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Hi I like to make up teams sometimes to satisfy my autism<br>
skype: mantisofpraying15<br><br>
==Halloween /co/==
{{sq start}}
{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=5 |pos=GK |name=That Fucking Duck}}
{{sq start player |no=18 |pos=GK |name=Treehouse of Horror XXV}}
{{sq start player |no=13 |pos=LB |name=Where are the subs?}}
{{sq start player |no=29 |pos= |name=Summerween Trickster}}
{{sq start player |no=7 |pos=CB |name=Kerub}}
{{sq start player |no=22 |pos= |name=Solomon Grundy}}
{{sq start player |no=10 |pos=CB |name=Dem Hips}}
{{sq start player |no=60 |pos= |name=Superman Lives}}
{{sq start player |no=16 |pos=RB |name=Pick a Waifu}}
{{sq start player |no=14 |pos= |name=The Govenor}}
{{sq start player |no=18 |pos=DMF |name=Tristepin}}
{{sq start player |no=11 |pos=DMF |name=Hellboy}}
{{sq start player |no=8 |pos=CMF |name=General Crazy Tits}}
{{sq start player |no=19  |pos= |name=Other Mother}}
{{sq silver player|no=21 |pos=LMF |name=Goultard}}
{{sq player |color=silver |no= |pos= |name=Jack Skellington |other=Captain}}
{{sq silver player|no=1 |pos=RMF |name=Mmmmmmmmmporg}}
{{sq player |color=silver |no= |pos= |name=King Ramses}}
{{sq gold player|no=3 |pos=AMF |name=Sexual Tyranasaurus}}
{{sq player |color=gold |no= |pos= |name= Spooky Space Kook}}
{{sq gold player|no=9 |pos=CF |name=Kriss la Krass}}
{{sq player |color=gold |no= |pos= |name=Scarecrow}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=29 |pos=GK |name=Eva's Puffy Vulva}}
{{sq player |no=10 |pos=GK |name=Berenstein Bears}}
{{sq player |no=99 |pos=GK |name=Simone}}
{{sq player |no=23 |pos=GK |name=Gah Lak Tus}}
{{sq player |no=0 |pos=CB |name=Ouiaboo}}
{{sq player |no=21 |pos= |name=}}
{{sq player |no=2 |pos=CB |name=20 Minutes}}
{{sq player |no=64 |pos= |name=}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=CB |name=Eliacube}}
{{sq player |no=13 |pos= |name=Crackmaster}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=RB |name=Joris}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos= |name=Vampire Jubilee}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=LB |name=Yugo's Hat}}
{{sq player |no=66 |pos= |name=Squidward's Toenail}}
{{sq player |no=6 |pos=DMF |name=Miranda}}
{{sq player |no=9 |pos= |name=Fear Feaster}}
{{sq player |no=4 |pos=DMF |name=Black Raven}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos= |name=Hungry Sally}}
{{sq player |no=11 |pos=CMF |name=Nox was better}}
{{sq player |no=|pos= |name=Witches Brew}}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos=CMF |name=Rubilax}}
{{sq player |no=|pos= |name=Little Rock of Horrors}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=AMF |name=Entering the Legend}}
{{sq player |no=8 |pos= |name=Project Satan}}
{{sq end}}
{{sq end}}

{{sq start}}
{{sq start player |no=5 |pos=GK |name=Ponce de Leon}}
Anthem: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jU6iP0WLsU8 This Is Halloween (Edgy 9000 version)]<br>
{{sq start player |no=13 |pos=CB |name=Celebrity Guests}}
Goalhorn: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=67dVpgUry7Q It's Terror Time Again - Skycycle]
{{sq start player |no=7 |pos=CB |name=The Grassy Knoll}}
{{sq start player |no=10 |pos=CB |name=Ponce de Leon}}
{{sq start player |no=16 |pos=DMF |name=}}
{{sq start player |no=18 |pos=RMF |name=Teen Angst}}
{{sq start player |no=8 |pos=LMF |name=Littering}}
{{sq silver player|no=21 |pos=AMF |name=Knorf}}
{{sq silver player|no=1 |pos=AMF |name=Makeover}}
{{sq gold player|no=3 |pos=SS |name=G-Spot}}
{{sq gold player|no=9 |pos=CF |name=STAMOS}}
{{sq mid}}
{{sq player |no=29 |pos=GK |name=Marie Curie}}
{{sq player |no=99 |pos=GK |name=Gengis Khan}}
{{sq player |no=0 |pos=CB |name=}}
{{sq player |no=2 |pos=CB |name=}}
{{sq player |no=14 |pos=CB |name=}}
{{sq player |no=19 |pos=RB |name=}}
{{sq player |no=12 |pos=LB |name=}}
{{sq player |no=6 |pos=DMF |name=}}
{{sq player |no=4 |pos=DMF |name=}}
{{sq player |no=11 |pos=CMF |name=}}
{{sq player |no=17 |pos=CMF |name=}}
{{sq player |no=15 |pos=AMF |name=}}
{{sq end}}

Latest revision as of 03:02, 6 June 2017

Hi I like to make up teams sometimes to satisfy my autism
skype: mantisofpraying15


Halloween /co/

No. Position Player
Treehouse of Horror XXV
29 Summerween Trickster
22 Solomon Grundy
60 Superman Lives
14 The Govenor
19 Other Mother
Jack Skellington (Captain)
King Ramses
Spooky Space Kook
No. Position Player
Berenstein Bears
Gah Lak Tus
13 Crackmaster
12 Vampire Jubilee
66 Squidward's Toenail
9 Fear Feaster
15 Hungry Sally
2 Witches Brew
6 Little Rock of Horrors
8 Project Satan

Anthem: This Is Halloween (Edgy 9000 version)
Goalhorn: It's Terror Time Again - Skycycle