/v/ Roster

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Revision as of 16:35, 28 April 2019 by Crimson (talk | contribs)
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Starter Silver Gold Sub


No. Name Picture Description
1 No Way Fag Nowayfag.png NO WAY FAG
3 NEVER EVER NEVER EVER.png >mfw PCfags will never EVER score a goal


No. Name Picture Description
25 No Fun Allowed Anti mage no fun allowed.jpg The mantra of /v/, but will he be able to stop the other the other team from having fun?
29 JC Denton Jcdenton.jpg Oh my God! JC! A bomb!
12 Bing Bing Wahoo Bingbingwahoo.jpg At this point its just a way to say Nintendo game on /v/


No. Name Picture Description
8 MR BONES Mrbones.png The ride never ends
9 Christopher Robin Christopher Robin.png The God of suffering and baseball has descended on our plain of existence, while not in his natural setting his destructive powers should not be ignored.
7 loss.jpg Loss.jpg Could it be?


No. Name Picture Description
66 Dante Dante.jpg Wacky woohoo pizza hobo
33 Sanic Sanicv.png Cumon step it up!
11 Todd Howard Todd howard.jpg Buy his game


No. Name Picture Description
10 Mystery of the Druids Mystery of the druids cover.jpg You gonna get druids
88 STR VS DEX Strvsdex.jpg Who would win?
36 Captain Falcon Captain Falcon.png New F-Zero NEVER EVER
77 Here's your controller bro Heresyourcontrollerbro.jpg NIGGA DEY ALL CHINESE
69 Dewrito Pope Dewrito pope.png The patron saint of gaming journalism, donned with his Dewrito mitre and ferula made of frozen Mountain Dew, has come to bless this team with the power infested in him by the VGAs
35 Deepest lore Deepestlore.jpg Why is it in there?
4 Stu Pickles Stu Pickles.png I've lost control of my life.
21 Senator Armstrong Senator Armstrong.jpg He played college ball you know.
55 Hideo Kojima Kojima.jpg The rusemaster himself on the pitch, but what of part 3?
90 He's In Hesin.png HE'S IN
16 Overloading Magma Worm Overloadingmagmaworm.png Something about RoR