The logo competition for the 2025 4chan Spring Babby Cup is now taking submissions. | ||
Please send all submissions to Potatotron. Logos will be placed in this gallery. This will be followed by a polling period to determine which logo will be used. You must supply a high-res PNG file (5000x5000 limit) and the original multi-layer source file. Additionally you must supply a qualifiers version as well as the main logo. | ||
Cloverleaf logo: .png .svg |
Cloverball logo: .ai .png .svg |
Talk:/vg/ League 24 Friendlies
Revision as of 00:47, 18 March 2025 by Dark Elf Ninja (talk | contribs) (added /skg/ tactics and music for first friendly)
VGL Friendlies exports
If you intend to use the same exports from last VGL, you do not have to link these exports
Any export posted under a certain day will be picked up for that day.
- If you use one set of exports for the entire duration of the friendlies you only have to post your exports under the first day or any day before that.
- For example, if your team's first match day is the third day, you can post your exports under the first, second or third day.
- If you have specific exports for specific days, post only those exports under those days.
- For example, if your team has a match on the first day and specific tactics/aesthetics exports for the second day, you would post your main tactics/aesthetics/music/pastebin exports under the first match day and just your tactics/aesthetics under the second match day. If your team plays on a third day and want your changes reverted, post them under the third day.
March 21st
- Tactics: I'm boutta limbust
- Aesthetics: Limbussin'
- Music: One day this link may change
- Pastebin: Canto 8 soon I swear
- Tactical Export: I'm here to shitpost
- Aesthetics Export: and read VNs...
- Audio Export: And I'm all out of VNs.
- Tactical Export: Livestream soon!
- Aesthetics Export: And that only means but one thing!
- Audio Export: More loveless alts and more disappointment!
- Tactical Export: This general looks nice and slow
- Aesthetics Export: [I think I'll sit here for a while]
- Audio Export: [and take it easy!]
March 22nd
- Tactics: [soon]
- Aesthetics: Mare LOVE
- Music: Legend Changer waiting room
- Pastebin: [soon]
- Tactical Export: [TBD]
- Aesthetics Export: Aesthetics
- Audio Export: Audio
- Pastebin: [TBD]
- Tactics: Tactics against /hsrg/
- Aesthetics: Same as Luigi Circuit 3
- Music: Music for Friendly against /hsrg/
- Pastebin: [SOON]
- Tactical Export: [FOLDING]
- Aesthetics Export: [use the VGL23 aes]
- Audio Export: [same as VGL23]
March 23rd
- Tactics: [SOON]
- Aesthetics: [Same as March 22nd; will midcup the crossover senran]
- Music: [Same as March 22nd, joint anthem vs /nepgen/ set in RigDJ]
- Pastebin: [SOON]
- Tactics: Clash of dead mediums
- Aesthetics: [Same as March 21st]
- Music: [Same as March 21st]
- Pastebin: Please fuck his sister
March 28th
- Tactics: Semen is poisonous to monster gals
- Aesthetics: [Same as March 21st]
- Music: [tbd]
- Pastebin: The Secret Edgy Rape Club lives on
March 29th
- Tactics: [Same as March 28th]
- Aesthetics: [Same as March 28th]
- Music: [Same as March 28th]
- Pastebin: [Same as March 28th]
- Tactical Export: [fukamarukoito-7.png!!]
- Aesthetics Export: ichikawanahinana-4.png
- Audio Export: higuchimadoka-6.png!!
March 30th
- Tactics: [Same as March 28th]
- Aesthetics: [Same as March 28th]
- Music: [Same as March 28th]
- Pastebin: FVARK