/u/ roster

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Main Roster

Starting 11

Position No. Name Image Description Nationality Shirt name
GK 9 Madokami Madokami Is Real.jpg She Who Saves, a stalwart of the /u/ team from it's inception. Originally intending to keep a watchful eye on Akemi Homura, her utter failure to prevent her transformation into Homucifer has steeled her resolve to let nothing past her, so that no magical girl divegrass fan would ever have to feel despair ever again. Japan Kaname
CB 8 Goggles Yoorie goggles.jpg Capable of spinning an entire tragic love story out of a single meeting of eyes! Willing to ignore all types of denial when a single hand has been held! Nothing gets past Goggles! Brazil Yuri vision
CB 18 Onee-sama The iconic oneesama.jpg Less a single person and more a representation of what thousands of young lesbians fawn over every day, The Onee-sama is one of the founding tenements of lesbianism. She has taken to being a Center Back for /u/ because she's quite experienced at being the center of a person's world. Japan Ogasawara
CB 15 Science Babies Science babbies.png When a girl and another girl love each other very much, sometimes science steps in and provides a lovely little bundle of joy to keep them awake at night with her horrible screaming and crying. Technically speaking on loan from /sci/, Science Babies is eager to make Mommy and Mommy proud. Japan iPS
CB 20 Macarons Macarons.jpg Not only delicious and gay, but also the signal for everyone to start an edit war over how they're spelled. France Macaroons
AMF (Captain) 14 Akkarin AKKARIIIN~.png The ultimate sneakiness, the living embodiment of avoiding the limelight, /u/ proudly presents: Akar- Eh? Where'd she go...? Japan Literally who
CMF 2 Feito-chan Feito-chan.png Converted from /a/ by BEFRIENDING, Feito-chan has been a stalwart of the team ever since then. Though some have called her loyalty into question, as long as she gets a regular lasering from BEFREINDING, Feito-chan says she'll happily stay with /u/. Italy Testarossa
CMF 13 BEFRIENDING Befriending in process.jpg A commonplace mating ritual of the Action Lesbian (Dynamicans Sappho), BEFRIENDING typically involves giant laser beams and staggeringly homoerotic declarations. Just as BEFRIENDING lets two girls pick up in the right place, so too has BEFRIENDING taken up the position of right back. Japan Takamachi
AMF 1 Teru Time Look at the teru time.png From the way people talk about Miyanaga Teru, she seems to be some kind of supreme god of Mahjong, which means she must also be some kind of supreme god of lesbianism. Her dyke level must be comparable to the likes of Satou Sei and Fujino Shizuru, if not higher. She must have some kind of aura, covering a fairly wide distance, which causes any female who walks into it to suddenly start blushing bright red, have an accelerated heartbeat and heavy breathing. Some must even pass out from dehydration, due to their vaginas overflowing in a sudden and uncontrollable explosion of love juices, which drains a great deal of moisture from their bodies. Indeed, so much as laying eyes on Miyanaga Teru will cause a girl to throw her dignity and self-respect out the window and start desperately pleasuring herself on the spot. And if the Teru takes a liking to her, it's all over. Her mind will never recover, but she won't care because her body will be in heaven. Japan Miyanaga
SS 69 Purest Form Of Love PFoL.jpg Love between two girls is the purest form of love. Japan Yuri
CF 66 Homucifer Homucifer.png Once merely Homura Akemi, Homucifer has now transcended mortality in order to spend more time with her beloved Madokami. Since Madokami plays divegrass, Homucifer will too. There was some discussion about whether her mortal goalscoring record would carry over to her new form, but such actions have been revealed as the work of the Incubators, attempting to undermine Homucifer's position as Glorious Lesbian Overlord of All Creation. Japan Akemi


Position No. Name Image Description Nationality Shirt name
GK 11 Spitting Distance Spitting distance.jpg Goalpost-chan and Trollpost-chan are deeply in love, and this girl will let no foolish ball interfere with their love! Japan Golden Rule
CB 5 Intertwined Fingers Intertwined Fingers.jpg Sometimes, love between two girls manifests itself in something beyond even hand holding. Japan Lewd
CB 33 But We're Both Girls BOTH GIRLS.png BUT WE'RE BOTH GIRLS Japan Forbidden love
CB 44 ANGST AND DRAMA Angst.png Without few thousand painfully stupid misunderstandings and whining sessions, can you really call yourself a yuri series? Japan AAAAAAAANGST
CMF 10 How Two Girls Have Sex How Two Girls Have Sex.jpg A mystery that has plagued lesbians (and Google) since the dawn of time. Japan Google
CMF 7 Fingering For World Peace Fingering For World Peace.jpg Not even robots, gynoids and cyborgs are immune to the Purest Love. Specially if her activation key is between her legs. Japan Clarin
CMF 3 Kuma Shock GAU GAU.jpg From beyond the Wall of Severance, Kuma Shock is YURI APPROVED to chomp on whoever dares cross it. Which is sexy. Shabadadoo~ Japan Shabadadoo
CMF 50 Punished Bocchi Punished Bocchi.png Tough as the world may be, Punished Bocchi (Garden Snake) joins in the hopes everyone on the team will become her friend! Japan Hitori
CMF 80 Polterdykes Polterdykes.png We're on our way to the Yuritopia! Japan Enoki
CMF 6 Metall/u/rgy Metallurgy.png The noble art of Metall/u/rgy works with the purest ores to provide materials (and divegrass) of the finest quality. Switzerland CLASS-M
SS 98 Lesbodynamics Lesbodynamics.gif A poorly understood science, Lesbodynamics studies how can our girls ignore the laws of physics and score goals in the process. Switzerland m/s^2
SS 39 Black Sunshine Mikugear.jpg A recent addition to the squad, Black Sunshine claimed her reason for signing up was to "stop the Cup so that Hibiki won't have to keep playing." Refusing to give her name out, all that's known about her is that she plays with redoubled enthusiasm against /m/. Japan Kohinata

Retired Players

Old Position Name Image Description Date Departed
CMF Spontaneous Combustion Spontcomb.jpg What do you think happened to her? End of 2014 season
DMF Sumisumi Sumisumi.jpg With her president graduating to university and her studies taking up more of her time, Sumisumi stepped down to let the new generation step up. Given her height, most people assumed she'd stepped down already. End of 2014 season
CB Ruined Birthday Party Happi basudei.jpg Happy birthday, KannaMiko. ;_;7 End of 2014 Season
LB Nio-ssu Nio-ssu's lovely smile.png It turns out tiny shark lesbians aren't all that good at divegrass. Who knew? End of 2014 Season
RB Dying Arisawa Phone senpai.jpg Fortunately for her and Yuno, the cure for terminal plotdevicitis was found. Unfortunately for the team, it was to not play divegrass. Start of 2016 Season
RB Cousins By The Way LesbianCousins.png Found out certain states allowed cousin marriage, quit the team to do exactly that. Start of 2016 Season
CB Being Yaya Is Suffering 1405402599368.png Retired to become more proactive in the pursuit of her love interest. Go for it, Yaya! Start of 2016 Season
LB Eila Juutilainen Eila.jpg Her contract finished, she went back to Sanya's warm embrace. Start of 2016 Season
CB Ayayayayaya Ayaya.jpg Ayayayyyyy Summer 2016
DMF Stamen YuriCam-1-035.png A True Alpha Lesbian takes time off to pollinate her harem. Summer 2016
CMF Saint Michael Saint Michael.png 6. And on the seventh day, Saint Michael rested. Summer 2016