Dies to Removal
/mtg/ - Magic: The Gathering
4 March 2015
Randy Buehler
Wizards of the Coast
IRL manager
Lear !!tx/mRYPi5i+
Team colors
Chat color
af1d1d Fireball Red
Highest rank
Unranked (N/A)
Lowest rank
Unranked (N/A)
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/mtg/ - Magic: The Gathering
Historic performance
Elite Cup
N/A (First in N/A)
Best result
N/A, N/A
Babby Cup
N/A (First in N/A)
Best result
N/A, N/A
Team music
Magic: the Gathering: the Team: the Experience: the format
Here is our list, I still don't get why we need a decklist for a non-sanctioned event.
Luck Skill Victory
Blue Goyf
Return to Kamigawa
Millennia Old Vampire
Eldrazi Winter
Commander Phage
Elesh Norn, Grand Waifu
Muh Brews
Ancient Grudge
EDH Playable
Control is Dead
/tg/ is bad at Magic
Creatures: the Tappening
Anime Sleeves
Two Explores
Player |
No it doesn't mean that.
Luck Skill Victory |
It's what [LSV] really stands for.
Blue Goyf |
[Tarmogoyf] is basically a blue creature and if it became blue the only people who would notice are the ones playing meme-range, but those aren't people.
Return to Kamigawa |
The set that was the biggest failure in modern Magic also is the one place that people wont shut up about wanting to go back to.
UnZipped |
The title for the third Un-Set that people have been clamoring for. It is coming, right.
Millennia Old Vampire |
Sorin has been showing up a lot in the recent sets, shame he hasn't done anything important in them. No matter how useless he is you still don't want to [get in his way].
Eldrazi Winter |
Good job breaking it Wizards.
Commander Phage |
If you try to play [Phage] from the command zone you will lose the game but that doesn't stop people from trying anyway.
Elesh Norn, Grand Waifu |
Out of [all of] [/tg/'s] [waifus] [she] is by far the most.
Magmaw |
"The purpose of existence is simple: everything is fuel for the [magmaw]."
—Jaji, magmaw worshipper
RoboRosewater |
[Mark Rosewater] is the man in charge of killing Magic, his mind has been harnessed by the amazing power of Markov (no not that one) chains to make cards that will change the way you play Magic.
Netdecker |
This scumbag shows up with a list that he saw on the internet and copied. He thinks his victories mean something when he's playing someone else's deck that he didn't have to think about.
muh brews |
This scumbag shows up with a list that makes no sense and nobody has played because it sucks. He thinks he's better than you because he's playing something no-one else is while forgetting the reason nobody else is playing it, the deck sucks.
Ancient Grudge |
If there's anything a werewolf hates it's a collar--especially Avacyn's Collar, the symbol of her church. You see, Avacyn hunted wereolves, but mostly just the ones that hunted humans. Mist of then did but it's worth pointing out that some didn't. Who knows? In the future, if Sorin (the planeswalker who created Avacyn (the Angel/God thing that the people of Innistrad worship at churches (where holy symbols of Avacyn's Collar are kept, like the one pictured), and who basically considers Sorin her father)) comes back, maybe the balance in the world can be restored or something. But it seems unlikely that such an even would happen. For now, let's just focus on the fact that this werewolf is destroying a collar and that the collar happens to be the symbol of Avacyn, the guardian Angel of Innistrad, where both the werewolves and Avacyn are from.
EDH Playable |
What piece of trash isn't playable in that grab bag format. None. Everything is playable in EDH. You can stop saying it.
Solitaire |
Why play real Magic when you can play a [deck that gets you a game loss for even playing it] because there's so little interaction or the deck that got its [combo piece] banned it was so slow.
Control is Dead |
Want to play control? No you don't. Wizards hates you for wanting to play control and they will punish you with sub-par cards when what you really want is a counterspell reprint.
/tg/ is Bad at Magic |
Never take advice from anyone on /tg/. None of them know how to play the game.
Creatures: the Tappening |
Wizards will not rest until even Vintage is only meme-range decks.
Anime Sleeves |
That guy at the card store whose cards are wrapped in sleeves decorated by 2D girls in bikinis. You wouldn't mind if he had better taste.
Two Explores |
The most famous case of cheating in Magic was by Alex Bertoncini by playing an extra land [on camera] then trying to justify it by saying two [explores]
Paul |
[paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul paul.]
Jank |
Though the exactly what constitutes jank varies from person to person if they describe a card as jank they probably aren't complementing it.