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>implying rigged

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Oxygen Colour Palette

Colour Hex Name
#382509 wood brown6
#57401e wood brown5
#75511a wood brown4
#8f6b32 wood brown3
#b3925d wood brown2
#debc85 wood brown1
#9c0f0f brick red6
#bf0303 brick red5
#e20800 brick red4
#e85752 brick red3
#f08682 brick red2
#f9ccca brick red1
#9c0f56 raspberry pink6
#bf0361 raspberry pink5
#e20071 raspberry pink4
#e85290 raspberry pink3
#f082b0 raspberry pink2
#f9cade raspberry pink1
#6a0056 burgundy purple6
#85026c burgundy purple5
#a02786 burgundy purple4
#b14f9a burgundy purple3
#c173b0 burgundy purple2
#e8b7d7 burgundy purple1
#1d0a55 grape violet6
#34176e grape violet5
#462886 grape violet4
#644a9b grape violet3
#8e79a5 grape violet2
#c3b4da grape violet1
#00316e skyblue6
#00438a skyblue5
#0057ae skyblue4
#2c72c7 skyblue3
#6193cf skyblue2
#a4c0e4 skyblue1
#00484d sea blue6
#006066 sea blue5
#007880 sea blue4
#00a7b3 sea blue3
#00c4cc sea blue2
#a8dde0 sea blue1
#00583f emerald green6
#00734d emerald green5
#009966 emerald green4
#00b377 emerald green3
#00cc88 emerald green2
#99dcc6 emerald green1
#006e29 forest green6
#00892c forest green5
#37a42c forest green4
#77b753 forest green3
#b1d28f forest green2
#d8e8c2 forest green1
#e3ad00 sun yellow6
#f3c300 sun yellow5
#ffdd00 sun yellow4
#ffeb55 sun yellow3
#fff299 sun yellow2
#fff6c8 sun yellow1
#ac4311 hot orange6
#cf4913 hot orange5
#eb7331 hot orange4
#f29b68 hot orange3
#f2bb88 hot orange2
#ffd9b0 hot orange1
#2e3436 aluminum gray6
#555753 aluminum gray5
#888a85 aluminum gray4
#babdb6 aluminum gray3
#d3d7cf aluminum gray2
#eeeeec aluminum gray1
#4d2600 brown orange6
#803f00 brown orange5
#bf5e00 brown orange4
#ff7e00 brown orange3
#ffbf80 brown orange2
#ffdfbf brown orange1
#590000 red6
#8c0000 red5
#bf0000 red4
#ff0000 red3
#ff8080 red2
#ffbfbf red1
#730055 pink6
#a3007b pink5
#cc009a pink4
#ff00bf pink3
#ff80df pink2
#ffbff0 pink1
#2c0059 purple6
#400080 purple5
#5a00b3 purple4
#8000ff purple3
#c080ff purple2
#dfbfff purple1
#000080 blue6
#0000bf blue5
#0000ff blue4
#0066ff blue3
#80b3ff blue2
#bfd9ff blue1
#004d00 green6
#008c00 green5
#00bf00 green4
#00ff00 green3
#80ff80 green2
#bfffbf green1
#638000 lime6
#8bb300 lime5
#bff500 lime4
#e5ff00 lime3
#f0ff80 lime2
#f8ffbf lime1
#ffaa00 yellow6
#ffbf00 yellow5
#ffd500 yellow4
#ffff00 yellow3
#ffff99 yellow2
#ffffbf yellow1
#323232 gray6
#555555 gray5
#888888 gray4
#bbbbbb gray3
#dddddd gray2
#eeeeee gray1

.gpl to MediaWiki Table Script

import sys

def rgbtohex(rgb):
    return '#%02x%02x%02x' % rgb

def main():
    if len(sys.argv) != 2:
        print("Usage: " + sys.argv[0] + " file.gpl")

    with open(sys.argv[1], "r") as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        print("{| class=\"wikitable\"")
        print("! Colour")
        print("! Hex")
        print("! Name")
        for line in lines[3:]:
            l = line.split()
            colour = rgbtohex((int(l[0]), int(l[1]), int(l[2])))
            name = " ".join(l[3:])
            print("| style=\"background-color:" + colour + "\" |")
            print("| " + colour)
            print("| " + name)

if __name__ == "__main__":