2018 4chan Spring Babby Cup Save Fixes
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If you want to list a savefix for anything related to the editfile (tactical or aesthetic), write them below. A prelim editfile is available here v3. A full AATF report is available here: pastebin.com UPDATED. Unfortunately we discovered more bugs in the AATF. The savefix deadline is more of a suggestion now, however I will be directly chasing up managers within 24 hours if I don't hear anything.
- Nerf Jannetty to be 74 in all stats
- Set Worked into a Shoot's shirt name to HH
- Set Ding-Dong Diddly's shirt name to Finna, skin color to custom, and both goal celebrations to 88
- set elebrations to 31 and 83 for Egg Fort
- Change shirt numbers - >&Humanities to 33 | More Wives, your Grace? to 6
- Remove the LWF position to KissHugHandholdEyecontact-less Virgin
- Set hunching 3 on Universal Choking Sign (both when dribbling and running)
- For Refball: Sleeves - long, Shirttail - tucked
- Set You fucked up my face's skin to transparent
- Remove the collar and pants replacements for Laboman
- Please randomize running settings for players so they don't all run around like little girls
- Give Gains Goblin left wrist taping
- Give Manlet left wrist taping
- Give High Test left wrist taping
- Give Rich Piana left wrist taping
- Give Scooby left wrist taping
- Give Rippletits left wrist taping
- Give Zyzz left wrist taping
- Give Snap City left wrist taping
- Give Sir left wrist taping
- Give Ahnold left wrist taping
- Give Fat People Hate left wrist taping
- Give Bloatmaxing left wrist taping
- Give Onion Knights left wrist taping
- Give Oatz left wrist taping and set skin to custom
- Give SS+GOMAD left wrist taping and set skin to custom
- Give L O N D O N left wrist taping and set skin to custom
- Give >That First Sip of the Day left wrist taping and set skin to custom
- Give Squatz Full FPC
- Give No Homo Full FPC
- Nice Boat: tucked in shirt and long sleeves
- Truck-kun: Change boots to number 14 WEPES SP2000 (plain silver)
- David Bowie's height 175->185, wrong allocation, (Or you can keep him there, let me know)
- Added shoes
- Added shirts
- Removed MC Ride's shirt
- 74603 ABANDONWARE: Set shirt name to "SENSIBLE"
- 74621 VIRTUAL WINALITY: Set skin ton to medium
- buff the manlets
- Toggle full FPC on for Keksandra(74202) and remove her glasses
- Remove Bury Ebil(74205)'s glasses and set her wrist taping to Left
- Make Gary MOTHERFUCKING Oak 175 cm, 4/4 foot usage/acc, boost his stats, and make his second A position in LMF.
- Change >CHOKEY THE BEAR's name back to SMOKEY THE BEAR and his shirt name back to SMOKEY
- Make Kusoge 180cm.
- Okay, Real Talk needs transparent skin
- I was told that player names are usually in all caps, which previously totally went over my head until it was pointed out during the fetus.
If whoever is doing these updates wishes to activate the cruise control, he or she may do so (just please be careful with spelling - e.g. it's Borche not Borscht).
The following players should be left as they are: an*Mefags, the fishe, >romania.
If it's too much work, it's fine to leave it as is and I'll change it for Autumn.
- Make FUCK WITH YOUR SLIDERS 180cm, remove his fullback position and debuff him to 77 with 2/2 weak footing. Change his "Low Lofted Pass" card for "Super-sub".
- Make Orgy Dog 185cm.
- Make Nice Rice 180cm.