Fuck Jeannies
Jannies in /gig/ have a bad habit of deleting SFW loli. /gig/'s (canonically) favorite loli is Klee, who is constantly being thrown in jail by Jean for trumped-up bullshit like "acts of terrorism" or "war crimes". The pun wrote itself.
Xiangling has a supernatural pet panda-thing named Guoba. She summons him as an attack, which often results in calling his name. In the Japanese dub, this was pronounced more like "Guba" which was transformed by /gig/ into Gooba. It's actually pronounced more like gwo-ba, so the dialog was eventually re-recorded and replaced, which made nobody happy.
Around the launch of Genshin, one of the initially more popular Youtubers was a channel called diluc_gaming until everyone realized he was bad at the game. Subsequently, it became a meme to point out that whenever people complain about a fight being difficult or a puzzle being confusing, they often have Diluc in their party.
One world quest in the Inazuma region involves coming across a man named Washizu sitting next to a shrine telling you that an entity he refers to only as "He" wants you to pray to the shrine and that you'll receive a reward for doing so. This is true. You can repeat it for a few days, over which Washizu's ramblings about "Him" become gradually more unhinged. It doesn't end well for Washizu, but that doesn't stop /gig/ from asking "Him" for advice, blessings, etc.
Ajax "Tartaglia" Childe, if that is his real name, is serial butt of just about every joke in the Liyue chapter of the story. On top of that, he's not amazing as a playable character and his banner tends to be re-run when people least desire it, though to be fair that's most of the time.
Geo is sort of a fifth-wheel element and at launch, it wasn't great. Hopes for an all-Geo synergy team rode heavily on the back-to-back releases of Zhongli and Albedo. However, Zhongli on launch was one of the worst units in the game. True believers told people to buy the dip, and ultimately it actually kind of paid off as Zhongli was buffed after Albedo's banner ended and Albedo hasn't been rerun since.
Klee's mother is always traveling, and leaves Klee in the care of Albedo. /gig/ just kind of ran with calling him a pedo.
Jean, the Acting Grandmaster of the Knights of Favonius, whose entire character is being a No Fun Allowed sign. At least she can say she gets paid for it.
Emergency Onahole
What else would you use a squeaky mascot character for?
Signora is Slain
Signora was an antagonist introduced in the Prologue who a lot of people got very invested in. Recent plot developments saw her getting unceremoniously ligma balled out of nowhere. The cope was unreal.
/gig/ likes a series of comics which portrays the characters of Inazuma as toddlers prone to crying at the slightest provocation. Draw your own conclusions.
El Hermano
In the opening cutscene, you can choose whether you'd like to play as the male or female sibling. Lumine's brother, also known as "Aether", is one of those options I guess.
>see bennett >close stream
Bennett is a low-investment meta-defining unit with a powerful attack buff. Also, perhaps more importantly, he is male. As a result, it has become commonplace in /gig/ to voice your distaste for his presence in webms of clear times or big damage numbers.
>Cryo Amber
A notable early example of /gig/ prognostication: Ganyu would be essentially just Amber, one of the worst units in the game, except with a different element because both of them had a taunt on E and an AoE DoT on Q. Ganyu ended up being meta-defining for months. Oops!
A meme screenshot from early on in the story which gets a lot of mileage as a reply to whiny posts.
Barbara, while an in-universe idol character and a healer, does technically do damage and can therefore be used to hunt wildlife like boars to collect meat. Some people really, really like thinking about that.
Kazuha, Venti, and Sucrose put up similar times in their best Abyss comps and have therefore been called "sidegrades" to each other by people who use Abyss clear times to cope with not having a character they want.
For Me, It's Yaoyao
Dendro: the mysterious missing 7th element. It's not actually that mysterious, it just wasn't ready on launch and has been serially delayed ever since. Yaoyao is a small girl character of the Dendro element who was, at least aesthetically, finished in time to be featured in promotional art. Some people really want Yaoyao, and have gradually lost their minds waiting for her.
Mona's Ass
Mona has a nice ass.
108 Primogems
Mihoyo has a history of niggardly behavior stretching back almost since launch. For example, on Chinese New Year they promised "a billion primogems" (the gacha currency) divided among active players who successfully completed a web event. For most people that ended up being 108 primogems. For context, a single roll is 160.
Please Don't Put Euler On The Roster
Two suggestions dominated early roster discussions for Autumn /gig/: Euler, and "please not Euler". I am a man of compromise.
Trust The Plan
Kujou Sara was hyped up to be a big intimidating force in the Inazuma storyline and then she gets bitch-slapped unconscious and has no impact on the plot. She's also really clunky as a playable character. Great!
Herald of Unmet Expectations
Genshin's first anniversary was rough, as gamers rose up to overload the official Genshin Discord server with an emote of Qiqi lying on the ground and spam one-star ratings to basically anything on the Google Play store. After a couple of days, Mihoyo sent out a collection of "anniversary" rewards. Depending on who you ask, this was either Mihoyo trying a novel approach to gacha anniversaries where you don't tell anybody what to expect until they conclude you have nothing in store and then surprise them with pretty middling prizes, or Mihoyo had seriously planned to hand out nothing and sell the anniversary collection but then gave it away for free to settle people down. Either way, even if people stopped overtly rioting plenty were still unsatisfied and expressed this by depicting Qiqi holding the anniversary rewards.