A bizarre and ironic way of "measuring" the percieved popularity of a company, large amounts of "Mindshare" would allegedly make a brand stronger. Since this was usually spammed by nijisanji shitposters, it mutated into mindchair, referencing the event at a convention when plastic chairs misteriously dissappeared during a nijisanji pannel.
Ilegal Funnelling
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Funnelling views is the practice of directing the viewers from one stream to the next, often done naturally. The ILLEGAL VIEWS FUNNELLING began to take strenght when people suspected hololive talents of intentionally setting up streams to maximize the funnelling effect into one another, explaining their ridiculous numbers in mundane streams.
Mountain Graphs
Mountain Graphs: A very strange phenomenon with graphs that seems to mostly happen to Nijisanji, where CCV jumps all over the place describing erratic trajectories that look similar to a mountain range. Many people have tried to come up with explanations for it, but no concrete evidence has been found to support such claims.
The Slip
A meme adopted from /sp/, whenever a chuuba seems to have secured a gold and is overtaken unexpectedly, a slew of "IT ACTUALLY SLIPPED" posts surge into the thread, often followed by the image of Gerard slipping in that one game against Chelsea. It also works as a bad luck charm to "jinx" the opposition by constantly assering that "DIS DOES NOT FOOKIN SLIP NOW"
The quintessential cope. An (ironic) excuse given for low performing vtubers after their debuts, claiming them to be doing slow but constant progress on their stream numbers. Generally associated with Pomu, Anya and images of turtles
An event that happened around January of 2022, where a change in the way CCV was counted on Youtube caused all vtubers streams to drop massively, before being fixed almost a month later. Gold could be won by getting over 9K CCV. This little goof caused immense amounts of butthurt and seething as it just hit on the same window as Hololive's biggest events, making them lose an estimated 50% to 80% of their real numbers.
A list compiled of every instance of "nijifans" allegedly giving excuses, lying or generally missinforming the thread about numbers, mostly to justify Nijisanji livers underperforming or certain views in /#/ regarding the nature of horseracing.
Refers to the practice of watching 2 streams that are neck to neck in viewers to see who wins gold. It's the central focus of interest in the thread, and the source of most of the banter. If the thread is rivalling /hlgg/ in post count, it's most often than not due to a horserace.
The Z
An unexplained CCV graph glitch that casues massive "Z" shapes, giving false peaks that can even reach as far as 30k extra views. They are generally despised due to adding a sense of unfairness, randomness or "fake numbers" when comparing streams. It's unclear what exactly causes them to appear, and it has led to multiple meltdowns over their legality towards Gold medals.
An image of Yagoo used as a response to bait or obviously fake "nijisanji fans" seething in the thread. It implies anyone dissing Hololive is simply jealous of their success.
God is a Holofag
Due to their percieved massive amount of luck, people often joke that God himself must be a Hololive fan, hence allowing certain series of favourable events to happen for COVER.
A category for ranking vtubers based on their VOD views. It never took off the ground due to being unreliable and generally dependant on a ton of different factors. People who support it generally do so because it heavily favours EN vtubers over JPs.
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A joke regarding how the thread is used as a news center to either predict streams, or be on the known of possible medals on the making. A /news/ posting anon compiles every single event from every stream and platform to keep everyone up to date.