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Total height was 4201 cm. One player too many in the 185-189 category. One too few in the 180-184 category.
Total height was 4201 cm. One player too many in the 185-189 category. One too few in the 180-184 category.
{{greentext|>Adjust the height of Horsefucker from 185 to 184.}}
{{greentext|>Adjust the height of Horsefucker from 185 to 184. - BG Pony}}


Revision as of 18:43, 6 January 2014

List your team and its fixes here


-Make the team be not shit.


JoJo should have form 6 and weak foot 4 or whatever the correct numbers for a 77 are.


-One 170-174cm player too many: Shave Tieria Erde down to 185cm, make Killua Zoldyck 175cm
-Positions: PES has a tendency to switch players positions when moved in the game plan menu, so that might be the cause of weird positions. Anyway, those two wingbacks are not supposed to be CBs


-Brock Samson has 88 for heading and not Defensive Prowess
-Dead Parents should NOT have a card
-Superior Spider-Man should NOT have a card
-Bad News needs Early Cross and not One-Touch Pass
-All bench CMFs should have Weighted Pass
-Archer should have Speeding Bullet, Precise Touch, and Acrobatic Finish
-Tucker should have Mazing Run, Trickster, Long Range Drive, and Acrobatic Finish
-The Flash should have Speeding Bullet, Trickster, Long Range Drive, and Acrobatic Finish
-/co/lette should have Long Ball Expert, Long Range Drive, Weighted Pass, and Captaincy(free)


-Heights: Shave 3 cm off Fatty McAutism and 1 cm off Alton Brown
-Cards: Change Gordon Ramseys Early Cross card to Trickster. (I'm fairly certain it was Early cross. Just make sure he has Track Back and Trickster)
-I'm sticking with the tactics on the team page. Sub Masaokis for Alton Brown (DMFs) at 75


  • Make >>>/r/ (175cm) have a height of 194cm
  • Give all non-medals 88 Def prowess


-Step Sister Injury Tolerance increased from 2 to 3 Player form increased from 5 to 6 Weak foot should be 4/4

-La Blue Girl Player form increased from 5 to 6


-Massive fixes to come. Please shoot me


- Follow this height chart http://puu.sh/6bJYz.png (I forgot to update the heights on the roster page after the crash >the dropped colony of me)
- Swap out First-Time shot on Shin Getter and Mazinkaiser for P07 Long Ranger


Total height was 4201 cm. One player too many in the 185-189 category. One too few in the 180-184 category. >>Adjust the height of Horsefucker from 185 to 184. - BG Pony


- Defence Prowess on non-medals needs to be 88, 99 on keepers
- Set piece takers need to be changed to: Captain, Short & Long Free Kick and Penalties on Yowamushi Pedal; Free Kick 2 and Left Corner on Class 43 and Right Corner on Shinkansen


- Take One-Touch Pass off of You knoe who?.
- Take Low Punt Trajectory off of Kinder Eggs and put on One-Touch Pass.


- I'm a dumbass and probably cocked up on stats big time. What should combined ability scores be? Some are appropriate for their tier (eg 77 for a normal outfielder) but others aren't.
- Chad Warden has outfielder stats.
Everything else looks fine to me. Exec (talk) 00:21, 6 January 2014 (UTC)
- Latest news flash: /v/ manager clearly illiterate, stiffed standard outfielders on defensive prowess.
Hopefully that'll be the last edit I make for my own team. Jeez Louise. Exec (talk) 00:30, 6 January 2014 (UTC)
- One last thing: All three CB players (Protoman, Villager, and Captain Falcon) have been given C in all positions, including CB.


- Kacho Arino doesn't have the free captain card. Please add it.
- Exploding Knees has one A and one B position. He should only have A in DMF and C everywhere else.


- Cupcake Dog currently has 77 Defensive Prowess and needs to be bumped up to 88
- Big Shake's Ball Winning, for whatever reason, is at 93 when it should be 99
- To Be Determined


-Page 15 Save and Denied Pleasure have Def Prowess 88, needs to be 99.
-Yaoi Accessories has a week foot of 5, needs to be 4
-Sea Turtle form is 5, needs to be 6