Difference between revisions of "VGL Mid Cup Aesthetics"

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(Added a whole batch of aesthetic stuff)
(488 intermediate revisions by 93 users not shown)
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'''''Important:''' Every request has to be verified by a team's current manager, with a signature (four tildes) at the end.''
'''''Important:''' Every request has to be verified by a team's current manager, with a signature (four tildes) at the end.''

'''This page is currently meant to be used for the [[/vg/ League 8]].'''
'''This page is currently meant to be used for the [[/vg/ League 22]].'''

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=Aesthetic Stuff=
=Aesthetic Stuff=
For all the stuff that involves aesthetic files, like new kits and faces.<br>
For all the stuff that involves aesthetic files, like new kits and faces.<br>
''Please only put the stuff that changed, don't upload a whole new export every time.''
'''''Please only put the stuff that changed, don't upload a whole new export every time.'''''

==To Fix==
==Not added yet==
(Add your aesthetic fix requests below this line)
(Add your aesthetic fix requests below this line)

(Don't write here. Requests will be moved here after being fulfilled.)
(Don't write here. Requests will be moved here after being fulfilled.)
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
''Click ->''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
==={{team away|mggg}}===
[https://mega.nz/#!E1AgyRIZ!urg3Vr_LOhiXeWxKDLEBb1xTla6Hscg2dVzRGJ6ley0 Just fixed a players box head picture and that same players' portrait ] (That player is 1st For Chrome the GK)  [[User:MagicalCoat|MagicalCoat]] ([[User talk:MagicalCoat|talk]]) 01:11, 4 June 2017 (UTC)<br>
[https://mega.nz/#!Bto2gaTQ!sfFEOkN9FjU6f0ilD8eIoCH85GRCKEry1CfdEKtsots Swapped Aesthetics for 2 players] Also swap their portriats (those players are the ones who's names got swapped in the Save data fix section) [[User:MagicalCoat|MagicalCoat]] ([[User talk:MagicalCoat|talk]]) 23:05, 5 June 2017 (UTC)
==={{team away|xcg}}===
http://www.mediafire.com/file/5pwvh6odlc3gabd/fix+folder.zip  Fixed 1 face and portraits
==={{team away|hsg}}===
https://mega.nz/#!cJMXAAbL!yk0z7_HBqE2-5SPowm1_vraQliwHM5Lj62dqjRnjzks Portraits [[User:Vilkenparadis|Vilkenparadis]] ([[User talk:Vilkenparadis|talk]]) 20:35, 5 June 2017 (UTC)
==={{team away|aceg}}===
Add breast collar parts to Anastasia and Edge<br>
Fixed pitch for stadium (https://my.mixtape.moe/ppwpoc.png)[[User:Nemo|Nemo]] ([[User talk:Nemo|talk]]) 20:40, 5 June 2017 (UTC)
==={{team away|rs07g}}===
[http://puu.sh/wbZdQ/0d53c99452.dds New portrait for tz-kek]
==={{team away|lolg}}===
http://puu.sh/wcHgU/abd6c9f1d5.zip All IDs fixed, third kit and portraits added, two new faces for >Marksman Season and Post Jhin [[User:Resolink|Resolink]] ([[User talk:Resolink|talk]]) 17:36, 6 June 2017 (UTC)

=Savedata Issues=
=Savedata Issues=
For all the savedata-related fixes, like changing shirt names, setting long sleeves or different boots, etc.<br>
For all the savedata-related fixes, like changing shirt names, setting long sleeves or different boots, etc.<br>

Found issues: http://puu.sh/w38Ft.txt
Found issues:<br>
'''THE EDITOR DOES NOT PICKUP OUT OF POSITION PLAYERS''' please make sure all of your players in Preset 1 are in position.<br>
The teams with these errors are as follows:<br>

==To Fix==
==To Fix==
(Add your savedata fix requests below this line)
(Add your savedata fix requests below this line)<br>

==={{team away|aog}}===
Change WE ARE LAWYER's Wrist Tape to Left (aesthetics additional thing)
Number Changes: Follow the /aog/ team wiki page. (not the roster page)
==={{team away|hanny}}===
Set FPC On for Rance<br>
Set wrist taping to Left for all the other players except the gks.
==={{team away|sog}}===
Shirt name changes:<br>
You've Been Muted: YOUVE BEENMUTED<br>
No Botes Allowed: NOBOTES ALLOWED<br>
Physique settings for Paint Your Botes:<br>
Neck size +7<br>
Shoulder width -7<br>
Waist size -7<br>
Arm size -7<br>
Leg length +7
>the city of me forgetting to sign [[User:TWAIN|TWAIN]] ([[User talk:TWAIN|talk]]) 08:56, 7 June 2017 (UTC)
==={{team away|skg}}===
swap the name and shirt names of goodnight skeegee and paizuri marathon (or just the height cos thats the only actual purpose)
==={{team away|@}}===
Number changes <br>
のヮの -> 99 <br> TakeP -> 34 <br> Chihaya -> 72 <br> Scamco -> 76 <br> Kuroi -> 96 <br> Anal Idol -> 2 <br> Nana -> 17 <br> Hagswarm -> 25 <br>
==={{team away|rs07g}}===
Player name changes <br>
12 hour Jad -> tz-kek <br>
Dead Content -> Poverty Python
Shirt name changes <br>
tz-kek -> THREE JADS <br>
Poverty Python -> TOP SNEK
==={{team away|mggg}}===
Rename these players to new names and swap their shirt names after <br> Adramelech -> Dried Fish <br> Dried Fish -> Adramelech <br>
Goal Celebrations changes <br>
'''Ilias Dindu Nuffin''' <br> Goal Celebration 1 set to 25 <br> Goal Celebration 2 set to 46 <br> '''Pure-Dick-Loving Maiden'''<br> Goal Celebration 1 set to 77 <br> Goal Celebration 2 set to 66 <br> '''Spats''' <br> Goal Celebration 1 set to 85 <br> Goal Celebration 2 set to 87 <br> '''ero1.ogg''' <br> Goal Celebration 1 set to 114 <br> Goal Celebration 2 set to 105 <br> '''Dried Fish''' <br> Goal Celebration 1 set to 85 <br> Goal Celebration 2 set to 87
==={{team away|ksg}}===
Number change: Not the good ones. Use the one on the wiki page

(Don't write here. Requests will be moved here after being fulfilled.)
(Don't write here. Requests will be moved here after being fulfilled.)
<div class="mw-collapsible mw-collapsed">
''Click ->''
<div class="mw-collapsible-content">
==={{team away|@}}===
Name changes:<br>
Hibiki -> Country Grown Vegetables <br> BELIEVE IN CHIE -> Longloli <br> Foomi -> The Future <br> MIO HONDA TIME -> PuchiP<br> Ranran -> Al Ano de Mayu<br> Gumi -> Paitouch<br>
==={{team away|egg}}===
Set FPC settings to on for the two GKs.
==={{team away|fgg}}===
Bring meeeeee, Ummm lol?, PISSS, Anonydiaper, and Gorilla Mash to 2/2 Weak Foot Accuracy/Usage
==={{team away|hsg}}===
https://pastebin.com/avTkq4eq Player name fixes.
==={{team away|meg}}===
http://puu.sh/w3W2l/6af2e9862a.xlsx Celebrations for medals and -/+7 body slider adjustments for aesthetics<br>
Name swaps: 80301 should now be AUTISTIC SARA and player 80322 should now be YUUUGE DEPOSITS
==={{team away|pg}}===
Make Step It Up Senpai a default black guy with purple bowl hair plz.
==={{team away|r6g}}===
For ALL your OUTFIELDER kit configs:Shirt 176,Collar 105,Pattern 13*,Winter Collar 105,Pants 16
Then ONLY FOR SPEEDY JEW:- Savedata editor:Skin set to Custom. Ingame strip settings:Boots 38,Gloves 12 (only needed if GK),Long sleeves (only needed if not GK)Tucked shirtShort socks.
And finally for ALL OTHER OUTFIELDERS: Ingame strip settings: Wrist taping to 'left' (this will set a collar 001 model and a pants 01 model)
TLDR: make Speedy Jew invisible and the rest visible
==={{team away|twg}}===
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/12KFZSEdEAvKPsA84DRPQd8ALcTXlwYBKS41sAIBDj3U/edit?usp=sharing <br>
Change all the numbers on players to correspond to the "NUMBER" column.<br>
Custom (invisible) skins and short socks for all players that are not the following (assuming skeleton models): G O B L I N S, Mannlet, KHAZUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU, PRINCE AND EMPEROR, Napoopan, Monsieur Antiochus, >PONTUS, Theodosius Theodosius Theodosius, Advisor-chan.<br>
Set FPC settings on for PRINCE AND EMPEROR. Set left wrist taping for all the other players except the GKs.
==={{team away|vitagen}}===
Set left wrist taping for all the players except High Impact Sexual Violence.
Fix the Weak foot stuff to 2/2 for all players above 180cm.

Latest revision as of 05:37, 31 May 2024

This page is intended for adding or fixing aesthetics during an on-going cup.
Either link new/corrected files or add notes to fix certain things that might have been forgotten or were broken before.

Please add a level 3 header (with three equal signs on each side) with your team name above the stuff you want to be fixed/added.
The headers should be listed chronologically below the Not added yet / To do header, with the newest stuff at the top.
If you have to add more stuff halfway, just make a new header at the top for your team, and leave the old one in place.
Once stuff is added or fixed it will be moved to the Added / Done section.

Important: Every request has to be verified by a team's current manager, with a signature (four tildes) at the end.

This page is currently meant to be used for the /vg/ League 22.

Aesthetic Stuff

For all the stuff that involves aesthetic files, like new kits and faces.
Please only put the stuff that changed, don't upload a whole new export every time.

To Fix

(Add your aesthetic fix requests below this line)


(Don't write here. Requests will be moved here after being fulfilled.)

Savedata Issues

For all the savedata-related fixes, like changing shirt names, setting long sleeves or different boots, etc.

Found issues:
THE EDITOR DOES NOT PICKUP OUT OF POSITION PLAYERS please make sure all of your players in Preset 1 are in position.
The teams with these errors are as follows:

To Fix

(Add your savedata fix requests below this line)


(Don't write here. Requests will be moved here after being fulfilled.)