Difference between revisions of "Talk:Lads on Tour"

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* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:'''
== {{team away|dbg}} ==
== {{team away|dbg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:'''  
* '''Tactical Export:[https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/c5jmn5bn1cschynndkecw/LadsOnTourDEEBEEGEE.rar?rlkey=yft72rq4z3822wxxk5dk4t289&st=r6dvk7bn&dl=0 Goku and Vegeta Go Out For a Night and this is the result?]'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Aesthetics Export:'''  
* '''Audio Export:'''
* '''Audio Export:'''
== {{team away|ddg}} ==
== {{team away|ddg}} ==
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1za68mTpB7dgiNRap8SX_rI6IdEzLYh_F/view?usp=sharing Grigori is actually ripped as hell for a dragon]
* '''Tactical Export:''' [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1za68mTpB7dgiNRap8SX_rI6IdEzLYh_F/view?usp=sharing Grigori is actually ripped as hell for a dragon]

Revision as of 01:18, 3 March 2025