Difference between revisions of "Template:GDBoardInfobox"

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Line 54: Line 54:
| width="45%" | '''HEX color'''
| width="45%" | '''HEX color'''
| width="65%" | <span style="color: #{{{hex|333333}}};">{{{hex|333333}}} <br> {{{color|#333333}}}</span>
| width="65%" | <span style="color: #{{{hex|333333}}};">'''{{{hex|#333333}}}''' </span>
| width="45%" | '''{{color|000|Ranking}}'''
| width="45%" | '''{{color|000|Ranking}}'''
Line 268: Line 268:
|color4= (Optional) Fourth team color in HEX code.
|color4= (Optional) Fourth team color in HEX code.
|hex= HEX color used for your team at several places on the wiki.
|hex= HEX color used for your team at several places on the wiki.
|color= Name of the HEX color.
|ranking= Current ranking.
|ranking= Current ranking.
|high_ranking= Highest ranking.
|high_ranking= Highest ranking.

Revision as of 16:41, 29 September 2015

No motto
[[File:{{#rreplace:gd|\/|_}} logo.png|250px]]
/gd/ - N/A
Founded N/A
IRL manager Managerless
Team color
HEX color #333333
Ranking Unranked
Highest rank Unranked (N/A)
Lowest rank Unranked (N/A)
Top scorer N/A (N/A)
Top assister N/A (N/A)
Captain N/A
Website /gd/ - N/A
Nickname No nickname
Historic performance
0 0 0 0 0%
0 0 0
Biggest win
TBD TBD icon.png 0–0 TBD icon.png TBD
Month Day, Year
Biggest defeat
TBD TBD icon.png 0–0 TBD icon.png TBD
Month Day, Year
First match
TBD TBD icon.png 0–0 TBD icon.png TBD
Month Day, Year
Elite Cup
Appearances N/A (First in N/A)
Best result N/A, N/A
Babby Cup
Appearances N/A (First in N/A)
Best result N/A, N/A
Fetus Qualifier
Appearances N/A (First in N/A)
Best result N/A, N/A
Team music
Anthem Anthem name

Goalhorn Goal horn name


|team= Board name, without slashes.
|general= If present and set to any value, indicates that the team is a /vg/ general.
|motto= Motto of the board. Use {{tt}} if it's from another language.
|name= Name of the board, complete.
|bgcolor= (Optional) Header background color in HEX code.
|txtcolor= (Optional) Header text color in HEX code.
|date= Date the team was founded.
|manager= (Optional) The in-game manager, (ex: Grandpa Tetsujin)
|owner= (Optional) The "President" of the team.
|irl= IRL manager, use {{Anonymous}}.
|color1= Team color in HEX code.
|color2= (Optional) Team secondary color in HEX code.
|color3= (Optional) Third team color in HEX code. Will enable the section 'Extra Team Color'
|color4= (Optional) Fourth team color in HEX code.
|hex= HEX color used for your team at several places on the wiki.
|ranking= Current ranking.
|high_ranking= Highest ranking.
|high_date= Date of highest ranking (month, year).
|low_ranking= Lowest ranking.
|low_date= Date of lowest ranking (month, year).
|scorer= Top scorer.
|goals= Goals scored by top scorer.
|assister= Top assister.
|assists= Assists performed by top assister.
|captain= Team captain.
|nickname= Nickname given to the fans/team.
|w= Number of matches won.
|d= Number of matches drawn.
|l= Number of matches lost.
|gf= Number of Goals For.
|ga= Number of Goals Against.
|win_home= Home team in biggest win.
|win_away= Away team in biggest win.
|win_score_home= Home score in biggest win.
|win_score_away= Away score in biggest win.
|win_date= Date match was played in biggest win.
|lose_home= Home team in biggest defeat.
|lose_away= Away team in biggest defeat.
|lose_score_home= Home score in biggest defeat.
|lose_score_away= Away score in biggest defeat.
|lose_date= Date match was played in biggest defeat.
|first_home= Home team in first match.
|first_away= Away team in first match.
|first_score_home= Home score in first match.
|first_score_away= Away score in first match.
|first_date= Date match was played in first match.
|elite_cup_appearances= Amount of appearances in Elite Cups
|first_elite_appearance= First Elite Cup appearance
|best_elite_result= Best Elite Cup performance
|best_elite_cup= Elite Cup in which best Elite performance was achieved
|babby_cup_appearances= Amount of appearances in Babby Cups
|first_babby_appearance= First Babby Cup appearance
|best_babby_result= Best Babby Cup performance
|best_babby_cup= Babby Cup in which best Babby Cup performance was achieved
|fetus_appearances= Amount of appearances in Fetus Qualifiers
|first_fetus_appearance= First Fetus Qualifier appearance
|best_fetus_result= Best Fetus Qualifier performance
|best_fetus= Fetus Qualifier in which best Fetus Qualifier performance was achieved
|anthem= Link to the main anthem.
|a_title= Main anthem title.
|altanthem1_what= Kind of alternate anthem (victory, K/O, MotM, etc.)
|altanthem1_title= Alternate anthem title.
|altanthem1= Link to the alternate anthem.
|altanthem2_what= Kind of alternate anthem (victory, K/O, MotM, etc.)
|altanthem2_title= Alternate anthem title.
|altanthem2= Link to the alternate anthem.
|horn= Link to the main goal horn.
|gh_title= Main goal horn title.
|altgh1_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|altgh1_title= Alternate horn title.
|altgh1= Link to the alternate goal horn.
|altgh2_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|altgh2_title= Alternate second horn title.
|altgh2= Link to the second alternate goal horn.
|altgh3_what= Kind of alternate goal horn (brace, hattrick, player, etc.)
|altgh3_title= Alternate third horn title.
|altgh3= Link to the third alternate goal horn.
|kithome= (Optional) Filename for the home kit.
|kitaway= (Optional) Filename for the away kit.
|kitgk= (Optional) Filename for the GK kit.
|kit3= (Optional) Filename for the third kit.