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====Session 4====
====Session 4====
Following up on rumours of goblins preying on travelers on the road to Messerburg, the party sets up camp in an attempt to ambush any raiding goblins. In the early night a small party of goblins attacks, only to be quickly beaten off by Aymar's bow shots and Zeru's stealthy attacks. Alyth injures a fleeing goblin and leaves a trail of glowing lights for the rest of the party to follow him to their camp. There, the goblins are channeling an extradimensional portal, but a quick attack by the party slays their shamans and kills their leader, ending the goblins' plans.
The party sells off most of Muibre's band's possessions, restocks, and head back to Messerburg. Following up on rumours of goblins preying on travelers on the road, they set up camp in an attempt to ambush any raiding goblins. In the early night a small party of goblins attacks, only to be quickly beaten off by Aymar's bow shots and Zeru's stealthy attacks. Alyth injures a fleeing goblin and leaves a trail of glowing lights for the rest of the party to follow him to their camp. There, the goblins are channeling an extradimensional portal, but a quick attack by the party slays their shamans and kills their leader, ending the goblins' plans.

Latest revision as of 19:57, 13 February 2016

5E D&D campaign currently running every Saturday on IRC at #DunDrag with Lazyturd as DM


Alyth Iythronel


Race: Drow
Class: Warlock
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Player: NearlyEnoughDakka

One of the few remaining Drow, Alyth's dream of saving her people has become little more than a desire for revenge over the years. Now she sees destroying the other Elves as a selfless crusade that is the only way to right the wrongs of the world, regardless of what it takes. She has spent most of her life in human lands where she studied magic and carried on a mediocre academic career, becoming alienated because of her haughty attitude, radical politics, open practice of infernal magic. In the end she realised that the real way to achieve her goals wasn't through study and practice but by setting out into the land and seizing power, be it magical or other, with her own hands.

Aymar Thorgilsson


Race: Human
Class: Rogue
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Player: pf

Member of the Guild of Cooks and Bakers, up to no good these days. Extremely prone to give out party secrets while drunk.



Race: Half-Orc
Class: Barbarian
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Player: Hessen

Town guard, Karsk is a man of few words and even less patience for nonsense.

Thaldar Hammerfist


Race: Dwarf
Class: Cleric
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Player: Rockmongler

In the service of Helm, used to be a guard in the dwarf city of Koganusân before it fell. Now he finds work as a blacksmith and hides his deep shame of being a dwarf who can't handle alcohol.

Zeru Guiscard


Race: Human
Class: Fighter
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Player: DukeSilver

Another former city guard. We should start a police force already.

The Story So Far...

Session 1

Alyth, Aymar, Karsk, Thaldar, and Zeru meet one evening in a tavern in the bordertown of Messerburg. Local rumors and a lazy sheriff put them on the trail of Muibre, a captain of the guard from nearby Ravenloft who turned traitor and has been preying on the nearby countryside with a small band of highwaymen. The party keeps guard at the edge of the forest for any messengers from Muibre, where a suspiciously vocal crow watches the party until Alyth shouts it away. Karsk catches a skinny boy sent by Muibre, who is convinced by Aymar to give up his message and who it was meant for. The party learns Muibre is seeking refuge to the north in the Elven Empire and is trying to arrange transport from someone called Striker. Back in the tavern, the party deduces the shifty man in the corner who looks like he's expecting someone is Striker, who explains he's a middleman of sorts between the Elves and groups on the borderlands. Tired of Muibre's continued failures, he offers to guide the party to take him in for the bounty and wash his hands of the whole thing.

Session 2

Striker leads the party to where Muibre is hiding in the woods, along with a wagon to transport him. At the camp, the party sees the band of highwaymen is little more than hungry and desperate boys, unhappy with their leader. Muibre welcomes the party, thinking they're here to help him get to the north, and asks his wife and children to gather their things. As the party tries to think of a way to sneak him past the followers he's abandoning, a group of peasants attacks the camp seeking retribution for their crimes. Zeru flashes his town guard badge, and along with some dramatic thunder from Thaldar, convinces the peasants to disperse. No closer to capturing Muibre, Karsk loses his patience and knocks Muibre unconscious with a blow from his greataxe. The highwaymen are dissuaded from helping their boss by some stern words and a skull-shattering Eldritch Bolt from Alyth and lay down their weapons. The party distributes some of Muibre's hoarded silver to the surviving boys and convince them to find a better livelihood, as well as learning from them that the Elves had promised to set up Muibre as a petty lord when they take over the region. Muibre is chained up, slumped on a horse, and taken to town by Zeru and Karsk, while the rest of the party tends to his family and their belongings with the wagon. Concluding that the family of a traitor wouldn't be safe anywhere, they leaves his wife and two young sons with the sheriff of Messerburg hoping that he will be merciful out of sloth if not kindness. Thaldar leaves and goes his own way.

Session 3

The party interrogates Muibre in the inn but doesn't learn anything beyond that he was promised power by the Elves. Aymar celebrates a little too much and while drunk tells a traveling group of rogues about his big bounty. The rest of the party decides it's time to get leaving, so they grab Aymar once he passes out, drags him upstairs, and prepares to leave. Alyth goes back down in disguise, overhears the rogues talk of Muibre, grabs the wagon, and Zeru and Karsk drop Muibre and Aymar into it from the window. Alyth tells Striker they're leaving early, and is told to leave the wagon with a person in the square selling trout. The party leaves Messerburg, reach Ravenloft, and drop off Muibre with the authorities with no problems. They find a jester selling trout in the town square, who leads them to a house to finalise the dealings with Striker. Inside the party finds Erazimuth Valerian standing over the body of a dead Elf, who informs them they were walking into a trap and he saved them. After a brief standoff, the party agrees to help him kill Striker who set up the ambush, except Karsk who goes his own way.

Session 4

The party sells off most of Muibre's band's possessions, restocks, and head back to Messerburg. Following up on rumours of goblins preying on travelers on the road, they set up camp in an attempt to ambush any raiding goblins. In the early night a small party of goblins attacks, only to be quickly beaten off by Aymar's bow shots and Zeru's stealthy attacks. Alyth injures a fleeing goblin and leaves a trail of glowing lights for the rest of the party to follow him to their camp. There, the goblins are channeling an extradimensional portal, but a quick attack by the party slays their shamans and kills their leader, ending the goblins' plans.