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|Centers the camera on the selected objects and zooms to fit them in view.
|Toggle orthogonal
|Switches between perspective and orthogonal view.
|Front view
|Hold Ctrl for the opposite side. Hold Shift to align the camera with a face in edit mode.
|Left view
|Top view
|Toggle wireframe
|Blender 2.8+ also has the material preview and rendered shading modes available this way.

Revision as of 18:45, 7 May 2024


This page lists some useful Blender shortcuts and tools. The bare minimum tools that are required to prepare a model for PES are highlighted in green. If a tool is only available in Blender versions newer than 2.79, it will be noted.

Some tools have options with additional shortcuts; these are displayed at the bottom of the viewport while the tool is active.


Tool Shortcut Version Notes
Rotate MMB
Zoom Scroll wheel or Ctrl+mouse
Pan Shift+mouse
Re-center Num. Centers the camera on the selected objects and zooms to fit them in view.
Toggle orthogonal Num5 Switches between perspective and orthogonal view.
Front view Num1 Hold Ctrl for the opposite side. Hold Shift to align the camera with a face in edit mode.
Left view Num3 "
Top view Num7 "
Toggle wireframe Z Blender 2.8+ also has the material preview and rendered shading modes available this way.


Tool Shortcut Version Notes
Select/deselect LMB Hold Shift to select/deselect multiple objects; the last selected object is the active object (indicated by a light orange outline).
Select/deselect all A
Box select B LMB to select; MMB to deselect.

Object mode

Tool Shortcut Version Notes
Join J Joins the selected objects with the active object. The merged object has the properties of what was the active object.
Apply transforms Ctrl+A Opens a dialog to apply the location, rotation, and/or scale of the object. This sets the current location/rotation to (0,0,0) and scale to 1. All changed transforms need to be applied before export, as these values are not respected by other programs.
Parent Ctrl+P Opens the dialog to parent the selected objects to the active object.

Edit mode

Tool Shortcut Version Notes
Separate P Separates the selected parts of the object into a new object. The new object retains the properties of the object it was separated from.
Edge tools Ctrl+E Opens a edge tool menu. Most importantly, this lets you mark UV seams and sharp edges.
Unwrap U Opens the dialog to unwrap the UVs for the selected parts of the object.