/vg/ League 5 Save Fixes

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Revision as of 01:36, 27 November 2015 by Archie.m.vist (talk | contribs)
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Export Fixes

List your team and its fixes here. Aesthetic fixes and additions can be found on the main page. Please use level 2 headers for each team and try to keep it in alphabetic order. Use this section only for everything broken in the save. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Vcp4uPy8asmhS3z19UFpqnXXhuAhOOCWv8qt-tnXDSI/edit?usp=sharing


Fix Socks' playing style to Defensive FB.


Make Erf Snek captain.


Change Culprit-kun's stamina to 77


Set One Of The Four Kings's Defensive Prowess to 77.
Set Patches's Attacking Prowess to 77.
Set The Rotten's Stamina to 77.
Set Garl Vinland's Stamina to 77.
Set Amazing Chest Ahead's Stamina to 77.
Set VaatiShitya's Stamina to 77.
Set Edgy Katana Fedora's Stamina to 77.
Set Darkwraith set's Stamina to 77.
Change starting CB´s playing styles to build up.
Change Gold DMF playing style to Destroyer.
Change all bench CB to build up.
Change all non-medal forms to 4.
Set GIT GUD as captain.
Change Four Kings's registered position to RWF


Change Jesus On Wheels' injury resistance to 3
Set Sub Human and Jeigan to 2/2 weak foot.


Add the Captaincy Card to Wilhelm II.
Remove Low Punt Trajectory from White Peace.
Remove Low Punt Trajectory from Maginot Line

Change Partido Socialista's playing style into Hole Player.

Change >Führer Mana's Injury Resistance to 3.

Change Realism is not a meaningful argument's weak foot to 4/4.
Change Partido Socialista's weak foot to 4/4.
Change Le Pushups Man's weak foot to 4/4.
Change Kebab Spymaster's weak foot to 2/2
Change Nicholas II's weak foot to 2/2


Change A+ Shitter's height to 174.


Change Kodoku EX's weak foot stats to 4/4.
Change Nico's skin color to the lightest tone.
Change Tomato's skin color to the lightest tone.
Change Non-Tan's skin color to the lightest tone.
Change Honk Honk's skin color to the lightest tone.


Set Artyom I's height to 189
Set No Fun Allowed's height to 184
Set lelsokerbal's height to 179
Set hullo's height to 184
Set Snek's height to 179
Set Soviet Perfection's height to 189
Set Soviet Perfection's form to 4
Set Cheatparts height to 189
Set >4km/s to orbit's height to 189
Set BARIS' height to 189
Set BARIS's weakfoot stats to 2/2
Set BURN SQUADCAST's height to 184
Set QT3.14 Satch's height to 169


Set >61 Qurupecos weak foot stats to 2/2.


Set The Council's form to 8
Set Space Slut's height to 189 cm


Set Reggie Weak Foot Stats to 2/2


  • Swap Markdonalds with Doubling Money on preset 1.
  • Please forward instructions in export to the host, because Line-up by ability will fuck everything up.


Remove Mazing Run and Speeding Bullet from Respectable Main


Set weak foot settings to 4/4 for both Dedclan and Tomato, cheers