The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg


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QD !!ztCBdAQrY7S here, in the VGL I used to manage /5N@F/ 5N@F icon.png (which I did mediocre at), and in the 4CC I used to co-manage /vg/ Vg icon.png (which I did pretty shit at until my last cup).

I used to be commissioner, hi.

Winner of the Rigshop in Autumn 2015. Wooden Spoon of the Rigshop in Winter 2016.

FF Team(s)

Cause I like gambling and meaningless competitions apparently.

2015 4chan Spring Babby Cup

Team I Have No Idea What The Fuck I'm Doing (Group Stage, 159 points, 22nd place)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? - -
A icon.png CB Inferno Cop - -
Biz icon.png CB Fuck The Poor - -
V icon.png RB Senator Armstrong - -
Sp icon.png DMF Costanza Vice-captain - -
Vg icon.png LMF Mike Schmidt - -
Vg icon.png RMF Orteil - -
TBD icon.png Lost player due to Bravest Bird being a gold - -
Vr icon.png SS Kacho Arino - -
A icon.png CF Bert is a Titan Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Co icon.png GK Gaston - -
X icon.png CB Slenderman - -
Co icon.png CB Aku - -
TBD icon.png Lost player due to Levi Ackermann being a gold - -
TBD icon.png Lost player due to Alteisen Riese being a gold - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - -

Team I Have No Idea What The Fuck I'm Doing (Knockouts, 274 points, 14th place)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? - -
Cm icon.png CB Hinata Shouyou - -
Vr icon.png CB >Filters - -
B icon.png RB Ass Thread - -
D icon.png DMF H*nd H*lding - -
Cm icon.png CMF Edward Elric - -
Vr icon.png CMF Greedy Resellers - -
O icon.png AMF Paul Walker - -
Vr icon.png SS Kacho Arino Vice-captain - -
D icon.png CF Futa/Alternative Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Co icon.png GK Gaston - -
D icon.png CB Egg Laying - -
Co icon.png CB Aku - -
B icon.png DMF 60s Spiderman - -
N icon.png CMF Bepsi - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - -

/vg/ League 4

Team I Might Know What The Fuck I'm Doing Now Maybe (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Ssbg icon.png GK Scarflard - -
Npg icon.png LB Garet - -
Wtg icon.png CB Chaika - -
Nintyg icon.png CB Gunpei Yokoi - -
Nepgen icon.png RB Vert - -
Kspg icon.png CMF Space Plens - -
Xcg icon.png AMF Beaglerush - -
5N@F icon.png AMF Pizza Chicken - -
5N@F icon.png AMF Mike Schmidt Captain - -
Dsg icon.png SS Havelmonster - -
Fgg icon.png CF Daigo Umehara - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
D2g icon.png GK The Fun Ends Here - -
Kspg icon.png CB Franklin - -
Lolg icon.png CB Dodge The Spears :^) - -
Acg icon.png CMF Isabelle - -
Feg icon.png AMF Anna - -
Vitagen icon.png CF Impregnate Vice-captain - -

Team I Might Know What The Fuck I'm Doing Now Maybe (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Ssbg icon.png GK Scarflard - -
Dfg icon.png LB Dwarf the Rapist - -
Twg icon.png CB Yari Asshigarruu~ - -
Nintyg icon.png CB Gunpei Yokoi - -
Nepgen icon.png RB Vert - -
@ icon.png CMF Chihaya Kisaragi - -
Xcg icon.png AMF Beaglerush - -
5N@F icon.png AMF Pizza Chicken - -
5N@F icon.png AMF Mike Schmidt Captain - -
Dsg icon.png SS Havelmonster - -
5N@F icon.png CF All Business - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Dsg icon.png GK Solaire of Astoria - -
Csgog icon.png CB de_dust2 - -
Lolg icon.png CB Dodge The Spears :^) - -
Rsg icon.png CMF Mod Mark - -
Ssbg icon.png CF SAKURAAAAAI! Vice-captain - -

2015 4chan Summer Cup

Team No Nevermind I Still Have No Idea What The Fuck I'm Doing (Group Stage, 237 points, 4th place)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? - -
B icon.png CB Rule 34 - -
Tg icon.png RB Cultist-Chan - -
N icon.png DMF F40PH - -
Co icon.png DMF Ronnie - -
Vr icon.png CMF Satoru Iwata - -
Vr icon.png CMF Greedy Resellers - -
U icon.png AMF Akkarin - -
Vr icon.png SS Kacho Arino - -
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
F icon.png GK Segata Sanshiro - -
F icon.png LB PPPPUUUU~ - -
Ck icon.png CB >beans in chili - -
M icon.png DMF Megas XLR - -
S4s icon.png CMF Awoo~ - -
Tv icon.png SS FOR YOU Vice-captain - -

Team No Nevermind I Still Have No Idea What The Fuck I'm Doing (Knockouts, 323 points, 14th place)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? - -
B icon.png CB Rule 34 - -
Tg icon.png RB Cultist-Chan - -
Vr icon.png CMF Satoru Iwata - -
Vr icon.png CMF Greedy Resellers - -
Gd icon.png AMF >>>/r/ - -
U icon.png AMF Akkarin - -
Vr icon.png SS Kacho Arino Vice-captain - -
Tv icon.png SS FOR YOU Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
F icon.png GK Segata Sanshiro - -
F icon.png LB PPPPUUUU~ - -
Ck icon.png CB >beans in chili - -
Cm icon.png CMF Edward Elric - -
O icon.png AMF Paul Walker - -
Tg icon.png CF Doomrider - -

2015 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

Team I've Given Up Trying to Figure Out What The Fuck I'm Doing (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vg icon.png GK Satoru Iwata - -
Sp icon.png LB >Schalke - -
Vg icon.png CB Mike Schmidt - -
V icon.png RB Senator Armstrong - -
S4s icon.png CMF Awoo~ - -
H icon.png CMF Angel Blade - -
Sp icon.png CMF Le Cut Inside Man - -
M icon.png AMF Scopedog - -
Vp icon.png SS Fug - -
N icon.png CF Bepsi - -
D icon.png CF Futa/Alternative Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
A icon.png GK Accelerator - -
Fit icon.png CB Julius - -
Co icon.png CB Aku - -
E icon.png CMF Stockings - -
Lit icon.png CMF Hemmingway - -
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman Vice-captain - -

Team I've Given Up Trying to Figure Out What The Fuck I'm Doing (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
A icon.png GK Accelerator - -
Sp icon.png LB >Schalke - -
Vp icon.png CB Citizen Snips - -
Int icon.png RB Slavsquat - -
A icon.png DMF 8man - -
S4s icon.png CMF Awoo~ - -
H icon.png CMF Angel Blade - -
Sp icon.png CMF Le Cut Inside Man - -
Vp icon.png SS Fug - -
Fit icon.png SS L O N D O N Vice-captain - -
D icon.png CF Futa/Alternative Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Cgl icon.png GK Yaya's Tatas - -
Fit icon.png CB Julius - -
Pol icon.png CB Deus Vult - -
Sp icon.png CMF Hayne Plane - -
Wg icon.png CMF Nature and Shit - -
S4s icon.png CF Patrick Bateman - -

/vg/ League 5

Team I Don't Care About What The Fuck I'm Doing (Group Stage, 11th Place, 127 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
5N@F icon.png GK The Knot - 5
Nintyg icon.png CB Gunpei Yokoi -2 3
Drg icon.png CB My Ibuki Could Not Have - 6
Mk8g icon.png CB Bullshit Bill -2 -2
Utg icon.png DMF booby 2 11
5N@F icon.png CMF Pizza Chicken 3 7
Nepgen icon.png CMF Nepgear 1 3
Nintyg icon.png AMF Shigeru Miyamoto 1 2
5N@F icon.png SS Mike Schmidt Captain 14 28
Ssbg icon.png SS Fox Only 6 22
Utg icon.png CF DETERMINATION Vice-captain 12 20
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Dsg icon.png GK Solaire of Astora 5 8
Npg icon.png LB Garet 1 2
Utg icon.png RB Muscleanon - 1
Vitagen icon.png CMF Skittles - 2
Lolg icon.png AMF Sex King 3 12
Mgg icon.png SS Kazuhira Miller 5 36

Team I Don't Care About What The Fuck I'm Doing (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
5N@F icon.png GK The Knot - 5
Wotg icon.png CB Stalinium - -
Drg icon.png CB My Ibuki Could Not Have - 6
Kspg icon.png CB Wobble - -
Utg icon.png DMF booby 2 11
Mgg icon.png DMF Skull Face - -
5N@F icon.png CMF Pizza Chicken 3 7
Nepgen icon.png CMF Nepgear 1 3
5N@F icon.png SS Mike Schmidt Captain 14 28
Ssbg icon.png SS Fox Only 6 22
Utg icon.png CF DETERMINATION Vice-captain 12 20
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Rlg icon.png GK Cast Into The Abyss - -
Twg icon.png LB Meloncat - -
Utg icon.png RB Muscleanon - 1
Nepgen icon.png CMF nepgen - -
Lolg icon.png AMF Sex King 3 12
Mgg icon.png SS Kazuhira Miller 5 36

2016 4chan Winter Cup

Team Gonna Try to Figure Out What The Fuck I'm Doing Again (Group Stage, 2nd Place, 173 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? - -
Mu icon.png CB hell be fine - -
Fit icon.png RB Sir - -
Vr icon.png CMF Greedy Resellers - -
O icon.png AMF Paul Walker - -
Cm icon.png AMF Sorey - -
Fit icon.png AMF Scooby - -
Vr icon.png SS CRT - -
Fit icon.png SS L O N D O N Captain - -
F icon.png CF Da Hood - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
N icon.png GK Airport General Mark X - -
Sp icon.png LB >Schalke - -
Int icon.png RB Gondola - -
A icon.png CMF One-Punch Man - -
Gd icon.png AMF >>>/r/ - -
D icon.png CF Futa/Alternative Vice-captain - -

Team Gonna Try to Figure Out What The Fuck I'm Doing Again (Knockouts, 1st Place, 350 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? - -
Mu icon.png CB hell be fine - -
Fit icon.png RB Sir - -
An icon.png CMF Scanned Snake - -
Ck icon.png AMF Vegan Shitstorm - -
S icon.png AMF You Love You Lose - -
Fit icon.png AMF Scooby - -
Tv icon.png CF Brendan Fraser Vice-captain - -
Fit icon.png SS L O N D O N Captain - -
F icon.png CF Da Hood - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - -
Asp icon.png LB Not /asp/ - -
Gd icon.png RB >bumping /gd/ - -
D icon.png CMF /d/ Sized Cock - -
Gd icon.png AMF >>>/r/ - -
D icon.png CF Futa/Alternative - -

2016 Winter Cup Hatte Saburo

2016 4chan Spring Babby Cup

Team I've Retired the Old Naming Scheme Because I Won Last Time (Group Stage)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
H icon.png GK Garterbelt - -
Vp icon.png LB Elevator Rotom - -
Tg icon.png CB Swedish Musketeer - -
Int icon.png RB Gondola - -
Vr icon.png CMF Satoru Iwata - -
H icon.png CMF Pomf-chan - -
M icon.png CMF Gundam - -
V icon.png CMF Hulk Hogan - -
Vr icon.png SS CRT - -
Lit icon.png CF Start With The Greeks Vice-captain - -
Tg icon.png CF Doomrider Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK NEVER EVER - -
N icon.png LB Cager Rage - -
Vr icon.png CMF Greedy Resellers - -
Int icon.png CMF Pay Debnts - -
B icon.png CF Triforce - -

Team I've Retired the Old Naming Scheme Because I Won Last Time (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Lit icon.png GK Exit Level - -
Vp icon.png LB Elevator Rotom - -
Soc icon.png CB Use The Catalog - -
R9k icon.png RB Wizard - -
Vr icon.png CMF Satoru Iwata - -
W icon.png CMF Vectors - -
M icon.png CMF Gundam - -
V icon.png CMF Hulk Hogan - -
Vr icon.png SS CRT - -
Lit icon.png CF Start With The Greeks - -
V icon.png SS BUT FIRST Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK NEVER EVER - -
Sp icon.png LB >Schalke - -
Biz icon.png RB 80s Guy - -
Vr icon.png CMF Greedy Resellers - -
Vp icon.png CMF Agumon - -
Trv icon.png CF Couchsurfer Rapist Vice-captain - -

/vg/ League 6

Team Mostly Degeneracy and All-Caps (Group Stage, 14th Place, 82 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
5N@F icon.png GK The Knot - -
Drg icon.png LB Komaru's Thunder Thighs - -
Utg icon.png CB I WANT TO FUCK THE GOAT - -
Ddg icon.png RB WOLVES HUNT IN PACKS - -
Bdog icon.png CMF Not A Sandbox - -
Xcg icon.png CMF Beaglerush - -
Mhg icon.png AMF Carried Shitter - -
Utg icon.png SS Burgerpants - -
5N@F icon.png SS Mike Schmidt - -
5N@F icon.png CF All Business Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Utg icon.png GK But It Refused - -
Ink icon.png LB REMOVE DYNAMO - -
Aog icon.png RB Do you think im imcompetent? - -
Fgg icon.png CMF VGL Sucks lmaooooo - -
Feg icon.png CMF Dragon Loli - -
Gerg icon.png CF JackAttack Vice-captain - -

Team Mostly Degeneracy and All-Caps (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Gerg icon.png GK Atlas DDC - -
Drg icon.png LB Komaru's Thunder Thighs - -
Utg icon.png CB I WANT TO FUCK THE GOAT - -
Ddg icon.png RB WOLVES HUNT IN PACKS - -
Ffg icon.png DMF Vayne Did Nothing Wrong - -
Bdog icon.png CMF Not A Sandbox - -
Xcg icon.png CMF Beaglerush - -
Utg icon.png SS Burgerpants - -
Ink icon.png CF Bomb the Japs - -
Llsifg icon.png CF Alpaca Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Utg icon.png GK But It Refused - -
Ink icon.png LB REMOVE DYNAMO - -
Mgg icon.png RB The Man Who Was CUCKED To Death - -
Mgg icon.png CMF DD - -
Gsg icon.png CMF pls buy stellaris - -
Gerg icon.png CF JackAttack Vice-captain - -

2016 4chan Summer Cup

Team I Don't Really Care As Much This Time (Group Stage, 16th place, 137 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow 0 5
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? 1 7
V icon.png CB Senator Armstrong - 1
Vp icon.png RB Toppu Kekku 0 5
F icon.png CMF Heap of Trouble 2 2
Vr icon.png CMF Greedy Resellers 2 4
Sp icon.png CMF USA USA USA - -
Fit icon.png AMF L O N D O N 8 15
Gd icon.png SS Glitch Art 13 27
Out icon.png CF Want Some Chips? 2 12
U icon.png CF Homucifer Captain 11 54
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK NEVER EVER - -
A icon.png LB King of GETS 1 2
Soc icon.png RB Contactfag 1 3
Vr icon.png CMF Satoru Iwata - 1
Fit icon.png RMF SIR - 3
Tv icon.png CF FOR YOU Vice-captain 6 24

Team I Don't Really Care As Much This Time (Knockouts, 19th place, 231 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.AI - -
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? 1 1
V icon.png CB Senator Armstrong 1 1
Vp icon.png RB Toppu Kekku 5 5
F icon.png CMF Heap of Trouble - -
Vp icon.png CMF >Implying Owls Are Birds - -
R9k icon.png AMF Kissless Hugless Virgin - -
Fit icon.png AMF L O N D O N 2 7
Gd icon.png SS Glitch Art 7 7
M icon.png CF Alteisen Riese - -
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
V icon.png GK NEVER EVER - -
R9k icon.png LB Pee Pee Poo Poo - -
Soc icon.png RB Contactfag 1 1
V icon.png CMF FFFFriday Night Muthafucka - -
Fit icon.png RMF SIR 1 3
Soc icon.png CF Vocaroo Vice-captain - -

2016 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

Team This Is My Tenth FF Team So Far (Group Stage, 148 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
A icon.png LB King of GETs - -
Mu icon.png CB he'll be fine - -
Int icon.png RB Gondola - -
Vr icon.png DMF Satoru Iwata - -
Vr icon.png CMF Greedy Resellers - -
W icon.png CMF Vectors - -
Jp icon.png AMF sage - -
Vr icon.png SS CRT Vice-captain - -
Tv icon.png SS For You Captain - -
U icon.png CF Teru Time - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
N icon.png GK Airport General Mark XI - -
Toy icon.png LB Skydiving Mikasa - -
Mu icon.png AMF The Deak - -
Po icon.png AMF Moneygami - -
Lit icon.png CF Start With the Greeks - -

Team This Is My Tenth FF Team So Far (Knockouts, 6th place, 306 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Jp icon.png LB Madotsuki - -
Mu icon.png CB he'll be fine - -
Int icon.png RB Gondola - -
Vr icon.png DMF Satoru Iwata - -
Vr icon.png CMF Greedy Resellers - -
W icon.png CMF Vectors - -
Jp icon.png AMF sage - -
Vr icon.png SS CRT Vice-captain - -
Tv icon.png SS For You Captain - -
U icon.png CF Teru Time - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
N icon.png GK Airport General Mark XI - -
Toy icon.png LB Skydiving Mikasa - -
Sp icon.png RB Refball - -
Mu icon.png AMF The Deak - -
N icon.png AMF F40PH - -

/vg/ League 7

Team These Players Will Get No Points Because PES Hates and Spites Me Sorry (Group Stage, 4th place, 136 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
5N@F icon.png GK The Knot 3 3
Drg icon.png LB Komaru's Thunder Thighs 5 4
Utg icon.png CB I WANT TO FUCK THE GOAT - 1
Mggg icon.png RB Pedophilia 1 5
Hanny icon.png CMF Red Death - 1
Nepgen icon.png CMF Big Nep 1 2
Aceg icon.png AMF Pixy 2 4
Vitagen icon.png AMF Cute Anime Girls 2 12
Ddg icon.png SS ill miss this dank place - 0
Sog icon.png CF Lafagoy 2 15
Utg icon.png CF Bad Times Captain 12 72
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Rlg icon.png GK Cast Into The Abyss 0 -1
Fgog icon.png LB Saberface 6 5
Ffg icon.png DMF ded fantasy 2 3
Tfg icon.png CMF Gen 1 Lvl 50 1 6
Fgog icon.png SS REGEND Vice-captain 11 21

Team These Players Will Get No Points Because PES Hates and Spites Me Sorry (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
5N@F icon.png GK The Knot - -
Drg icon.png LB Komaru's Thunder Thighs - -
Utg icon.png CB I WANT TO FUCK THE GOAT - -
Mhg icon.png RB >61 Qurupecos - -
@ icon.png DMF MikiMiki - -
Lzg icon.png AMF When's Annie? - -
Vitagen icon.png AMF Cute Anime Girls - -
Ddg icon.png SS ill miss this dank place - -
5N@F icon.png SS Mike Schmidt - -
Utg icon.png CF Bad Times Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Rlg icon.png GK Cast Into The Abyss - -
Fgog icon.png LB Saberface - -
Rsg icon.png DMF Doubling Money - -
Ddg icon.png CMF Matt Daimon - -
Fgog icon.png SS REGEND Vice-captain - -

2017 4chan Winter Cup

Team I Always Pick Half These Players Every FF For Some Reason (Group Stage, 19th place, 108 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? - -
Fit icon.png CB Sir - -
Int icon.png RB Gondola - -
Vr icon.png DMF Greedy Resellers - -
Vp icon.png RMF IT'S YA BOI - -
An icon.png AMF Birb - -
Fit icon.png AMF L O N D O N - -
Tv icon.png SS For You Captain - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug - -
Asp icon.png CF Big Match John - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
N icon.png GK Airport General Mark XI - -
Sp icon.png LB Exposed - -
Vr icon.png RB 7 Grand Dad - -
Sp icon.png CMF Universal Choking Sign - -
N icon.png AMF F40PH - -
Vg icon.png SS Grigori Vice-captain - -

Team I Always Pick Half These Players Every FF For Some Reason (Knockouts, 5th place, 252 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? - -
Fit icon.png CB Sir - -
Int icon.png RB Gondola - -
Vr icon.png DMF Greedy Resellers - -
Vp icon.png RMF IT'S YA BOI - -
Vg icon.png AMF Napoopan - -
Fit icon.png AMF L O N D O N - -
Sp icon.png CF TSUUUUUUUUUUUUU Captain - -
Vp icon.png CF Fug - -
Asp icon.png CF Big Match John - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Fit icon.png GK Read the Fucking Sticky - -
Sp icon.png LB Exposed - -
Vr icon.png RB 7 Grand Dad - -
Sp icon.png CMF Universal Choking Sign - -
D icon.png AMF No Cock Like Horsecock - -
Vg icon.png SS Grigori Vice-captain - -

2017 4chan Spring Babby Cup

Team Unbelievable Indescribable Amounts of Pain (Group Stage, 3rd place, 171 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Biz icon.png LB Pump and Dump - -
Mlp icon.png CB Horsefucker - -
His icon.png RB Wehraboo - -
Trv icon.png LMF Luke Skyscanner - -
Y icon.png CMF Drawfags - -
Po icon.png RMF Moneygami - -
N icon.png AMF Blimp Train - -
O icon.png SS Miata - -
E icon.png CF Yoko Littner Vice-captain - -
Co icon.png CF Doom Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
A icon.png GK Accelerator - -
Lit icon.png LB Punished Katie - -
A icon.png RB Boku no Pico - -
W icon.png RMF Vectors - -
Co icon.png AMF 40 Cakes - -
Tv icon.png CF For You - -

Team Unbelievable Indescribable Amounts of Pain (Knockouts, 2nd place, 318 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Tv icon.png LB Problem Child 2 - -
U icon.png CB Onee-Sama - -
His icon.png RB Wehraboo - -
Po icon.png LMF Template - -
His icon.png CMF Mongolian Horse Archer - -
Po icon.png RMF Moneygami - -
N icon.png AMF Blimp Train - -
Trv icon.png SS Couchsurfer Rapist - -
Lgbt icon.png CF Alfred Kinsey Vice-captain - -
Co icon.png CF Doom Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Po icon.png GK Cutting Mat - -
Lit icon.png LB Punished Katie - -
Co icon.png RB Carl Brutananadilewski - -
Trv icon.png LMF Luke Skyscanner - -
Co icon.png AMF 40 Cakes - -
Tv icon.png CF For You - -

2017 4chan Summer Cup

Team Christ I'm Too Busy This Summer (Group Stage, 27th place, 54 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Asp icon.png GK Vacant - -
Vr icon.png LB Blast Processing - -
Fit icon.png CB Sir - -
His icon.png RB Napoleon - -
Vg icon.png DMF Mike Schmidt - -
H icon.png CMF Rance - -
Fit icon.png AMF L O N D O N - -
Vp icon.png AMF Toppu Lel - -
Lgbt icon.png SS Do I Pass? - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning Captain - -
Fit icon.png CF Zyzz Vice-captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Mu icon.png GK Merzbow - -
Gd icon.png LB WAYWO? - -
Int icon.png RB A Fucking Leaf - -
Co icon.png DMF Ronnie - -
Toy icon.png CMF Matty - -
M icon.png CF Char's Zaku II - -

Team Christ I'm Too Busy This Summer (Knockouts, 30th place, 151 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Wg icon.png GK Save One Leave One - -
Vr icon.png LB Blast Processing - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
His icon.png RB Napoleon - -
Lit icon.png CMF my diary desu - -
Sci icon.png CMF Does 0.999... = 1? - -
Vr icon.png AMF Samus - -
Toy icon.png AMF Optimus Prime - -
Lgbt icon.png SS Do I Pass? - -
Int icon.png CF Putin Vice-captain - -
Wg icon.png CF Cunt Destroyer Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
M icon.png GK Godmars - -
F icon.png LB Megumi - -
Int icon.png RB A Fucking Leaf - -
Toy icon.png DMF Danbo - -
Toy icon.png CMF Matty - -
M icon.png CF Char's Zaku II - -

2017 4chan Autumn Babby Cup

Team I've Been Here Too Long (Group Stage, 12th place, 172 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.AI - -
Mlp icon.png LB Faggot Deer - -
V icon.png CB Senator Armstrong - -
A icon.png RB Sakurafish - -
Vg icon.png DMF Mike Schmidt - -
Wsg icon.png LMF Gondola - -
O icon.png RMF [Cool Vibrations] - -
O icon.png AMF Takumi Vice-captain - -
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave - -
Vp icon.png CF Miror B - -
Sp icon.png CF TSUUUUUUUUUUUUU Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Sp icon.png GK >de gay - -
N icon.png LB Cager Rage - -
H icon.png RB Pomf-chan - -
Cm icon.png DMF Anime Made Me Gay - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bruce Lee - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - -

Team I've Been Here Too Long (Knockouts, 8th place, 300 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.AI - -
Mlp icon.png LB Faggot Deer - -
N icon.png CB Downtuber - -
A icon.png RB Sakurafish - -
X icon.png DMF Slenderman - -
Wsg icon.png LMF Gondola - -
O icon.png RMF [Cool Vibrations] - -
O icon.png AMF Takumi Vice-captain - -
Gd icon.png SS Vaporwave - -
Co icon.png SS Aku - -
Sp icon.png CF TSUUUUUUUUUUUUU Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Sp icon.png GK >de gay - -
N icon.png LB Cager Rage - -
H icon.png RB Pomf-chan - -
Cm icon.png DMF Anime Made Me Gay - -
Pol icon.png CMF Doompaul - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - -

2018 4chan Winter Cup

Team I'll Never Be Free From This Hell (Group Stage, 1st place, 192 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.AI - -
Co icon.png LB Steamed Hams - -
Tv icon.png CB Sneed's Feed And Seed - -
F icon.png RB Pepsi Man - -
X icon.png CMF Mothman - -
O icon.png LMF GM BTFO - -
Vr icon.png RMF Kacho Arino - -
A icon.png AMF Lelouch - -
Int icon.png SS Gondola - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - -
R9k icon.png CF Elliot Rodger Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Mlp icon.png LB Faggot Deer - -
Cm icon.png DMF tumblr_njl0v5PINC1rbvymqo1 - -
Tg icon.png AMF Stat Me - -
Lgbt icon.png CF Autogynphillia Vice-captain - -

Team I'll Never Be Free From This Hell (Knockouts, 4th place, 286 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Gd icon.png GK Untitled-1.AI - -
Co icon.png LB Steamed Hams - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
Int icon.png RB Wh*te - -
X icon.png CMF Mothman - -
K icon.png LMF Moist Nugget - -
Vr icon.png RMF Kacho Arino - -
D icon.png AMF No Cock Like Horsecock - -
Int icon.png SS Gondola - -
Gd icon.png CF Kerning - -
Sci icon.png CF Shinichi Mochizuki Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
Mlp icon.png LB Faggot Deer - -
N icon.png DMF Old Steel 10 Speed - -
Tg icon.png AMF Stat Me - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy Vice-captain - -

2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup

Team I'll Be Dead and Free Soon (Group Stage, 1st place, 243 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
3 icon.png GK Ratboy Genius - -
M icon.png LB Scopedog - -
Po icon.png CB Sticky When? - -
Jp icon.png RB wich2huwudufuq - -
F icon.png DMF >Renaming - -
Vp icon.png LMF Masuda - -
Lgbt icon.png RMF LGBTM2FBBQWTFY8P;IR5G - -
Asp icon.png CMF Bruce Lee - -
Vg icon.png SS >Greg Vice-captain - -
A icon.png SS Lelouch - -
Tv icon.png CF FOR YOU Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vg icon.png GK Grigori - -
Sp icon.png LB Apologize - -
His icon.png RB Napoleon - -
V icon.png CMF Senator Armstrong - -
O icon.png SS Twingo - -

Team I'll Be Dead and Free Soon (Knockouts, 4th place, 324 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Gif icon.png GK Deep Fakes - -
M icon.png LB Scopedog - -
Gif icon.png CB SFM - -
Jp icon.png RB wich2huwudufuq - -
Bant icon.png CMF Burdo - -
Lit icon.png CMF Pure Ideology - -
Ck icon.png CMF Egg Fort - -
T icon.png AMF >99.8% - -
Vg icon.png SS >Greg Vice-captain - -
Ck icon.png SS /ck/ Challenge - -
Tv icon.png CF FOR YOU Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Vg icon.png GK Grigori - -
Sp icon.png LB Apologize - -
Fa icon.png RB Dylann Roof - -
Fit icon.png CMF High Test - -
Fit icon.png CMF Activated Almonds - -
B icon.png SS 60s Spiderman - -

2018 4chan Summer Cup

Team Whatever Who Cares Life is Short (Group Stage, 7th place, 156 points)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vg icon.png GK Jannu - -
B icon.png LB Check Em - -
U icon.png CB Goggles - -
Sp icon.png RB Le Cut Inside Man - -
Bant icon.png DMF Borche - -
D icon.png CMF Cumflation - -
Int icon.png CMF Gondola - -
Vg icon.png CMF King Harlaus - -
Tv icon.png SS Brendan Fraser - -
Co icon.png SS Aku - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
U icon.png GK Madokami - -
M icon.png LB Ramiel - -
N icon.png RB F40PH - -
Vr icon.png DMF Kirby's Fucking Pissed - -
Tv icon.png CMF Really Raimi? - -
Gd icon.png SS Kerning Vice-captain - -

Team Whatever Who Cares Life is Short (Knockouts)

Team Position Player Last Score Total score
Vg icon.png GK Jannu - -
B icon.png LB Check Em - -
D icon.png CB Milking - -
Sp icon.png RB Le Cut Inside Man - -
Bant icon.png DMF Borche - -
D icon.png CMF Cumflation - -
Int icon.png CMF Gondola - -
Vg icon.png CMF King Harlaus - -
H icon.png SS Liru - -
K icon.png CF Moist Nugget - -
Vr icon.png CF Doomguy Captain - -
Team Position Player Last Score Total Score
Gd icon.png GK - -
M icon.png LB Ramiel - -
N icon.png RB F40PH - -
Vr icon.png DMF Kirby's Fucking Pissed - -
Int icon.png CMF Sopa De Macaco - -
Gd icon.png SS Kerning Vice-captain - -

Meme Teams


Drawfag icon.png /drawfag/


Eb icon.png /eb/


Eggs icon.png /eggs/


A VGL team that actually does exist now over here Indie icon.png /indie/ but I'm keeping this here for posterity.

A home for indie games
Indie logo.png
/indie/ - Indie Games General
Founded October 23, 2015
IRL manager Anonymous
Team color
HEX color
Captain King Phillip
Team music
Anthem Perturbator - Miami Disco
Victory Anthem Mink DeVille - Spanish Stroll

Goal horn OFF OST - Pepper Steak
Alt-horn for King Phillip Space Funeral OST - Spleen
Alt-horn for The Soup Will Never Die LISA the Joyful OST - 666 Kill Chop Deluxe
No. Position Player
OFF is About Machinarium
He Did Nothing Wrong
Koo Dragonhead
Is _____ /indie/?
Forgot to Bump the Thread
The Soup Will Never Die
Gay Cat Incest
King Phillip Captain
No. Position Player
Queen Roger
Demons are Cute
Goblet Grotto
>meme game
Leg Horse
Spider Shota
I Miss /ntg/
/lite/ is Dead
Fuck Off Back to /utg/
>everyone who disagrees with me
is the same person


Sometimes I doodle.

Faces for /drawfag/ that I drew

/vg/'s Autumn 2015 starting lineup Kerning