The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions.
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used.

You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo.

Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg

Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg

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Revision as of 08:49, 18 December 2018

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Sub Starter Silver Gold


No. Pos. Name Art Description Official Art
Sleepo Beepo Sleepo Beepo.jpg >"Commander, can you be my body pillow?"

It's only a rumor that G11 sleeps because her digimind can't handle the strain her gun imposes on her. The truth is that she's being considerate of the others because when she opens her eyes she will blow the fuck out of everything in her way. Therefore, to maintain the illusion that the other guns have their uses, she sleeps until she is needed. Which is like pretty much all the time in late-game content.

She is also an accessory/albatross around the neck for HK416, who abuses/carries her around on ops. Loves zombie movies. Gets beaten up by MP5. Many Commanders despair because they get Homete instead of her.

Conclusion: Could solo the entire enemy team if she weren't always dreaming about zombie movies and rum ice cream.


Brainlet Uzi Brainlet Uzi.png >"I AM SMART! S-M-R-T D'OH!"

Arguably /gfg/ personified, Uzi has an incredibly retarded buff tile arrangement that epitomizes her as the Queen of Brainlets. She is thus memed as being incredibly stupid and incompetent and is often neglected by SKK, who prefers to lavish his favor on Wa instead. But despite that, she has an endearing innocence to her and is sometimes viewed as the Griffin counterpart to Destroyer, another midget brainlet (although without Uzi's BIG FAT STONKING TITS jesus christ, she is the personification of the chink phrase 胸大无脑.) Often memed as a Minecraft player after one drawfag drew a picture of her streaming her game sessions while idle in the dorm.

Conclusion: /ourgirl/

Back text: UZI DOES IT



No. Pos. Name Art Description Official Art
:3!family! --3!family!.png >yay~ /gfg/ is one big family! :3! :3!!

45's genki sister/henchwoman in 404 Squad, our brainlets have taken the fact that she considers you part of the family in one of her lines and expanded it to wanting to MAKE a family with everyone. Her default facial expression is the :3 catsmile. Has some of the most annoying shitposters around, but at the same time the anti :3 posters are just as annoying.

Conclusion: Hey shitkan, want a family?

Back Text: COLON

IDW DA NYA IDW DA NYA.gif >I'm sorry, were you hoping for a Grizzly?

IDW is the biggest obstacle between you and the top-tier Grizzly. Due to being a 2star t-doll and occupying the same timer of 1:10:00 IDW tends to appear much more frequently than the 5 star Grizzly. So get used to seeing a 1:10:00 timer, hoping to get a bear to only be met with the scream of IDW DA NYAA!!!!!!!!

In terms of the game-play she is considered to be quite garbage, with low stats and a useless panel buff to Evasion for ARs. Even her Digimind upgrade can't save IDW from being garbage tier. This is on top of her cockblocking players from getting Grizzly.

Conclusion: Recycle.

Back text: NYAAAAA

HOXY HOXY1m.png >How do I obtain Five-seveN? And why are you calling me HOXY?

Being an event exclusive HG, Five-seveN can't be obtained by players through t-doll production but only by completing an specific event. Therefore there is a limited amount of players who have Five-seveN in their collection. Those who didn't complete the event or joined after it ended are dubbed HOXY's.

Conclusion: You're probably a HOXY.


Racist Springfield RacistSpringfield.png > "Be advised, we got zips in the wire down here!"

Springfield is normally the sweetest, nicest and most understanding doll in G&K but for some indescribable reason infukun decided to draw her pulling up the corners of her eyes in the classic chinkanese slant-eyed caricature. You can guess where things went from there.

Conclusion: Mother love me, long time, long time
Sucky sucky fucky fucky


Rape Up RapeUp.png >That's (MG/SG) Hell you're walking into, kid.

Also known as Resourcedammerung, A Goddamn Lie and [Insert Gun Name Here]caust, a Rape Up is what all GF players look forward to and dread. Simply put, a new gun is introduced and there's a higher chance of crafting her than usual. Veteran GF players typically save their resources up over weeks and months and blow them in a frenzied orgy of crafting in the hopes of getting what they want.

The aftermath of a rapeup is severely depleted contracts and resources (hence the "rape" part) and hopefully the gun you wanted. Many lucklets fall into despair and loudly declare they're done with the game. Yet come the next rapeup, they're punting with the rest of us...

Conclusion: "Did you do it?"
"What did it cost?"

Back Text: ITS A LIE

Ribeyrolles! Ribeyrolles!.gif >Ow! Commander, you used too much force...

IRL an abject failure, but also potentially the first assault rifle France ever made. Ribeyrolles is characterized as an ill girl because her development was plagued with bugs and there was no time to work them all out before the project was defunded due to WW1 ending. She is one of the few ARs besides M4 who can buff other ARs, which makes her pretty good on an ARSMG team since ARs have good all-round DPS and she is no exception. A sleepyhead like G11, but at least she has a better reason for it. Why the fuck are you putting her on the frontline anyway, you monster?

Normally, Ribeyrolles would be watching the match from the comfort of her hospital bed, but she was enchanted by how divegrass brought so many people together that she wanted to be a part of it too. So she wrote a letter to the Make-A-Wish Foundation to ask for permission to join the team, which is why she's here.

Conclusion: DANCING!!!!!



The grizzly bear (Ursus arctos ssp.) is a large population of the brown bear inhabiting North America. Scientists generally do not use the name grizzly bear but call it the North American brown bear.

Multiple morphological forms sometimes recognized as subspecies exist, including the mainland grizzly (Ursus arctos horribilis), Kodiak bear (U. a. middendorffi), peninsular grizzly (U. a. gyas), and the recently extinct California grizzly (U. a. californicus†) and Mexican grizzly bear (U. a. nelsoni†). On average bears near the coast tend to be larger while inland grizzlies tend to be smaller.

The Ussuri brown bear (U. a. lasiotus) inhabiting Russia, Northern China, Japan and Korea is sometimes referred to as the black grizzly, although it is a different subspecies from the bears in America.


Back Text: GAO

Dorm chad Dorm chad.jpg >Dormlets out!

Either he loves his dolls or he wants to be ready for fairies. Either way, this guy has not only maxed out the number of echelons and dorms, but he's turned them into little paradises for his favored girls (there is no accounting for dolls' tastes). Everyone loves him because he gives the delicious 10 batteries, although good luck actually managing to steal them during the refresh rush.

Conclusion: Thank you for keeping the servers alive.


Wombforce Wombforce.png > "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground."

Girls' Frontline is set in a severely fucked-up world (alien jizz clouds fuck half the world and global thermonuclear war fucks 90% of the remainder), where most people are dead and the survivors huddle in their big cities that are the sole bastion of civilization set in a ravaged wasteland. And then you add qt gynoids into the mix. It only goes to follow that someone would want to find a way to get those girls pregnant (and thus repopulate the human race), hence the development of the WOMBFORCE fertility module.

Get yours today! Or get hers today!

Conclusion: I'm telling you it's mighty nice.
Each trip's a trip to paradise
With my baby on board.



No. Pos. Name Art Description Official Art
School Shooter School Shooter.jpg >My school shooter can't be this cute!

AR is arguably the most huggable AR in the game. Mostly because under her cold exterior she really cares about her teammates and the people around her, especially (you). AR is also a very useful doll considering that she is initially a 4 star that is handed to the player for free, later becoming even more OP after the Digimind upgrade.

The school shooter part is rather self-explanatory. Being a rifle made for civilian defense and sport it's quite easy to own in the U.S. Leading AR-15 becoming a gun often associated with mass shootings. She's also a gamer girl which according to the World Health Organization means that she has a mental disorder like the rest of 4chan. Making STAR /ourgirl/.

Also, she just really really wants your affection and praise, which becomes really apparent after her MOD3 upgrade.(But not as obsessive as HK, no one can compare to her.) So don't forget to hold hands often, because she just might go on another shooting spree.

Conclusion: Remember a hug and a fug a day keeps the school shooter at bay.


Kryuger.jpg >How can other people even compete?

One of the few male characters in Girls Frontline and for now the only male character in global, excluding (you).

Russian, WW3 veteran, founder of Griffin & Kryuger and your boss. So it was only logical that we make the Boss captain of a team where even the weakest t-doll has the stopping power of a speeding bullet train. The biggest chad in GF and actually has the ability to date real women, unlike (you). Due to his love for humans, Kryuger prefers using robots as frontline soldiers seeing them as disposable.

Conclusion: I give my life
not for honor
but for you.


Punished 416
(aka: All You Need)
Punished416.gif >Sangvis sent us to hell, but we're going even deeper. Take back everything we've lost!

A doll who's obsessed with professionalism and honor, and has the skills to pay the bills. For that, she was called All You Need, because her combination of leadership, combat experience and battlefield performance (Add being a competent adjutant on top of that and she's really everything you need).

However, the person she idolized and trusted the most, M16, suddenly dismissed her from her position from her elite squad, forcing her to go AWOL lest she be cored. In the end, she ended up hooking up with a bunch of illegal dolls to form 404 Squad, a mercenary black ops team.

Now she's back, with a new look...

Conclusion: Such a lust for revenge! WHOOOOOOOOO!


Pasta Pasta.jpg >"Pasta la vista, baby."

Pretty much the best defensive shotgun in the game, Pasta is also one of the rarest, and rolling for her (and all shotguns in general) is an exercise in misery.

In exchange, she is a cheerful and sunny ray of light in the grim darkness of Girls' Frontline, being an accomplished cook and veteran of countless odd jobs (no she's not a whore, that honor goes to $1 Slut). She will keep your MGs safe and bring them all home for pizza and spaghetti. She also doesn't give a shit about whatever weirdass fetishes you have an will accept you with all her heart.

Conclusion: Pastalets need not reply.


Kalina Kalina.png

No gacha game is complete without a shop, and no shop is complete without a busty, money-loving shopkeeper. Every day the Commander can go to the shop after logging in and have a little chit-chat with Kalina, where she offers to sell him a wide array items, bundles, and of course, delicious delicious gems.

After she heard there would be a huge monetary reward for the grand champion of the /vg/ League, Kalina's ashkenazi instincts kicked in and she decided to take the matter into her own hands by joining the G&K football team. She kept a rather low profile during her first tournament, but some players of the opponent teams have reported being approached by a strange woman wearing a fake moustache offering them a "special service" in exchange for some cash.


Anon's Aunt Anon's Aunt.png >I want to FUCK Anon's Aunt

AKA Empress Lee, Enfield is one of the most powerful RFs in the game and one of the most sought-after members of her class.

The legend of Lee Enfield becoming Anon's Aunt comes from a post where an anon (henceforth dubbed Leeanon) told /gfg/ how he was disturbed by Enfield looking like his RL aunt. /gfg/ did what came naturally and urged him to act on his clearly repressed incestuous desires, and sure enough, within a week he was fapping to her and even managed to give her a lap pillow.

Conclusion: Give yourself some nephews/nieces already, anon. Do it for us.

Back Text: JUST A HUG OK

$1 slut $1 slut.png

Fusil Automatique Léger, (french for "Triple Grenade Bimbo"), is a proud and very sensual rifle who is always looking for a chance to show off her greatness to the Commander. Because of her /fa/ outfit choice and the fact that she's awarded to all players after giving their shekels to Kalina for the first time, she has been dubbed as the "1$ slut", since she can be easily obtained with the smallest purchase possible (unless you're a F2P inhabitant of the Southeast Asian region, in which case you'll need to rob the biggest bank you can find just to have enough of your native currency to amount to a single US dollar, and even then FAL will probably want nothing to do with you anyways).

When her pet ferret delivered her the official invitation to join G&K's divegrass echelon, FAL saw this as a perfect opportunity to step into the spotlight and make her skills and beauty known to the whole crowd. After spending a whole hour doing her make up and cutting her uniform into a crop-top, the right arm of the free world was ready to kick her popularity rank up a few notches.


Nani Nani Nani Nani.jpg


HOMETE -Homete.jpg >"Master, pat my head and I'll do even better!

AKA Catfoxdogloli (even her creator doesn't know what kind of animal girl she's supposed to be), Fucknugget

Despite looking like a piece of loli fuckmeat, G41 is one of the purest and most innocent girls in the game, who genuinely only wants to serve you well and be homete'd for it. Her lewd design is entirely the fault of her artist, who was horny when he designed her. Her artificial limbs give people the impression that they can be detached and her main body used as an onahole, hence Fucknugget.

Conclusion: Remember to pat and praise her often.




No. Pos. Name Art Description Official Art
WAR GOD WAR GOD.png > Are those... live rounds?

It is said that long, long ago, M14 was the most powerful RF EVER, putting even such greats as Anon's Aunt, Wachan and the like to shame. The fact that she was a mere 3* RF meant that she was easy to get too, and the combination of easy availability meant she was known as the 6* War Goddess or the African War Goddess (not to be confused with NTW-20 ) by the Chinese, being that "African" is slang for "lucklet" in their bizarre Oriental Tongue. Her power level was used as the benchmark for RF firepower in much the same way that megatons are used to describe the yield of strategic nukes.

Alas all good things must come to an end, and M14's power was toned down until she merely outperformed everyone except Anon's Aunt and Wachan. But she is still easily available and still powerful, and she WILL lead you to victory.

Conclusion: Seven-six-two millimeter. Full metal jacket.


WA WA.jpg >*autistic screeching*

Good artist and design - check.
Good skills and stats - check.
Incredibly annoying voice and attitude - check.

AKA Wachan or Watuk, she is one of the daughters of Duoyuanjun and one of the best guns in the game. A textbook tsundere, with a heavy emphasis on the "tsun" part. Also, Tomatsu Haruka has managed to make her sound like she is trying to claw your eyes out through your ears, which is why many Commanders have regretted oathing her after turning the sound on. Her costume stories show a softer side of her, though. Commonly found being raped by her sister Springfield.

Conclusion: Greatly improved by a mute button


Sopdog Sopdog.png >"Bang! Bang! Bang! And they're all wrecked!

Also known as M4 Sopmod II, a murderous ball of sunshine and member of the Anti-Rain Team, this cute little puppy is ready to show her worth on the /vg/ team. Her pastimes include gathering the eyes of her enemies, accidentally breaking women's arms, and saving her dying friend by putting her digimind in a pet robot. She's recently taken to chasing balls like a good pup. Her history of carrying rookies singlehandedly through their training meant that she had no problem dragging her team all the way to /vg/ League 11's semifinals during their first appearance.

Conclusion: Give her a hug, she deserves it.



Incoming Members (positions TBD)

No. Pos. Name Art Description Official Art


Back Text: TBD

Jupiter Cannon.png
Crackwhore Crackwhore.png ?? Pic AA12.png
Mecha Papasha Mecha Papasha.jpg ?? PPsh41.png
Babushka ?? ?? M1895.png
Israel-Chan Israel-chan.png ?? Pic NEGEV.png
Tacticool Axe Tacticool Axe.gif >"A SCOPED AXE?!?"

Yes Andy, a fucking scoped axe. CZ75 aka Axe Womanlet is a very special gun girl mostly because she’s barely a gun girl at all. That’s because 6 seconds into battle her eyes roll back, she jumps and launches a goddamn scoped tomahawk at whoever or whatever is unlucky enough to be in her sights. It NEVER misses. Not even Thunder, who fires fucking FIFTY CAL MACHINE GUN ROUNDS can boast that. Tough shit Sangvis scum.

In real life, the CZ-75 is a revolutionary pistol that spawned many many clones (because it's a good gun and Gommunism means no copyrights), some of which have also found their way into the Girls' Frontline index, such as NZ75 , Bren Ten, JSL SPitfire and the newly-released IWI Jericho. In fact, you can make an entire squad consisting of nothing but CZ75 clones. If MICA is smart, her MOD 3 upgrade will include a chainsaw. Axe Womanlet was available only as part of a points event so if you didn’t get her I’m gonna say the H word.

Conclusion: You may have missed her, but she certainly won't miss you.


Pic CZ75.png

Retired players

No. Pos. Name Art Description Official Art
Kryuger.jpg >How can other people even compete?

One of the few male characters in Girls Frontline and for now the only male character in global, excluding (you).

Russian, WW3 veteran, founder of Griffin & Kryuger and your boss. So it was only logical that we make the Boss captain of a team where even the weakest t-doll has the stopping power of a speeding bullet train. The biggest chad in GF and actually has the ability to date real women, unlike (you). Due to his love for humans, Kryuger prefers using robots as frontline soldiers seeing them as disposable.

Conclusion: I give my life
not for honor
but for you.


Rape Up RapeUp.png >That's (MG/SG) Hell you're walking into, kid.

Also known as Resourcedammerung, A Goddamn Lie and [Insert Gun Name Here]caust, a Rape Up is what all GF players look forward to and dread. Simply put, a new gun is introduced and there's a higher chance of crafting her than usual. Veteran GF players typically save their resources up over weeks and months and blow them in a frenzied orgy of crafting in the hopes of getting what they want.

The aftermath of a rapeup is severely depleted contracts and resources (hence the "rape" part) and hopefully the gun you wanted. Many lucklets fall into despair and loudly declare they're done with the game. Yet come the next rapeup, they're punting with the rest of us...

Conclusion: "Did you do it?"
"What did it cost?"

Back Text: ITS A LIE

Dorm chad Dorm chad.jpg >Dormlets out!

Either he loves his dolls or he wants to be ready for fairies. Either way, this guy has not only maxed out the number of echelons and dorms, but he's turned them into little paradises for his favored girls (there is no accounting for dolls' tastes). Everyone loves him because he gives the delicious 10 batteries, although good luck actually managing to steal them during the refresh rush.

Conclusion: Thank you for keeping the servers alive.


Pasta Pasta.jpg >"Pasta la vista, baby."

Pretty much the best defensive shotgun in the game, Pasta is also one of the rarest, and rolling for her (and all shotguns in general) is an exercise in misery.

In exchange, she is a cheerful and sunny ray of light in the grim darkness of Girls' Frontline, being an accomplished cook and veteran of countless odd jobs (no she's not a whore, that honor goes to $1 Slut). She will keep your MGs safe and bring them all home for pizza and spaghetti. She also doesn't give a shit about whatever weirdass fetishes you have an will accept you with all her heart.

Conclusion: Pastalets need not reply.


Kalina Kalina.png

No gacha game is complete without a shop, and no shop is complete without a busty, money-loving shopkeeper. Every day the Commander can go to the shop after logging in and have a little chit-chat with Kalina, where she offers to sell him a wide array items, bundles, and of course, delicious delicious gems.

After she heard there would be a huge monetary reward for the grand champion of the /vg/ League, Kalina's ashkenazi instincts kicked in and she decided to take the matter into her own hands by joining the G&K football team. She kept a rather low profile during her first tournament, but some players of the opponent teams have reported being approached by a strange woman wearing a fake moustache offering them a "special service" in exchange for some cash.


Anon's Aunt Anon's Aunt.png >I want to FUCK Anon's Aunt

AKA Empress Lee, Enfield is one of the most powerful RFs in the game and one of the most sought-after members of her class.

The legend of Lee Enfield becoming Anon's Aunt comes from a post where an anon (henceforth dubbed Leeanon) told /gfg/ how he was disturbed by Enfield looking like his RL aunt. /gfg/ did what came naturally and urged him to act on his clearly repressed incestuous desires, and sure enough, within a week he was fapping to her and even managed to give her a lap pillow.

Conclusion: Give yourself some nephews/nieces already, anon. Do it for us.

Back Text: JUST A HUG OK
