Vin Check - -
O icon.png CF Takumi - -

Autumn 2018 (Final Placement: 3rd Place, 333 Points, I Got Trips And Won 5/6 Days Fuck You)

Team wiki shitposting best shitposting (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
His icon.png CB Finno-Korean Hyper War - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
O icon.png CB Shitbox - -
X icon.png DMF Slenderman - -
Toy icon.png CMF You knoe who? - -
W icon.png CMF Miss Monochrome - -
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl - -
Vp icon.png SS Citizen Snips - -
Toy icon.png SS Madoka Titus - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch Em All - -
Asp icon.png CB Bork Lazer - -
W icon.png CB >>>/wg/ - -
Toy icon.png CMF Gourai - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bruce Lee - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -

Team wiki shitposting best shitposting (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
His icon.png CB Finno-Korean Hyper War - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
Co icon.png CB Judge Dredd - -
3 icon.png DMF Ratboy Genius - -
S4s icon.png CMF Flowre - -
W icon.png CMF Miss Monochrome - -
Biz icon.png AMF Dump It - -
Vp icon.png SS Citizen Snips - -
S4s icon.png SS Topkek - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch Em All - -
Mu icon.png CB It Finally Clicked - -
W icon.png CB >>>/wg/ - -
F icon.png CMF WRRRRRRRY - -
S4s icon.png CMF Merula - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -

Winter 2019 (Final Placement: 3rd Place, 376 Points, 2 Third Place Trophies)

Team PES16 sucks lmaoooooooooooooooooo (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Vp icon.png LB Masuda - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
Vp icon.png CMF Tentaquil - -
Vr icon.png AMF My Dad - -
Tv icon.png AMF Real Human Being - -
Vr icon.png AMF Segata Sanshiro - -
Vg icon.png SS APEX - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF GOGETA DA Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
M icon.png GK Godmars - -
Gd icon.png RB CRACKED - -
M icon.png RB Hyaku Shiki - -
Vg icon.png CMF The Cutest Witch! - -
Tv icon.png AMF Gul Dukat - -
M icon.png SS Alteisen Riese - -

Team PES16 sucks lmaoooooooooooooooooo (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Gd icon.png LB Font Share Thread - -
U icon.png CB Onee-sama - -
W icon.png RB 1 Week Challenge - -
3 icon.png CMF Ratboy Genius - -
Tv icon.png CMF YEAH KILL 'EM - -
B icon.png AMF Giga Puddi - -
3 icon.png AMF Jiggle Physics - -
Vg icon.png SS APEX - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF GOGETA DA Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
3 icon.png GK Quads Only - -
Gd icon.png RB CRACKED - -
G icon.png RB Something Happened - -
Vg icon.png CMF The Cutest Witch! - -
G icon.png CMF DEVELOPERS - -
G icon.png CF Install Gentoo - -

Spring 2019 (Final Placement: 26th Place, 174 Points, 0 Aesthetics)

Team PES18 sucks lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vr icon.png GK Power Glove - -
V icon.png CB Dewrito Pope - -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs - -
Vr icon.png CB Richter Belmont - -
V icon.png DMF Bing Bing Wahoo - -
Sp icon.png CMF >he does it for free - -
N icon.png CMF Memebike - -
Vp icon.png CMF Miror B. - -
M icon.png SS Scopedog - -
Vr icon.png SS KIRBY'S FUCKING PISSED Vice-captain - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch 'Em All - -
V icon.png CB HE'S IN - -
A icon.png CB Smug Anime Face - -
Sp icon.png DMF Tony Kornheiser - -
A icon.png CMF Inferno Cop - -
M icon.png SS Alteisen Riese - -

Team PES18 sucks lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch 'Em All - -
C icon.png CB Smugs - -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs - -
K icon.png CB Deagle Brand Deagle - -
C icon.png DMF Kongou Desu - -
Fit icon.png CMF Fat People Hate - -
N icon.png CMF Memebike - -
Vp icon.png CMF Miror B. - -
Diy icon.png SS Imitation Crab Meat - -
N icon.png CF Bepsi Vice-captain - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan - -
Toy icon.png CB Nubs Destiny - -
Diy icon.png RB /3dpg/ - -
Diy icon.png CMF Dumpster Diver - -
K icon.png LMF Cheeki Breeki - -
Cm icon.png CF Len-kun!!!! - -

Summer 2019 (Final Placement: 12th Place, 196 Points, Got Fucked)

Team PES18 still sucks lmaooooooooooooooooooooo (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs - -
Vp icon.png CB Proud of its Power - -
N icon.png CB 737 Max Impact - -
C icon.png CMF Fluffy - -
N icon.png CMF Memebike - -
F icon.png AMF EDDIE! - -
U icon.png LMF Purest Form of Love - -
Vg icon.png RMF Blanc - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF GOGETA DA Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch 'Em All - -
Vg icon.png LB SAKURAAAAAAAI! - -
Gd icon.png RB Dodge Tool Crack Pipe - -
I icon.png DMF Nikki - -
F icon.png AMF /f/lan - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer - -

Team PES18 still sucks lmaooooooooooooooooooooo (Knockout Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
I icon.png LB Minus8 - -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs - -
I icon.png RB No'Body - -
I icon.png DMF Nikki - -
Int icon.png CMF Putin - -
Diy icon.png CMF Dumpster Diver - -
U icon.png LMF Purest Form of Love - -
Vg icon.png RMF Blanc - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF GOGETA DA Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
W icon.png GK 1920x1080 - -
Vg icon.png LB SAKURAAAAAAAI! - -
Diy icon.png RB /3dpg/ - -
W icon.png DMF Miss Monochrome - -
Diy icon.png CMF Blacksmith - -
Toy icon.png CF Woody - -

Autumn 2019 (Final Placement: 25th Place, 202 Points, Relegated)

Team I Got 54 Problems But A Win Ain't One (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch 'Em All - -
Gif icon.png LB Lesbians - -
V icon.png CB HE'S IN - -
C icon.png CB Smugs - -
Jp icon.png RB Why Is /jp/ So Shitty? - -
Sp icon.png DMF Tony Kornheiser - -
Wsg icon.png AMF Duane - -
Vp icon.png AMF Miror B. - -
V icon.png CF SANIC Vice-captain - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK No Way Fag - -
A icon.png CB Meguca - -
C icon.png CB Tamamo Tuesday - -
Wsg icon.png AMF Gondola - -
S4s icon.png AMF Le Millenom Girl - -
An icon.png CF Take It To The Vet - -

Team I Got 54 Problems But A Win Ain't One (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Catch 'Em All - -
Tg icon.png LB Crazy Hassan - -
V icon.png CB HE'S IN - -
C icon.png CB Smugs - -
Jp icon.png RB Why Is /jp/ So Shitty? - -
Tg icon.png DMF THAT FUCKING GUY - -
Tg icon.png CMF Gork (Or Mork) - -
Wsg icon.png AMF Duane - -
Vp icon.png AMF Miror B. - -
V icon.png CF SANIC Vice-captain - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK No Way Fag - -
C icon.png LB Yay! - -
C icon.png CB Tamamo Tuesday - -
Jp icon.png CMF Sachiko - -
Wsg icon.png AMF Gondola - -
Mu icon.png CF Jeff Mangum - -

Winter 2020 (Final Placement: 9th Place, 225 Points, FF GOD)

Team nigger lol (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Tg icon.png LB Crazy Hassan - -
V icon.png CB HE'S IN - -
Tg icon.png RB Urbanmech - -
U icon.png CMF Black Sunshine - -
Trv icon.png CMF Couchsurfer Rapist - -
Vg icon.png LMF Thok - -
Vg icon.png RMF (Re)ad (T)he C(ard) - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF NAGA RAIDAAAAAA Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK No Way Fag - -
Jp icon.png LB Autism - -
Jp icon.png RB Why is /jp/ so shitty? - -
Trv icon.png LMF Peruvian Guide - -
Trv icon.png RMF Desperate Weeaboo - -
O icon.png CF Twingo - -

Team nigger lol (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Vp icon.png LB Masuda - -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs - -
I icon.png RB No'Body - -
U icon.png CMF Black Sunshine - -
Vp icon.png CMF Miror B. - -
Vg icon.png LMF Thok - -
Vg icon.png RMF (Re)ad (T)he C(ard) - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF NAGA RAIDAAAAAA Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
I icon.png GK Reibear - -
Jp icon.png LB Autism - -
Jp icon.png RB Why is /jp/ so shitty? - -
Toy icon.png LMF Danbo - -
Toy icon.png RMF Skeleton Army - -
Jp icon.png CF Cirno - -

Spring 2020 (Final Placement: 19th Place, 238 Points, FUCK CHINA)

Team PES19 sucks lmaooooooooooo (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
W icon.png GK 1920x1080 - -
M icon.png LB Alphonse - -
W icon.png CB Retro - -
M icon.png RB M.D. Geist - -
Vr icon.png CMF Blast Processing - -
Sp icon.png CMF >he does it for free - -
V icon.png AMF Time Jannies - -
M icon.png AMF Scopedog - -
Vr icon.png CF Powerglove - -
V icon.png CF SANIC Vice-captain - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.jpg - -
Adv icon.png LB DUDE WEED LMAO - -
Adv icon.png RB Child Abuse Thread - -
Sp icon.png CMF perro caca - -
V icon.png AMF Captain Falcon - -
B icon.png CF ▲ ▲ ▲ - -

Team PES19 sucks lmaooooooooooo (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
W icon.png GK 1920x1080 - -
M icon.png LB Alphonse - -
W icon.png CB Retro - -
M icon.png RB M.D. Geist - -
Wg icon.png CMF Boss Nigger - -
Sp icon.png CMF >he does it for free - -
V icon.png AMF Time Jannies - -
M icon.png AMF Scopedog - -
Vr icon.png SS George Costanza - -
W icon.png SS Powerlevel Vice-captain - -
V icon.png CF SANIC Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.jpg - -
Adv icon.png LB DUDE WEED LMAO - -
Adv icon.png RB Child Abuse Thread - -
Sp icon.png CMF perro caca - -
V icon.png AMF Captain Falcon - -
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer - -

Summer 2020 (Final Placement: 11th Place, 243 Points, Many Goals Conceded)

Team Just Load The Entire Team With Offensive Players, What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
M icon.png LB Alphonse - -
Vg icon.png CB Famous Pedo Tendou Maya - -
M icon.png RB Tekkaman Blade - -
U icon.png CMF Mistress Baiser - -
W icon.png CMF Girls With Guns - -
W icon.png CMF Tasteful Lewds - -
Wg icon.png LMF Comfy - -
I icon.png RWF Bait-chan - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF Bigley Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
I icon.png GK Reibear - -
V icon.png LB Senator Abbystrong - -
M icon.png RB Akaranger - -
W icon.png CMF >>>/wg/ - -
Vg icon.png RMF Blaster ;( - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug - -

Team Just Load The Entire Team With Offensive Players, What Could Possibly Go Wrong? (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
M icon.png LB Alphonse - -
Vg icon.png CB Famous Pedo Tendou Maya - -
M icon.png RB Tekkaman Blade - -
U icon.png CMF Mistress Baiser - -
I icon.png AMF Maids - -
Out icon.png AMF Sovereign - -
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl - -
I icon.png RWF Bait-chan - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF Bigley Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
I icon.png GK Reibear - -
Out icon.png LB Rin Shima - -
M icon.png RB Akaranger - -
Ck icon.png AMF Deenz - -
Vg icon.png RMF Blaster ;( - -
Sp icon.png SS Punished Messi - -

Autumn 2020 (Final Placement: 3rd Place, 298 Points, Spoiler Played)

Team Always Bet On LMAO (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
3 icon.png GK Quads Only - -
3 icon.png LB Uncanny Valley - -
Jp icon.png CB OHAYOU - -
Vp icon.png CMF >implying owls are birds - -
W icon.png CMF >>>/wg/ - -
Asp icon.png AMF Kemonito - -
V icon.png AMF loss.jpg - -
Vp icon.png SS Miror B. - -
O icon.png CF Twingo Vice-captain - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Jp icon.png GK Captain Meido - -
3 icon.png LB """""Wallpaper Paste""""" - -
V icon.png RB Deepest Lore - -
W icon.png CMF Another Holo Thread - -
Asp icon.png AMF Big Bible AJ - -
P icon.png CF Ken Rockwell - -

Team Always Bet On LMAO (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
3 icon.png GK Quads Only - -
3 icon.png LB Uncanny Valley - -
Asp icon.png CB Dimes - -
Vp icon.png CMF >implying owls are birds - -
P icon.png CMF Snapshit - -
Asp icon.png AMF Kemonito - -
V icon.png AMF loss.jpg - -
Vp icon.png SS Miror B. - -
O icon.png CF Twingo - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Trv icon.png GK Darién Gap - -
3 icon.png LB """""Wallpaper Paste""""" - -
V icon.png RB Deepest Lore - -
P icon.png CMF >buys mirrorless >uses fuckhuge old lenses - -
Asp icon.png AMF Big Bible AJ - -
P icon.png CF Ken Rockwell Vice-captain - -

Autumn 2020 (Point Buy; Final Placement: 4th Place, 248 Wins, +40 Differential)

Team WE NEED MORE POINTS (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Buy Em All - -
W icon.png LB Minimalist - -
H icon.png CB Oh Bother - -
W icon.png RB IMT - -
Trv icon.png CMF Couchsurfer Rapist - -
A icon.png LMF Truck-kun - -
A icon.png RMF Inferno Cop - -
O icon.png AMF Takumi - -
P icon.png SS Ken Rockwell - -
O icon.png CF Twingo Vice-captain - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
H icon.png GK Sad Panda - -
H icon.png CB Mind Break - -
H icon.png CB Violated Heroine - -
S4s icon.png CMF Longcat - -
Wsg icon.png RMF Dr. Ivo Robotnik - -
D icon.png SS Good Ends For People Who Love Bad Ends - -

Team WE NEED MORE POINTS (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Asp icon.png GK VACANT - -
V icon.png LB Stu Pickles - -
Asp icon.png CB Lyricchad - -
V icon.png RB Dewrito Pope - -
Vp icon.png CMF Blobbos - -
P icon.png CMF >buys mirrorless >uses fuckhuge old lenses - -
Asp icon.png AMF Kemonito - -
V icon.png AMF loss.jpg - -
V icon.png AMF Todd Howard - -
P icon.png SS Ken Rockwell Vice-captain - -
Trv icon.png SS Real Traveller Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
P icon.png GK >nophoto - -
V icon.png LB Hideo Kojima - -
Int icon.png RB HITLER DOOD WAT NOU? - -
P icon.png CMF Snapshit - -
P icon.png RMF Film General Thread - -
F icon.png SS THIS IS THE END - -

Winter 2021 (Final Placement: 22nd Place, 180 Points, Died In The Round of 16)

Team Questionable Decision-making and Gay Wankery (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
3 icon.png LB Uncanny Valley - -
I icon.png CB Dump Thread - -
Vg icon.png RB Woomy! - -
P icon.png CMF Snapshit - -
V icon.png CMF Shazam - -
P icon.png CMF Film General Thread - -
U icon.png LMF Feito-chan - -
O icon.png RWF Takumi - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF Snaketits Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
3 icon.png GK Quads Only - -
3 icon.png LB The Donut Guru - -
Vg icon.png RB Leomon Dies - -
P icon.png CMF >buys mirrorless >uses fuckhuge old lenses - -
V icon.png CMF HE'S IN - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug - -

Team Questionable Decision-making and Gay Wankery (Knockout Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
O icon.png GK Black Ice Tree - -
Out icon.png LB Rin Shima - -
I icon.png CB Dump Thread - -
Vg icon.png RB Woomy! - -
Cm icon.png CMF All Silvers Die - -
Biz icon.png CMF XMR-chan - -
Out icon.png AMF Cairn Kicking - -
I icon.png LMF LW GF - -
O icon.png RWF Takumi - -
Out icon.png CF Smokey The Bear Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF Snaketits Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Biz icon.png GK Sergey of Nazareth - -
Co icon.png LB Carlos! - -
Vg icon.png RB Leomon Dies - -
Cm icon.png CMF My Cute Idol Boys Have Unionized - -
His icon.png CMF >study history >become gay - -
I icon.png CF /i/rene - -

World 2021 (Final Placement: 7th Place, 430 Points, Come Inside It's Fun Inside)

The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (ft. Bob Ross and Bearforce 1)

Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Knock Outs
Team Pos Player Pts Team Pos Player Pts Team Pos Player Pts Team Pos Player Pts Team Pos Player Ro32 Ro16 QF SF 3rd/Finals
V icon.png /v/ GK NO WAY FAG 12 U icon.png /u/ GK Madokami 6 U icon.png /u/ GK Madokami 4 U icon.png /u/ GK Madokami 7 U icon.png /u/ GK Madokami 2 - - - -
Vst icon.png /vst/ LB You Must Construct Additional Pylons 3 Cm icon.png /cm/ LB Piggy On Ice 3 Cm icon.png /cm/ LB Piggy On Ice - G icon.png /g/ LB iToddlers BTFO 10 P icon.png /p/ LB Uncle Terry Dindu Nuffin 6 - - - -
Vp icon.png /vp/ CB John Gamefreak - T icon.png /t/ CB Abandonware -1 D icon.png /d/ CB Genderswap 4 D icon.png /d/ CB Genderswap - C icon.png /c/ CB Every Girl Best Girl - 8 - - -
Vst icon.png /vst/ RB "Glad you could make it safe for work, /wsg/. - Cm icon.png /cm/ RB Stupid Sexy Adrian - Cm icon.png /cm/ RB Stupid Sexy Adrian - G icon.png /g/ RB Something Happened 3 P icon.png /p/ RB >micro four-turds - - - - -
E icon.png /e/ CMF Mikumikudrama 4 3 icon.png /3/ CMF Colin's Bear 2 Cm icon.png /cm/ CMF All Silvers Die 10 D icon.png /d/ CMF Robutts 2 Cm icon.png /cm/ CMF All Silvers Die 2 - - - -
V icon.png /v/ CMF Reggie Fils-aime - Cm icon.png /cm/ CMF All Silvers Die 2 Sp icon.png /sp/ CMF USA USA USA - G icon.png /g/ CMF Developers 2 Sp icon.png /sp/ CMF USA USA USA 4 10 4 2 -
Vg icon.png /vg/ CMF Licky Licky - O icon.png /o/ CMF Scotty Kilmer 2 Vg icon.png /vg/ CMF Licky Licky - O icon.png /o/ CMF Squids 4 N icon.png /n/ AMF Bepsi 14 16 1 - -
E icon.png /e/ AMF K-Kisekae II 9 M icon.png /m/ AMF Shin Getter Robo 2 Sp icon.png /sp/ AMF Torres 2 N icon.png /n/ AMF Bepsi 5 N icon.png /n/ AMF Memebike 2 2 1 - -
V icon.png /v/ CF Sanic Vice-captain 9 U icon.png /u/ CF Befriending 2 U icon.png /u/ CF Befriending 5 U icon.png /u/ CF Befriending 1 U icon.png /u/ CF Befriending 6 - - - -
Vg icon.png /vg/ CF I'm Going To Alice! Captain 4 U icon.png /u/ CF Homucifer Captain 4 U icon.png /u/ CF Homucifer Captain 28 U icon.png /u/ CF Homucifer Captain 28 U icon.png /u/ CF Homucifer Captain 12 - - - -
Vg icon.png /vg/ SS Pink Fluffy Leader 5 M icon.png /m/ SS Alteisen Riese Vice-captain 9 Vg icon.png /vg/ CF I'm Going To Alice! Vice-captain 13 Sp icon.png /sp/ SS George Costanza Vice-captain 19 Sp icon.png /sp/ SS George Costanza Vice-captain 6 4 10 4 4
C icon.png /c/ GK Ika-chan - 3 icon.png /3/ GK Quads Only - P icon.png /p/ GK Shill It Again Tony - M icon.png /m/ GK Godmars - P icon.png /p/ GK Shill It Again Tony - 3 6 4 15
Jp icon.png /jp/ LB Beato 6 C icon.png /c/ CB Every Girl Best Girl 8 P icon.png /p/ LB Uncle Terry Dindu Nuffin 6 Lit icon.png /lit/ CB Huge Orson Welles - Vst icon.png /vst/ LB You Must Construct Additional Pylons 5 - - - -
Jp icon.png /jp/ RB Dekinai-chan 6 T icon.png /t/ CB A S Muhdick R - P icon.png /p/ RB >micro four-turds 3 Wg icon.png /wg/ CB Holy Fuckin Shit Dude How Big Is Your Monitor 8 Vst icon.png /vst/ RB "Glad you could make it safe for work, /wsg/. 3 - - - -
Vrpg icon.png /vrpg/ CMF Metal Slime - His icon.png /his/ CMF Gaius & Aulus - O icon.png /o/ CMF Tonight On /o/ - B icon.png /b/ CMF Actual True Story Inbound - O icon.png /o/ CMF Squids - - - - -
Out icon.png /out/ AMF Sovereign - Sp icon.png /sp/ CMF USA USA USA - N icon.png /n/ AMF Memebike 9 Vst icon.png /vst/ CMF El Presidente - V icon.png /v/ CMF Reggie Fils-aime - 4 - - -
Vr icon.png /vr/ CF Doomguy - 3 icon.png /3/ CF Utah Teapot - Out icon.png /out/ CF Smokey The Bear - N icon.png /n/ CF Skyking - M icon.png /m/ SS Alteisen Riese - - - - -

Autumn 2021 (Final Placement: 2nd Place, 520 Points, GOLD DEFENDER IN FF YÖBL)

>call yourself an Elite Champion >playing in a Babby (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Sp icon.png LB EXPOSED - -
Bant icon.png CB Kot Vice-captain - -
Aco icon.png CB Rosie - -
Sp icon.png RB 3 Brave English Lions - -
S4s icon.png CMF :^) - -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - -
Sp icon.png CMF perro caca - -
P icon.png LMF Wormji... - -
P icon.png RMF Crush The Blacks - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK No Way Fag - -
Ck icon.png LB Cringy Foodtubers - -
Ck icon.png RB /ck/ Challenge - -
Vm icon.png DMF Overloading Magma Worm - -
Ck icon.png AMF Gordon Ramsay - -
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman - -

>call yourself an Elite Champion >failed to advance from a Babby (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Sp icon.png LB EXPOSED - -
K icon.png CB SKS -> Innawoods - -
K icon.png CB Yeah - -
Sp icon.png RB 3 Brave English Lions - -
Y icon.png DMF Yaranaika - -
U icon.png CMF Akkarin - -
Sp icon.png CMF perro caca - -
Vp icon.png RMF Miror B. - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vp icon.png GK Gotta Buy 'Em All - -
Vr icon.png LB Good Morning Crono - -
Vr icon.png RB Retrobtw - -
X icon.png DMF Mothman - -
Vr icon.png CMF Segata Sanshiro - -
K icon.png CF Simo Häyhä Vice-captain - -

Winter 2022 (Final Placement: 5th Place, 386 Points, xD)

The Repeat Champion Experience (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Vr icon.png LB Satoru Iwata - -
Toy icon.png CB Kinder Eggs - -
Vr icon.png RB retrobtw - -
U icon.png DMF Macarons - -
Vp icon.png DMF Tentaquil - -
Vg icon.png CMF SAKURAAAAAAI! - -
Vg icon.png AMF Nyagger - -
Vr icon.png SS Kacho Arino - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF fumika xD Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK No Way Fag - -
Toy icon.png CB Cobra Commander - -
Toy icon.png CB Drossel - -
Vp icon.png DMF Best Pokégirl - -
V icon.png CMF Bing Bing Wahoo - -
V icon.png CF SANIC - -

The Repeat Champion Experience (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
X icon.png LB Ghost Blowjob - -
Sp icon.png CB APOLOGIZE - -
X icon.png RB Trollge - -
U icon.png DMF Macarons - -
Vp icon.png DMF Tentaquil - -
V icon.png CMF Bing Bing Wahoo - -
Sp icon.png AMF amd amx - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Captain - -
V icon.png CF SANIC Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK No Way Fag - -
Sp icon.png CB >we - -
Vp icon.png CB John Gamefreak - -
Vp icon.png DMF Best Pokégirl - -
Out icon.png AMF Forest Anon - -
N icon.png CF Skyking - -

Spring 2022 (Final Placement: 28th Place, 307 Points, <- Clueless)

Guess Who's Back, Back Again? Git Gud's Back, Tell A Friend (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vg icon.png GK Nepgeardam - -
Mu icon.png LB Thom Yorke - -
Jp icon.png CB Nazono Mito - -
Mu icon.png RB Drum N Bowie - -
Vg icon.png DMF SAKURAAAAAAI! - -
Vm icon.png CMF Pottis - -
P icon.png CMF Birbs! - -
Aco icon.png AMF Queen Tyr'ahnee - -
Vrpg icon.png SS Haha... - -
Jp icon.png CF Billy Herrington Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF Git Gud Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Aco icon.png GK Buenos Dias, Mandy - -
Mu icon.png LB <- Clueless - -
Jp icon.png CB Yua! - -
P icon.png CMF Film General Thread - -
Vm icon.png CMF G-Tek - -
Aco icon.png CF Shygal - -

Guess Who's Back, Back Again? Git Gud's Back, Tell A Friend (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
C icon.png GK Ika-chan - -
Vt icon.png LB KIARA MY DOG DIED - -
D icon.png CB Bodyswap - -
Vt icon.png RB Pepeloni - -
Vm icon.png CMF G-Tek - -
Cm icon.png CMF wtf im gransexual now??? - -
D icon.png AMF MOM! - -
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl - -
Vm icon.png SS AMOGUS - -
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman Vice-captain - -
C icon.png CF Do It For Her Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vt icon.png GK HEY MOONA - -
Gd icon.png LB Aesthetic Flags of the World - -
Gd icon.png RB Edit This Face - -
Vm icon.png CMF Pottis - -
Ck icon.png AMF Gordon Ramsay - -
Cm icon.png CF Kaworu Nagisa - -

Summer 2022 (Final Placement: 20th Place, 308 Points, No Cup)

Team All The Small Things (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
X icon.png LB Ghost Blowjob - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
X icon.png RB Schizoposting - -
Y icon.png DMF Yaranaika Vice-captain - -
Sp icon.png CMF Gimi - -
V icon.png CMF Bing Bing Wahoo - -
N icon.png AMF Bepsi - -
Sp icon.png SS George Costanza - -
N icon.png SS WE GAAN - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK No Way Fag - -
Out icon.png LB Rin Shima - -
X icon.png RB Take Your Meds - -
Vst icon.png CMF El Presidente - -
N icon.png AMF 737 Max Impact - -
Vm icon.png CF phoon - -

Team All The Small Things (Knockout Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Vp icon.png LB >implying owls are birds - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
Vp icon.png RB Bravest Bird - -
Y icon.png DMF Yaranaika - -
Sp icon.png CMF Gimi - -
V icon.png CMF Bing Bing Wahoo - -
N icon.png AMF Bepsi - -
Sp icon.png SS George Costanza - -
N icon.png SS WE GAAN - -
U icon.png CF Homucifer Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK No Way Fag - -
M icon.png CB Space Battleship Yamato - -
Vp icon.png RB MISTA MERRIKU - -
V icon.png CMF Captain Falcon - -
N icon.png AMF 737 Max Impact - -
Sp icon.png CF TSUUUUUUUUUUUU Vice-captain - -

Autumn 2022 (Final Placement: 1st Place, 521 Points, Can't Ban It Here)

Team Banned Formation Blues (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vg icon.png GK T4 Bag, Sensei - -
X icon.png LB Ghost Blowjob - -
Wg icon.png CB AstroSwag - -
X icon.png RB Schizoposting - -
W icon.png CMF >>>/w/ - -
Ck icon.png AMF Fast Food Autism - -
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl - -
Cm icon.png AMF Suicidal Hooni - -
Vg icon.png SS Sisterfucker - -
Vrpg icon.png CF How Can You Kill A God? Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF ZERO SANITY Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Jp icon.png GK Captain Meido - -
Tg icon.png LB Urbanmech - -
Tg icon.png RB Stat Me - -
Vm icon.png DMF Pottis - -
Ck icon.png AMF Cock Clam Bukkake - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy - -

Team Banned Formation Blues (Knockout Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vg icon.png GK T4 Bag, Sensei - -
X icon.png LB Ghost Blowjob - -
Vrpg icon.png CB Haha... - -
X icon.png RB Schizoposting - -
Cm icon.png DMF Please Bang My OC - -
Ck icon.png AMF Fast Food Autism - -
C icon.png AMF Every Girl Best Girl - -
Cm icon.png AMF Suicidal Hooni - -
Vg icon.png SS Sisterfucker - -
Vrpg icon.png CF How Can You Kill A God? Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png CF ZERO SANITY Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vrpg icon.png GK /mon/day - -
Tg icon.png LB Urbanmech - -
Tg icon.png RB Stat Me - -
Vm icon.png DMF Pottis - -
Ck icon.png AMF Cock Clam Bukkake - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy - -

/vg/ Leagues

The wiki code for VGL FF is a fucking monstrosity lmao
/vg/ League 13: 8th
/vg/ League 14: 7th
/vg/ League 15: 9th
/vg/ League 16: 4th
/vg/ League 17: 6th